MTL - The Fallen Merman-Chapter 257

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Rimbaud is rarely in the mood to take the initiative to invite humans into his territory. He nestled in the corner of the sofa, rolled up two bottles of cocktails with his fish tail, pushed the caps off the tip of his tail, rolled the bottle and poured it into the glass, and the cocktail was pouring out. In the process of being chilled, a layer of frost formed on the wall of the cup.

Rimbaud pushed two glasses of low-alcohol wine to them, and the fish tail retracted, turning into two slender straight legs. He was wearing a set of gray casual home short-sleeved shorts, with a big pink cat's paw logo printed on his chest, and half-length blond hair draped lazily over his shoulders. At this time, he seemed to be no longer the king who looked down on all beings.

The atmosphere was a little awkward, and Lu Shangjin asked, "Have you dealt with Ellen?"

Rimbaud didn't lift his eyelids, and replied indifferently, "She's at your feet."

Lu Shangjin shrank his feet, why does it sound a little scary.

"The island's supplies are not complete. I brought some things that I couldn't buy in advance. If I am short of things in the future, I can have them delivered by the ferry." Yan Yi put the whole bag of canned fresh meat and freeze-dried snacks. On the table, there are a lot of small toys and catnip **** inside.

"Hey, Dad's very white, come and comb." Lu Shangjin took a steel comb for Xiaobai's hair, and Xiaobai was comfortable. He raised his head and rubbed Lu Shangjin's body, until the suit jacket was all white Mao, snoring and snoring, lay on Lu Shangjin's legs with all fours upside down.

"You're so good, you lie down and come to comb your stomach." Lu Shangjin touched it unpreparedly, Xiaobai suddenly turned his face and bit Lu Shangjin's hand, his two front claws couldn't let go, and his two hind legs went crazy Rushing on, Bai Mao suddenly felt like it was snowing, flying all over the house, and sticking to Lu Shangjin's haute couture suit.

"Why are you angry? You dare to kick your father, believe it or not, I'll make you scream." Lu Shangjin couldn't get his hands back, and he was reluctant to hit this naughty kitten on the head, so he could only let his suit jacket be caught by the little claws. Line, smiled and sighed, "This little brat."

"By the way, Rimbaud, don't teach it math. I don't think you're very good at this subject. Don't force Xiaobai, and don't force yourself."

Rimbaud put one hand on the back of the sofa, crossed one leg lazily, raised his eyelids slightly: "I don't teach him how to learn knowledge."

"Hey, he now relies on strong resistance to learn knowledge." Lu Shangjin raised the little white lion under his arm, "I also hope that he can help me manage the company when he grows up. Forget it, if it continues like this, It's cute too."

"No way." Rimbaud said, "I'm also waiting for him to grow up and do AI with me."

Lu Shangjin choked for a moment, suddenly not knowing how to answer in the face of such a wild answer.

Xiaobai was very happy today, and he ran around the room excitedly, jumping on the table for a while, climbing up the legs of Lu Shang's brocade trousers for a while, and then jumping on Yan Yi's shoulder to play with the rabbit's ears with his claws.

Yan Yi didn't hate it, and even raised his bunny ears to tease it. While teasing, he recorded a few pictures, ready to take them back and share them when chatting with old friends.

There was a sudden knock on the door on the first floor of the villa, and someone sneaked in, carrying a lot of things, and climbed the wooden stairs with ease.

"Hey! I sneaked to the entertainment center today while they were training. I have clamped the doll machine a thousand times in total for so long, and I have emptied the doll machine. I just finally caught the grand prize for Xiaobai to play!" Lu When Yan ran up the stairs, his bunny ears were dangling, he was carrying a stuffed backpack, and held a big carrot stuffed toy in his arms.

The special training base also has an entertainment center. When you are not training during the holidays, you can go there to watch movies, play billiards, and play vr games. Yesterday, Lu Yan took Xiaobai to play at noon, but the little lion was lying in front of the doll machine. He left, staring at a small blue plush fish the size of a slap inside, humming and chirping, looking like he really wanted it.

