MTL - The Fallen Merman-Chapter 236

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Bai Chunian secretly came to a conclusion.

The green light above the security check passage showed that the number of people who had passed the security check gradually jumped from 1 to 3. In order to prevent them from becoming suspicious, Bai Chunian took Abiduo's ID card and hurriedly walked in. in the security check channel.

The X-ray security image on the computer screen shows Bai Chunian's whole body skeleton - the lion's ears on the top of his head are shaking slightly, a tail is dragging behind him, the dead sea rock collar on the neck and the dead sea rock bell on the tip of the tail are all solid. 's photo is not visible.

After Bai Chunian passed, the whole room became quiet. The arrow on the computer screen moved slowly.

The arrow moved to the cross in the upper right corner, closing the X-ray security imaging page.

The green light board above the security check channel showed that the number of people who passed the security check jumped to 5, then jumped to 6, 7, 8, 9... Then, the lights in the entire room went out together with the green light board.

When Bai Chunian walked out of the security inspection channel, he lifted the lead curtain, and his eyes were completely dark.

"The power is not restored here?" He was stunned for a moment, and turned on the flashlight to illuminate it.

In the shadow that the light beam did not reach, someone's shadow was approaching. Bai Chunian reacted very quickly and jumped out of the passage. In his haste, his hand holding the flashlight hit a hard object, making a muffled sound.

He turned his head and looked at the place where he had just stood. There was a researcher in the white uniform of the institute lying on the ground. He was lying on the ground with his head missing.

Bai Chunian squatted down to examine it closely. It was similar to the death of the researcher who died in the freezer. The broken neck and rotting body were full of maggots.

There was an extra light next to him, and the puppeteer leaned over and lit the corpse with a flashlight of his thumb: "It's about the same time as the researcher in the freezer who died. It can still be judged that the corpse was gathered on the legs and died standing. Eris just now. Moved the medicine cabinet and he was hiding in the cracks."

"What is this place?" Bai Chunian asked.

The puppeteer turned the lights on to the wall, on which was hung "Instructions for the Use of the Herbarium".

Rimbaud climbed back from other places, attached to the wall, and flicked the tip of his tail: "There are five corpses on the ground, all researchers, all without heads. There are also some glass cabinets for specimens."

"I'll go take a look." Bai Chunian hurried over.

There are many vertical cabinets placed against the wall in the specimen room. Through the glass of the cabinet door, you can see the reagent bottles with labels, some disposable surgical tools, alcohol lamps and many other experimental sundries.

The researcher's corpse is not scattered on his workstation, but hidden in various corners, making a gesture of hiding and taking precautions.

Counting the corpses that had just fallen down, there were a total of six corpses in this room. The corpses hidden under the dissection table were littered with used empty liquid nitrogen cannon capsules, and the corpses hidden in the disinfection cabinet threw two dozen Empty SH shielding agent, the cabinet door left traces of being violently opened, and the corpse hidden in the storage box hugged a submachine gun tightly. Only the dead body in the center of the room had a flamethrower.

"Well..." Bai Chunian looked at each one, "Resistance, but it's useless. It must be an experimental body. The researchers at the headquarters have rich experience in dealing with out-of-control experimental bodies, and generally there is no situation of group destruction. The level of this experimental body is not high. Low."

There are many long strips of glass sterile cabinets arranged in the specimen room, and it seems that each of them has an independent power supply and a backup power supply to keep it running in the event of an unexpected power failure and ensure the safety of the internal specimens.

The glass sterile cabinet by Bai Chunian's hand was full of liquid, and there was an oarfish floating inside. It had no scales and was covered with beautiful silver guanine. Although the specimen is lifelike, its eyes have completely lost the vitality of life.

There is an electronic screen in the lower left corner of the sterile cabinet. The scrolling text tells the source and whereabouts of this specimen. This oarfish was caught from the Pacific Ocean a year ago. It was made into a specimen due to the failure of transformation but it was very rare. .

The specimens housed in these glass cases vary in degree of mimicry, ranging from pure animal and plant to human.

Bai Chunian looked up and saw Eris standing in front of a glass specimen cabinet in a trance, so he walked closer and looked at the contents inside.

It was a human teenager, in his teens, white in appearance, naked and shaved. He clasped his hands on his chest, as if he were praying in a church.

He closed his eyes peacefully and looked like he was just asleep. The surface of his body was covered with seams, as if starting from the head, the neck, torso, limbs, knees, shoulders, elbows, and fingertips were all separated and then spliced ​​together. .

Bai Chunian carefully read the information on the electronic screen in the lower left corner. The boy's name was Adrian. He was born in Glasgow, England in K017. He was abandoned by his parents at the door of the church and was raised by a priest. In K029, researchers discovered his potential for differentiation. After that, it was bought back from the priest.

It was determined that the Adrian gland type was owl, and the pheromone was heather. After the transformation, some genes in the gland were eliminated, making it suitable for the transformation of the first inanimate object encoding 6.

Bai Chunian touched Eris with his elbow: "It seems that the glands on the back of your neck originally belonged to him."

Eris showed an exaggerated smile: "What nonsense are you talking about, this body was originally mine and was replaced in fifty-three times." He mysteriously moved to Bai Chunian's side, raised his hands, and cracked the corners of his lips. Proudly asked him: "Guess which finger is the most painful when amputated?"

Bai Chunian thought for a while: "The ring finger of the left hand."

