MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 102 Momentary

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On the day when the sea community was burned to the underworld, the **** was so hot. When the huge cruise ship appeared on the sea, the undead people floating on the shore boiled. They waited for a few days to move into a new home, and now they finally see what the new parents look like. How can this be a "handsome" word? !

The undead who can move into You Randu are naturally registered, and they are settled down, and these are temporarily unwilling to be over-extended. There is still a part that wants to "leave" completely without registration. They gather at the place where the Sarna orcs have been locked, and wait for the time to continue to overtake them. I will use "also" because the orcs who were originally here are being used to continue to use the curse. There are no orcs in the Chinese star now.

Continued and Le Yao are different from the past. In the past, two people could not do things together, and now one can do it. They don't even have to do anything, as long as three or two spells can make thousands of dead souls leave the world.

No orcs will need to be guarded in the future. Later, the more things the undead army did were to maintain the order of the underworld. It can also be said that they will become the first ghosts after the reconstruction of the underworld, and Shen Weilin is the one who leads the ghosts.

As for Ji Fengyu, Bei Hongli, Song He and Wang Feixia, etc., it is natural to focus on the development of the business in the underworld. Supermarkets, hotels, tea houses, cloakrooms, shoe stores, etc., all open up, let the **** become diversified again, and let more undead have jobs to do, instead of doing nothing at all. There was no thing to sell before, and there was no place to buy it. It is different now. Someone is responsible for providing a variety of goods for the underworld. What the hell's friends have to do is to provide a lot of antiques and to comply with the new law of the underworld.

"Today, I’m trying to design a light brain model with Yan Jie. The details are also there. I hope I can use it in the past.” Le Yao said to Xu Wei, “There are too many registrations, manual registration. People, the ghosts have to die again."

"If the details are printed, the problem should be small. And when it comes to this, I still have something to hear from you." Continued to pat the pillow of Le Yao, "Come, don't look at them, see also Can't you see me?" Mr. Shouchang’s speech was actually sorrowful and sad.

"Where are you cute?" Le Yao said that he said, he still got into the bed and put his legs on his legs. "Talk about it, what?"

"I have to go back to Tarot Star after the relocation of the station. I want to try to move the Fuling Tree here."

"Put the Fuling Tree ‘!!” Le Yao surprised the pronunciation of the word “Shifting”. “You mean the Fuling Tree in the Tarot Star Fortune?!”

This is what the devil is like!

"Just think about it, it may not be possible." continued, "I was listening to the "cutting" technique when I went to the cold shed today. I suddenly thought of this. Let's try a trick and use the reiki. Let’s take a look back. If you can use it here, then it’s not too convenient to purify the soul and reincarnate it.”

It is very convenient. If you succeed, you will not be able to enter the reincarnation on your own. ? ?

But I really want to get it...

Le Yao thinks that he usually has a big brain, and now he finds that the continuous brain hole is bigger than him. His mind is filled with the development of the underworld, and this person's mind may be filled with the entire universe.

“What if I broke the local Fuling Tree?” Le Yao was a little worried.

"Every big and small city on the Tarot Star has Fuling trees, and those newly born undeads can't just choose the local Futayuan to 'wash the spirits', so let's find a place where there is no one to test it. No problem." Fuling Tree does not look like a tree. If you really want to move it, you can try it.

"When are we going?"

“After moving to the south, find a place suitable for planting Fuling trees. It’s a place with a good aura.” continued, “When we go to the Tarot Star with the children.”

Le Yao thinks, but it works. His children haven't been to Tarot Star yet, and they will take them around. Although it is so small, it is estimated that you can't remember anything, but there is no harm in seeing it.

At the thought of the child, Le Yao was a little uncontrollable. It didn't take long for the incubator to go to the second bedroom, and he wanted to go down. The more recent the three little guys are the more cute, the white and tender, just like the little meat. Gently touch it, slippery, and smile at him. What he likes most now is to change the diaper for the children, because after changing him, a few little guys will hold his fingers. The little claws are small, and they don’t have much strength. But just holding his finger so gently, he felt the whole person's heart was a mess!

I didn't think it was when I used nutrients. Now the children have changed to drink milk. They always have a faint milk fragrance, which is especially good, sweet and silky.

Le Yao just moved, continued to stretch out and grab a hand: "Well, what time is it going to see? There are parents and Leslie, you feel at ease."

Le Yao said: "I just want to see. You don't think that the bigger they are, the more cute they are, the less they look."

Continued to lock people in their arms: "Mrs, look at me, I am not cute? You are so so I am sour."

