MTL - The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady-Chapter 2707 This is not despair

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During the conversation, the sound of artillery and fire continued inside and outside the city. The artillery on the wall did not stop for a wide range of attacks on the Mozu army outside the city. The Mozu army also constantly attacked the defensive shields that did not fall.

The sound of the gunfire rang, and the roaring explosion made the whole day not get a moment of peace.

The Alliance Army, who was resting in the city, took time to rest, and the sound of gunfire in their ears reminded them all the time, and the war was not over yet.

Thirsty, holding a water bag together, hungry, casually stuffed, sleepy, sitting on the wall and sitting on the wall for a while, their body and mind have been exhausted to the extreme, most people have been physically exhausted, The magic box is almost exhausted, and they never feel so tired as they are now.

However, they did not dare to sleep too much. They did not take off their military uniforms, did not let go of their weapons, they slept shallowly, but they were always on guard.

The next wave of battles can start at any time, they can't sleep too much.

The tired soldiers slept quietly, and the busy logisticians carefully put their hands and feet lightly. In the sound of gunfire, their footsteps were inaudible, but they still subconsciously lightened their steps, fearing to bring these tired soldiers Come to a trace of trouble.

Their soldiers, for their safety, fought **** outside the city and got a short break, but they couldn't find a soft bed to sleep beautifully.

For those who can't participate in the battle, they look at the soldiers who have fallen asleep in the day and receive the soldiers next to the pavilion. Their hearts are full of embarrassment and distress.

They silently prayed that the next wave of time can come later, let the soldiers take a rest.

Inside the dungeon, there was a pungent **** smell everywhere, and the painful ripples echoed in the city. The busy figures of the logisticians continued to shuttle, and the blood was covered with bandages, and the bottles of light were piled up in the corners.

On the ground is the battlefield of Shura. The underground city is indeed a **** of hell. Death is happening at any time. Many wounded people who have been lifted from the battlefield are struggling with pain. Many wounded people die because of their injuries, silently die, in the resurrection. Under the cover, they quickly woke up. The newly resurrected body was energetic under the power of the undead. They quietly got up and gave more rest to the more needy comrades. They walked silently to the logistics staff. Follow them to take care of the wounded.

Perhaps it is the effect of the resurrection of the undead, the sorrow of death did not spread in the city, and the brothers who had just been mad at it stood up again in the appearance of the undead, and the joy of the soldiers was greater than the sorrow.

The differences between races have already vanished here. They fight side by side with the undead, the demon, and the Warcraft. Whether the brothers are resurrected to be humans or undead, they are always brothers and brothers who share the same life and death. As long as the brothers are still alive, they are In terms of it, it is the greatest grace.

The resurrected soldiers took over the work of the pharmacists, and the pharmacists were reconvened by Ye Qing to return to the Pharmacist Association.

In the midst of the war, the huge consumption of pharmacy has reached a terrible number. They don't know how long this battle will last, and how long they can support the hoarding.

They can only concentrate on creating more potions in the shortest possible time.