MTL - The Gate of Extinction-Chapter 346 It's common sense to show your underpants when making friends

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It took Zurich a full ten minutes to stop the caterpillar from screaming. .. With his professional approach, in fact, this process can be extended a bit, but unfortunately this is not the time to waste time.

Hongye has been watching quietly beside him, while at the same time paying attention to the birth of ten high-level xenogenes for Zu Lifeng. The more these aliens came to the rear, the faster they swallowed each other. The **** assassination took place directly between the bodies, and those hanging skins were their battlefields. After detaching from the skin capsule, the deforming ability of the alien species became much thinner, and the battle seemed primitive.

When the caterpillar stopped screaming, the tenth advanced xenograft had just evolved, and as soon as it appeared, it was caught by Hongye. This alien did not resist, and the other aliens also actively appeared near Hongye and Zulifeng. Zu Lifeng had absorbed the blood clot for the third time at this time. Although the red spots on the skin were quickly dissipated, his eyes were red as if bleeding.

These high-level aliens exude a frenzy in his induction, and they can't wait to dedicate themselves. As for the caterpillar corpse on the side and the reason inside, or everything around them, they didn't care. They are in the best condition to be swallowed.

This is such a sublime and morbid spirit, and Zu Lifeng couldn't help but want to eat them. However, looking at the 10,000 corpses in front of him, he still had some nausea. Although the last evolved was a heterogeneous species, but it also represented the death of 10,000 humans. Of course, in fact, they were all dead at the moment they became a heterogeneous skin sac, and only the shell was alive.

"In fact, when these shells are alive, it should be considered that this person has not completely died," Hongye said suddenly.

Zu Lifeng gave her a surprised look, then rubbed her nose.

"I didn't see it on your face." The girl always had a faint feeling. "You forgot, you are my mother ..."

"Stop, please don't mention this topic again." Zu Lifeng quickly stopped her. As a human being and a normal male, hearing a beautiful girl say this to herself is like beeping a dog.

He glanced at the senior alien that had climbed on himself. Like the headless snakes, although it is black in appearance, it can be seen that it is actually composed of countless crimson bloodlines, which can be decomposed and deformed at any time. In fact, after Zu Lifeng's research, the appearance of the heterogeneous is very similar to the blood vessels in the living body, and their parasitic parts are also in the blood vessels. It's okay to call them blood-sucking worms or blood-worms, but they don't **** the blood of an individual. It is the blood of the entire biological population, or the kind that was sucked to death.

The process of invading the skin is the same as drilling into the body. Numerous bloodworms were distributed throughout the body, and the human body deformed and acted under the control of these bloodworms. When Zu Lifeng used to experiment, he was disgusted with bloodworms, and now there are several high-level xenogenes hanging on his body, but he doesn't feel much.

"Besides that, the state of mind really has improved a lot." Zu Lifeng shook these high-level aliens and made them unconscious first. Although they are not in a normal state of mind now, it is still a bit uneasy to carry them like this.

Before the caterpillars died, Zurich had already asked about the location of the high-level xenograft. The seventh factory and several other factories that were also responsible for food were directly connected to that place. According to the caterpillar, it was for safety and to keep that person out of the way.

That high-level xenopus is extremely powerful in itself. Before accepting this special training, it has reached the peak of type III. The place where it is located is originally the safest and requires no security at all. If you dare to play with the idea, these security will not play any role, just like the Zurich style sneaking into here now.


"Su Ge. We have completed the first step of the plan, and we have three more steps. How are you there?" You Jia's voice came, and she actually called on Su Ge.

"I'm a bit surprised here," Zu Lifeng replied.

"Then we need to hurry?" You Jia immediately responded and asked.

"Well, we may need to retreat soon." Zuli Feng said.

"Roger that."

After putting away the intercom. Zu Lifeng and Hongye passed through these densely packed corpses, and then looked around under the hanging feet. The caterpillar said that the entrance was in this direction, but the ground was flat and could not see anything.

"Mother ... brother, look." Hongye pointed at a corpse.

Zu Lifeng glanced at the corpse and found a lot of dirt on the corpse's trouser legs. He looked up along the corpse and immediately found a hole.

"On top?" Zu Lifeng was a little surprised. Then he was relieved. For the alien species, the orientation is meaningless. They were not upright creatures with two legs. He just knew that he was looking on the ground.

Zu Lifeng looked at the red leaves with his head lowered, hesitated, and said, "Good job."

Hongye's ears trembled slightly, and a blush appeared on her face.

"Go up."

As soon as his voice fell, the red leaves had already appeared above, and then lightly entered the hole.

This feels a bit overwhelmed by Zurich's praise, so I can't wait to take actual action to repay Zurich.

At the same time, Su Lifeng also felt a kind of inability to spit eggs.

Aren't you thinking about killing me? Becoming so obedient so fast, how well do I treat you ...

But then Zu Lifeng remembered what You Jia said, indeed, according to his age, the girl was actually a child. Although she is a kind of wisdom, she is also a simple human girl, and no matter how much she knows, she is still pure.

It seems that this is indeed the case.

When Zu Lifeng stepped on it, he easily jumped to the roof, and the scalpel plunged into the soil like cutting tofu. The soil here was also compacted when excavated, and there was no sign of collapse, and the safety was not bad. Otherwise, moving in such a narrow passage, I really fear that he will be buried alive without doing anything.

A slightly chilly breath spewed out of the hole, and Su Lifeng sensed it, only feeling that his mental power was dizzy and dizzy as if it were muddy into the sea. He quickly shrank the force field to about five meters around him as his warning range.

