MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 300 strange fish

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  Chapter 300 Strange fish

   Came to the front deck and saw the tragic situation of a seagull, Jiang Luoluo clasped his hands together to express his sympathy.

  Then she drove Xiaomi's family away, threw the seagull's body into the sea, and let the creatures in the sea be physically wiped out.

   Feathers, blood, etc. on the deck are also cleaned.

   After cleaning, Jiang Luoluo washed his hands, and then saw the box at the bow.

   There is ambergris in this box, and now Chuming City will take it out to bask in the sun whenever it goes out to sea.

  It has been more than a week since this competition. Jiang Luoluo was a little curious about whether Ambergris had changed again, so she stepped forward to take a look.


   I don't know if it's an illusion, but she feels that there seems to be a little more yellow part on the ambergris.

   It's just that she didn't take a photo before, and she wasn't sure.

  After thinking for a while, Jiang Luoluo took out his phone, took a photo of both sides of these ambergris, and saved it in the phone.

  If the changes are really so fast, then the plan that Chu Mingcheng said to sell sometime after the game can be changed.

  The family is not short of money, these treasures can be kept.

   "Perhaps, we can build a treasure room at home." Jiang Luoluo thought to himself.

  The year she met Chu Mingcheng made her know that she was looking for a real "treasure man".

  According to the definition on the Internet, the word "treasure" only reflects a person's excellence.

  But in Chu Mingcheng, there is really a sense of real treasure.

  The statuette at home, the Mele beads the size of mung beans, and later the bloodstone.

  Of course, the bloodstone has been replaced with a jade pendant worth millions, which can be kept as a family heirloom.

   Later, I encountered white jade clam and ambergris.

  I came across so many good things in one year. Although Meile beads are too small and worthless to ignore, the value of other things is beyond the reach of ordinary people who work part-time for a lifetime.

   It's only been a year, and I don't know how many good things I will encounter in the future!

   "Oh, why did you forget about that white jade clam!" Jiang Luoluo suddenly remembered the giant clam that was still in the coral cave.

  At that time, I wanted to ask my old friend of Wei Jiaguo to help with the carving, but I forgot about it in a blink of an eye.

  Jiang Luoluo got up quickly and found Chu Mingcheng who was going to fish after taking a bath: "Acheng, in the coral cave of Crescent Island where the little sea lion lives, didn't you find a white jade clam? Do you remember?"

  Chu Mingcheng was taken aback for a moment, and then slapped his forehead speechlessly: "Why did I forget about this? I even checked whether this thing can be excavated."

   "I hope that thing is still there. After the game is over, we will dig out that white jade clam."

   "That's the only way to go. By the way, I cooked noodles for you in the kitchen, so go and eat it first!"

   "Well, then I'll go eat first, and I'll come over and fish with you later."


  Jiang Luoluo went to eat noodles, Chu Mingcheng took out his mobile phone, and wrote down the matter of Baiyu Tridacna in the memo, so as not to forget it again.

  After the memo was written, he took the fishing rod to the stern of the boat to fish.

   Adjust the chair to the highest position, and the person can sit comfortably on it, which makes him very comfortable.

  For the Poseidon, what he is most satisfied with is the design of this fishing position, which can be used for trolling and fishing, without the need to stand all the time.

  Hang up the Antarctic shrimp and throw the bait into the water. Chu Mingcheng sat on a chair and waited for the fish to take the bait.

  The strange fish he saw in the previous dives were almost all attached to the bottom and swimming, so he fished directly to the bottom.

   Without making a nest, it is naturally impossible for fish to gather.

  In addition, the strange fish at the bottom of the water are not high-quality fish, even if Chu Mingcheng turns on the fish gathering function, it is useless.

  So the density of strange fish at the bottom of the water is not very high at the moment, and they have not gathered together.

   And a small Antarctic shrimp can't attract the attention of the strange fish at all.

   But sometimes it's just a coincidence.

  A strange fish at the bottom of the water is silently lying on the reef, waiting for the night to come.

  It is afternoon and the weather is hot, so it doesn't have much motivation to look for food and just wants to have a good rest.

  Just as it was recharging its energy and preparing for a big fight at night, its head was suddenly hit.

  It is shaking all over, is it dangerous?

  Instinctive reflex, the fish rushed out with a flick of its tail

  'Hey, hey, that's not right! '

   The strange fish suddenly slammed on the brakes after half a meter, it sniffed its nose and found it smells so good!

  Its wise eyes told it that it was not a natural enemy attack just now, but a good thing happened, and food fell from the sky.

   The strange fish turned around, its wise eyes scanned back and forth, suddenly, a small crooked shrimp in front caught its attention.

  The strange fish is overjoyed, food has really fallen from the sky, how can I not want the food delivered to my door?

   I just had some afternoon tea, and I have more energy to look for food at night.

  So it swam back, its eyes fixed on the food, its mouth opened, woo~

   I took a mouthful of water!

  Eyes: Off to the side, point your mouth to the left.

   Mouth: Look carefully, don’t keep sending wrong messages to your brain.

   Eyes: This time the alignment is guaranteed.

  Mouth: Then I will trust you again, woohoo.

  Familiar yet unfamiliar umami hits, the mouth is happy, and this time the eyes finally saw the right place.

   But the next moment, it suddenly felt a sting.

   Mouth was taken aback: Damn, brothers, I was tricked by my eyes!

   Eyes: Don't slander me!

  Brain: You two, Shabby, got tricked!

   Strange fish: I'm going to be cold.

   As soon as the strange fish finished sighing, it felt a huge strange force coming, and it couldn't resist it was quickly pulled to the surface of the water.

