MTL - The Fine Food Broadcaster-Chapter 1916 1 axe flying

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Heavenly Virgin?

Ma Cuihua?

Ye Fei didn't understand these at all.

All he knew was that he saw Ma Cuihua, and even if she had spared her life, she would be saved.

A ghostly sacred goddess.

She is Ma Cuihua, the careless Ma Cuihua, the Ma Cuihua who always scolded her for food when she had nothing, and the Ma Cuihua who was in close contact with herself for the first time.

One contact is a lifetime!

Now that Ma Cuihua was tied to the pillar by Wuhuada, Ye Fei's anger rushed up.

Zhu Rong, who was standing behind him, found Ye Fei's anomaly and whispered, "This is the girl you are looking for?"

Ye Fei nodded.

"What are you going to do?"

"Grab someone!"

"It's impossible. With so many people around, you don't have the chance to approach her at all. As long as they find a little sign, they will kill you in the cradle."

"Even if I die, I will do it!"


Zhu Rong did not speak, but looked at Ye Fei's back, but his thoughts returned to more than a thousand years ago.

In the windy and sunny time, he met a woman, not beautiful, but stole his heart in the first place.

He thought about the woman day and night, and then he tried to get closer.

Finally his sincerity touched the woman, and then they were paired.

But when Zhu Rong was surrounded by happiness, suddenly the woman disappeared one day.

Zhu Rong sought her for three years before finally getting news of the woman.

She is a sacred girl of Zongmen. Zongmen arranged her to approach Zhu Rong, and wanted to steal Zhu Rong's innate fire.

However, in the process of contact with Zhu Rong, she moved her heart, and finally left Zhu Rong silently and returned to Zongmen.

The mission failed, and it was a subjective failure, so she endured the punishment of Zongmen, and was finally married to a keeper of the gate.

The saint disobeyed and was sentenced to death for defying the sovereign's will.

After Zhu Rong got the news, he rushed over as quickly as possible, but it was too late, and the woman was executed by Zong Men.

That was the time when Zhu Rong was angry and rushed to the crown, and he had been playing with the Zongmen for two years. Finally, when he was exhausted, he released his own fire and burned the Zongmen with a fire.

He knew what it was like to have a woman hidden in his heart, so when Ye Fei made this decision, he didn't object, but told him danger.

When Ye Fei said that he would do it even if he died, Zhu Rong's deep memory was seduced.

"Ah ~ I don't know if it's good or bad to join you, but I really admire you, since you want to do it, do it together!" Zhu Rong said.

Ye Fei froze, then slowly turned around and looked at Zhu Rong, and smiled: "I will die."

"It may not die."

"Have you ever thought about the price? If you start, even if things are going to be difficult after all, Supreme Master Zongzong will find you trouble."

"A big deal to leave the Fifth Universe."

At this moment, the co-workers standing behind Zhu Rong laughed: "In fact, the earth has always been the place we miss the most."

Candle Jiuyin behind Gonggong also smiled, saying: "Being able to fight with Supreme Master Zong at the Ceremony of Offering Heaven, even if you die, you will be remembered by future generations."

Ye Fei looked back. Drought, Jumang, Houtu, and others all smiled and nodded at him.

He took a deep breath, then turned around, but saw the encouraging look of Dijiang.

"Except for the twelve of us, no one has experienced this kind of thing for nearly a thousand years, but we know that the eldest husband has something to do."

"Thank you."

Ye Fei's voice was a little choked. To tell the truth, the twelve witches didn't have such a deep friendship, and they had a fight. It was unexpected that they would choose to help themselves at this juncture.

You must know that there is Supreme Shenzong on the other side. They help themselves to fight Supreme Supreme Zong to the end. They must not be the opponents of Supreme God. This is the end of a moth's fire, but they still did.

Ye Fei was touched by this kind of friendship.

"Zhu Rong, please help me inform the people outside and tell them the situation, I'm going to do it." Ye Fei whispered.

Zhu Rong looked around, nodded, and a cluster of smaller flames on the tip of his finger appeared, but it just disappeared.

Ye Fei froze and said, "What's going on?"

Zhu Rong laughed: "I intercepted a bunch of natal flames, which can be dissolved in the surrounding environment, so that they are not easy to find, otherwise they would be intercepted without Pingyun Mountain, but the natal flames were intercepted. It may affect me a little bit when I start. "


Ye Fei was touched by this, saying that Zhu Rong was trying to strip himself of his life and help himself.

Looking at Zhu Rong's rude face, Ye Fei didn't say anything, didn't even say a thank you, he deeply remembered this kindness in his heart.

