MTL - The Female Supporting Role is So Handsome After Wearing a Book-Chapter 183 Listen to understand

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Chapter 183 I can understand

The pirate was shocked. Why was it that the brother opposite him was so happy when he punched a little monster? He even believed that the monster this time was different, so he started to fight directly, and then tragedy struck.

The man screamed in grief, and in the next second he was eaten away by the swarming monsters until all his bones were left. Then the others quickly picked up rocks and anything to drive away the monsters.

Bian Bi took out a lot of beads in her hand, formed a circle with the people in her village around herself, and then drove the monsters outside.

"As long as you pass this period and hold on, these monsters will go away." Bian Bi said in a cold and firm voice, and then she glanced at Bai Yixi, but because the sky was a bit dark, Bai Yixi couldn't look at it either. What expression does the Qing woman have?

But this made Bai Yixi understand that these monsters would only come out in a certain section of the canyon area, so just stick to it.

However, Bai Yixi still felt that she was still unsatisfied and wanted to punch a little monster again, but those monsters seemed to be afraid of her and kept running around. Only then did Bai Yixi realize that these monsters looked like frogs and toads, anyway. The back was smooth black, and there was a greasy white substance. Only this eye was still black and white. It looked ugly anyway. Bai Yixi couldn't help but sigh at the greatness of the Creator.

 That means anything can be made.

However, there were still a few little monsters who didn't believe in evil and rushed forward. They opened their mouths and wanted to bite Bai Yixi. Then the big eyes of the surrounding little monsters were full of disbelief, because the teeth of the little monster that opened its mouth were punched. Everything was shattered, and then they clearly heard the sound of the rocks smashing onto the deck.

 Then no little monster dared to approach her anymore.

Bai Yixi was also curious as to why these little monsters couldn't hurt her!

Then Bai Yixi's eyes quickly caught a particularly distinctive little monster, because one of its eyes was red and blue, with red eye whites and blue eyeballs, but these two colors belonged to that kind of It's a very dark color, so it doesn't look very conspicuous.

The little red and blue monster obviously noticed Bai Yixi's gaze. He had commanded all those little monsters to attack Bai Yixi just now. When he saw the person being attacked find him, he was standing in a very tall place. In an inconspicuous corner.

Bai Yixi strode over, and then ran over. The little monster was awkwardly caught in mid-air just as it was about to jump back into the sea. Bai Yixi held the little monster's neck, the smooth Bai Yixi was disgusted by the cold feeling. She threw the little monster on the deck and stepped on one of its feet.

"Wow, wow, wow." The little red and blue monster made a strange cry, which secretly sounded a bit like a frog. Bai Yixi kicked it again: "If you're not a frog, don't imitate the cry of a frog!"

"Wow, wow, wow" the little red and blue monster screamed a few times as if he was aggrieved.

"This alien world is different. The monsters here can also understand human speech. I know you can understand human speech!" Bai Yixi stepped on the other foot of the little monster that was trying to escape.

 “Wow, wow,” the little monster pretended not to understand, and screamed a few more times.

Bai Yixi increased the strength on her feet: "If you wow a few more times, believe it or not, I will kick you straight up to the sky!"

 “Wow.” The little monster screamed a few more times.

 (End of this chapter)