MTL - The Female General’s Little Childhood Sweetheart-Chapter 41 I want to sleep with my wife

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If Xiaohuai sees this sentence, it means that your purchase ratio is too low. In the face of eleven-year-old Lu Feng, Xu Mu is generally afraid to speak and do things in front of her. Once, I felt that I had a strange strangeness to her, and a little unwillingness to get close.

Lu Feng is different from him. He is reborn, but Lu Feng is not. She doesn't remember the feelings of the two people in her previous life, and she is not much closer to Xu Mu than to others. So when Lu Feng quietly took a slap from behind him, Xu Mu almost jumped up and stretched her paw to scratch her!

Besides Lu Feng, this stretch of hand is not a greeting from acquaintances, nor is it a surprise to Xu Mu, it is simply a purpose to scare him.

Lu Feng and Ji Ruan came to Sweet Baiwei in the afternoon. Li was busy greeting customers in the shop. In the winter, he ran at both ends of the front foyer of the kitchen. His forehead was sweating, and a few strands of broken hair were stained with sweat. Wet on the side of the face, he reached out and gently hooked his fingers behind his ears.

Ji Ruan saw this scene, causing her to swallow and swallow her fingers.

Li's busy feet were untouched, and Yu Guang glanced at the two neighbours Ji Ruangu could only smile and nodded, even if he had greeted him.

People buying pastries are lined up in one place, holding a small bamboo basket lined with oily paper in their hands, waiting for Li's pastry and checking out. Guests who haven't picked a good pick in the pastry area.

To prevent guests from touching these mouthfuls of food, a wide bamboo board is placed in front of each pastry. There is a small white jade-like clean porcelain dish on the side of the pastry. Inside is the kind of pastry corresponding to the pastry. The pastry is cut into pieces, and a toothpick is inserted on each for guests to taste before buying.

It was already dusk when Ji Ruan came over yesterday. There were very few customers in the shop, and Li's was close. So she picked her directly when she chose the pastry. Ji Ruan didn't see the decoration. .

This time she is not busy, hovering in front of various pastries, her eyes seem to be looking at pastries, but Yu Guang always glanced at Li's. If he sees that Li is too busy, Ji Ruan will calmly go and hold hands, saying nothing, it is enough to make Li's grateful and embarrassed.

Lu Feng smirked at the diligent Ji Ruan. She was different from Li's aunt who had an idea. She came here with serious business to do.

The fluttering pieces of rune paper in the sleeves made Lu Feng feel particularly energetic, with an inexplicable excitement and tension in his heart. He looked around the shop, but he did not see Xu Mu, and could not help but frowned.

Does this mean she came over and ran away first?

Looking at the busy Li's side, Lu Feng wanted to go directly to ask him, but he was a little guilty, after all, he suspected that his son was a fairy. It was not so good to ask people's dad such "your son, I want to accept him".

Besides, Lu Feng looked at Ji Ruan, who was anxious to grow on Li's body, thinking that Li's a fairy too, right? After all, she looked so good. She saw her aunt's soul at the sight of yesterday.

Li is a big fairy, and his son is a little fairy.

Lu Feng felt that he had discovered something remarkable.

Did not find Xu Mu, Lu Feng sat bored in a chair beside for a while. She is not a person who can sit down and sit down. She was a little annoyed after a while. I thought it might as well go out to find Xu Yu to play.

Thinking about it like this, Lu Feng couldn't sit still, stood up to find Ji Ruan, and prepared to tell her that he would go back first.

There was a thick curtain between the front hall and the back kitchen. Lu Feng flashed as he passed by, and reached out to open the curtain and glanced inside.

This glimpse caught a glimpse of the "little fairy" she had been looking for for a long time. He was sitting in front of a stovetop surrounded by mist and burning fire.

Lu Feng's calm heart jumped a little faster because of excitement. She touched the rune paper in her sleeve, thinking about what the book said.

