MTL - The Evil Imperial Monarch-Chapter 6605 Real and unreal

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After Ye Chu finished speaking, he looked back again and found that there was no one in front of him. Could it be his own illusion, how could someone survive the ancient war in this place? Then Ye Chu shook his head and thought it was impossible because he hadn't arrived yet

He was dim-eyed, and the two sides were so close, it was even more unlikely that he was wrong. Ye Chu felt the surroundings again, but he didn't notice any aura, which means that no one has been here; there is another possibility that the other party's cultivation is far beyond Ye Chu, so he can't feel the other party. Breath.

Regardless of the possibility, one thing is certain that the other party is not malicious towards him, otherwise he would have died long ago.

This mountain is so big that Ye Chu can't turn around in a short time. He doesn't have the strength to turn around in it. He just wants to find a way out of the sea of ​​bones, and at the same time, he also understands the great mountain. landscape.

After an hour, the suction power around him slowly weakened, and the entire space was greyed out, the sky above the sky was changing, the grays were gradually receding, and the situation was as if the world had begun to brighten and return to the earth.

Ye Chu found that he was in an illusory space, surrounded by countless towering ancient trees, vigorous branches and leaves, gray-brown bark cracked, and some golden patterns carved on it, looking like pieces of open dragon scales.

Ye Chu picked up a dead branch from the ground, and then said in amazement: "Are these all real?"

Then Ye Chu tried it and found that the hardness was actually comparable to the fairy sword used by the explorers outside. These things let those people know that they must cause a **** storm. Then an incredible change took place in this virgin forest. All the numbers around were swaying. The dry leaves on the trees were being restored to life due to the return of the spiritual energy of the world, just a short film.

With hard work, the entire virgin forest becomes lush and lush, and everything is like a miracle.

Even the well-informed Ye Chu was stunned when he saw this scene. Could it be that these ancient trees didn't die, but fell into a deep sleep because of the lack of aura, and now they are all awake?

Suddenly there was a loud beast roar from a distance, this beast roar was like an introduction, and then all kinds of beast roars came one after another, just like those restored to life, coming back to life.

Ye Chu looked at the towering ancient trees in front of him and couldn't help but breathe in the air. These trees are all treasured species that have been extinct in ancient times. Doesn't it mean that the spirit beasts in it are also ancient survivors? Tingling.

Suddenly a shadow fell from the sky. Ye Chu looked up and saw a huge flying bird measuring tens of meters above the sky. Ye Chu opened his mouth and said: "Dragon scale eagle, really is the ancient survivor?"

Ye Chu's mind is already confused now. He has never seen these things in the fairy world, but at this time there are so many incredible beasts in front of him. There is a feeling of returning to the ancient times. The chaotic place is worthy of falling from the gods. . This is not the most important thing. If these things are released, they will be invincible. At that time, the whole chaotic place may be in chaos, but there will be big problems. But Ye Chu quickly recovered, why these things

Everything grows in this enchantment, or what he sees now is just the release of some time and space memory.

"It doesn't matter, I'll talk about it first." Ye Chu couldn't figure out these sudden problems, so he simply didn't think about it. The car must have a way to the mountain, and the boat will go straight to the bridge. I believe there is always a way to solve the problem. .

Ye Chu walking in the virgin forest suddenly felt a kind of creepy. He knew that he was being stared at by a powerful beast. Looking back, he saw a tiger tortoise beast staring at him in the woods on the left.

Ye Chu immediately took precautions and took the sword soul in his hand. Suddenly the mysterious turtle beast on Ye Chu's shoulder woke up, and then swished towards the tiger tortoise beast. Ye Chu was startled, "Come back!" But knowing that the strength of the divine beast in front of me is powerful, the strength of the mysterious turtle beast is not enough to tickle the opponent. Then a scene that surprised Ye Chu happened. When the tiger tortoise beast saw the emergence of the tortoise beast, it retreated with a low growl.

Go, it seems to have encountered a terrible natural enemy. It's just that the speed of the mysterious turtle beast is faster than the tiger tortoise beast imagined, and it instantly reached the top of his head.

The tiger tortoise beast looked at the mysterious tortoise beast above its head with a low growl and wanted to counterattack, only to see the mysterious tortoise beast waved its claws and then a crystal clear beast core was added.

Looking at the bleeding hole on the tiger turtle beast's forehead, Ye Chu's eyes flashed a hint of doubt, how could the strength of the tiger beast be so weak, it seems that it is at least in the holy king state, it shouldn't be!

After the mysterious turtle beast ate the spiritual core, it jumped on the branch and indulged it and disappeared.

"Hey!" Ye Chu hurriedly yelled when he saw it. This secret realm is no better than anywhere else. Who knows what dangers might be in it, so he can't let the mysterious turtle beast alone, so Ye Chu hurried after it.

Ye Chu followed the mysterious turtle beast and came to a majestic mountain range before stopping. Ye Chu panted hard and said, "I'm going, this little thing is really fast enough, almost exhausting me. ."

Ye Chu stepped forward and grabbed the mysterious tortoise beast that was staying on the branch, and said, "Little things, you can't run around here. If it doesn't, you will die."

However, Ye Chu soon discovered what was wrong. The mysterious turtle beast just looked at the mountains in front of him motionlessly, as if he was lost in memory. Ye Chu's heart moved and said, "This place won't be yours? Or let's go up and see. Look?"

Hearing Ye Chu's words, the mysterious turtle beast came down from his shoulder, and then slowly walked toward the mountain in front of him, instead of disappearing like usual.

Ye Chu shook his head and said, "I'll take you up. I don't know if you can reach the top of the mountain at your speed." Ye Chu walked out of the woods and came to the road to the mountain. He was startled by the scene before him. I saw bones everywhere on the wide road leading to the top of the mountain, most of which were the remains of spirit beasts, only a few human bones.

There was a tragic battle.

Ye Chu wanted to go up the mountain, but found an invisible mask blocking him, and he bounced Ye Chu back.

Ye Chu stepped forward to touch the air in front of him, and then a colorful shield appeared in front of him. Time did not know how long it had passed and the shield still existed. It seemed that the master here was a powerful existence.

Ye Chu didn't think of a way to enter, but it didn't mean that the mysterious turtle beast was not good. He saw the mysterious turtle beast's claws touching the light shield, and the light shield in front of it suddenly rippled, and then a portal appeared in front of Ye Chu.

"Is it all right?" Ye Chu looked at the portal that suddenly appeared in front of him, knowing that this mountain was really related to the mysterious turtle beast. Ye Chu cautiously stepped into the door and took a breath while looking at the situation in front of him. He saw that the vast expanse of white in front of him was full of the bones of sacred beasts. He didn't know the number at all, showing how tragic the battle was.