MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 67 His past

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Le Yao is caught in some strange guess.

On the one hand, he told himself that the sequel is now in the sun, not in the underworld, and that the suffocating yang is so strong that it cannot be in the underworld. Continued 尧 should be a talented human. On the other hand, he told himself that he would not invade, and that he would have no external force to quickly resolve any grievances. You can also draw your own characters without using any divine power. Just a piece of paper, a brush, some cinnabar liquid, it is probably not an individual.

Then, unconsciously, the time for Le Yao to observe the continuation became more. Sometimes I eat rice, sometimes I watch TV, and sometimes I open a meeting. He looked at it and looked at it and he would go away.

Will it be the reincarnation of the gods? Should not be...

But if not, how do you explain that there are so many different abilities as ordinary people?

Now there is no order in the underworld, and the prince is gone, and the ghosts are gone, where are they going?

Le Yao had asked Ji Fengyu before, and after not getting the exact answer, he stopped thinking about it for a while, but now he began to think again.

For most people who have never seen the underworld, the king does not exist at all, but he knows that these are indeed there. Otherwise, what power does he borrow, what do you want? Now that the characters he draws can be used, it means that the gods are still there.

Where did the prince go?

Reincarnation? Disappeared? still is……

Le Yao still remembers that he had asked his master when he was a child. Is the prince a god? At that time, he was still young, and he knew that there was a ghost in the underworld. Then his brother told him that the prince is the biggest official in the government, and he feels that the prince is the ghost king. Later he was older, and his master corrected him and told him that the prince was a god. The prince of the prince is the tenth younger brother of the Jade Emperor. They are one pipekeeper and one pipe. Although the prince is always in the land, he is indeed a god.

It’s a god, why didn’t you disappear? If Uncle Ming is telling the truth, will it be true that the gods will come to the land and then reincarnate to the mortal world?

"Le Yao Yao, tell me, do you not want to return to the stars?" Continued to see the first time before the departure, Le Yao was in a daze, and could not help but say, "Is it afraid to see the emperor and the emperor?" ?"

"No. I didn't do anything wrong, why are you afraid to see them?" Le Yao slammed back to God. "Husband, I ask you, in addition to being able to draw your own characters, there are no particularly powerful skills. The kind that others don't have."

"Yes." Continued and didn't want to laugh and said, "I will specialize in triplets."

"Go to you!" Le Yao took an elbow and continued to squat. "I am serious."

"Well, what do you want to say?" continued, "How come from the beginning of my return to the stars, you are always a bit... wrong, it should be from the beginning of my painting, you will always go away. What are you worried about?"

"I... I am worried that you are not a person." Le Yao said.

"What do you say?" Continued to think that he was auditory.

"I said that I am worried that you are not a person." Le Yao said, "You are too powerful. I have never seen a mortal person like you." Le Yao grabbed his head and said that he was embarrassed.

"I'm not good at it?" Continued slowly using his thumb to ruble Le Yao's palm. "I am better able to protect you and the children better. I can make more contributions to this galaxy. So what are you worried about?" of?"

I am worried that if it is true, will it be like the one on TV, after your consciousness is awakened, we have to be separated.

Le Yao did not say this. He simply wondered if he was guilty of paranoia. Maybe it is because it becomes sensitive after pregnancy? I can't help but think of something weird.

I have seen the information on prenatal and postnatal care, so he now knows that during pregnancy, people are likely to have anxiety, anxiety, upset, and other emotions. At this time, understanding and tolerance, as well as appeasement, are the most important. So he didn't say anything, he held Le Yao, and assured Le Yao over and over again that no matter what he would become in the future, they would be fine. Le Yao just let go of his heart and slept.

Then Le Yao made a very strange dream. In the dream, he and the continuation of a long, wide river. The river of the river is black and lacquered. Anything that falls into it will be instantly submerged, and even the moon in the sky will disappear. He wants to see him, but he has no way to cross the river. The terrible thing is that no matter how he calls it, the continuation is just standing opposite him and watching him silent.

Le Yao was anxious to cry, but continued to wait for him, still left. Later, a young man, a man and a woman, came together. They also stood on the other side of the river. Le Yao didn't know them, but he was afraid of being alone, and he kept waving and shouting at the two men. But these two people are also gone.

After the two left, a group of primary school students came. They ran fast across the river, not knowing what they were rushing, laughing and joking.

But this time, Le Yao did not call. He was kneeling on the shore and watching them across the river. Until the sky rang a huge thunder, the raindrops of the beans slammed to the ground.

The children shouted and spread out. Le Yao slowly erased the rain hitting his face and whispered: "Continue..."

