MTL - The Existence of Harry Potter-v2 Chapter 27 Whose OP are you going to attack today?

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I got home at 8:30 today and cooked three bags of instant noodles. I felt that the craftsmanship was not wasted. It was very good.


From not being sick to pretending to be sick, and from pretending to be sick to being sick, Asker only took half an hour.

I don't know when, the rain outside has stopped, the clouds are falling and the rain is falling, and the color is bright. People always say that there will always be a rainbow after a storm, which is quite reasonable. Some people also said, let the storm come harder, and then this person was beaten up by the others, because although storms bring rainbows, storms are not popular, and even people don't want rainbows at all, just Just because they didn't want to endure the rainstorm that was bound to come.

In this world, there are always some people who don't want to be heroes, but they just want to enjoy the treatment of heroes without paying the slightest price. Such a person is not as good as a beggar on the side of the road. At least the beggar knows that if you want others to give him money, he must give up his dignity.

"it's beautiful."

Asker suddenly said, Hermione, who was sitting next to him, turned to look at him, only to find that the object he was evaluating was not himself, but the rainbow outside the window. Hermione turned her head again and followed Asker's line of sight to look at the rainbow that had begun to disappear. Perhaps because she had seen it too much, Hermione didn't find anything beautiful about the rainbow.

Asker was fascinated by it, until the rainbow disappeared. Thousands of miles of clear sky appeared again, the sun was hanging high in the sky and facing him, the mild, not dazzling sunlight shone on him through the window, Asker stretched out his hand, the sunlight left a little on his hand, and he shook it. Strike, Sunshine slyly escaped out of his fist. Asker let go of his hand, the sun returned to his hand, he closed it again, and the sun escaped again. No matter how hard Asker tried, he couldn't hold the sun in his hand.

Hermione watched quietly as Asker was catching the sun. The rain stopped, and there was silence inside and outside the house. The only two people in the room tried their best to maintain the silence. This kind of environment will calm the mind. If you don't think about anything, this wonderful time will be extended indefinitely, but it will not make people feel anxious and bored at all. People's senses will be much more sensitive than usual at this time. Those sages and masters in ancient times will always comprehend a lot of things in this environment, such as "after the empty mountains and new rains, they will hang on the southeast branch"...

Hold it, open it, hold it again, open it again... Asker repeats it tirelessly. This may be boring, and it doesn't have any special meaning for Asker. His mind is blank now, and the movement in his hand is just The body's natural response. Time is passing, the position of the sun is also changing, the sun is slowly slipping away from Asker's hand, but he doesn't know it, he still repeats, but just like before, he can't hold the sun .

His eyebrows trembled slightly, and Ask's eyes rolled a few times. He lowered his head, looked at his empty palms, and then looked at the sunlight that had reached his shoulders, showing a wry smile. Looking out the window again, the sun was setting, and unknowingly, Asker sat here for an afternoon. After a little movement, the joints on the body made crisp sounds of "click", "click" and "crackle". Obviously, Asker's body was very dissatisfied with the long-term dry sitting.

"Well, another afternoon was wasted."

Touching his chin, Ask said helplessly, what he planned to do today, now it seems like he hasn't finished a single one.

"School starts in half a month. You can't be so lazy anymore. You have to hurry up."

Asker said to himself, he looked to the left, Hermione fell asleep at some point. Her sleeping position was very interesting. She fell to the side away from Asker, as if she wanted to stay away from Asker, but her hand was grabbing at the corner of Asker's clothes.

"Is it useful? If I want to go, it can't be stopped by grabbing my clothes. The book doesn't say that if you want to grab a man, you must first grab his heart, and if you want to grab his heart, First grab his stomach... um, you don't seem to be holding it in the wrong place, it looks like it's my kidney..."

Asker looked at the corner of his shirt that Hermione was grabbing at, pouted, and reached out to start unbuttoning the oversized shirt he was wearing. No matter how tight Hermione's grip was, as long as she took off her clothes and Jin Chan took off her shell, nothing would be a problem. Of course, Asker didn't intend to leave without saying goodbye, he just wanted to move, but he was worried about waking Hermione up.

It couldn't be easier to take off his clothes. After dividing two by two, Asker only had one strip left on his body, which was very refreshing. As I said earlier, his clothes were all wet, and the shirt that Asker was wearing could be regarded as a skirt for him, but now he didn't even have a skirt.

Putting his shirt on the sofa carefully, Asker stood up and walked towards his own clothes. In fact, just now, he remembered that he still had dry clothes in his storage pocket. Asker always felt uncomfortable in Mr. Granger's ill-fitting clothes, and it was better to wear his own.

Asker's wet clothes were on the floor, on the other side of the sofa, which was Hermione's side to be precise. In order to save trouble, Ask did not go around behind the sofa, but walked in front of Hermione. It only took three steps, then bent down, grabbed the clothes, and everything was OK.

one step,

two steps,

three steps...

Life will always surprise you, whether you want it or not, surprises are everywhere, whether you like it or not.

What should I do if I want to fall alone?

Make him lose his balance.

How to make him lose his balance?

The easiest thing to do is to stretch out your legs and trip over him.

