MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 707 Sudan red

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   Chapter 707 Sudan Red

   Here, Su Xiaoshan instructed people to seal up the goods. Lao Ma went back to the laboratory to get a sample test form. Su Xiaoshan personally drove Lao Ma to Lu's restaurant building and reported the specific situation to Lu Dong.

   The matter involves not only Lu Dong's uncle, but also one of the two most reliable partners of Lu's Catering!

  You have to pay attention!

  The two rushed to Lu's restaurant and went up to the top floor together. When they saw Lu Kun, Lu Dong was receiving guests who came to visit, and passed a message through Lu Kun and waited for a while.

   Seeing Lv Dong coming out to send away Wang Xuming from Jiuyang Electric, the old horse did not speak in a hurry, and only followed Lv Dong back to the office.

   Lu Dong asked Lao Ma and Su Xiaoshan to sit casually. Seeing that they were in a hurry, he couldn't help asking: "Just now, Lu Kun said that there was a problem with a batch of goods during a routine random inspection."

This kind of big event, Lao Ma dared not hide it, and handed over the preliminary inspection report to Lu Dong, and said straight to the point: "Mr. Lu, the quality inspection department is conducting routine inspections on the goods delivered by the supplier today. A chemical called naphthalene was found in a batch of semi-finished chicken wings and drumsticks!"

   "Naphthalene? What is this?" Lu Dong didn't know much about chemistry, and he didn't know much about this highly specialized vocabulary.

   In fact, the scumbags are a little confused about this unpopular chemical substance.

If    is replaced by cyanide or something, Lu Dong can still have a specific concept.

The old Malay Lu's was a professional quality inspector before catering. The reason for accepting Lu Dong's appointment was to strictly control the quality inspection. He immediately explained: "This substance has an azo structure, and the characteristics of its chemical structure determine the It has toxic side effects on the kidneys of the human body!"

   After saying this, Lu Dong understood and immediately asked, "Chicken wings and drumsticks? Half-finished products from Uncle Tie?"

   Lao Ma's expression has always been serious: "Yes, it is the goods sent from the Lujia Village Meat Processing Factory."

   Lu Dong's face also became very serious: "Is there any problem with other goods? The goods that Uncle Tie sent before? Yesterday or the day before yesterday?"

  Lao Ma has strict control and knows: "In the past, there was no problem with the sampling inspection. After today's sampling inspection has a problem, I specially conducted a sampling inspection from the remaining inventory yesterday and the day before yesterday, and no problem was detected."

"This means that the problem goods have not yet entered the store for production and sales." Lu Dong breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while, and said, "Uncle Ma, the goods that have been detected with problems will be sealed immediately! Also, for all existing goods Carry out an inspection, and immediately ask Xiaoshan to send someone to a nearby store to take samples and conduct targeted testing! If any defective goods are detected, they will be sealed immediately!"

   Hearing Lu Dong's words, Lao Ma was also relieved. What he was most worried about was not the problem of the goods, but Lu Dong's attitude.

  Too many businesses find problems in the process of self-inspection. They do not deal with the problems immediately, but instead just try to make a profit.

   Cover the lid and make a fortune in a muffled voice. Don’t do this too much.

  It is understandable for businessmen to seek profit. Starting a company is not for charity. It must seek profit, but it cannot cross the red line for profit.

   Lu Dong read the test report and said, "This is a preliminary test. When will the detailed test results come out?"

   Lu's Catering has invested a lot in quality control, and its own quality inspection equipment, personnel and processes are relatively complete, so there is no need to find other laboratories.

   Lao Ma said: "It will take some time."

   Lu Dong said directly: "Uncle Ma, the quality inspection department is working overtime today, and I will accompany you! Until the test is completed! Also, don't make any noise for now, and we will discuss countermeasures when more specific results come out."

   Lao Ma said: "Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

   It was getting dark, and the general manager's office of Lu's Catering Company was still brightly lit.

  The semi-finished products sampled from the store were sent to the quality inspection department one after another. The preliminary test results were relatively optimistic. No problems were found for the samples sent by each store.

  The raw materials of each store are uniformly distributed by the headquarters. It is strictly forbidden to purchase without authorization. Any batch of goods will be sampled and tested by the quality inspection department, which can ensure the unity of the goods from the source.

   In addition, the distribution center supplied by the iron rooster branch in other places has increased the quality inspection on the original basis, and no problems have been found.

   Judging from the preliminary results, the problem is only on Quannan's side.

  Du Xiaobing is the company's vice president in charge of business, and Lu Dong also informed him.

   Lao Du was on a date, and he received a call and said he would come right away.

  Lu Dong sat in the chair, turned on the computer, and checked the chemical substance "naphthalene" through the Internet.

  School **** has limited understanding in the face of highly specialized chemistry, but it may be found on the gradually developing Internet.

   Lu Dong searched for a while and found some relevant content on a webpage.

  Naphthalene is mainly used as a raw material for preparing dyes, resins, solvents, etc., such as commonly used sanitary balls, such as a red dye called Sudan!

   See Sultan, then see Red.

   Lu Dong suddenly realized - Sudan Red!