Continued to take a bath in the bathroom, I felt a strange worry, came out in advance, and I saw that Le Yao cried like a cat with her eyes closed, and her hand was still clutching in front. He couldn't take care of his hair and wiped it off. He quickly took the bed and held it in his arms and patted his face: "Baby, wake up, what's wrong?"

Le Yao only opened his eyes for a long time, and spent some effort on the focal length. Then he probably didn't tell whether it was a dream or a reality. At first glance, after sequeling, he slammed the sequel.

Continued to squat for a moment, slowly caressing Yao Yao back: "What's wrong? Have a nightmare?"

Le Yao snorted in the sequel and then turned his head and looked around.

It’s still dark, it’s just two o'clock in the morning.

It’s raining outside, no wonder...

"Why don't you talk?" Continued to habitually hook the Le Yao chin. It’s not bright yet, the little wife didn’t sleep well, her eyes were still swollen and it looked pitiful.

"Don't have a nightmare." Le Yao said, "I can easily make nightmares when I hear the rain. Nothing. Let's go now?" Before continuing, it is safe to see the specific departure time, but will Depart in the dark.

"Yeah. You brought Ji Fengyu to them, and then we went to the spaceship." Continued said, "Keep it, if you are sleepy, then go to the spaceship and continue to sleep."

"Good." Le Yao went to the bathroom and rushed to a cold, and then they took Ji Fengyu.

The things to go out have already been prepared in advance, and the continuation of the confession has been completed. This trip, Ming Shu and Yan Jie, as well as Dr. Zhao, the guards will follow, Tang Yu and Shen Weilin left to see the home, by the way to dig treasure.

In order to make Ji Fengyu not feel bumpy, Le Yao did not put them in the bag. He tried to hold them in his arms, but he just made a movement to close his arms and was stopped by the continued.

Continued said: "No hug."

Le Yao: "How do I bring them up?"

Continued to go to the kitchen for a while, find a tray and grab the dolls one by one on the tray.

Le Yao: "...just hold it, it won't affect the children."

Continued to raise eyebrows: "Who said that I am worried about children?" Le Yao always pays attention to the safety of children, so he does not say that Le Yao himself knows that he should pay attention to the attention. "I just don't want you to hold them. So heavy, what if you get tired?"

Rong Gui, Bai Baili, Ji Fengyu: "..." We don't add up to 500 grams together. Thank you!

This special madness possessive! Just say that you can't accept Le Yao to hold someone other than you, you have to find an excuse to find an excuse!

Continued as if I didn't see the little brows that the dolls faintly wrinkled, the faces were not red-hearted and they were brought to the aircraft, and the trays were placed on the coffee table.

Le Yao opened his mouth and finally did not say anything. He slammed and quickly followed, and his heart was sweet. But not long after the sweetness, he began to sleep again, and took a nap, and then he took him to the room in the spaceship.

Le Yao re-entered sleep. Continued to think about it, this is because Le Yao wants to have a nightmare to stay with him, but thinking about Le Yao said that the rain is easy to do nightmares, he decided to go to Ji Fengyu to chat. After all, Ji Fengyu should be the person who knows the most about Le Yao's past. Perhaps Ji Fengyu can know something.

Continued to take the tray to the living room, gave Bai Baili's daughter an animated look, and gave them a scent, and then talked to Ji Fengyu about Le Yao's previous events.

“Le Yao doesn’t like rain very much.” continued, “What is the reason for Feng Yu’s brother?”

"Why don't you ask him?" Ji Fengyu said.

"Since it is not like, it is definitely not a good reason. Is it not to make him sad?"

"...when I was a child, I was thrown away." Ji Fengyu didn't hide and groaned, and smelled the incense. He said, "He had problems with his legs and feet. It may be because of this reason that his parents lost him. It should be just raining. When he was very young, he knew that he was lost in the rain, so he never liked the rain."

"What about his growth process? Is it smooth? Is there anything that is more evasive?"

"I said that you have raised his stomach to ask these questions. Is it late?" Ji Fengyu laughed, his doll's expression became strange. "In fact, when I met him, I was already dead." So there is not much understanding of him. Especially in his childhood, I have not participated, how can I know. But his adoptive parents are very good to him. He is also very kind. He was After my biological father died with a knife, he was deeply resentful and could not enter the reincarnation. It was Le Yao who always gave me chanting and wanted to overtake me. He was a little angel and he was especially talented in metaphysics. His master always said that he It is a wizard who has never met in a hundred years."

"So what wishes did he have before?"

"Wish?" Ji Fengyu thought about it carefully. "Yes. He always said that he hopes there is no resentment in the underworld. It is a bit naive, but he has said it several times."


"How?" Ji Fengyu waited for a long time and did not hear the renewed call.

"Nothing." Just think that this seems to have been heard.