MTL - The Good for Nothing Young Lady’s Otherworldly Domination-Chapter 28 Registered mercenary

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"Two little sisters, are you asking for others? Just let them come here to test for themselves." The young guy saw Lin Haoxue, beautiful and polite, and said kindly.

"Are we here?" Lin Haoxue blinked playfully.

"Did you want to register a mercenary?" Looking at Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian in surprise, the young man thought to himself, what happened to this world and how such young children came to register mercenaries.

"Yes, it's us." Lin Haoxue responded crisply.

"Come to register mercenaries at such a young age. Are you special professions?" The boy asked tentatively.

Most people in this world are mystics, but there is a noble profession called a curse, and there are many other branches of the curse, such as the forge division, such as the pharmacist, and so on. Collectively referred to as special occupations.

The young receptionist saw that Lin Haoxue was so young and didn't believe how high she could be. She subconsciously thought she was a special occupation.

"No, we are mysterious." Lin Haoxue still smiled, and continued to ask politely, "how should we be able to register mercenaries?"

"This, you need to go to the back room to test your mystery. As long as you become a real mystery master, you are eligible to become mercenaries." After all, there is a lot of work experience, this young receptionist has now calmed down.

"Please take us to test it."

"Okay, come with me." The young man looked at Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian again, shook his head, and turned to lead the way. Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian followed.

In fact, such actions as Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian have been cut in line, but because these waiting people are really curious and want to know whether these two girls can become real mercenaries, no one cares.

The guy brought Lin Haoxue to the back hall. The space in the back hall is not as large as the front hall, but it is not too small. Compared with the simple counters in the front hall, the furnishings in the back hall are significantly more. Already. Around the back hall, there are case tables and stools.

The most prominent one is the huge crystal monument in the center of the hall.

When Lin Haoxue just came in, the first thing he saw was the huge crystal stele, which was the mysterious stele to test mystery. This kind of mysterious monument is the third time Lin Haoxue saw it, except that the color is dark red, the other places are almost the same as those of Xuanzhe College, and they are also divided into seven grids, and each big grid is There are three small grids. Corresponding to the first three stages of the seven realms of Xuanli.

In front of the Xuanli tablet, there are five tables and chairs. Five old people, about 50 or 60 years old, are sitting here and talking to each other. It seems that they should be the examiners of this test.

"He Lao, these two came to get the mercenary qualifications." The young man respectfully saluted the oldest man in the middle, Baiyi Qingyi.

Lin Haoxue found that the Tsing Yi man was an old man from his hair, but from his face he was very young, with no wrinkles on his skin, but since he is called old, he would not be very young.

After hearing the words of the young receptionist, the old man in Tsing Yi turned back to look at Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian. When he saw that Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian were very young, how could they be under 15 years old? The old man in Tsing Yi was a little surprised. Most of the qualifications are men. Occasionally there are one or two women, but they are all over twenty. Girls as young as them are still encountered for the first time.

But after all, the old man in Tsing Yi has a decisive position in the mercenary union and has a strong mental quality. He quickly suppressed the surprise in his heart and asked Shen Sheng:

"Are you registered mercenaries?"

"Yes, senior," Lin Haoxue glanced at Shen Molian, seeing that she did not respond, so she took a step forward and said politely, "we are here to register mercenaries."

"Do you know how to become a mercenary?"

"Know," Lin Haoxue said, "If it's not a special profession, the level of mystic power must be above or above."

"Then you are special professionals?"


"All right, come forward and test the mystic power level."

"it is good."

Lin Haoxue stepped forward and placed her right hand in the place where the palm could be placed in front of the Xuan Li tablet. She could not be more familiar with this move. She glanced at Shen Molian, and suddenly her heart moved to the direction of her light. Xuanli Bei lost.

I saw a bright light flashing on the Xuanli monument, very bright and very bright, even very bright in the daytime.

"Well, it's a light line?" When the five examiners looked at Lin Haoxue's Xuanli's color, he stood up immediately, his face was full of wonder.

Among the nine series of mysterious veins in the Xinghao continent, the light system and the dark system are the rarest and most useful ones. The light system has purification, healing, and attack functions, while the dark system has amazing corrosive power. Strong attack power. Of course, the two kinds of mysterious veins of gold and wood are also very rare, but the gold and wood are both auxiliary, they can assist the training speed of other mystics, and their own attack power is not very strong.

