MTL - The Global Reshuffle of Space-Chapter 351 The Disliked Head of the Base

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  He was afraid that Xiao Yueling's good intentions would cause his family to have no seedlings to plant, so how could it work.

   "If we can allocate a part of it, my family's land only has ten acres suitable for growing rice.

   Others plan to plant two acres of cotton, corn, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. "

  The cassava grown in the field was sold to the 855 regiment according to the original agreement, in exchange for 20,000 points.

  Because of long-term planting, the fertility of the soil is not as good as before, and the fertilizer accumulated inside and outside is only enough for one season of planting.

  The land in the space is planted for one season, and it will grow well even without fertilizers, so Xiao Yueling came up with this idea.

  One year’s harvest is enough for a family to eat for several years. In addition to the cultivation of food, there will be a variety of peppers, ginger, garlic, cabbage, potatoes, soybeans, and mung beans that are easy to preserve.

  The green leafy vegetables that are often eaten at home are enough for consumption.

   There are workers and robots working in the shed, and the two old men can help. Xiao Yueling doesn't have to worry too much.

  Xiao Yueling glanced at the person who lowered her head to talk to her, and thought of some of the livestock she had wiped out, feeling aggrieved.

   "If it weren't for fear that you, the base chief, would engage in egalitarianism, my pigs, chickens and rabbits are fine.

   Now it’s all right, nothing left! "

   "I'm that bad?

  I don’t even know. Find out in advance. If you want to raise it, I will try my best to get it for you. "

  Li Kun was a little angry, because he couldn't be regarded as a bandit.

  He is the head of the base, and he will rob the private property of the residents. Can he still sit firmly as the head of the base?

   Now he knows where the Xiao family got the meat, and he probably raised it himself.

  Delicious is delicious, but it takes too much effort. Li Kun doesn't want Xiao's family to raise livestock, and there are only a few people in the family.

  The old ones are old, the young ones are small, and there are too few people.

  Before he came, the family might point out that this girl was working alone, don't ask him how he knew.

  The cocoon in that hand cannot be hidden from anyone.

  When the cold season comes, the roads are blocked by ice and snow, making it impossible to go out.

  The meat mountain in Xiao’s yard didn’t consume much in the cold season, enough to eat for another year.

  Xiao Yueling looked at Li Kun seriously, speaking seriously.

   "You are indeed very bad, with black face, black hands, and black heart, and every part of your body is black.

  What have you done, have you forgotten? "

  Li Kun did not expect that she could still remember the past, and her expression was a little unnatural.

   "I'm a strict teacher who produces high-quality apprentices. Aren't you a typical example?"

  【It's over, this girl doesn't have a good impression of him at all, things still have to grind! 】

  Xiao Yueling glanced at him with contempt. His face was thicker than the walls of the Lida Base, and he really wanted to pooh his face.

   "Captain, where's your face?"

  Xiao Yueling did not forget that kick during the military training, and he will never forget it for the rest of his life.

   Don't want her to forgive in this life.

  She was only twelve years old at the time, and this black-hearted man kicked her, almost killing her.

   Everyone has to bear grudges!

  Although all the students were kicked, Xiao Yueling just couldn't swallow it.

   Now, in the same base, there will always be opportunities to return.

  Xiao Yueling took the dinner plate and left. The seven people at the table all looked at Li Kun with clear faces.

   "Captain, did you use the trick you used to deal with us to deal with Miss Xiao?" Meng Luo said with a headache.

  The other six people nodded, other than that, they couldn't think of what would happen.

  Because Xiao Yueling's evaluation of the captain was too accurate.

   Isn’t he the one with black face, black hands, and black heart!

   "Isn't that before?

   A group of student soldiers, if they are not strong, how can they manage it!

  I am not their parent, how can I coax them! "

  Li Kun felt a little regretful in his heart, if he had known this, he would not have bullied that girl.

  At that time, I didn't want to suppress her, but in the end I had to suffer the consequences!

   "I've already eaten, so get out of here if you have nothing to do!"

  The seven people who were rejected all burst into laughter as soon as they left the cafeteria.

   It's really a turn of events!

  Their captains who never give up are sometimes looked down upon by others.

  After the belated spring sowing was completed, the special operations team left the old members to look after the house, and the others, led by Guan Ming, prepared to go to the mountain for training.

  The destination this time is the lake in the deep mountains.

   "The training in the mountains will last for three months.

  Each person is only allowed to bring three days of dry food, a dagger, a pot of water, a small packet of commonly used medicines, and a change of clothes.

  Depart at five o'clock tomorrow, disband! "

  Guan Ming took a special look at Xiao Yueling, wondering if she could stand this kind of training.

   It was the first time for Xiao Yueling to practice such a long time. Compared with the previous ones, they were all pediatrics.

   Regarding this, she didn't think there was anything to be afraid of.

   Rules are dead, but people are alive!

   No one knows her secret.

  Xiao Yueling returned home early, and when the weather got warmer, she didn't drive in and out of the bead anymore, but stayed at home.

  The two old men in the family also learned to use small beads under her special guidance.

  For this training, she has nothing to prepare, and the space has all the supplies and food.

   Besides, the equipment for training in the mountains is uniformly distributed by the team.

  The house is also well organized, so Xiao Yueling doesn't need to worry about it at all.

  The work in the greenhouse does not give the workers a holiday after planting the crops.

  There are not many things to do now, as long as they come to finish their work for the day, they can arrange freely.

  The wild vegetables in the wild grow much faster than the crops. When the spring sowing is completed, blue green can be seen everywhere.

  The people who dig wild vegetables outside the base are like locusts crossing the border. As long as they are edible wild vegetables, they are all picked.

  No matter how fast it grows, it can't run past the human mouth.

   Many people haven’t seen any green vegetable leaves all winter, so why not pick them vigorously!

   Wild vegetables that are so tender that they can be pinched out of water, put them in a large basket and copy them, less than a plate.

   Wild vegetables that were once so noble that many people were reluctant to eat them have now become popular dishes. This is a bit of a big change.

  The people who picked wild vegetables in the field saw another group of defectors coming on the road.

  From the bottom of their hearts, they don't want anyone to come to the Nanshan base.

  Because the more people come, the more resources will be distributed, which is closely related to their interests.

   "Hey, where are you from?" A middle-aged woman who was digging wild vegetables asked rudely first.

  Others also got up and slowly moved closer to the side of the road. The people who came here looked better than them.

  The clothes on his body are relatively tidy, and he is pulling two carts of luggage. At first glance, he doesn't look like someone who can't afford to eat.

  More and more people moved closer to the side of the road, slowly forming an encircling circle.

   "May I ask you, where are you from?" Fengmei, who is in her forties, said.

  She was with the middle-aged woman who spoke just now, and she also wanted to know where these people came from.

   It would be even better if we could get something from them.

  This is also the thought of many people present. Fighting and robbery are not allowed in the base, but they did not say that it is not allowed outside.