  Although the company is preparing to establish a product development department to facilitate the continuous development of new products in the future, the products currently sold by Burger King are mainly from the hands of Lu Dong.

  The production of semi-finished products on the iron rooster side, from the production method to the process, is also taught by Lu Dong.

  So, Lu Dong just thought for a while, and probably guessed where the problem might be.

   Lu Dong asked directly: "Uncle Ma, are the chicken wings that you checked out spicy products?"

  Lao Ma replied: "Yes, they are all half-finished products of spicy food."

Lu Dong felt inseparable, and said, "I used to go to the market, and when I was buying raw materials, I heard people talking about a dye called Sudan Red. It is said that many people selling chili peppers or related products like to mix Sudan Red with it. Mix it in to ensure that the color is bright red!"

   told Lao Ma about his guess, and Lu Dong began to think about it.

  Who is Uncle Tie? He knows very well that every morning when he gets up and runs, he can meet him at the top of the village.

  The office was opened from the outside, Du Xiaobing came in and asked eagerly, "How is it?"

   As soon as he received a call from Lu Dong, he rushed over from outside.

   Lu Dong said it in detail: "Wait for the result."

  Du Xiaobing said: "Okay." He opened the lunch box he brought: "You haven't eaten yet? I bought something to eat from outside."

   This waited until nearly ten o'clock, when Lao Ma received the latest test analysis report faxed over. Except for the goods delivered by Tie Rooster this morning, including Lu's Mala Tang and Lu's Hot Pot, there were no problems with other tests.

  The goods have not been sent out, they are all sealed in the warehouse!

"Fortunately, you have established strict quality control inspections from the very beginning." Du Xiaobing can imagine that if these things enter the store for sale, regardless of how consumers are, once the relevant departments detect it and explode it, Lu's Catering Company may be wiped out. Disaster!

   Lao Ma said: "Mr. Lu, President Du, the results are out, and the rest will be handed over to you."

   Lu Dong put down the test report in his hand and looked at Du Xiaobing: "Old Du, what do you think?"

   "First of all, we have to communicate with the supplier. We have to find out if there is any problem with the supplier." Du Xiaobing knew who the supplier was: "I will do this."

   Lu Dong shook his head: "Let me go. Uncle Tie is stingy, so he won't do this."

  Du Xiaobing said: "The goods in question must not be used again. The news is limited to those who already know. The quality inspection department will increase the quality inspection in the future!"

   In fact, it is very clear that the disclosure of this matter will not benefit the company, and internal processing is the most ideal result.

   Lu Dong added: "In the future, we will increase the detection of pepper-related products."

  Lao Ma replied, "If it's really Sudanese, these people will be mad! People nowadays are getting more and more courageous!"

   "What we can do is to take care of ourselves." Du Xiaobing's family is in business, and he has heard a lot about some things: "The society is so big, we are not a government department, and our strength is limited, so we must control our lines!"

   Lao Ma smiled and didn't say anything. He used to be the quality supervisor of a public unit. To say that the public units don't know about the messy things that are fraudulent in the market, it would be too contempt for them.

   Lu Dong said: "Okay, let's do this for now. I'll talk about the rest when I go to Uncle Tie's place at dawn."

  Du Xiaobing knew that if something happened, he might have to be the villain: "I'll go with you."

   Lu Dong smiled: "It's okay."

  Du Xiaobing also smiled: "I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, when it's time to get a black face, I'm also convenient to talk."

  Lao Ma looked at the time: "I'll go to the warehouse again, Xiaoshan is still guarding there, let him seal up the goods, don't worry about the quality inspection department, I'll go to work."

   "Uncle Ma, you'll have a rest when you're done." Lu Dong said, "I'll call you again if something happens."

   Lu Dong and Du Xiaobing didn't go back at all, and stayed in the rest room of their respective offices. The next morning just after six o'clock, the two washed and ate breakfast and drove directly to Lujia Village.

On the way   , Lao Ma also called because he specially asked a friend who is in the business of chili products and learned that there are not many chili products mixed with Sudan red.

   The car soon came to the door of Tie Rooster's food processing factory. Lu Dong saw the door was open and drove the car in directly.

  In the yard, Lu Lanlan, who was carrying a big schoolbag, saw the familiar black Audi come in and shouted, "Dad, Mom, Brother Dong is here!"

   Wangcai followed behind and called out to Du Xiaobing.

  Lu Dong got out of the car and asked, "Aren't you going to school yet?"

  Lv Lanlan smiled with crooked eyes: "I'll go now."

   stuffed a lollipop into his mouth, and Lu Lanlan rode a bicycle and went out.

  The chubby Aunt Tie came out of the factory office: "Fuji, why are you so early?"

   Lu Dong said, "Auntie, I have something to ask you and my uncle."

   "He went out for a walk, you two come and sit first." Aunt Tie called Lv Dong and Du Xiaobing into the house, struck Iron Rooster's phone, and told him to come back quickly.

   After waiting for five or six minutes, before the people arrived, I heard the sound of singing from the radio with a little noise.

   "Spicy girls are not afraid of being spicy since they were young, hot girls are not afraid of being spicy when they grow up, and hot girls are not afraid of being spicy when they marry, so they hang a bunch of peppers and touch their mouths..."

   (end of this chapter)