MTL - The Existence of Harry Potter-v2 Chapter 22 The plan to regain integrity (no title and text)

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In my idle time, I calculated the progress. According to the current standard of 2,000 words for every four and five shifts a week, the completion of the book is far away. Maybe I will hang up or give up this book for various reasons. There is a saying that goes well with long nights and dreams, so let this night be shortened a bit.

It doesn't matter if the integrity is lost, just pick it up, so there is a plan to regain the integrity.

In the future, the update will resume to 3K, and try to maintain one update every day. This plan will have to be carried out for at least a month, and at least it will have to wait until the badge achievement of 3,000 words per month is obtained. After getting it, the update is still 3K, and the 2K writing has no feeling at all. The codeword speed has dropped a lot, and there are not even five crosses in one minute. Just now Sogou input method prompts, my input speed reaches 100 words per minute, and sure enough, 3K is the only way to exercise hand speed!

Alright, I'm about to update, is your recommendation ready?


"How do you know... ugh..."

He finally stood up against the wall. Before he could finish speaking, Suluge bent down again, vomiting as if he was about to spit out all his internal organs.

"How did I know? It's very simple, because I marked you." Ask's serious mouth, but Suruge couldn't help but believe, "As for how to mark, do you think I will tell you? "

"Say... that's what I said..." Suluge's face turned a very abnormal green, struggling to walk a few steps, he sat down slowly against the wall, looking half-dead, "But since you recognize that out, and then..."

Touching his chin, Ask looked at Suluge with some sympathy, and asked a question that had nothing to do with it: "What about that stupid dog?"


"You think I'll believe it?"

"If you don't believe it..." Suluge rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Don't tell me you didn't mark that stupid dog, and don't tell me you didn't know that stupid dog ran to where it goes."

Ask jokingly, "Hey, do you really believe that I marked you?"

"You're playing with me again!"

"It's true that I'm kidding you, but why add the word 'again'?"


Trying to squeeze out a little seriousness, Ask asked seriously, "What about that stupid dog?"


"You think I'll believe it?"

"If you don't believe it... Wait a minute, why do I feel like this conversation seems to have happened?"

Ask nodded, tilted his head and looked at Suruger, "Yes, so this time, can you change your answer and make this conversation a little different?"

Suluge scratched his head, "Another answer?"

"That's right."

"Oh, I understand, just ask."

"What about that stupid dog?"


Suluge said righteously and of course. Asker stared at him for a while, said nothing, and took out a similar bottle from his pocket.

"...I think I should let you vomit for a while. Your poisoning is too deep, and your brain is broken."

"Hey, that stupid dog really ran away, no matter how much you ask, I can only answer you like this!"

Asker pushed his glasses, rested his right elbow with his left hand, and touched his chin with his right hand, trying to think hard. Suluge breathed a sigh of relief and sat there, weak and depressed, looking like he was played badly.

I don't know how long it took, Aske's thinking seemed to be over, and Suluge recovered a little, and could barely stand up.

"Where's that stupid dog?" Ask suddenly asked.

"..." Suluge took a deep breath, then he took out his wand and shouted at Asker, "I fought with you ah ah ah ah ah!"


The specific process will not be described too much. Anyway, history is always surprisingly similar. There is a saying that is very good. Those who meet on the top will meet again below, and those who get down on the table will definitely get down on the ground.

With one foot on Suluge, Asker leaned down, took the purse from him, weighed it a few times, and showed a satisfied smile.

"Okay, for Garen's sake, I'll trust you once. However, that stupid dog ran away, what do you mean by running to me in Animagus form?"

"This..." Suluge hesitated and said vaguely: "It's nothing, just try to see if anyone can see through my Animagus transformation."

"Then what? What do you want to do?" Ask asked curiously.

"Steal something."

"Steal what?"

Suluge opened his mouth, and finally shook his head resolutely, "I can't tell you, everyone can know, but you can't."

Asker frowned. Originally, he had no interest in this matter, but Suluge's words aroused his interest. What is it that only he can't know, but others can?

"What's the meaning?"

"It's literally!" He didn't know where the courage of Suluge came from, he shouted at Asker with a loud voice, and was very emotional, "If you know, then all my efforts will be in vain, you give up Well, I won't tell you!"

Ask was also taken aback for a moment, then asked, "Is it important?"


"I see." Ask turned around, took a few steps, and then turned back. He walked to Suruger, stretched out his hand, and smiled, "So, is there anything I can do to help you?"

Suluge: "..."

"Don't look at me like that, you are also interesting. For the sake of these Galleons you gave me, I can help you a little bit." Asker smiled, shaking his outstretched hand, calling out Returning to Suruger's attention, "There is only one chance, maybe I will change my mind in a while."