In the third chapter of the first chapter of Maoshan Demonstration, some goblins practice timidly. It doesn't take much effort to deal with such goblins. You just need to quietly go behind him and take pictures while they are not ready. His shoulders startled him, and he could scare them away and let them be slaughtered.

The dry wood on the stove was crackled by the fire. The layers of steamers in the pan on the counter were emitting white smoke, and the scent of the pastry was floating out with the smoke, overflowing the entire kitchen.

Lu Feng stood sniffing behind Xu Mu while sniffing the scent. He looked down at the person sitting on the low stool who didn't know what he was tampering with, and stretched out his hand quietly, ready to surprise him.

Zhang had a cough due to wind chill, and could not come to "Sweet Baiwei." For two days, Li was busy, and Xu Mu cleverly nestled in the back kitchen to set fire to him.

When he was idle, he touched a few candied candied fruits. After adding a few firewood to the bottom of the pot, Xu Mu lowered his head and put the candied fruits into his mouth one by one, ready to support his mouth. Full chew.

He had just put the last preserve in his mouth and was patted on the shoulder.


Xu Mu's concentration on the candied stuffing in his mouth didn't notice anyone behind him. The chef was always himself, and the Li usually came in with movement.

Therefore, when Lu Feng's slap fell on his shoulder, Xu Mu almost fainted when he rolled his eyes.

Xu Mu, whose mouth was full, was frightened and exclaimed. She jumped up from the low stool and turned back, her hands contracted to her chest. After seeing that Lu Feng was coming, Xu Mu was surprised. The candied fruit in the spit spit out one, grumbled and rolled to the ground, and the orange candied fruit that had been drooling turned into a black ball.


Lu Feng saw a mist of water in his frightened eyes and looked at her frustratedly. He felt guilty for a moment, and touched his nose with his fingers. His eyes looked calmly on his head and ears.

I wanted to see if I was so scared. Has Xiao Hongyu been scared out of her furry ears?

It turns out that Xu Mu was scared out of the sweet preserves in his mouth.

...... Can the preserves be refined?

Lu Feng suddenly wanted to laugh. If Xu Mu had a candied fruit, she would open his mouth to eat him once the original shape appeared.

Xu Mu blinked her eyes and blinked out the water mist rising up, and then she returned to God and raised her hand and punched her shoulder, and her beautiful eyes looked at her resentfully.

He chewed the candied fruit and said, "I'm scared to death."

Lu Feng used to frighten him like this, and he was chased by himself every time, and the two of them would fall into a ball and fall to the bed.

Xu Mu found a piece of paper to pinch the candied fruit that fell on the ground together with the paper and threw it into the bottom of the pot. After all this, he clapped and looked at Lu Feng, and asked her with some joy, "Are you here for me?"

"Ah? ... Ah." Lu Feng pulled his fingers in his sleeves and touched the rune paper, but he didn't take it out.

Xu Mu was sitting on a low stool. Lu Feng always looked down at him with a tired neck. He squatted down and looked up at him slightly.

The fire light from the stove was reflected on Xu Mu's side face, and the little white face was dyed with a warm orange-red light, as if he was going to be baked.

Lu Feng touched his fingers with his nose and asked in a casual tone: "Have you ever visited me in Lufu the day before yesterday?"

Xu Mu hesitated and stared at Lu Feng. Lu Feng's eyes appear lighter in color than ordinary people, and it is a beautiful brown. Xu Mu paired these eyes, and felt that he was facing his wife, and his fingers were piercing the corners of his clothes, and he nodded his head slightly.

Xu Mu didn't realize he did anything wrong when he came back that day. He shouldn't go to Lufu so impulsively, let alone cry over Lu Feng who had never met him before.

He knew what to do in his heart, but when he saw the person he missed standing in front of him alive, Xu Mu couldn't calm down.

Lu Feng was so smart that she suspected that sooner or later.