Lu Yan took it for granted that what Xiaobai wanted was actually a giant carrot for the grand prize. Lu Yan worked hard for an afternoon, and all the money in his pocket was exchanged for game coins, and he didn't find the big carrot. This morning, he went to the World War II doll machine and finally returned victorious. Except for the big carrot, the other dolls he grabbed were stuffed. Full backpack.

He rushed into the room happily, and collided with Yan Yi and Lu Shangjin who were playing lions.

"Huh? Why are you here? I thought you went directly to the training ground to watch their year-end assessment! I miss you all." Lu Yan happily gave each of them a perfunctory and quick hug, and went straight to Xiaobai. , when passing by Rimbaud, he took two packs of Shake Shake from his pocket and gave him, "Auntie said that there is only coffee flavor today, and I also brought you a pack of spicy sticks."

"Qiuqiu is still the same, it hasn't changed at all." Yan Yi smiled and shook his head.

Lan Bo took the snacks naturally, just like every day, squeezed the tail ball when Lu Yan turned around, then crossed his legs and tore open a pack of spicy sticks and squeezed it out, and said, "Today they will be assessed. , is there any food in the cafeteria?"

"Yes, yes, every year-end assessment day, we make a big meal. It's super delicious. Let's go early today." Lu Yan took off his backpack, then hurriedly ran to drag Xiaobai from the cabinet and hung it on the crook of his arm. Carrying him back to the sofa, Xiaobai's upper body was hung on Lu Yan's arm, and his lower body was pulled into a long cat strip.

The little lion grows very fast, and after weaning, he can lick the meat and eat milk cakes. This makes Xiaobai two laps bigger than when he first came. Now he weighs about 16 pounds, and a big adult puppet. It's almost the same as a cat, and Lu Yan has a bit of difficulty picking it up, like he's holding a big stuffed toy.

Lu Yan put the big carrot toy in front of Xiao Bai with great anticipation. Xiao Bai sniffed and tugged it twice, then raised his claws and walked over, jumped to the backpack that Lu Yan had dropped, plunged in and rummaged, and finally took it A small blue plush fish came out and played happily by himself.

"Hey, I've been holding this carrot for a long time, come and play with me—"

Yan Yi was amused, raised his phone and took a few pictures of them.

"It's rare that the whole family is here, so let's take a group photo." Yan Yi put the phone on the table, set a countdown, and pulled Lu Shangjin to sit on the sofa.

"I'm here, I'm here." Lu Yan took the little white pocket with the blue fish toy in his arms and squeezed it into the middle of the sofa.

Rimbaud was not used to such an overly warm scene, still leaning on the corner of the sofa, holding his chin and looking out the window lightly.

The afternoon sun shines through the curtains and casts a golden honey-colored light strip on several people. The shutter sounds and the photo freezes. A ray of fresh sunlight is sandwiched in it, and pressed into a unique code that will be preserved for a long time.

But how could Xiaobai stay in one position for a minute, then he fled from Lu Yan's arms as soon as he kicked his legs. The moment he flew up, he was photographed by the continuous shooting camera. He stepped on Lu Shangjin's head with his hind legs. Another photo was taken with the claw hooked on his shoulder, and another photo was taken when he flew to Yan Yi's arms and pulled the rabbit ears in his arms, and finally jumped into Rimbaud's arms and took another photo with his feet upside down.

After taking the photo, Yan Yi turned over the photo and laughed, Lu Shangjin picked up the sticky roller to clean the white hair on his body, and hinted Lu Yan intentionally or unintentionally, "Cough, let's find a place to talk when you have time."

"Okay, what are we talking about?" Lu Yan was lying on the sofa teasing Xiaobai, not listening at all.

He also has no idea how many times Lan Xing has been interviewed by his father in the past few months apart from Bi Lan Xing, but the content of each phone call with Lan Xing seems to be different from before. Lan Xing occasionally Saying something unrelated to work made him blush.

Lu Shangjin coughed: "Well... You are eighteen years old now, and there are some things that need to be discussed."

"Stop talking, let's go." Yan Yi glanced at his watch, it was almost time, they couldn't avoid the bodyguards and related personnel for too long, so they had to go to the assessment site as soon as possible to wait for the students to enter.