"Relax, the impact should not be great." Ye Fei said suddenly.

Dijiang did not know why Ye Fei suddenly said such a sentence, but now they have no time to ask at this time.

Ma Cuihua was tied to the pillar, and when she saw the golden light flashing on the pillar, she enveloped Ma Cuihua in it, like a bird shaking in the wind and rain.

But even at this time, Ma Cuihua still looked up. She was watching everything around. She didn't know why she was going to die, or what kind of goddess she was, she didn't know, she just knew that she might really be dead today.

Ye Fei's face appeared in front of her eyes, looking at the guy who owed his rent every month, looking at the guy who gorged himself on the egg noodles that he did not make very tasty, and watching that he had everything The guy gave it to him and looked at Ma Cuihua crying.

"Ye Fei, I'm sorry, not being able to accompany you well is the most regrettable thing in my life. If there is a future life, I hope we can be a pair of little birds, even if they are helpless, at least they can be at ease."

Crying and crying, Ma Cuihua saw the figure of her father and mother. Before, her erect body was a little embarrassed. They supported each other and slowly walked on the road where the sunset was red. There was a maple forest by the road. Like fire.

"Dad, Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to not go home. I'll let you be my daughter in my next life, and I will never run outside." Ma Cuihua muttered.

At this time, Luo Yi's voice sounded.

"Everyone, the Holy Spirit has arrived, and I will personally take her blood sacrifices to heaven and earth, thinking that everyone will exchange for a richer atmosphere of heaven and earth!"

"Well, Lord Luo is kind."

"Luo Zongzhu is righteous."

"Kill the heavenly maiden and sacrifice heaven and earth."

"Do it!"

Luo Yi stretched out his hand and pulled out his sword, and saw the cold light flashing from the top of Pingyun Mountain. Many people closed their eyes with this thorn.

Seeing the sword out of the sheath, Ma Cuihua closed her eyes in despair.

"Sacred Goddess of Heaven is the reincarnation of the spirit of heaven and earth. Now is the time for you to return a spirit of blood to heaven and earth." Luo Yi came to Ma Cuihua and said.

Ma Cuihua's eyes were still closed, but a tear shed in the corner of her eyes.

"Cry, and return your tears to heaven and earth. This is what you should do."

"Animal!" Ma Cuihua opened her eyes and scolded Luo.

Instead of being angry, Luo Yifei laughed, and then said in a voice that two people could hear: "You're right, I'm a beast. As long as you draw your blood to the altar, you can trigger the anger of heaven and earth. At that time, I will be able to complete the final leap with the violent atmosphere of heaven and earth. After my success, the earth and the earth will be the largest, not only the fifth universe, but all universes in the universe and the sky are mine. "

Ma Cuihua: "..."

She couldn't believe looking at Luo Yi, but he didn't expect that he would tell himself this before he died.

"You must not die!"

"Don't worry, it's you who die, not me."

After speaking, Luo looked up at the sky and saw that the dazzling sunlight was poisonous, and the air of heaven and earth in the day was fierce, and he said loudly: "The time is coming, to sacrifice the spirit of heaven and earth, and change the air of heaven and earth. ! "

With that said, the sword in Luo Yi's neck was cut against Ma Cuihua's neck.

Ma Cuihua was completely desperate. She was unwilling to struggle, but she couldn't move at all.

Seeing that the sword was about to be chopped on his neck, Ma Cuihua shouted desperately and sternly: "Ye Fei, take care of yourself!"

boom! !!

Just after Ma Cuihua's voice had just dropped, suddenly a brilliant golden light from the crowd burst out like a flash of thunder, and hit Luo Yi fiercely.

咻 ~~

As soon as Luo dreamed, he did not expect that someone in this crowd would shoot himself. This is the Supreme God ’s Land. I do n’t know the master of my land?

The goods were directly cut by Ye Fei's axe Jinguang.

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded, and there was a brief deadly silence.

No one knows what happened, so why did the great Lord Luo Yiluo let a golden light split the fly?

It was only a moment later that people understood and went straight to the fryer.

"Fucked, someone messed up."

"What a terrible god, dare to make trouble here."

"who is it?"

People's eyes were looking toward the place where the golden light flashed, and they saw a young man striding out of the crowd, and then two of them stood up and down on the table, standing directly in front of the Holy Spirit, holding With a huge axe!

Almost no one knew this young man, but some felt familiar.

In the crowd, the panda heroes and his group all looked at the group of people in Dijiang.

"People looking at the sky?"