Xu Muxuan was embarrassingly clinging to the corners of his clothes, like a student who was doing something wrong and was waiting for the Master to criticize him.

Lu Feng glanced at him, took out the rune paper from his sleeve, and unfolded on his knees with doubtful eyes, he said softly, "I have not been to Lingnan."

That's why I wonder if you're a monster or you won't know me.

But when she saw Xu Mu almost crying, scared from her shoulders, she jumped up from the low stool, and shrinked to spit out sweet sweets at her, Lu Feng felt that the fairy was so stupid.

Looking at Lu Feng who squatted in front of him and playing with rune paper, Xu Mu felt that his chest was swollen, as if there was something to overflow, and his eyes were wet and hot. He squeezed his lips and did not cry.

Lu Feng gave Xu Mu a disgusted look, and put the rune paper in his head on his head to cover most of his face, and said, "The snot bubble is crying."

It was making fun of him that the first time they met he cried and snotted.

Xu Mu blushed suddenly, stretched out her hand and tore over the rune paper on her head, muttered, "No."

Lu Feng took a scarf from his arms and handed it to Xu Mu, pulled the rune paper in his hand, and threw it into the bottom of the pot. The **** paper was swallowed by fire instantly, leaving no trace.

Lu Feng looked up at him and asked, "Why do you know me?"

Xu Mu's fingers holding the handkerchief tightened a little, hesitating a bit, but it was so mysterious that he didn't dare to tell Li's, and now he didn't dare to tell Lu Feng either.

Lu Feng saw his pink mouth smashed into a line, and his eyes were flickering, struggling and helpless. He didn't want to embarrass him immediately.

Raising his hand, he gently poke Xu Mu's brows with his rounded fingertips, which led him to look at himself, Lu Feng said with a half-true smile: "Little fairy."

Xu Mu felt relaxed, pouting and smiling, revealing two small pear vortexes, lowering her head to her ear and whispering softly, "I'm a fairy made from sweet preserves."

The sweet taste floated on the tip of Lu Feng's nose as Xu Mu approached, and Lu Xiaoba, who had never been so close to the man, suddenly reddened his ears.

When Xu Mu stood up and straightened his waist, Lu Feng's brown eyes did not dare to look at him, and his fingers were pinched at the tip of his nose. He said, "It seems that Maoshan demonstration is useless to you. I want to make wood more expensive. Remove the demon book. "

"I'll go and see." Master Li signaled them not to go out first, and opened the door by themselves.

The noise outside was louder than before, and when I walked into the yard, I could hear a woman shouting impatiently: "Open the door! If we don't open the door, we will knock it!"

The door made of wood was banged. Master Li took off the door bolt, opened the door, and asked angrily: "What is it?"

It wasn't Ding Bingren who stood at the door, but the three officials who were wearing military clothes and holding iron shackles in their hands. One stood on the front steps and knocked on the door, and the other two stood on her left and right sides, and when the door opened, the two came forward and took someone without a word.

"What are you doing?" Before Master Li had reacted, what was happening, he was restrained by the two officials, struggling and shouting, "How can you grab someone at will! There is no king law Anymore? "

The headed official sent his hands on the knife around his waist in case Master Li did anything else. Yu Guang glanced at the people around him and said, "I've said to someone in Jingzhao Yin that you stole something. , I'm waiting to be asked to invite your family to sit inside the yamen. "

Talking to the two men to restrain Master Li's **** and let them put shackles on her first.

"My ancestors of the Li family are innocent. Where did you get this unwarranted accusation!" Master Li was struggling again. In the end, there was a limited manpower and he couldn't break the **** of the two bondages. In the blink of an eye, the two arms were pinned to his back , Hands clasped behind him.

"You're innocent, we don't know. I'll just be ordered to take someone. If you have something, you should go to the gate of Jingzhaoyin Mansion." Then the military officer waved his hands and let the other two enter the house to take people. 2k novel reading network