MTL - The Girl in the Iron Cage: Lazy Little Beast Fei-v2 Chapter 2193 I don't need you to teach ...

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Hua Qianye sat back on the big rock with his buttocks, and his eyes slanted, "I only want to ... just want to drink, I don't want to talk. You don't have to drink with this seat, go! Go! Go!"

Waving to catch people.

His handsome face was reddish, full of alcohol, and his long, narrow eyes were blurred, apparently drinking too much.

He Cangheng originally had some precautions in his mind. When he saw this suspicion, he lost half of it. He laughed and said, "The Lord of Flowers came to my heavenly court to be a noble guest. How about a different place? "

Hua Qianye looked at him obliquely: "Do you want to accompany me to drink? How do you drink? This person is not happy with unhappy people!"

He Cangheng smiled: "Although the amount of alcohol under the wine is not very good, he is willing to sacrifice his life with the gentleman and make a few confession with him."

Hua Qianye slammed the jar of wine in his hand: "Okay! Pleasant! Man like that! I like to drink with happy people! Where are we going?"

He shook his head and thought for a moment: "How about drunk Xianju? The wine there is good."

He Cangheng shook his head: "It's dark at this moment, and Zuixianju should be snoring. There is a good place down there. If the Lord of Flowers is not disgusting, follow him."


The three large plaques of 'Chaohua Palace' glitter in the night, and the atmosphere is brilliant.

Sapphire is the wall and white jade is the tile.

Hua Qianye and He Cangheng landed in front of the palace door, watching the three characters a little dizzy: "Here is it?"

"Princess Chaohua's palace." He Cangheng stepped forward and knocked on the knocker.

Hua Qianye was not completely drunk yet, and he twisted his eyebrows after hearing the words: "Isn't it a good place to drink? How come here?"

He Cangheng smiled: "Forgotten the Lord of Flowers? The little girl is very good at brewing, and there is a peerless wine in her house."

"That being said, we will go to the princess's house in the middle of the night ... we'll go elsewhere. I'm afraid it will hurt the princess's reputation." Hua Qianye shook his head and wanted to leave.

"Why is the Huasheng Lord sticky? You and Chaohua were originally friends, and you are also the father of Chaohua. Who can accompany you to say something else?"

"So that's okay?"

"Unhindered, the Lord of Flowers is originally a free and easy man, so why care about some common etiquette?"

"Well then, let's sip a drink at Chaohua next time." Hua Qianye finally agreed.

There was a smile in He Cangheng's eyes, and he thought of this good luck every time he came to--


The jade plate is precious, and the water and land are abundant.

Wine is naturally the best wine and dish, and it is also a variety of delicious dishes made by the royal chef in the heaven.

The Chaohua Fairy is different from the past. She is already a princess, so despite the sudden arrival of the two thousand nights, she can still order a good table with an order.

The Chaohua Fairy was chopped by Emperor Yu a few days ago, and the outer focus was tender, with no hair, and the whole person was like a burnt roll.

Fortunately, she is an immortal, and there are many elixir in heaven. After recovering a part of her kung fu, she changed her appearance with her mana, and changed back to her original appearance of elegance and elegance.

Of course, this is just the appearance of change, not her actual appearance. The change can only last three or four hours at a time.

She had just returned to her original appearance and fell asleep. She hurried to hear the news of the arrival of Hua Qianye and her father. Naturally, she transformed herself into a beautiful one and carefully dressed her up.