Le Yao: "..." You eat your child's vinegar and you eat it. You use the abdominal muscles to lick me how it is going!

In the end, Le Yao had no resistance to someone's strong muscles. This time, I didn't go to work, and I changed my way to someone for a long time.

In the blink of an eye, it completely cooled down. The temperature dropped significantly in the morning and evening, and it is no longer necessary to wear a sunscreen. The people of the Flying Wolf Division began to prepare for the migration. Because in the near future, the temperature here will drop rapidly and it will no longer be suitable for human habitation.

The other station is in a southerly position, where the temperature is too high except for the winter, and there is no way to stay, so it will only be there when it is winter and near winter.

Command centers, canteens, hospitals, living areas, and supermarkets, all of which have to be removed. Le Yao is seeing what is really a big move.

The canteen is a large warship. The hospital is a spaceship. The mobile home in the living area can be collected and placed in the battleship. The command center is a small warship.

They all said that they can go and say that they can move, except for the huge momentum, there is nothing wrong with it.

On the day of the relocation, Le Yao specially watched the communicator, and the outdoor temperature displayed at that time was 21 degrees. This can be said to be a very suitable temperature for human survival, but it is said that in less than ten days, the temperature here will drop below zero and reach minus twenty degrees within a week. When it is coldest, it can reach minus 90 degrees. It is no longer a joke to bring a stick to the outside.

The current temperature of Huaxiaxing is at two extremes, which is directly related to the change of the angle of the Earth's rotation axis, and cannot be artificially reversed.

"Now move over, wait until next year to warm up and come back again." continued, "When the flowers are here, the flowers are open."

“Are you going back in a few months?” Le Yao asked.

"March. It is more suitable in March. Last year, we got back a little earlier. It didn't take long before we got off the big blizzard. It was quite troublesome to clear up." Continued to see Le Yao, some don't want to go. Look, smile asked: "What's wrong? Don't want to go?"

"It’s not that it is. It’s a bit curious what you would say when it’s minus ninety degrees.”

"I don't know when I look at it?" continued. "It's not far away. There is no problem in going back and forth that day. Just come and see the Fengyu brother and the brothers."

Le Xilai Hotel will not move past, and restaurants, inns and ghost crossings will not move. They will still be open here, because the undead are not afraid of cold, and there is no problem of freezing.

Le Yao thinks about the speed of the aircraft here, and he is relieved. Don't say that one day back and forth, sitting on the squatting aircraft, you can have two round trips a day.

Le Yao pulled the sleeves of the slings and lowered his voice: "The head, can you use the teleportation?"

The spiritual power of Prince Dudu returned to his body, and he felt that his body became very light at once, as if he had energy. But those skills that have been particularly sick have not been used.

Continued to smile, then asked: "What?"

The golden light flashed over the whole body, and the next second, the place where the original station was continued, there was no shadow!

"I rub!" Le Yao stayed.

A few children were all squatting out. This suddenly saw that Dad was gone, and he didn't know who was the first to start. "Oh wow!" The sound is not much loud, but the three crying together is very exciting.

Lesley opened the incubator, and Le Yao began to squat in a hurry, but none of them succeeded! He shouted: "Continue!"

After the next second, it appeared again in the same place, and the children suddenly glimpsed and stopped brushing.

Le Yao: "..."

After less than two minutes before and after leaving, I saw the children tears in the eyelashes and asked: "How did they cry?"

Le Yao said: "Lesley, let the generals see what happened."

Lesley is recording the children's growth process 24 hours a day, and the words directly tell the story of what has just happened. I saw the video on the wall, and as soon as he left, the children suddenly burst into tears! When he came, they stopped again. It seems that the children have already known him.

Continued and couldn't help but feel funny, and took two steps to the left, when the children's eyes followed him. Continued and back, the children’s eyes followed him back. The three little fat guys licked their legs together, and the **** eyes looked at the sequel.

Continued to bend, a soft little face gently stroked, smiled and asked: "Are you looking for Dad?"

The boss used a bare gums to lick a small fist like a dumpling, "Wow?", and the next second stretched out with a small arm.

Continued to take off the jacket, while saying "Lesley, raise the external temperature", and hold the old heart. Then a small group, he can put down with one arm. He swayed and teased the little guy in his arms: "Navigation, call Dad."

Le Yao’s face was sour and lemony: “It’s still so small, where is it?”

Unexpectedly, the boss cried crisply and forcefully: "Ba!"

The voice was short and clear, and Meng Yao was called in an instant. The squats squatted and subconsciously returned: "Ah?"