MTL - The Good for Nothing Young Lady’s Otherworldly Domination-Chapter 31 Decisive

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Looking at the people around him, Wu Shiyue was in a bad mood. When he was practicing, he was provoked by people and provoked himself. It was actually the waste in his brother's mouth, provoked by a waste, and whoever his mood was. No way.

"Let's stop talking nonsense, let's do it," Lin Haoxue still looked cold, and felt that Wu Shiyue had a lot of nonsense. Now many people have come to see the fun, and they all laughed at Lin Haoxue's words.

This scene made Wu Shiyue even more angry.

"Just take advantage of it, and I will let you know right away that you are nothing in the face of absolute strength!"

Taking a step back with his left foot, Wu Shiyue slightly bent his knees, and suddenly his hands made a push motion. A strong golden mysterious power came out of the palms of his hands. Gradually, the mysterious power was in the palms of his hands. An unreal golden sword is formed directly in front of the sword. The golden sword is about three feet long and contains strong mysterious power, with a sense of oppression.

"Xuanli's transformation is truly worthy of Xuanzong."

"That is, is the dignity of top colleges so provocative?"

"This Lin Haoxue is going to be overcast."

"Who made her so insignificant?"


Watching the appearance of this illusive golden sword, the trainees on the sidelines were talking and no one was optimistic about Lin Haoxue.

"Meng Rong, what do you think?" Among the crowd, a handsome young man in a blue shirt was whispering to the purple skirt woman around him. When he looked at the purple skirt woman, his expression was full of admiration.

"I don't think this elementary girl is simple." The purple skirt woman is also very beautiful, most noticeably her purple pupil. Looking at Lin Haoxue's eyes was surprised, admired, and a little thoughtful.

"I don't think so, it's just a great master, I'm afraid she doesn't understand the gap between master and master Xuanzang yet." Qingshan youth disapproved.

"Sparing others so little, be careful to capsize in the gutter." The woman in the purple skirt looked at him and stopped talking after watching this sentence, watching Lin Haoxue and Wu Shiyue intently.

"Is this Xuanzong's strength?"

Looking up at the golden sword condensed by mysterious force, feeling the intense pressure on it, Lin Haoxue looked extraordinarily solemn. Speaking of which, this is the first time that she confronted Xuanzong's strong head. Although Xuanzong was also encountered in the World of Warcraft Forest, that Xuanzong was lifted by Shen Molian.

I have to say that this Wu Shiyue is very strong. He has the rare golden mysterious veins. The golden mysterious force, which can only be a subsidiary in the hands of others, has become a sharp sword in his body. Has amazing attack power.

If this encounters a general Grand Master, under this pressure, it will inevitably lose all combat power, and it will be a complete defeat. But Lin Haoxue is not an ordinary Grand Master, and she has her unknown card.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Haoxue already had a plan in her heart. She stepped back a few steps to avoid the sense of oppression brought by the front of the gold sword. Her right hand was slowly raised, her palm was facing the tip of the gold sword, and the flame suddenly came Coming out of Lin Haoxue's palm was completely different from Wu Shiyue's slow formation of a gold sword. Her flame speed was fast and almost instantaneous. Although the purity of mysterious power was not as good as Wu Shiyue, she won more than enough.

In the unbelievable eyes, the gold sword and the flame collided head-on.

Generally speaking, in a situation where the realm differs by a large level, the low-level powerhouses are completely afraid to confront the high-level powerhouses. They can only get a short confrontation by relying on their speed and walking around. It is unheard of for a direct confrontation like Lin Haoxue.

However, compared with other mystics, Lin Haoxue has two advantages. First, the restraint of the fire-based mystic power against the gold-based mystic power, and secondly, the power of the idea is far beyond ordinary people, and it is purely capable of controlling the fire.

Therefore, in such a positive confrontation, it was so deadlocked, regardless of up and down.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers looked at Lin Haoxue's eyes completely changed again. As a strong man in the middle of the Grand Xuanshi, it was enough to be proud of being able to form such a stalemate in the confrontation with the late strong Emperor Xuanzong.

People on the sidelines were so surprised, and Wu Shiyue's surprise in his mind reached a peak. As we all know, fire has a certain restraint on gold, but even restraint should not be so obvious. Wu Shiyue hasn't met the Xuanli strong in the fire department before. Cui Yang, ranked eighth in the top college, is a mid-term Xuanli Xuanzong in the fire department. However, this Cui Yang has not yet become Wu Shiyue's men.

