MTL - The Gate of Extinction-Chapter 368 spider

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After resting in place and recovering from his injuries, Zu Lifeng looked at Xu Jiangdao: "How far are we from the buildings that may inhabit different species?"

When they were attacked by the big tree just now, they deviated from the established direction, but after Xu Jiang climbed up to look at it, they found that they were closer to it. Net only just told Zu Lifeng the answer, Xu Jiang had a vaguely unpredictable feeling. He always felt that the sudden sneak attack of the big tree would be the mysterious alien deliberately guiding them, and also Use the big tree to complete a temptation on them.

Although it may seem like a crazy decision to sacrifice a very strange and strange species with strong strength, it is not unusual for a brain with a different level of human intelligence but a different way of thinking.

In fact, Xu Jiang's ideas are assumed to be known by Zu Lifeng, and will also lead to Zuli Feng's inevitable correction: "Xenogenes have no brain at all." biological.

As for Xia Donghai who was let go, Xu Jiang still had a hint of shadow in his heart, but when he thought that Zu Lifeng didn't care about the clown at all, he left it behind.

"There may not be a alien in that building, but we will meet the mysterious alien anyway." Zu Lifeng said, a look of firmness and anticipation was faintly seen on his face. Xu Jiang and others felt both crazy and confused.

Of course, Zu Lifeng will not explain this, but Zhang Hexuan's eyes are very excited, full of eagerness to try. However, he has not heard any effective information so far. The information received through a specific frequency is more of a boring discussion among different species, such as:

"There seems to be a strong wave of life and energy over the woods."

"Green is dead."

"Really? Then do we need to go?"

"Idiot, the other party can kill Green. Can we serve people in the past?"

It turned out that the big tree was called green. Zhang Hexuan thought. As for the powerful life energy fluctuations felt by the aliens, they naturally come from Zurich. The thought of him being able to frighten so many aliens in disguise in the battle, reducing a lot of trouble for them, Zhang Hexuan felt quite yearning. Now he only feels a bit late in encountering Zurich. But if it was earlier, I am afraid he would not have much contact with such a graduate student.

Knowing that the mysterious alien was bound to appear, Zu Lifeng remained calm and alert to action.

Next, they did not encounter many obstacles in the process of crossing the woods. Only some abnormal animals suddenly appeared. Attempting to sneak attack on the two local survivors of the weaker link, but in addition to scaring them out of the cold sweats, they did not gain anything in the case of the Zulifeng mental force field.

A few minutes later, a pavilion was built in the middle of the creek. The scenery around here is pretty good. Although the mutated plants made the original scenery distorted and gloomy, they can still see from the entangled bodies on the benches along the road that it was once popular with couples.

It's just not a wise choice to run into such a place to meet each other when the alien species has begun to invade the human world. However, before the space door was opened and the disaster broke out, there were always people who did not believe that a foreign species had really appeared. Zu Lifeng also has a little understanding of the mentality of these ordinary people. If he had not contacted in advance, I am afraid that he would not accept this fact of subversion and despair.

"I searched with Hongye and Youjia separately, and you and Zhang Hexuan followed me." Zu Lifeng stood on the stone road almost buried by weeds and observed for a while, arranged.

The building looks quiet, but this may be just a look.


While crossing rockeries and small bridges. Su Lifeng suddenly stopped and looked up at his feet.

A trampled little spider has turned into a pool of flesh, but the appearance of the color close to the ground after the mutation makes Zu Lifeng pay a little attention.

"What's wrong?" Youjia asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just a little spider." Zu Lifeng didn't see other clues from the spider, although his death was too casual. But there were no other fluctuations in his mental force field. This spider's mental fluctuations are too small to be captured by his mental force field, but he does have a slight sense of tension, but this seems to be normal.

This little episode didn't attract Zurich's attention.

But after Zu Lifeng and others left from here, a ripple suddenly appeared on the bridge, and then this ripple spread quickly, as if there was an extra layer of moving skin on the ground. Then a terrifying scene appeared on the bridge deck. Countless little spiders are densely packed with the entire bridge, as is the hill next to it. Grass farther, trees, pavilions. The same is true.

The whole scene was breathtaking, and it was made up of spiders. These dense figures seem to be watching the invasion of these humans.

The spiders on the bridge just seemed to automatically give Zuli Feng and others a place to drop their footprints. Only one small spider was accidentally stepped on and killed by Zuli Feng. However, the little spider was quickly overwhelmed by the moving companions. Soon, this small pool of flesh disappeared.

Zu Lifeng led Zhang Hexuan and others into a tea house when he saw the empty counter. He not only remembered with some nostalgia the teahouse he had contacted while he was in Ningnan. At that time, human society still maintained superficial order, and he was a bit like living in darkness.

I don't know what happened to those people I met, but as long as they don't move freely like themselves ~ ~ It should be safe to join the quarantine zone or safe city.

During this time, Zuli Feng occasionally went to military bases around the quarantine zone, and listened to radio stations broadcast from the imperial capital or the quarantine zone through the radio. There was even a specific channel used by Su Li to unilaterally with him. Exchanging messages.

The harvest plan of the aliens is like a cold cold wind raging everywhere, and people's heart is not as bad as when they evacuated, and the army and other forces in the quarantine zone are also under increased pressure. Maybe they will find ways to cooperate.

The only barrier is the abyss beast in the air. If we can find a solution, the military level that human beings currently have in their hands should be a lot easier. Unfortunately, that thing can't even get a nuclear bomb, and human beings have no good way at present.

Thinking of this, Zu Lifeng thought of his own sense of the abyss beast, and then thought of even better. The Xingzu now follow their own plans in addition to fear and prevention, or have some expectations. However, it is not that they have no thoughts about them. Now it seems that it is time to ask them.

As soon as this matter is over, and a new situation is about to open.