If the golden and woody mysterious veins are selected from a thousand miles, then the light and dark systems may not have one. Therefore, as soon as Lin Haoxue's light system Xuanmai appeared, it immediately caught the attention of these examiners. Five of them stared at the light system Xuanli slowly rising on the Xuanli tablet.

The light quickly moved up from the mysterious monument, and soon passed over the large one at the bottom and the second one.

"It's really a master." Seeing that Lin Haoxue's mastery has entered the master's level, these five examiners can not help but breathe a sigh of relief. The master of the light department is rare, because it is too rare, they are eager to be able Lin Haoxue was absorbed into the mercenary union, and the minimum of the mercenary union was the junior division. If Lin Haoxue's cultivation did not reach the division, they would have no way to break the rules. After all, the mercenary union has already ...

However, what surprised them even more was that Lin Haoxue's mysterious power did not stop on the second large grid, but continued to climb upwards, breaking through the third large grid and reaching the second of the third large grid. When I was in a small grid, I trembled before stopping.

"It is actually the middle age of Master Daxuan. Look at her, she is only eleven or twelve."

An examiner couldn't hold back his surprise and blurted out.

Under normal circumstances, such an age is only at the level of the mysterious, can break through the mysterious to become the mysterious master, has become an amazing genius. This one in front of me, this is the little monster from where it came. Actually, when it came to Master Xuan, not only the one who talked, but the other examiners also took a breath.

I'm afraid the calmest person on the scene is Shen Molian. Seeing Lin Haoxue finish the test, Shen Molian also stepped forward to test her own power.

The examiners had not been sober from Lin Haoxue's amazing talents, and were almost shocked by Shen Molian's mysterious power and fell off the chair.

I saw a dark mysterious power quickly climbed to the bottom of the mysterious stele and entered the second large cell. By the time of the second large cell, the speed didn't slow down at all, but it went directly to the third cell. It was the third small grid on the third big grid that stopped.

Obviously, she is the late Grand Xuan Master of the Dark Xuan Mai.

At this moment, the eyes of several examiners looking at Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian are no longer surprised, but ecstatic. Light and dark, this is a rare mystery. It actually appeared in the mercenary union at the same time, and the cultivation speed of these two is so fast. For the mercenary union now, it is simply heaven and flood. what.

Thinking of this, these examiners saw Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian's eyes as if they were looking at rare treasures, and the more satisfied they became.

"Senior, do we pass?" Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian looked at each other and asked, after seeing the expressions of the examiners.

"Of course, of course you passed." The old man in Tsing Yi looked at Lin Haoxue's eyes very kindly, but this is the savior of the mercenary union's heaven, said, "I'll get you a badge."

Soon, the old man in Tsing Yi took out two small badges, the badge was less than an inch long, and two small swords were drawn on it. He personally put the badges of the two painters and two small swords on Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian. :

"There are branches of mercenary unions in every big city of the Wujing Empire. You can take up tasks in any city, and you will get all the help of mercenary unions. Just six months later, you two must come here. And the union needs your help. "

"Okay. We will come." Lin Haoxue responded naturally. Since the mercenary union is very powerful, the help it can provide to itself must not be small. It is natural to need help from others. Besides, half a year later, , They just want to practice outside. In this case, why not visit here after half a year?

After leaving the old man in Tsing Yi, Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian left the back room of the mercenary union.

As soon as he arrived at the front hall, it caused an uproar.

Those who waited in line looked at the badges on the chests of Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian. When they saw that they were two small swords, they were stunned. Good guy, they are not only mercenaries, but also second-tier mercenaries. , This level is beyond everyone present.

There are six levels of mercenaries in the Wujing Empire. The first level is the lowest and the number is the largest. The second level mercenaries are relatively small, and the third level is more scarce. So far, the highest rank of mercenaries in the Wuyan Empire is level 5, and it is said that there are only six men, and level 6 mercenaries seem to be extinct. Because the mercenaries of the sixth level need Xuanxian level strength.

Now, the two girls have just become registered second-tier mercenaries. This is absolutely unprecedented. How can it not be surprising?

In those startled eyes, Lin Haoxue and Shen Molian left the mercenary union.

"We are mercenaries, too." Lin Haoxue felt a little novel as she walked out of the door of the mercenary union and playing with her mercenary badge.

"Next we ..."

"Back to college, let's talk about the task first."

"it is good!"

The two decided to return to the college immediately to hand over tasks.