MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 698 Understanding (seeking a monthly pass)

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   Chapter 698 Understanding (seeking monthly pass)

  University City Police Station, Lv Dong and Lv Jianwu came out of the office building, and Bureau Zhang went downstairs to see them off.

   Lu Dong said: "Zhang Ju, I'll trouble you for the next thing."

   "Where to follow, this is our responsibility." Zhang Ju said with a smile: "They violated the criminal law and should be severely punished by the law!"

   The attitude of the county and the university town management committee is very clear. Once this case is investigated to the end, it will be dealt with quickly and strictly.

The    case happened in Innovation Harbor, one of the core business districts of the university town. So many people have seen it, and rumors are spreading everywhere, which is a challenge to the public security and business environment of the university town.

   It's a bad thing to say, this case is not handled well, and it may even affect the overall situation of attracting investment in the university town and Qingzhao County!

   The matter is determined to come from the logistics boss named Gao Yan, who is also the nephew of Ge Shiying of Ge Shi Logistics. This relationship must not be underestimated.

   Lu Dong inevitably said: "Zhang Ju, Gao Yan's uncle Ge Shiying is not easy."

   "Don't worry." Zhang Bureau said: "Qingzhao County Bureau will definitely enforce the law impartially!"

  Lu Dong nodded and said goodbye to Uncle Eight and left.

   What he wants is not something complicated, nor is it to make people prefer Qiao Weiguo and Erjiao, but to enforce the law impartially.

   Of course, Lu Dong is not naive, knowing that in the current social environment, it is not easy to do this.

   In particular, he also inquired about the relationship between Ge Shiying and Gao Yan.

   These two uncles and nephews have a very good relationship. Gao Yan used to make troubles a lot, but no matter what happened, Ge Shiying tried to fix it.

  Perhaps this is what makes this Gao Yan act more recklessly.

   As soon as he got to the car, Lu Dong's phone rang, but it was Lu Kun who called.

   "Brother Dong, people from Gas Logistics have come to the hospital. I asked Brother Xiaoshan to stop them temporarily."

   Lu Dong stepped up at his feet: "I'll go right now."

   He told the eighth uncle, and the two got into the car and rushed to the East Branch of the Provincial Hospital.

   After staying in the hospital for a period of observation, Qiao Weiguo and Jiao Sanhei were going to go home to recuperate. Jiao Shougui would stay in the hospital for a few days for observation. Lu Dong came to the police station to ask about the situation, and asked Lu Kun to help him with the discharge procedures.

   "Is it okay?" Lu Jianwu was a little anxious.

   Lu Dong speeded up the car: "It's okay, Lu Kun is there, Su Xiaoshan is there with a few people, there will be no accident in a place like the hospital."

   If you don’t say anything else, the hospital can’t let people make trouble.

   The car drove fast enough, and the two sides were close to each other, but within five or six minutes, Lu Dong and Lu Jianwu entered the inpatient building of the hospital.

   A man with glasses was sitting in front of the ward. Lu Kun and Su Xiaoshan were staring at him next to him.

   "Oh, lawyer Lu." The man recognized Lu Jianwu and came over to shake hands: "I didn't expect to meet you here."

  Lu Jianwu shook hands with someone and asked, "Lawyer Zhang?"

   This lawyer Zhang said with a smile: "I am the legal consultant of Gasgoo Logistics. I temporarily represented the case of General Manager Gao Yan and Gao, and I would like to chat with a few clients."

   Lv Jianwu smiled: "I am also a party."

  Qiao Weiguo and Jiao Sanhei came out of the ward when they noticed Lu Dong coming.

   Lawyer Zhang saw Qiao Weiguo's bald head and immediately shifted his target: "You two, can we talk?"

   Lu Dong looked at Qiao Weiguo and Jiao Sanhei, Jiao Sanhei said, "Brother Dong, what my brother means, no matter what you do, I will listen to you."

   Lu Dong nodded slightly, but he knew exactly what Erjiao and Qiao Weiguo were thinking.

   These people, including Lu Jianwu, are not people who lack money.

   This incident, this bad breath, the four of them couldn't bear it, and the four of them were together at the time, otherwise the consequences would be very dire.

  While Lu Dong was communicating with Qiao Weiguo and Jiao Sanhei, Lawyer Zhang made a phone call and said a few words quickly.

   hung up the phone, he found Lu Dong: "Mr. Lu, we want to talk to you alone."

  The eyes of the others all fell on Lu Dong. Lu Jianwu already understood the situation of the case and said, "Go talk to him and know yourself and your enemy."

  Lu Dong nodded slightly: "I know."

  The sound of footsteps sounded, and someone turned from the nurse's desk, and the leader was very imposing.

Before the person arrived, the words had already arrived: "Mr. Lu, I didn't expect to meet you here today."

  Lv Dong saw the hand that someone took the initiative to reach out and shook it lightly: "Hello, Mr. Gai."

  Gai Shiying said: "Let's find a place to talk? Last time you talked about cooperation in Lujia Village, I have a lot of new ideas."

  Qingzhao police are very disrespectful, they can't speak at all. They want to start the relationship with his branch and ask for the case, but Qingzhao is holding on to it.

The    branch was not run by Ge Shiying’s family, so it could only move in secret, and it was impossible to fight with the Qingzhao County Bureau with great fanfare.

  Gai Shiying understood the situation and quickly grasped the key.

   "Wait a moment." Lu Dong maintained his apparent courtesy.

  Gai Shiying took the initiative to step aside, Lu Dong exchanged opinions with Qiao Weiguo and Jiao Sanhei, and went to the ward again to see Jiao Sanhei, including Lu Jianwu, he naturally trusted Lu Dong.