  Chu Mingcheng on the boat was holding the red and red strange fish in his hand, and his face was stupefied.

   It is really a pipe fish, no wonder it looks so weird. He had guessed before, but the bottom was too dark and blurry, so he wasn't sure.

  This fish is good in everything else, but its mouth is very long, like a pipe, so it is called a pipe fish.

   There are many kinds of smoke pipe fish, and the one caught by Chu Mingcheng is scale smoke pipe fish, which is the best tasting one.

   It can be regarded as a high-end sashimi, but the price is not expensive, and the chilled ones on the market only cost about 40 yuan a catty.

  Although it is not very expensive, this fish is relatively rare and is rarely seen in seafood markets, so not many people know it.

  Looking at the aquatic product illustration book, the experience value has reached 77 points, which is short of the last three aquatic products.

  Before returning to the voyage this time, he will definitely be able to upgrade the aquatic product illustration book.

   Looking back at the data panel, he lifted the pipe fish and looked at its strange mouth curiously, and opened it to look inside.

   But there is nothing to see inside, and the fish has a strange appearance.

   There is one thing to say, the eyes of these fish do not know why, they always seem to have a sense of wisdom.

  However, the eyes of this pipe fish are naturally not in the center of the body as Chu Mingcheng thought.

  The mouth of the smoke pipe fish is very long, but only 1/4 to 1/5 of the length of the body, and the eyes are just behind the mouth.

  Chu Mingcheng put the fish on the deck and measured it, and found that the fish was not very heavy, but the length did not matter.

  This one of his is only 1.2 meters long, which is considered too big among smoke pipe fish.

  The fish is still alive, and the living water tank is empty, so he put the fish in the living water tank, which can be regarded as adding some scenery.

   No, just as Jiang Luoluo stepped out of the cabin, he found the fish lying on his stomach in the living water cabin.

   "Hey, this fish looks really special."

  Seeing her staring at the fish curiously, Chu Mingcheng couldn't help teasing: "Don't look, this fish is better than eel, but you have me!"

   "Huh?" Jiang Luoluo was taken aback for a moment, and then her face flushed red, not from embarrassment, but from embarrassment.

  The news shocked the three views of human beings at the beginning. Even if most young people have never seen it, they have seen the news. She naturally understands the meaning of this sentence.

  So annoyed, Jiang Luoluo immediately ran up and kicked his ass: "Dirty man, die to me!"

Chu Mingcheng, who was kicked, patted the dust on his pants indifferently, then grabbed Jiang Luoluo with his arms, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I'll make sure you have enough tonight, now let's Accompany me to catch fish, there are quite a lot of fish underwater."

   "What is enough, you don't go fishing for tuna at night?"

   "I put the crab cage over there, and the tuna probably won't come to the waters here. Rest early at night."

   "Crab cage?" Jiang Luoluo suddenly remembered what he said when he just woke up and saw Chu Mingcheng shirtless.

  Just now I was only looking at the pipe fish, but I really didn't notice the low-key super tank in the other living water tank.

  She went back and took a look, only to find the Pseudomonas hanshii huddled in the corner of the live water tank, with a surprised look on her face.

   "I didn't expect there to be Crayfish Han's here. Have you marked the location? We can put cages here in the future!"

   "Of course I wrote it down." Chu Mingcheng nodded and said with a smile.

   After going out to sea, you will definitely record the coordinates of every location with the best seafood. If you have more coordinates, you will not be blindly looking for fish all the time when you go to sea.

  This can effectively reduce the cost of going to sea, especially fuel consumption, which is the biggest cost after going to sea.

  Hearing that Chu Mingcheng had recorded the coordinates, Jiang Luoluo stopped talking, and brought a fishing rod to accompany him to catch the pipe fish.

  As for someone's promise at night, she was actually a little bit looking forward to it.

  Young people, it is normal to know the taste of the marrow.

   Especially women, when they take the initiative, kissing can make men numb.

  However, at 8 o'clock in the evening, the two who were about to go back to have sex, were disrupted by a group of tuna who appeared suddenly, probably attracted by the lights.

  Of course, Jiang Luoluo didn't care that the plan was disrupted, but watched the tuna's eyes shine.

   "Ah Cheng, we were very lucky this time. We encountered such a big marlin last night, and today we encountered a group of tuna."

   "This tuna is a bit small!" Chu Mingcheng hesitated.

   After the tuna that does not meet the specifications is sold, the price will not be calculated on the ranking list.

   This competition will be recorded and posted online. If the fish is too small, the organizer may be troubled by a group of people, so there are the most basic requirements.

   And his hack also has a minimum requirement for tuna.

   It’s hard to say whether these deep-fried tuna weigh fifty catties.

   But at night, he couldn't see very clearly, and Chu Mingcheng wasn't sure whether the school of tuna was up to the standard.

  Jiang Luoluo didn't know what he was thinking. Seeing that he was indifferent, he immediately urged him to prepare bait to attract fish, and he was also going to take out the heavy fishing rod.

   But before he could get it, he was stopped by Chu Mingcheng.

   "Lolo, I practiced a quick fishing method today. You can just throw the baits beside me. You can boil these sardine baits to thaw, and throw them one by one next to me later."

  Jiang Luoluo didn't know why, but she was always obedient in this respect, so she nodded and went to the kitchen to boil hot water first.

  Chu Mingcheng took out the fishing line from the morning, tied the crane and the rope behind the harpoon again, and then came out with two boxes of bait.

  Jiang Luoluo will feel a little strange if the fish caught does not meet the specifications and then released, and then he will fool around again.

   It's better to choose by yourself from the beginning and choose the big one.

  (end of this chapter)