MTL - The Gate Of Good Fortune-Chapter 1459 5 color road king

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Chaos Dao looked at Ning Cheng and Ye Mo, and swept Qin Jingtian again. What he wanted to say was that Qin Mutian stopped in front and said, "Chaos, I am willing to join you. Wait for the chaos." After the inner world, I only need to be qualified to enter."

Yi Yi San people also followed, "Chaotic Road Jun, I also joined hands with you..."

After saying this, it is not a taste in the hearts of the people. Qin Mutian chose to join forces with Chaos, because Qin Mutian is not a person in the Five Elements universe. His position in the past was no less than that of Chaos, and he was one of the five great saints. But now the strength is impaired, and it can only be said to follow the chaotic road.

What makes the Yishang people somewhat comforted is that after his voice fell, Xuan Huang Gu Yan did not hesitate to express the alliance with the chaotic Tao.

Seven or eight people, including the criminals and the powers, did not hesitate to choose to follow the chaos.

In a blink of an eye, Ning Cheng and Ye Mo were surrounded by the crowd.

Ning Cheng looks at the stars and stars, "Xingchen Daoyou, you have to join forces with them to deal with us?"

Starry rhyme sighed, "Ning brother, I quit, I don't help."

After that, the stars and the king stepped back a few steps, and instantly the Ningcheng’s sleepy squad. He appreciates Ning Cheng very much and is really unwilling to be an enemy of Ning Cheng.

At this time, there were seven or eight people in the trap, but these people did not choose to join forces with the Chaos Daojun. Naturally, they would not choose to help Ning Cheng and Ye Mo to deal with Chaos Daojun and others.

Ye Mo sighed. "I remembered that we were in the sky outside the sky, and it is almost the same as the situation here."

Chaos Dao did not immediately start, but said to Ning Cheng and Ye Mo, "The two can appear here, presumably the leader of the younger generation. The road is not easy, I am not bothering you, you go out."

Ning Cheng laughed, "it seems to be a big kill."

After laughing, Ning Cheng looked at the axe and said, "You can be regarded as a treasure of chaos. You choose to follow us to deal with this group of people. Or choose them to deal with us. I have to You made it clear that you have to look at what I mean when you want to improve. Otherwise, what state did you have and what state it will be in the future."

The axe will not be destroyed. I also heard the meaning of Ningcheng dialect. It is said that if you don’t help Ningcheng, the future will not be destroyed.

"Ha ha ha...." Chaos Dao suddenly laughed. "I am afraid that I have not seen the style of doing things too much. If the two think that there is a rush to arrange a trap, you can think about it. I am afraid that it is too naive."

Ning Cheng and Ye Mo once again looked at each other, this guy really called Taiyi.

There is no one to echo the words of Chaos Dao, and no one has explained it. Yi Yi San Ren and Xuan Huang Lian Yan are not allowed to chaotic Tao Jun first. Chaos Dao does not know the strength of Ye Mo and Ning Cheng, they know. If they are not here, Chaos Daojun alone will deal with Ye Mo and Ning Cheng, and they will definitely suffer.

Qin Mutian did not speak. He had seen the power of Ning Cheng, and the young man with a long purple knife around Ning Cheng did not seem to be a good match. The strength of Chaos Daojun should not be the same as him. If you let the Chaos Dao first start, it is best.

Ning Cheng and Ye Mo did not speak. If the chaotic Tao Jun really started, the chaotic Tao Jun could not come out of the big name.

This is not the strength of Ning Cheng and Ye Mo. The Chaos Tao Jun is now the head of everyone. How can the fight head be first?

"Ying brother..." After the Chaos Dao laughed, he did not directly touch it, but called a smashing man.

When Yi Yi heard the chaos, he called him, and he knew it was not good. Before he could find a countermeasure, Chaos Dao continued to say. "If I am not mistaken, your eyebrows should be the young man left behind?"

Chaos Daojun said one finger Ye Mo, "He left a knife mark in your eyebrows, it should be robbed of your things. I will help you to rush. You can kill this person and take back what belongs to you."