The overall results in the year-end assessment this year are all good. Yan Yi personally selected several outstanding students to announce their graduation, and they will be able to work in the IOA headquarters in the coming year. The list of graduates includes Bian Mu Alpha Duan Ye, Element Gland Tan Qing Tan Yang brothers and sisters, Muppets omega Lilith and Siamese omega Pietun.

On the night of the end of the assessment, Lan Bo leaned on the balcony to accompany Xiao Bai, who jumped onto the balcony railing and looked towards the training ground.

The trainees accompany the domesticated experimental subjects and wait outside quietly, expecting their little trainers to get a good grade, but worrying that they will be too good in the test and will not see each other after they leave the Aphid Island.

Soon, the students walked out of the training ground with their transcripts in twos and threes. Xiaobai stared at each student intently. He didn't turn around and jumped off the railing until the last one left, and walked back to the bedroom with catwalks.

Rimbaud was a little surprised by this move, walked back to the bedroom, closed the curtains, and lay down beside Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai was a little abnormal, pressing down on the small fish toy that Lu Yan had brought under his paws, staring at the wall in a daze.

Lanbo raised his hand and touched Xiaobai's head: "What did you think of?"

Xiaobai picked up the little fish toy, climbed into Rimbaud's arms, formed a comfortable posture, snuggled down beside Rimbaud, and rubbed his head against Rimbaud's chin with a humming.

In previous years, after the year-end assessment, the students could go home and reunite with their families. However, this year is special. Most of the students will be volunteers at sea to help clean up the remaining floes.

Xiaobai's growth rate has also become faster, and often when Rimbaud wakes up, he will grow bigger again. It seems that the giant gene of the body is still there, so one can't help but worry that it will grow into a giant white lion. How can it be good.

At this time, Xiaobai has grown to the size of an adult German Shepherd, his weight has soared to 80 pounds, his appetite has also increased day by day, and the fluff on his body has transformed into a silvery white like the thin snow under the moon, and his body is a perfect and beautiful streamlined shape , with occasional strong muscular lines floating under the fur.

Its eyes have also changed from simple, honest and lovely round eyes to pointed and pointed like apricot kernels, and the sapphire blue pupils are exactly the same as Rimbaud.

With its current size, it is difficult to be easily held in the arms like the little furball when it was a child, and it is more and more mischievous. When Rimbaud passed by, he shot out like an arrow from a string, knocking Rimbaud onto the bed or sofa, pressing him with strong claws.

Rimbaud's reaction is indeed not as quick as a big cat, and he is often attacked successfully by it, and he is pressed on the sofa and unable to move.

The white lion is elegant and oppressive. He put his fingernails away and stepped on Rimbaud's chest. He slowly lowered his head, and the tip of his tongue lightly licked the fragile, thin, vascularized skin on the omega's neck. , the smell is more attractive to it than catnip.

When it sticks out its tongue, a blue circular vertical eye pupil mark appears on the pink tongue with barbs. Rimbaud had given him the ability to speak oracles, which he himself acknowledged as the seal of the messenger.

God will occasionally acquiesce to the envoy's violation, and the following crimes are also a kind of pleasure. Rimbaud reclined in the corner of the sofa, slid his fingertips across the throat of the white lion, lightly hooked its chin, and placed a light kiss on its lips, which made people bone. The soft and tender bewitching voice asked on its cheek: "randimebolujeo? (Did the kitten miss me

The white lion shook his plush ears, his ears were even redder than before, he withdrew from Rimbaud and sat down with his back to Rimbaud, making a purring sound.

Although the ontology state IQ has not come back, it seems to know that Rimbaud is its wife.

Rimbaud sat up and found that the skin on his chest had been stepped on for too long, leaving a round paw print.

He hurriedly picked up his phone and took a picture, accompanied by a few pictures of sweet Xiaobai showing his belly coquettish, and sent it to the circle of friends that Lu Yanxin taught him to operate. There were not many friends on the list.

After half an hour.

Yan Yi replied: So cute.

Lu Shangjin replied: I have gained a lot of weight again. I ordered 20 boxes of canned staple food, and I asked Xiaoning to bring it back.

What is the so-called reply: save! save!