"What's going on? Is the Gang of Dijiang crazy? How can it be against Supreme Master Zong?"

"Who is this young man?"

"Boss, who do we help?"

The panda hero looked at Ye Fei on the platform, and then looked at a group of people in Dijiang, saying, "We have the same vein, and we fought side by side, of course, to help."

Roar! !! !!

There was a terrible roar suddenly inside the decapitator's body, and then the axe in his hand hit the ground, and a crack cracked in the hard rocky ground, heading away.

On the high stage, the Supreme God of Sects rushed up the first time, because things went viral, and this **** even hacked the master with an axe. Do you want to go to heaven or slay the earth?

After Jiang Zhensheng saw Ye Fei, the eyes of this product almost fell out, because he was still quite impressed with Ye Fei, especially the cherry leaf of the willow leaf, which is too evil.

"It's you?!"

Ye Fei gave Jiang Zhensheng a glance, and sneered, "It's me."

"Are you from heaven ?!"


"Who do you say ?!"

"Ye Fei!"

After speaking, I saw Ye Fei's face slowly start to change, and it was restored to the original moment.

When seeing Ye Fei's original appearance, the panda hero and the decapitator thought that it was the young man.

Ye Fei said his name, and Ma Cuihua behind him frowned, and murmured, "Ye ... Ye Fei?"

Ye Fei turned to look at Ma Cuihua, reached out and wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes, and said softly, "Sister Cuihua, I will take you home."

When Ma Cuihua saw Ye Fei, she couldn't believe it. She looked at Ye Fei as if stupid, and only shouted after a while: "Ye Fei, run away! They are all dangerous, don't worry about me!"

Ye Fei's heart vibrated fiercely. He didn't expect Ma Cuihua to let himself run first, and this woman was so stupid.

"I don't run, my wife is still being helped by others, how can I run? Rest assured, no one can hurt you with me."

At this moment, a group of Dijiang and Zhu Rong all rushed to the high platform, followed by a group of panda heroes and guillotines.

They don't know who Ye Fei is, but they know that a group of people from Dijiang and Zhu Rong can't go wrong, they are friends.

Ye Fei looked at the group of people in Dijiang, and then came to the front. He looked at everyone at the top of Pingyun Mountain, and said loudly: "Everyone, you are all fooled!"

In a word, everyone's curiosity was suspended.

"Fooled? What fool?"

"What does he want to say?"

Seeing some people discussing it, Ye Fei then said, "This time the ceremony of worshiping heaven was on the face of worshiping heaven and earth, but it was actually a conspiracy of five major schools. Luo Yi took the opportunity of the ceremony to worship the heavenly **** The spiritual blood is the introduction, which mobilizes the atmosphere of heaven and earth to produce a change, thereby wishing him to break through the final layer of maggots and become the first person to be high above him, and the palace master of Yunxiao Palace, the spiritual master of Lingxiao palace, Linghua, Jiuyou The palace's owner Yun Xingfeng and the Ziwei palace's emperor Tian and others are accomplices. You are all deceived by their five martial arts. After their successful breakthrough, it is your doomsday, the doomsday of the countless planets in the fifth universe. It is the end of thousands of other universes! "

Among the crowd, Tian Yun, Di Ling Hua, Yun Xing Feng and Di Tian all heard Ye Fei's words for a moment. They did not know how this young man knew how to plan so carefully.

"Boy, you can't believe what he said. He just wants us to kill each other, so he can take the opportunity to save people." Tian Yun said loudly.

Ye Fei glanced at Tianyun and said, "What's the name?"

"The Yunxiao Palace, Tianyun."

"Grass, you old witch, do you have a special face? You said that I believe in sex? Okay, today I will expose the ugly faces of these people in front of the heroes of the universe. ? !!! "


Hearing Ye Fei suddenly said Luo Yan, UU reads Tianyun's body trembled, but still hurriedly said: "I don't know."

"Tian Yun !! You shameless old demon, for your own breakthrough, even your master didn't recognize it? But it's no surprise that Luo Luo's ancestor founded Yunxiao Palace and passed the position to you, yes I want you to promote the Yunxiao Palace, but you did n’t expect you to do such shameful things, and you will be filthy with your brother Luo! "


"Don't you, you, for your own sake, you betrayed your master Luo Luo, and even sacrificed your most proud disciple as cold as snow, saying that your viper heart is insulting the viper!"

"You bullshit!"

"He didn't say, Tianyun, do you recognize me?"

Just as Tian Yun was quibbling, the space above the platform suddenly fluctuated, and then two people came out of it.

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