The singer of the singer is sinking in the heart, and he can't understand the words of the chaotic prince. The reason why his strength has fallen wildly is that he has a huge relationship with the Golden Pages world. Obviously, the old man of Chaos Daojun has guessed from his eyebrows that his gold page world is on Ye Mo.

Yi Yi San people took a step forward, since he and the Chaos Dao Jun is a camp. And now the reason why Chaos Dao wants him to do it is bright and straight, he has no excuses to refuse.

At this time, another person was flying in the air.

Yishen Sanren saw this figure, and suddenly he was overjoyed. He raised his hand and grabbed a leaf and looked at Ningcheng. "Ningcheng, when I will start, I hope you don't sneak on the side. I know you have five cracks. star……"

"Five-color cracked star is in your hands?" A very eager voice came, and the figure had already rushed to the front of the game, and the game was stopped behind.

Ning Cheng looked at the man in front of him, his body was slender and his body was solid. The whole person is like a sharp arrow, and the opponent will be torn through at any time.

The most attractive thing about Ning Cheng is that this person has only one eye, and this eye stands in the middle of the forehead.

"Who are you?" Ning Cheng did not answer the other party's question, but asked a question.

"This is a five-color, I am asking you." After the one-eyed man answered Ning Cheng's words, his tone became severe.

"This person's strength is very strong." Ye Mosheng said to Ning Cheng.

Ning Cheng nodded, also know that this person is very strong, from this person around the rhyme, this guy is even stronger than the stars.

"Five-color road Jun, long time no see." Chaos Road Jun full face smile, hug a greeting. Don't look at him as he looks down on Ning Cheng and Ye Mo. In fact, he knows very well that Ning Cheng and Ye Mo are very strong. It is also because he knows that the two are very strong, and he wants to try to test Ye Mo’s means first. Now the more the opposite of Ning Cheng and Ye Mo, the better.

The man hurriedly replied to the chaotic Tao. "Too one brother, I am in a hurry, and I am slow."

"No hurry, no hurry. Daoyou solve your problem first, then we will revisit the old. If my chaotic clock is taken away, I will be like you." Chaos Dao smiled and waved his hand. It is really not anxious. After saying this, I added a fire to the back.

The five-color road is a hand, and a multicolored light appears in his palm. "You are Ningcheng? I will ask you again, is the five-color cracked star on you?"

"Five-color gods?" Ning Cheng looked at the colorful light of the five-color road, and took a breath of air, and looked at Ye Mo with a hint of jealousy.

If there are only five colors of color, there are five colors of light, they are not afraid, and now is the five-color road is just one of many besieging them.

Ning Cheng stepped on the foot and made a real shotgun in his hands. Ye Mo on one side, but also a dignified face, a hand, purple is also in front of the body. He didn't want to deal with the five-color road with Ning Cheng, but once he got it, I'm afraid it wasn't a five-color road. One came to That was definitely a melee.

"Oh, the five-color **** light and the five-color cracked star are the housekeeping treasures of the five-color Daojun. You dare to even dare to grab the magic weapon of the five-color Taoist friends." Yi Yi San Ren said with a sneer.

Is it really a five-color god? Fortunately, there is Donghuangzhong in front, and the five-color **** light does not seem to be anything unacceptable. The five-color **** of Huaxia legend is the magic weapon of Kong Xuan. The five-color Tao in front of him is obviously not Kong Xuan.

"Yes, it is the five-color **** light. If you are willing to come up with a five-color cracked star, I will quit immediately and will not be an enemy of you." Wu Sidao said without hesitation.

"Where are your five-colored gods and five-color cracked stars?" Ning Cheng did not say whether he took out the five-color cracked star, but asked one.

The five-color road whispered, "This is not for you, you only know that these two things are my treasures."

Ning Yucheng laughed, "If I am the original owner of the five-color crack star, now I want to get it back?"

The five-color road suddenly frowned. "This is impossible. He is so devastated that he can reincarnate?"

"Haha..." Ning Cheng laughed. "Let me see what you have."

From the mouth of the five-color Tao, Ning Cheng knows that the five-color cracked star is also grabbed by the five-color king, and there is nothing to say about this kind of person.

The five-color road is no longer nonsense, the colorful light is rolled up, and the overwhelming brush is directed to Ningcheng.




[To be continued]. 】