MTL - The Good for Nothing Young Lady’s Otherworldly Domination-Chapter 23 Spirit Beast Sacrifice

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A small plant that is inconspicuous is in the middle of the forest of Warcraft. There are two small fruits on the top of the plant, one black and one red. Now, a small transparent vortex is gradually formed between the black fruit and the fiery red fruit. This vortex is very small, less than the size of an adult thumb, but it is this small vortex that is engulfing all the energy in this space. The previous life-threatening suctions were all emitted by this small vortex.

As these vortices absorb external energy, the color of the two fruits at the top of the plant gradually fades. This change is very small and can not be seen at all without careful inspection.

Now, the plant is surrounded by ghost birds and sunbirds. Hundreds of ghost birds staring at the head of the ghost bird in front of the dark fruit. Similarly, on the side of the fiery red fruit, hundreds of sunbirds will be headed by the sunbirds. Whether it is a ghost bird or a sunbird, the eyes are hot, solemn and devout.

The sound of rumbling running from all directions came from all directions, and the sound shook the sky. It turned out that the spirit beasts in the entire World of Warcraft forest ran towards this place. They were all spirit beasts. After about a quarter of an hour, Fangyuan hundred The range is actually densely packed with spirit beasts.

Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian are extremely small in the World of Warcraft group, but no spirit beasts bother them. They both look at the plant in front of them, their eyes are the same hot and devout.

"It's actually a sacrifice of spirit beasts." Shen Molian was surprised. "Although the yin and yang twins are rare for thousands of years, they are just human treasures. How can they be related to spirit beasts?"

"What is the spirit animal sacrifices?" Lin Haoxue asked puzzledly.

"That's right," Shen Molian said, knowing that Lin Haoxue didn't know, so she explained, "Now our environment is too small, and many things are not obvious. On this continent, the spirit of the beast is not inferior to that of humans. But their life span is far longer than that of humans. Some spirit beasts have noble bloodlines, and when they grow to a certain stage, they can evolve into human beings. Unlike our human cultivation, bloodlines are regarded as respect in spiritual beasts. So some of them on the mainland Places, spirit beasts and human monks are ruled by the ground. However, some blood in the spirit beasts are particularly powerful and top-level existence. Before they die, they will seal their flexibility, so after tens of thousands of years, There is a chance to survive. The sacrifice of the spirit beast is a ritual to awaken the soul of the sealed spirit beast. "

"That is to say, there are souls of the top spirit beasts in this yin and yang pair? Now, isn't it? We have no chance? The top strong ones are not what we can handle."

"That is not. Even if those souls are awakened, their strength will not be very strong. Even if they are reborn, it will take a process to restore their strength. And this is our opportunity."

When talking about this, Shen Molian's eyes were surprisingly bright, and there was a faint enthusiasm.

"No, right? You have to pay attention to this beast soul?" Lin Haoxue suddenly understood, startled, "I don't know what realm exists, so be careful to be bitten."

"If you don't try, how can you know?" Shen Molian looked at Lin Haoxue, raising her eyebrows slightly, "Don't tell me this is your true thought."

"Ha ha." Lin Haoxue smirked endlessly, not to mention, if it wasn't for the mysterious little black dragon in her dantian, she would also like to fight this beast soul idea.

Lin Haoxue learned from reading a long time ago that among the cultivators, there are some people who subscribe to the spirit beasts to work for themselves, but such people are extremely rare, because to conquer the spirit beasts, they must have extremely powerful ideas. Force, otherwise they will be back bitten. Crisis and opportunity coexist. Although there are dangers, once the spirit beast is conquered, the entire human combat effectiveness will have a qualitative overflight. In the leapfrog challenge, there will also be a strong hole card.

"So, wait for the beast soul to return to me, and the yin and yang will return to you." Shen Molian seemed to have made up her mind.

"Okay." It seemed she was determined to get this beast soul. The two quickly reached an agreement and looked towards the center.

At this moment, the transparent vortex in the middle of the yin and yang pairs has gradually materialized, and its appearance has also changed, gradually forming a white cocoon. As soon as the cocoon has formed, it swells quickly. It takes a few breaths to become an egg with a diameter of one foot. The eggshell is white and hard, and the white eggshell is faintly black and red with a mysterious atmosphere.

It seemed to me that a clear cry came from the egg.

The sky was suddenly gloomy. Suddenly, the strong winds rose and Feisha walked away.

Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian had to squat down to avoid the storm and were ready to evacuate at any time.

