MTL - The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady-Chapter 2721 Son of the Devil (3)

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"It is under the slogan, I don't know when the devil is ready to shoot." Ouyang Huanyu did not care about Satan's bad attitude.

"You are sure?" Satan raised his eyebrows at Ouyang Huanyu.

"If there is no such grasp, how can we cooperate with the Mozu?" Ouyang Huanyu smiled.

"Go." Satan waved his hand.

The defensive shield of the day is the product of the Mozu, and Satan naturally knows what it takes to break it in a short time.

Between heaven and earth, we can achieve the perfect integration of the power of the gods and the demons, only one of Ouyang Huanyu!

The long-lost army of the Mozu finally launched another attack. On the side of the Mozu army, another mysterious army followed, and gradually moved toward the sun.

On the wall of the sun, Shen Yan Xiao looked at the army of the demon who was gradually approaching. The sudden mysterious force made her heart's uneasiness more obvious.

"That is the follow-up force of the Mozu?" Donaggio stared at the mysterious team. The number of the team was not too much, only a million, but they all wore black cloaks and could not see.

On the battlefield, unknown enemies always bring dangers that are difficult to estimate.

"Not like." Shen Siyu shook his head.

The Mozu retreat for a few days. Now, after the mysterious unit joined, it suddenly launched an attack. The Mozu’s waiting for many days must be related to the mysterious unit.

"The gunner is in place, ready to meet the enemy!" Shen Yanxiao raised his arm and gave instructions.

No matter what the Mozu’s intention is, she must respond.

The sound of gunfire that has disappeared for a long time is ringing at one time. The Mozu has already prepared for it. At the forefront of the team is a huge monster with heavy armor. The artillery banging on the monster has not caused much damage.

The advancement of the Mozu army was little by little, and it soon came to the outside of the city.

The defensive shield of the day still protects the entire city, and the coalition forces in the city have assembled and ready to go to war.

However, just as the battle was on the verge of a hit, a white figure appeared in the army of the Mozu, a beautiful white youth, riding a white horse slowly out of the Mozu army, the twelve devils will follow him On the side, the magic is fully open, and all the attacks from the Alliance Army are blocked.

The Twelve Devils will personally take action to protect the white youth. This move makes people who are not on the wall of the city uneasy.

With the advancement of the Mozu army, the white youth has come to the front of the defensive shield.

In the sound of gunfire, he slowly raised his head, the pair of enchanting eyes, with a smile, looking at Shen Yanxiao standing on the wall.

Only one glance, Shen Yan Xiao's heart will be a shock.

Purple and golden scorpions are so eye-catching, and in the words of Shen Yanxiao, four words are instantly appearing - the son of the demon.

The defensive shields of the day are invincible, but they cannot resist the collision of the two extreme forces of the gods.

Shen Yanxiao finally understood that the Mozu army had no action and waited for something.

What they are waiting for is the arrival of the son of the demon, so that the power of the demon can destroy the defensive shield that does not fall.

"Open the city to fight! Qi Xia, Si Yuge ... you kill me!" Do not let the demon son destroy the defensive shield of the day! Otherwise they will be hard in this battle!