Eris was greatly disappointed: "What, so you know. 嘁."

Bai Chunian's eyes swept across the few specimens of lion cubs lying quietly in the glass cabinet, took a deep breath and flashed the torch to find the door of this room.

The specimen room is very large, and it took a long time to see the end. A glass specimen cabinet near the wall was shattered, and the glass was shattered to the ground. The sturdy rhizome of a plant took root here, absorbing the remnants of the glass cabinet. Viscous liquid.

The electronic screen in the lower left corner was also broken, and no useful information could be obtained.

This plant has grown very large. The branches with thick thighs are all growing towards a door on the wall. The metal door is open, but the gaps in the door have been blocked by the thick branches, and there is no way to get out.

Bai Chunian tried his best to peek into the next room through the cracks in the branches, but the opposite was also dark.

"Eris, go back and see if the room with the electric switch has tripped. Why is it so dark."

"Why do you want me to go?"

"Oh, I understand, you are afraid of the dark. I'm going to tell the puppet master."

Eris jumped up: "I'm not afraid. Just turn on the electric switch." He turned and left.

When Eris returned to the security gate, the puppeteer was checking the medicines in the medicine cabinet, Rimbaud was sniffing the corpses and rummaging through their clothes. As intended.

The puppet master picked up a bottle of concentrated ammonia and looked at it, and casually chatted with Rimbaud.

"That time at the Huaerhua Pharmaceutical Factory, I thought you would stop at nothing to kill the immortal."

Rimbaud didn't lift his head: "I will, after killing something inconvenient."

"But he hurt your messenger. What are you waiting for with such vengeance?"

"It's not just him that hurts Xiaobai."

The puppet master hummed slightly: "No revenge, not like your character."

Rimbaud straightened up, sat beside the corpse, and put his hand on the fishtail's bent knee: "I want to make his experience as a human complete, otherwise he will always be full of illusions about human beings. He hasn't been hurt enough, I feel bad for him, but I can only rely on him. He is full of enthusiasm, which is what I lack naturally, and it is also the reason why I like him. The secret of immortality is enough indifference, you should also know it. "

After listening to his words, the puppet master was a little surprised. He turned around and pulled over the chair to sit down. He listened intently, and inserted a sentence at the right time: "It is inevitable that the experimental experience will be crowded out by humans, because it is powerful and few in number. As long as the number is sufficient Humans are the ones who are excluded. Weak and fragile creatures with no faith and reverence dominate the world by numbers, and they are still complacent, and it makes people sick to look at them.”

Rimbaud gently curled his hair with his fingertips: "That's right. Human beings are the losers who were driven ashore by the sea tribe thousands of years ago, and they are useless except to destroy. Occasionally there are a few conscientious people, and the number can be ignored. ."

The two chatted happily.

The puppet master leaned back in the chair, with his well-jointed hands on his knees: "It seems that our side is more suitable for you, consider it."

"You don't understand. His emotions are infecting me, letting me really know that I am alive. How can I let him down." Rimbaud was noncommittal and glanced in the direction of Xiaobai in the distance, "It's better than what I once thought. What I want, I hope that his passion and compassion will not be extinguished in his life, and that all evil thoughts and killings can be stained in my hands," Rimbaud leisurely took out his dagger, shoved it heavily on the corpse, and said lazily, "I don't care. "

In the far corner, Bai Chunian called him "wife."

Hearing the call, Rimbaud raised his index finger towards the puppet master and made a secret gesture against his lips. His gloomy eyebrows and webbed slender fingers were quite the charisma of the siren sea monster in mythology. Immediately afterwards, Rimbaud put on a pair of pure, gentle and holy eyes, and quickly climbed over the wall.

"It's spicy."

As soon as Rimbaud left, the lights in the room suddenly turned on, and some electronic devices restarted, making beeping sounds one after another.

A head suddenly protruded from under the lead curtain of the security check passage, the puppet master turned to look at him, Eris tilted his head and said, "I just went to turn on the electric switch, it's strange, the headless corpse in the freezer is gone, and the inside is empty. It's clean, like new, I don't know who wiped it."

"How could it be." The puppet master had a flash of thought, and immediately turned around to find that the corpse that had just been inserted with the dagger upside down by Rimbaud had disappeared, and there was still some dirty blood on the dagger.

The puppeteer stepped back quickly, took out a pistol from his apron pocket, and shot the dagger's edge.

After a deafening gunshot, a snow-white baby with a round head and a round head fell from the dagger and slowly emerged from a transparent state.

The baby who is whiter than the wall has small bat wings on its back, and a black heart-shaped devil tail extends from its tailbone. It has no facial features and only one mouth on its entire face, with a scarlet tongue sticking out and chewing in its mouth. with the last corpse body.

The bullet holes in his body healed slowly, he crawled to the dagger on his own, and licked the blood on the blade with his small tongue.

The puppet master realized that after entering the hall, there was no one, there was no blood, and even the fingerprints could not be found in the place where someone was supposed to work. It was this monster who ate the corpse and licked the table.

Lan Bo followed Bai Chunian's call and crawled towards him. Bai Chunian was waiting for him and waved at him: "Wife, come and help me." He turned around as he spoke.

"a." Lan Bo stopped suddenly and saw a snow-white baby lying on Bai Chunian's back, sleeping peacefully on his shoulder with a bruised bag on his head.