MTL - The Female Officer Became a Farmer After Getting Reborn-Chapter 570 570 Selling the land and selling the land to return to the family

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   Chapter 570 570 Selling the land and selling the land to go back to the family

Li Yu recalled the day when Sun Tong was sentenced to say: "Each person gave 20 taels of Anjia Yin, in addition to the land they originally had, they also accompanied each household with three mu of fertile land, set up a special female household for them, and exempted them from tax for three years. , said to leave a year and a half of rations for each person, but the actual rations they left behind could not be eaten in two years.

   I'm afraid these things are the reason why the family members who didn't pay attention to Xiangxiu originally wanted them to go back to their family!

Zhao Cai continued: "Sister Alian said that if they really leave, she will find a heir for those three families to carry on the lineage, and the few families in the province have cut off the sacrifices. Xiangxiu and the others disagreed, saying that Alian My sister-in-law doesn't have the right to control them, saying that they have found a buyer, so come back and let them know first. She also said that it's okay not to let them sell to others, but they can sell the fields to Alian and the others."

  Ruyi walked in and said with a smile: "They are right, Alian is neither the patriarch nor the village chief, so she has no right to control them. Who can stop the fat pig from entering the butcher's house!"

  Zhao Cai burst out laughing, "Have you also learned what Uncle Zhou said?"

   "Uncle Zhou's metaphor is good, it really is that the fat pig is going to enter the butcher's house," Li Yu looked at the two of them, "Why didn't I see Uncle Zhou and the little loach?"

   Ruyi replied, "Uncle Zhou took them to buy slate to hire craftsmen, as well as to buy piglets, and they will come back the day after."

  Li Yu nodded, "No wonder I didn't see them, everyone has been tired all day, let's go to rest! Let's talk about them when they come tomorrow!"

  The two of Lucky Fortune should go back to the house next time to sleep.

Li Yu went back to the house and saw that the two children were asleep. Mammy Chen lay on the edge of the bed and looked at the two children. When Li Yu came in, she stood up with a smile and said softly, "I'm all tired, and I just put my head on the pillow. Fell asleep."

   Li Yu smiled and said to her: "Well! You are tired too, so take a rest!"

  After Chen Ma went out, Li Yu lay down between the two children, patted their heads, and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

   The next day, Li Yu punched two sets of punches in the yard, and took his two children to dinner. Just as he was about to go out for a walk, Alian and Yangliu came together.

   When Alian saw Li Yu, tears flowed down her eyes, "Madam, I, I..."

  Li Yu asked Chen Mama to take the two children out and looked at Alian, "Zhao Cai told me about you last night. I want to ask, why don't you allow them to sell their fields and return to their parents' homes?"

Alian wiped away her tears and looked at Li Yu, "Madam, Xiangxiu was only fifteen or sixteen years old when she married in Liangjiacun. When his man married her, he gave her a betrothal gift of eight taels of silver, and she was wearing a small burden. The wedding dress entered the door. You said, do people who sell their daughter really treat her? I am worried that she will be coaxed away by her family, so she stops them from selling the land. Who knows that they will not Appreciate it."

  Alian said that tears fell again.

Yang Liu said to Li Yu: "Madam, as soon as Master Sun left, they started making a fuss to go back to see their parents. We told her about these powerful relationships at the time. I told her that good words are hard to persuade the damned ghost. They like to go out of the wolf's den. If we can’t stop it, we don’t have the qualifications. While Madam is here, let her sell all the fields to Madam, so as not to sell them to inappropriate people and make the village uneasy.”

   Li Yu looked at Alian, "Yang Liu is right, you really have no position to stop them, you can't keep them here if you force them!"

  Alian saw that Li Yu didn't support her, so she nodded, "I listen to you, we can't plant our own fields, can you buy the fields from their hands?"

  Li Yu said lightly: "Yes, you can let them find Ruyi."

   "Madam, let's go back first," the two stood up and walked out.

   Yang Liu saw Alian's frowning face and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry about them, just take care of yourself, why don't you think about it, now it's different from before, who can you control?"

  Li Yu listened to Yang Liu's quick words, and felt that Yang Liu still understood.

   Less than half an hour later, Alian brought Xiangxiu and two other women to Zhuangzi, looking for Ruyi to sell the land.

  Ruyi said to them: "Madam said that both fields and land will be added one or two to the official price, do you agree?"

  The official price, your family is also an official, who knows how much per mu you bought? Xiangxiu looked at the other two with a sullen belly, and said, "Steward Zhou, tell us the price and we'll listen."

  Ruyi glanced at her, "Twelve taels of good farmland per acre, seven taels of second-class fields, and four taels of land. Also, we don't have much grain brought in. Do you sell that grain? We buy it at market price."

   "Okay, I'll sell them all to you." Xiangxiu said with bright eyes looking at Ruyi.

  Ruyi took out the deed and read it to them again, "You can ask Mrs. Alian to take a look, right?"

  Xiangxiu smiled condescendingly, "Look at what you said, can we still believe you?"

   Ruyi sneered and said, "The villain comes first, then the gentleman, so that you will not frame my family and bully others in the future."

  Alian looked at Xiangxiu and the others, "Yes, we can't be ungrateful and do something like that."

  Xiangxiu looked at Alian with a blushing face, and said dissatisfiedly, "Second sister-in-law, who do you think we are."

   Alian rolled his eyes, "I didn't say you were that kind of people, just that we couldn't do that."

   The woman with a round face pulled Xiangxiu a bit, "Just let the second sister-in-law say a few words! Quickly press your handprint, go back to pack your luggage and go back!"

  Xiangxiu turned to look at Ruyi, "Mr. Zhou, let's press our fingerprints."

  The three of them pressed their handprints and gave them the money wishful thinking. Seeing that they walked away happily carrying the money, they sighed, "Human! I'm afraid of wishful thinking and selfishness."

  Alian went out with a few people and said to them, "I'll tell you again, hold the money tightly, don't be coaxed away, and you won't even have a place to cry."

   Xiangxiu looked at Alian and felt that the silver was in her pocket, and she was not a three-year-old child, so how could the silver be coaxed away.

Thinking of Alian's kindness, she also said with some reluctance: "Second sister-in-law, don't worry, I know you are doing it for my own good, but I really don't want to live in this place, I feel bad just thinking about it, let's go. You will be fine later."

  Alian looked at them and knew that they didn't take their own words to heart. Seeing their joyful expressions, she hoped that she thought too much.

  Qiang said with a smile: "Okay, if you really don't have a place to go in the future, go back to Liangjia Village. As long as your sister-in-law is here, you will have a bite to eat! The fields are busy, so I won't send you off."

   "Okay, you can go." The three responded perfunctorily and went back to pack their things.

  Alian looked at the impatient look of the few people, sighed, and walked towards the side of the seedling field in a depressed mood.

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   (end of this chapter)