So, Hermione stretched out her leg and tripped Asker. Of course, Hermione didn't mean it, but she did it to trip Asker, well, in a dream.

Generally speaking, there is a coffee table before the sofa, which is full of cups. Some sages and philosophers say that this is life. Ask has always sneered at it, but from this moment on, he must believe that his life is those people. Said coffee table full of tragedy.

The space between the sofa and the coffee table is not very big, and if you want to go there, you can only turn sideways. When Hermione's leg suddenly shifted position, inserted precisely between Asker's legs and tripped him, Asker had two options:

One, if you fall forward, everyone should understand the consequences.

Second, it fell backwards. Everyone knows the consequences. The coffee table was knocked over, and the cup was broken on the ground.

Asker sighed, no matter what he chooses, it seems to be the same result, right? Be sure to distinguish, nothing more than that one is an attempt, and the other is an attempt and an injury.

"There will always be a rainbow after a storm? Hehe, maybe there will be another storm, and you will be given ten seconds to pray, and then... there will be no more."

In just a few seconds, a lot of thoughts flashed in Asker's mind. In the end, he could only open his eyes wide and watch how he fell down. He even took the time to push the glasses that had slipped and tidy them up. A haircut.

As for why he didn't use the spell to help himself, Asker said that he didn't think of it at all at the time. Believe it or not, he said he believed it anyway.

Life will always surprise you, whether you want it or not, surprises are everywhere, whether you like it or not. Now, this sentence can be given to Hermione. For her, this surprise and surprise still carries a lot of weight.

When Asker fell on Hermione, Hermione was having a dream. In the dream, she was beating Asker for the reason that Asker wanted to do something wrong while she was sleeping. Just as Hermione was about to turn Asker into a statue and throw it beside the fountain in the park, she felt her body sink, her chest was particularly painful, as if something suddenly pressed on her, and she woke up.

Asker pressed on Hermione in a "big" shape. One of his hands was on the sofa, and the other hand, ahem, seemed to be in the wrong position. The reason for the pain. As for other places, in short, the current posture of the two people is as much as possible. From a third angle, without any prejudice, without any emotional color, this should be a boy who made a shameless sneak attack while the girl was sleeping, wanting to do something wrong.



Looking at each other, Hermione and Ask were both speechless, one was surprised and the other was helpless.

Hermione's surprise only lasted for less than three seconds. Before the surprise disappeared from her face, her body had already reacted most instinctively. In this situation, there is only one thing a girl would do, and that is to scream—


Asker sighed and tried his best to put on a friendly face. I was a good person. He said to Hermione with a serious face, "Actually, things are not what you think, I just want to go and take mine..."


With a neat slap, Ask sighed again and turned his head, " clothes."


Sighing for the third time, Ask said helplessly: "Hermione, even if you don't believe it, don't hit anyone. Even if you really want to hit, there's no need to keep facing me in the face."


Asker didn't say anything this time. He just stared at Hermione in a daze like a dried salted fish. The resentment on his body was almost visible to the naked eye.

"take away…"

Hermione spoke, but her voice was as small as a mosquito, barely audible. The red face is very attractive, like a ripe tomato, um, not a rare space variety, the yellow kind, but a native red tomato.

"Take what?"

"Take away... your hand..."

The voice was even lower, and if it wasn't for Hermione's lips moving, she wouldn't be able to tell that she was talking.

"my hand?"

Asker tilted his head, his two faces were also red, but they were not naturally familiar, but were beaten. He lowered his head and looked at his hands. One hand was on the sofa. There was no problem at all. The other hand was on... Asker nodded clearly, and then took the hand that was on the sofa. That's all.

"Take... your hand... away..."

"It's already taken away."

"It's not this one, it's the other one!"

Hermione said shyly, shy, shy and angry, but now it's just shy, not much anger. At this time, as long as Asker honestly took his hand away, comforted him, and explained it, in fact, this matter is not a big deal. After all, some things are about love, you love me, Hermione doesn't seem to be very resistant look.

However, one of Asker's inherent attributes is to kill him at a critical moment.

Asker took away the right hand on Hermione's chest, and when Hermione was relieved and ready to say something, he put the other left hand on Hermione's chest and squeezed it lightly.

"Well, my other hand has been taken away."


I listened to a song today, so with the above content, I will share it as follows. Maybe some gentleman readers have already heard it.

"Whose European party are you going to attack today? 》


Soft girl's Acup European style~

Just let me hug and rub it quietly

Sister's Dcup European style~

Just let me dive deep in and bury it

The big Opie swayed

Small European style soft fragrance

Size doesn't matter

As long as it's OP, it's fine

Soft girl's Acup European style~

Just let me hug and rub it quietly

Sister's Dcup European style~

Just let me dive deep in and bury it

la la la~

warm and soft

white and fragrant

Oupai Oupai~\\(≧▽≦)/~

There is only one earth

Oppai has a pair

Opie is full of dreams

Opie is full of hope

Soft girl's Acup European style~

Just let me hug and rub it quietly

Sister's Dcup European style~

Just let me dive deep in and bury it

Bury, bury

Opie is so good


Whose European party are you going to attack today~