That sound wave spread like ripples on the water, and wherever the sound wave went, except for the ghost bird and the sunbird, other spirit beasts instantly turned into sensen bones, and on the white bones, after a moment, Even the bones instantly turned into ashes and scattered with the wind, this scene was really trembling.

With the death of countless spirit beasts, a ray of transparent light rose from the spot and shot straight towards the mysterious white dome. And the white giant egg swallowed up these lights, these lights are getting more and more, the absorption speed of white eggs is getting faster and faster, and the faint lines on them are getting clearer and clearer.

"This is the sacrifice of spirit beasts."

Lin Haoxue looked at those spirit beasts who knew their ending clearly, but still ran forward. The enthusiasm and piety in his eyes became stronger and stronger, as if it was a great glory to them to die.

"This beast soul is absolutely extraordinary." Shen Molian had a calm expression and firm eyes. "The average beast soul will not be treated like this enthusiastically, so this beast soul is what I want."

"Do you have a way to collect it?"

"Of course there is, but it's just too much effort, and I need your help later."

Lin Haoxue nodded, looking at the gradually changing white dome. As more and more spirit beasts turned into flying ash, the black and red lines on the white dome became more and more clear, and gradually recessed, feeling that those lines were carved on the dome.

Clicking on those lines is getting deeper and deeper, the white giant eggs have cracked one by one, and these tiny crevices have amazing energy overflow. What is scary is that those spilled energies resemble a huge blood basin and madly devour the flesh and soul of the swarming spirit beast.

Kacha, Kacha swallowed more and more energy, cracks became deeper and deeper. Seeing that the eggshell was going to become fragments, the contents were about to break out of the shell.

"Ready. We will act in a moment." Shen Molian stared at the white egg tightly and took out an exquisite tower less than an inch high in her hand. The tower had seven different color mantras, each of which was ancient. And obscure, emits a thick energy wave.

"What do you need me to do?"

"Although the beast soul has just awakened and its strength has not been restored, its power of ideas is extraordinary. After a while I collected it with the exquisite tower and it will inevitably be counterattacked. You take the opportunity to collect the yin and yang double 阙, and then use the power of thought to attack It helps me to subdue it. "

Lin Haoxue nodded his head and looked at the yin and yang pairs that had long been covered by the white giant egg. At this moment, the white egg was gradually exposed, and now it is no longer a fruit, but a black and red bead. The ghost bird and the sunbird that originally surrounded it were slumped. It seems that the yin and yang double magpies are fully mature. These ghost birds and solitary birds have not become the sacrifices of the beast souls, and they should not be separated from the protection of the yin and yang twins.

"Do it." Shen Molian drank softly, saying something in her mouth. The seven-color tower in her hand suddenly became taller and bigger, and then stopped ten feet high. A colorful mask appeared on it, and it was enveloped in a huge white. .

At the same time, Lin Haoxue flew up, and easily gathered the yin and yang double magpies over there, and easily got a double wing that obtained the ghost bird, and quickly returned to Shen Molian's side to stand. These ghost birds and sunbirds have no resistance. Although they are unwilling to be taken away by Lin Haoxue, they are helpless.

"Hurry up, it's breaking through." Shen Molian's exquisite tower beam is trapping a small transparent bird less than half an inch long. This mini bird is shaped like a colorful phoenix, with eyes, and looks like a physical body. When he looked at Linglong Tower, there was a hint of thought in his eyes.

Just then, Lin Haoxue's power of thought projected towards it. However, she was taken aback by surprise. She was clearly attacking the mini bird, but her mind could not perceive the other person, as if the other person did not exist at all.

At this moment, Lin Haoxue saw the mini Caifeng glanced at her lightly, put away her wings, no longer resisted, and let Shen Molian's seven-colored exquisite tower collect it.

"It's great." Shen Molian, who had received this mini-colored Phoenix, was overjoyed, and she fondly stroked the seven-colored exquisite tower and said to Lin Haoxue, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me. I have limited strength and haven't helped anything." Lin Haoxue smiled bitterly. Her thoughts could not find the other party, how to attack, but why did the beast soul give up the resistance in the end, which made her It was hard to understand.

"Of course I know ..." Shen Molian had just prepared to say something, and her face suddenly changed. "Someone is here, let's go."

When she said this, she held Lin Haoxue. A white jade card was held in her hand and she pressed it lightly. The space in front of her was torn through a huge crack. Both Lin Haoxue and her were teleported from this huge crack. Out.

Just when Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian had just left here, the space in the middle level of the World of Warcraft Forest was torn open several cracks, and several people came out of the torn space.