With a sinking hand, Ask saw that Surug took his hand and whispered, "I didn't give those Galleons to you, you nasty thief!"

"Whatever you say, whatever I like is mine anyway." Ask shrugged his shoulders and looked up at the sky. What are you going to do with the dog? He ran away, so your plan..."

"He's definitely going to Hogwarts anyway, isn't he?" Suruger slowly got up from the ground and slapped the dust on his body, "Che, do you really think I want to help that stupid dog? Stop kidding me. , I really want to slaughter him and make it into a dog meat barbecue, it's definitely not just a joke!"

When Suluge said this, Ask could feel that the resentment of this guy was so terrifying, and his hatred was like the Thames water, and it was out of control. Everyone is curious about gossip. Anyway, Ask is more and more interested in what kind of grievances and grievances there is between Suluge and that stupid dog. Think of the two people's Animagus deformation, could it be that Are these two people born to be enemies?

"It's up to you, anyway, it's been a long time since I saw that stupid dog, but this time it ran away without even saying hello."

Asker waved his hand, turned around and walked outside. On the other side, Suluge sighed, turned into the black cat with a displeased face, trotted to catch up with Ask, followed him out of the alley, and then walked in the opposite direction of Ask.

Before I knew it, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon. The days in summer were always long, and the setting sun was hanging on the wall. After all, it is not for the sunrise, the sunset and the rest, I don't know the four o'clock, I don't know the age of the time.

Asker walked towards Ollivander's wand shop. He almost forgot about taking a wand from there last year and not paying for it. If he hadn't come to Diagon Alley once, if it hadn't happened to be a good deal this time, he might have Will never remember this.

Thinking of the wand, he touched his pocket, the wand was still there, as if it had never been lost. Likewise, the wand was still disobedient, as if it had never yielded. Owning a wand with personality can sometimes be a headache. If not many spells can be cast without a stick, you can also borrow other people's wands during the exam. A wand that suits you.

A wand that suits you...

Asker remembered that he still has a phoenix tail feather. If he finds a suitable wood, maybe he can find a way to get himself a wand that really suits him and belongs to him. Although the demand for wands is not too great, without this thing, I always feel uncomfortable, as if some organs are missing from my body.

Shaking his head, Ask opened the door of the wand shop and saw Ollivander who was sitting at the table wiping his wand.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Ollivander."

Ollivander raised his head with a surprised expression on his face. Obviously, Ollivander was still very impressed by the man who stole the wand from his wand shop. After calming down, Ollivander began to speculate on Asker's purpose. When he saw the wand in Asker's hand, he showed a clear smile.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Grindelwald, you came later than I expected. But it's finally here, very good."

Ask's eyebrows raised, "You know me?"

"I recognized you when we first met." Ollivander smiled slightly, "You are also a celebrity, at least in certain circles."

"for example?"

Ollivander put down the wand in his hand, stood up, picked up the clutter on the table, and said to Ask: "Perhaps, we can sit down and talk slowly."

"I don't think it's necessary." Ask took a few steps forward, grabbed a handful of Galleons and placed them on the table. Under the light, the surface of these Galleons exuded an intoxicating golden light. This is wealth. Wealth can be exchanged for power and power, and only those who have it know how difficult it is to give them up. "Twenty Galleons, the extra is interest."

Ollivander didn't even look at Garen on the table. He just stared at the wand in Asker's hand, frowned, and asked in confusion, "Aren't you here to change the wand?"

"Why do you want to change the wand?" Asker asked back, Although this wand is not very smooth or even disobedient, it was my choice after all. In fact, I am still very single-minded, and sometimes very stubborn, giving up this wand, sorry, it is difficult to find a reason to convince me to do so. "

Ollivander shook his head, "It doesn't suit you, that's the best reason."

"Whether it suits me or not has nothing to do with me, I just know that what I like must be mine." Asker pushed his glasses and stared at the wand in his hand, "Maybe one day I will give up this wand, But the reason is definitely not 'it doesn't suit me', it can only be 'I don't like it'."

"You are very confident, even arrogant, conceited, narcissistic..." Ollivander said helplessly, he touched the table a few times, grabbed a few Galleons, and left more Long, "These are enough, I can't take the rest, the rules are the rules."

"Rule is a rule..." Asker repeated, "That's right, so be it, for the rest of the money, you can give me a set of wand-making tools, um, and an ash wood, if The money is not enough, I can add more."

"Tools and wood?"

"Yeah, tools and wood, I already have the core." Asker smiled, but there was no smile on his face, "I said, the only reason I gave up this wand was 'I don't like it '. In that case, what could be more interesting than making a wand that suits me better, and making this wand feel ashamed and embarrassed?"

"You want to make a wand yourself?"

"Can't you?"