MTL - The Golden Elixir is a Star. Do You Call This Cultivating Immortality?-Chapter 17 Web chat

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Chapter 17 Online Chat

On the carriage, Jinli couldn't wait to flip through the book.

The night was getting deeper and deeper. After returning to the palace, she was still browsing, looking for the information Qi Yuan needed.

"Your Majesty, it's already midnight and it's time to go to bed. If the dragon's body is not in good condition, I can't bear it." The maid in a goose-yellow palace skirt reminded.

Jinli didn’t even raise his head: “Yeah.”

There is a lot of information about the prohibition on clothing and hats in Duke Yu's house. Jinli is looking for the answer to Qi Yuan's question. At the same time, he is also collecting other information on the prohibition on clothing and hats so that he can share it with him and help him.

"Finally found it." Jin Li's eyes lit up, "All the clothes demons are one, and they communicate with each other, but at night, this connection will be greatly weakened!"

 After getting this information, she quickly took out Linglong Yuxi and told Qi Yuan.

 At the same time, she also told Qi Yuan the information she had compiled about the prohibition on clothing and dress.

 After posting this, she was a little excited, but when she saw the record in the book, she looked doubtful.

“Ancient books record that today’s clothing restrictions include only wedding clothes.

Strange, what is the explanation for the bellyband monster that Qi Yuan mentioned?

  Could it be said that other strange clothes were born in the forbidden clothes? "

Jinli was puzzled.

However, when the guards she sent earlier return, we can find out what the reason is.

 I wonder if the guards can see Qi Yuan.

 What does Qi Yuan look like...?

 Jinli was a little curious.

 Putting down the book, strong fatigue came over her. She was tired, and her long thighs and exquisite feet were also a little sore.

 The aftereffects of kneeling for three hours have not completely dissipated.


 The sun shone lazily on Qi Yuan's body.

 Having just crawled out of the pit, the smell of earth still lingered on his body.

 He raised his head and glanced at the sun: "It's really round, just like the golden elixir."

 He opened the chat interface as usual.

 In the chat area, there are many messages from Jin Lifa.

 He checked them one by one.

“Sure enough, three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang.

 Asked Jin Li for help, and it really worked. "

 He got useful information from Jinli.

“It turns out that there is indeed a connection between the clothes monsters, but at night, their connection is greatly weakened. This is my chance.”

“However, it’s broad daylight now, so it’s not easy to test. We have to wait until night.”

 Qi Yuan continued to look at the information below.

Jinli not only provided what he needed to ask, but also marked some dangerous areas, explained the distribution of strong men in clothes and so on.

"She is so... virtuous, no, she should be attentive and considerate." Qi Yuan thought, realized something, and immediately changed his mind.

 After all, in the last life, the word virtuous became a "derogatory word" to some extent.

 “It’s so boring to have to wait until dark before you can farm monsters.”

Qi Yuan was bored and sent a bunch of messages to Jin Li.

Although Jinli may not be online and cannot reply first, it does not affect anything.

 He said, minding his own business.

“The scenery here is indeed beautiful, but the monsters in clothes are a bit scary, much scarier than the ghost movies on TV.

If I weren't level 82, I might really be scared.

 It’s a pity that you can’t take pictures. Otherwise, I can show you the scene here, maybe it will scare you. "

Qi Yuan was sending the message when he suddenly thought: "Hey, what do you look like?"

If you can take a photo, you might even be able to see what the female netizen looks like.

It’s a pity that this game cannot post pictures or videos.

Originally, Qi Yuan thought that Jin Li would reply to his message later, but unexpectedly, Jin Li's message was sent right after sending it.     “I... look pretty good.”

 On the other side, Jin Li's mood was not calm, and it was even more volatile than when he had just met the powerful Prime Minister Sima Ting.

“I’m okay, how about we meet in person sometime?” Qi Yuan had a good impression of Jin Li.

 When he was seriously ill, he lived alone, and the only person he chatted with was Jinli.

 Jinli's personality and temperament were quite compatible with Qi Yuan's. To put it simply, the two of them could chat easily, and he didn't see anything he disliked in Jinli.

Jinli sat on the rosewood chair, with a faint fragrance emerging. She looked at the words in Linglong Yuxi for a long time, and then solemnly said: "Okay!"

Seeing this, Qi Yuan also smiled: "By the way, is the map you went to different from mine?

 The map I have open now only has four bans and two absolutes.

 I can only stay here now and cannot leave. "


 Four prohibitions and two absolutes?

Isn’t it a must?

“By the way, you’re not killing monsters, but following the game’s plot, right?

 What is your identity here, and what difficulties are you encountering?

 Tell me about it, maybe it can help you as a reference. "Qi Yuan asked kindly again without waiting for Jin Li to answer.

 The Jinli in the palace looked a little dizzy.

She knew that Qi Yuan spoke strangely and garrulously.

 The difficulty he raised? identity?

 Are you asking her about her real identity?

 Originally, she met Qi Yuan unexpectedly, but she did not fully disclose her identity.

 She is, after all, the head of the Nangan Kingdom and has a special status, which she had hidden from Qi Yuan before.


"I am...the queen of Nangan Kingdom." Jinli no longer hid her identity.

 “Wow? Your plot character is so powerful, she’s actually an empress!

  No, I have to meet you even more. In my whole life, I have never even met the mayor. Empress, that is very rare. "

Jinli couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

 “What is your current mission?” Qi Yuan continued to ask.


Jin Li was used to Qi Yuan's strange words, and she roughly understood what Qi Yuan meant: "I am the Queen of Nan Qian. I have the power of Prime Minister Sima Ting to covet the throne. Outside, there are intruders from the Northern Khan's court, and there are also monsters." Attack cities and plunder territory from time to time.”

“So, your most important task now is to kill Sima Ting, keep the throne, and then kill the rest of the enemies?”

 Seeing Qi Yuan's understatement, Jin Li was a little shocked.

 She had thought about these big things, but how could she possibly do them.

 It would be nice to be able to maintain peace.

Even though Qi Yuan was a supreme emperor, he had mastered the method of entering the Xuanyuan Forbidden City and was able to break through the Clothes and Crown Forbidden City.

 However, such a supreme emperor cannot do what is said above.

“Well, I don’t know how high the level of the game character you encounter is, and whether it can be killed with a sword.” Qi Yuan said, and then he asked, “Have you ever seen the great man’s dragon-slaying technique?

 That is a great book.

The great man is very powerful. If you realize that he is somewhat true, this situation will definitely be trivial. "

"Have you never seen it? Dragon Slaying Technique? It's very precious, right?" When Jin Li heard these three words, he felt that this should be a very precious thing.

 But according to Qi Yuan, if she understands the dragon-slaying technique, her problem can be solved in an instant.

The book written by that great man must be worth thousands of dollars.

“It’s not expensive, maybe a few hundred dollars? You can buy it for a hundred catties of grain.

 It’s a pity that I haven’t seen it, otherwise I would have tricked you into teaching you and start a revolution in the gaming world. "

 Perhaps another word is heavier and he replaced it with change.

Jinli was stunned when he heard this.

 Such a precious book is only worth one hundred catties of grain.

 (End of this chapter)