Hongye was waiting for him not far away, but when Zu Lifeng climbed in, he felt inscrutable. how to say. Because the aisle is upward and the width is very narrow, in any case, you can only adopt the posture of hanging up and climbing vertically ... Then, Hongye wore a dress.

More importantly, she turned out to be naked ... naked! Bare in all senses ...

"Well ... why don't you wear it?" Zu Lifeng didn't mean it. He just looked up, then quickly lowered his head with wide eyes.

"Why wear it? I can't see it anyway. Sometimes I need to take it off, isn't it cumbersome?" Hongye asked.

Zu Lifeng actually felt that she was speaking well ... and had to say it. Zu Lifeng felt a little happy when he thought that he could see different scenery when he looked up. Although, this makes him have the feeling of taking advantage of girls who do not understand the world.

"Moreover, according to the common sense I have, you as a man should be glad to see this scene, aren't you?" Hongye suddenly asked, "In this case, I will be able to get along with my mother ... and my brother. You will be happier. I I haven't figured out what to do with my brother and you. Before I think about it, we should at least get along well. "

"... That's it. You're happy." As a biological researcher, Zu Lifeng was defeated to a young girl for the first time in related knowledge, and he was unrelentingly pierced through the true colors ...

However, in this way, the guilt of Zurich has disappeared. Since she showed it to make herself happy, she can't live up to the goodwill of the girl.

Unfortunately, the passage quickly changed from straight up to horizontal, and the height also became about two meters, which made Zu Lifeng looking a little down and looking a little bit lost.

"I feel a dangerous breath," Hongye said suddenly alertly.

Zu Lifeng's loss has also been put away. He felt himself stepping into an extremely violent force field, which suddenly made his look serious. Although his force field was intentionally contracted, even if he let it go completely, he still couldn't compare with the opponent.

The third type also has strong and weak points. If it was not for Zu Lifeng entering the third type and hunting a lot of high-level aliens, he would definitely not be able to continue standing in such a force field. But now he can barely remain calm. When the force field is suppressed, its own strength cannot be exerted, which is equivalent to being unable to move freely.

But soon, the force field took the initiative to calm down. Zu Lifeng and Hongye glanced at each other, knowing that it was the other party who had discovered them, and that they had also given them food.

Zu Lifeng was silent for a moment, then smiled slightly: "Let's go. I don't know if this guest will be more generous and give us a little more tip."

"This isn't a restaurant." Hongye asked seriously and doubtfully.

"... It's terrible without a sense of humor." Zu Lifeng said silently. Well, there is still a gap between this girl and the real human.

The force field of the opponent is like opening the door, as long as Zu Lifeng and Hongye keep moving forward.

I don't know why, the deeper the **** smell that permeates the ground, the weaker it is, and there is even a faint scent.

At the same time, Zu Lifeng also felt a sense of being peeped, which made him somewhat vigilant. As the other party, as the land-based life that is about to impact the final type, still need to peep at him? If in doubt, you should go straight.

The blood clot contained in Zu Lifeng was still melting. He was sure that his current breath should be flawless, but whether it could work in the face of the final type, and he was not confident.

"Be careful," Zu Lifeng whispered to Hongye.

In fact, there is no need for Zu Lifeng to say that Hongye has already pinched the red-skinned frog in her hand. Whether she wears it or not, her strength is beyond doubt. This is why Zu Lifeng didn't get furious when she heard that she came to find herself without authorization. In fact, it seems that the development of things has exceeded his expectations. The arrival of Hongye gave him more confidence.

"Anyway, even if this guy can't be solved ..."

Zu Lifeng was thinking, a security door suddenly appeared in front of him.

An anti-theft door appeared in this place. It was like opening a bathroom door and seeing a group of people in a carnival party. There was a feeling that the door was opened incorrectly.

But Zu Lifeng just raised her eyebrows, and then went forward and knocked on the door: "Hello, takeaway."

Since the other party is good at this, then you can cooperate with it to do all the tricks.

Sure enough, after Zu Lifeng knocked on the door, the door "squeaked" and slowly opened a little gap, revealing a touch of light inside.

Zu Lifeng glanced at Hongye, and the latter immediately followed him, put on full alert, and Zu Lifeng slowly opened the door: "I'll bring you in."

Behind the door turned out to be an all-pink room. After Zu Lifeng glanced at it, he immediately pulled the door back again and pushed it open again.

Sure enough, this is a room with a huge Hello Kitty and countless dolls. And it's not the type that disassembles or removes the doll, it's the type that really puts on the clothes and puts on the shape.

This style of painting is totally wrong!

Sitting in front of the dresser, a figure in white pajamas, Zu Lifeng tentatively said, "That ..."

"I seem to hear someone bragging about my beauty?" The figure turned his hair and turned his head ~ ~ showing a wrinkled face.

"..." Zu Lifeng's mood at this time can only be described as messy, he wanted to rush up and smash this alien face directly on the mirror.

But before he spoke, another lazy voice sounded: "You heard it wrong, don't expect it blindly, it looks like a walnut smelly old woman, and the body looks like atrophy and deformation, you It ’s a rare classic from the inside to the outside. You ’re ugly from both a heterogeneous perspective and a human perspective. "

"Woo, don't say that ..." The crumpled "Walnut" was immediately hit.

Zu Lifeng shrank his pupils, his attention was completely attracted by the direction of the sound, and the huge shop with curtains attracted him.

He had a feeling that it was the Lord who had spoken his voice with a poisonous tongue before he appeared.

And through the curtain, Zu Lifeng already felt that the other party's eyes were staring at him with interest. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation.)