   "It doesn't matter if it's money or not, I don't want to compensate." Jiao Shougui was lying on the hospital bed, temporarily seeing things with double images: "Lu Dong, do whatever you want."

   Lu Dong lightly patted Jiao Shougui's hand: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

   After leaving the ward, Lv Dong said to Ge Shiying, "Mr. Gai, the hospital is not a place to talk. It's very close to our company. Go to my place."

  Gai Shiying looked at Lu Dong, and after four or five seconds, he said, "Yes."

   Lu Dong knew that this person was not easy, and wanted to talk to him directly, not to compromise, but to understand what he said and infer what he might do.

   The CEO of Unparalleled Logistics, or the CEO of turning a collective enterprise into a private industry, Lu Dong would never underestimate him.

   Knowing yourself and the enemy is the minimum.

   The people here are mainly Lu Dong. Lu Dong asked Lu Kun to go with him and said to Lu Jianwu, "Uncle Eight, stay here and help with the discharge procedures."

   He looked at Fu Zhaoxia next to Qiao Weiguo: "Xiao Fu, let me know immediately if something happens."

  Fu Zhaoxia came down.

   Lu Dong and Lu Kun went out and drove back to the company.

  Gai Shiying followed with the two, but the lawyer Zhang stayed behind and obviously had to talk to Lv Jianwu, Qiao Weiguo and others.

   Lu Dong left Lv Jianwu and Fu Zhaoxia, which was also the preparation.

   Back at Lu's Restaurant Building, Lu Dong received Ge Shiying in a reception room on the top floor.

   "This is the first time I have come to Mr. Lv's company." Ge Shiying sat on the 29th floor, overlooking many parts of the university town, which can be regarded as one of the tallest buildings in the university town. Holding the teacup, he looked towards the northwest: "If the weather is fine, I wonder if I can see the Gasgoo Logistics Park from here?"

  Today is a bit gloomy and I can't see it going too far.

   The chunky assistant Zheng Youmei brought tea in at this time, and when she left, Lu Dong said, "It's too far to see clearly."

  Gai Shiying sat on the single sofa: "Mr. Lu, speaking of which, we are very similar."

   Lu Dong replied casually, "They all came from rural areas?"

"Yes, they all came from the countryside." Ge Shiying seemed to be recalling the past: "Gaijia Village used to be a very inconspicuous village in the north and south of the spring. Although the village is very large, there are more than 2,000 people, but there is nothing that can be done. One poor and two white, life is so difficult..."

Now that the    people are here, Lu Dong is not in a hurry, he is patient and listens to what he has to say.

  Gai Shiying asked: "I heard that Lujia Village was not having a good time before?"

   Lu Dong said calmly: "No matter how difficult the day is, we can always live in peace and stability."

"It's hard to live a stable life when you're poor." Ge Shiying's words clearly had a purpose: "My father was digging sand in the Xiaoqing River, and the landslide disappeared. Because my mother couldn't make a living, she ran away with others, and there were only siblings left at home. For two people, it was a problem to eat enough at that time."

   He looked at Lu Dong: "I heard that Lu always depends on each other for mother and son, and he must have experienced the hardships involved."

   Lu Dong said lightly: "It's all over."

  Gai Shiying smiled: "No one helps us, we can only help ourselves. My sister has worked so hard to pull me up. It's not easy. In my eyes, my sister is not only a sister, but also a parent."

   Lu Dong gradually realized that the relationship between Ge Shiying and his sister was not very good.

Ge Shiying's words didn't stop, and what he said was full of sincerity: "Afterwards, the expressway of Tongdaocheng in Quannan was built, and Gaijia Village was located near the starting point. I thought it was an opportunity, so I founded Geshi Logistics, which is considered to be today. Small and large, I would not dare to say it in the whole country, but in Taidong Province, I would dare to say that Gasgoo Logistics is the first in the private enterprise industry!”

  Lu Dong knows this is no exaggeration, Gasgoo Logistics is the leader of private logistics companies in Taidong Province.

Gai Shiying added: "The days are better, the conditions are better, I can finally repay my sister's hard work, but my sister is old, she is old, and her health is not good. As a younger brother, I can only bother my sister. Less things to do, more comfortable, and happy every day..."

   He looked at Lu Dong: "My sister is Gao Yan's only son, the only child. This is my sister's lifeblood. If something happens to Gao Yan, what will happen to my sister, President Lu, I don't even dare to think about it."

  Lu Dong did not evade, facing Ge Shiying and asking, "Mr. Gai, what do you mean by that?"

Gai Shiying said: "I know, I have heard that Qiao Weiguo, Jiao Shougui, and Jiao Sanhei are Mr. Lu's good friends and the first people to follow Mr. Lu. Before Mr. Lu made a fortune, they were always good friends with Mr. Lu. ,Brothers."

   Lu Dong said without any sensibility: "Gai always knows."

"This was done by the people under Gao Yan, who acted without authorization and made random shots." Ge Shiying seemed to have come to a conclusion: "Mr. Lu, they will definitely pay the price! Of course, Gao Yan is also responsible for oversight in this matter. Inescapable responsibility!"

He knew that the person in front of him was not an ordinary person, so he was prepared to pay a considerable price, and even made two sets of plans, and now he said the first set: "There is a logistics company under Gao Yan's name, and there is a bathing center, I will let people After the sale, all the proceeds will be used to make up for the shock and losses suffered by Mr. Lu's friends."

   Hearing this, Lu Dong shook his head slightly.

Ge Shiying did not wait for Lu Dong to speak, and said first: "I am also responsible for this matter, and Ge Shi Logistics will also express it." His national character face was full of pain: "Mr. Lu, please understand an old mother's concern for her child. Feelings, understand the importance of a son to the family, pity the hearts of parents all over the world..."

   (end of this chapter)