MTL - The Evil Imperial Monarch-Chapter 6591 Ambush

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"You are a good person, I wronged you," Wang Shengwen said in a huff, and then sat aside to adjust his breath. Ye Chu was so angry when he heard Wang Sheng’s words. He hadn’t taken care of a person in this way since he was reborn. Now he has paid such a big price to save a life, but he was issued a good person card by a fool. A bit too big


Half an hour later, Ye Chu looked at Wang Shengdao: "Have you rested well? I'm leaving now."

He did defeat the **** corpse just now, but it doesn't mean that he can kill the opponent. If he waits for the **** corpse to launch an offensive again, their surprise will be in jeopardy. Ye Chu took Wang Sheng straight to the second floor of the palace, and saw the countless bookshelves erected on the second floor of the palace. He knew that this was once the library of Refining Medicine Xianzong, but these books could not stand the erosion of the years. Plus man-made destruction, the book

All the books on the shelf became a pile of confetti.

It was a pity that Ye Chu shook his head. Then when he walked to the third floor, he found that Yi Canghai and the two were spinning around in the hall, as if they had fallen into some kind of illusion. Ye Chu shouted, "I'm not awake yet!"

Ye Chu’s voice sounded like a thunder in his ears. Yi Canghai and Xiao Ling were a kind of awakening spirits. They woke up from the illusion in an instant. It was a joy to see Ye Chu appearing between them. He knew Ye Chu didn’t. Will give them up.

When the two of them saw Wang Sheng next to Ye Chu, they immediately looked wary, and then listened to Ye Chu said: "Don't worry, although we have conflicts with Wang Sheng, we will not do it for the time being. And how did you just now What's the matter?"

Yi Canghai and the two were also helpless. They followed Sikongjian all the way, but they didn't expect that Sikongjian would meet Wang Sheng and Sima Tingfeng first. After Sagong's provocation, Wang Sheng decided that they were murderers. Because they had conflicts with Qingyunfeng disciples, they didn't dare to ask Sima to listen to the wind for help, and could only fight against Wang Sheng alone. The two of them are not weak, but they can only escape to Wang Sheng, who is a muscle, and are finally forced into this palace. who knows

There are also formations everywhere in this palace, and they got through one level after another and finally got the trick.

Ye Chu looked around in confusion and said, "There is a formation here? Why didn't I find it?"

Yi Canghai was also taken aback when they heard Ye Chu's words. Ye Chu did not find traces of the formation, depending on the situation. The two looked at each other, then how did they fall into the illusion.

Ye Chu thought of the books on the second floor palace and said, "Have you ever touched the books below?"

Yi Canghai nodded and said, "We really want to move those books back. Unfortunately, the paper is too fragile. We just broke the formation on it and instantly turned into a pile of confetti."

Ye Chu understood the situation of the two in an instant. Those books were smeared with poison, and the two were poisoned after touching the books, but if these were just ordinary causes of people to fall into illusion, otherwise they would be really dangerous.

Both Yi Canghai were in a cold sweat after hearing this. Fortunately, their luck was relieved. Unknowingly, they had already walked a circle in front of the ghost gate, which was really a blessing in misfortune.

Ye Chu said, "Since we have gathered, let's leave next."

"Leave? Master Wei, have you collected all the elixir?" Yi Canghai said.

"The things inside are a bit complicated, you just need to know that I have gathered all the elixir."

Hearing Ye Chu's words, the two did not continue to ask, but said, "Master Ye, haven't you found a trace of Cheng Fangyuan when you came here?"

Ye Chu said: "I did follow Cheng Fangyuan in, but I haven't found him until now, indicating that he has a hole card in his hand that we don't know, maybe he has left."

Yi Canghai thought about it, and even Ye Chu couldn't find Chengfangyuan, because they were in vain, so they wanted to leave.

"Hey, you can't go, the matter between us is not over yet." Ye Chugang wanted to leave, but was blocked by Wang Sheng next to him.

Ye Chu looked at Wang Shengdao: "Wang Sheng, can you beat me, and can you kill the corpse? Since you can't do this, do you think you can beat me? So you should It’s not too late to come to me for revenge after doing this."

Wang Sheng was silent for a long time when he heard Ye Chu's words, but he stopped in front of Ye Chu and didn't leave. Ye Chu helplessly said: "I have already said the matter very clearly. If you continue to struggle, then I will have to kill you first. If you die, the matter of revenge will be even more impossible. And I am too early. I told you, these are just

Sikongjian wants you to come and die, so instead of doing useless work here, you might as well kill Sikongjian first. "Wang Sheng frowned when he heard Ye Chu's words. Obviously Ye Chu said that the matter was too complicated. He couldn't understand it now, but in the end he nodded and said:'I will kill Cheng Fangyuan and Sikong to see that kid. Then come to you for revenge

. Looking at the back of Wang Sheng leaving, Yi Canghai and the two also breathed a sigh of relief for Ye Chu. They really didn't know how Ye Chu got together with Wang Shengdu without killing him. But it’s okay. If they really kill this Wang Sheng, not only will they suffer

The crazy revenge of Zixia Holy Land, I am afraid that even their stars will be backed up.

Ye Chu and the others walked out of the ruins after they left the palace, but when they had just stepped out of the ruins, they suddenly felt a strange atmosphere outside, "No, there is an ambush here."

Yi Canghai and the two also noticed the anomaly, but they really didn't know who would do anything to risk the world here.

Ye Chu said, "Let's go back first and see the situation before talking."

Sure enough, in less than a moment, someone was intercepted after leaving the Fairy Ruins. Seeing the murderers, Xiao Ling frowned, "Killer League, do they really dare to do this kind of anger and resentment?"

After Ye Chu knew these murderers, he immediately understood that the Assassin League was doing well in the aftermath. They thought the plan had been successful, so they thought of killing all the warriors in the immortal ruins, lest the news would leak.

Yi Canghai was shocked when they heard what Ye Chu said. "The people of the Killer League are crazy and they dare to do such things that exterminate humanity. Are they not afraid of being punished by the people of the world?"

"What should we do now?" The matter has become a foregone conclusion. The most important thing for them now is how to get out of here, otherwise they will not be able to escape the poisonous hands when the killer league members are completely eliminated.

"Wait." Ye Chu knew that it was impossible to escape from the killer league based on their strength. The only way to break the situation was to gather everyone's strength. The two Yi Canghai pondered for a while, and decided that they had only one way to go, so they found a deceased person's spirit stone and distributed the situation to every practitioner in the fairy ruins. After half a day, nearly a hundred explorers gathered at the exit of the Fairy Ruins.