But now, how can I not be surprised that I am entangled by a small master? At the same time of being surprised, there was a bit of frustration and anxiety. He could feel that Lin Haoxue's flame quality was better than the original Cui Yang.

Hum, after all, she is just a great master. If you talk about the richness of mystery and the refinement of mystery, it must be far less than myself. Today's competition of mystic power consumes and consumes her.

Thinking about it this way, Wu Shiyue slowed down the output of mysterious power, the sword edge of Jin Jian trembled, and the flames bounced in an orderly manner. This is a real close match.

Lin Haoxue naturally felt Wu Shiyue's move and immediately understood his intentions. Instead of panic, he turned a small arc of his lips. OK, aren't you trying to compare the power of mystery, then compare it.

At this moment, the white vortex in Dantian was slowly driven by a hint of white filament driven by Lin Haoxue ’s idea. Just such a small wire was slightly resolved, and all that Lin Haoxue provided was a mysterious force.

Time lost little by little, Wu Shiyue's face became more and more ugly. With the continuous output, he has consumed three-quarters of his power now, but the opposite Lin Haoxue seemed to feel nothing and was still full of energy. Even the fuchsia flame was even more intense.

Under the pressure of the magenta flame, the golden sword tip has started to melt. Although the process is extremely slow, onlookers can see that Lin Haoxue has the upper hand.

Lin Haoxue's mysterious power seemed to flow continuously, and it never seemed to dry up.

Although he found this, Wu Shiyue was already riding a tiger at this time, and Lin Haoxue's eyes suddenly revealed his intention to kill. When did such a person appear in the Lin family? This Lin Haoxue must not stay.

Thinking of this, Wu Shiyue was so overwhelmed that he decided to take risks.

"Blood offering gold sword."

Drinking a low voice, biting the tip of his tongue, a spurt of fine blood spewed into the golden sword that had gradually become unreal in his hand. Suddenly, like a gasoline splash on the fire, Jin Jian changed color instantly, with a red blood in the middle. The golden sword had a strong **** smell, and the power of the sword suddenly increased greatly. The tip of the sword was slightly sloping and came straight to Lin Haoxue.

"Wu Shiyue actually tried this trick, and it seems that he was also brutally forced," the man in the blue shirt saw Wu Shiyue's move, but also changed his face and shook his head. "This time Lin Haoxue couldn't escape to death. "

As a former opponent, he knew too much how powerful Wu Shiyue's move was. If it weren't for the suppression of his own realm and the extreme speed of the wind system, I am afraid that he would also lose in this move.

However, Wu Shiyue's move has a great disadvantage, because after the consumption of essence and blood, the body will be extremely weak, and after rest for less than a month, it cannot be recovered.

As Wu Shiyue's opponent, Lin Haoxue felt tremendous pressure at the moment, and there was a strong sense of suffocation above the golden sword, which gave her a sense of suffocation that was out of breath.

He took a few steps back sharply, avoiding the frontal attack of Jin Jian, but his flame was forced to dim, and he was about to extinguish. Suddenly, Wu Shiyue had the upper hand again.

At this time, the competition is to retreat if you do not advance, and the final loser will inevitably suffer heavy casualties, and maybe you have to take your life.

And just when it came out.

A hint of dark light escaped from Lin Haoxue's palm, merged into the flame, and gradually approached the opponent's golden sword, slowly absorbing the blood red in the golden sword.

"Well, the power of Jin Jian is rapidly diminishing." Someone soon discovered this.

Yes, at this moment, the blood in the golden sword is constantly decreasing, and Wu Shiyue has found it, but at this time, he can't step back and spit out another blood in his anxiety. After this blood spit out, his face turned pale. The body shook and almost fell, but he had to work hard to persist. On the contrary, Lin Haoxue looked back to normal.

What made Wu Shiyue desperate was that the blood he spewed out disappeared faster this time, and was actually swallowed by Lin Haoxue's fuchsia flame. That's right, it's swallowing. If it was absorbed at first, it is undoubtedly swallowing now.

Soon, his gold sword burst under the fire.

After the gold sword broke up, Wu Shiyue finally couldn't hold it, fell to the ground, and passed out.

Taking back the flames that sprayed out from the palm of the hand, Lin Haoxue stood in place, with white clothes winning the snow, graceful, and no doubt, Lin Haoxue won. Lin Haoxue in the middle of the Grand Xuanshi defeated Wu Shiyue in the middle of Xuanzong.

What an incredible thing, but it happened now.

"Let's go." The man in the blue shirt asked the woman in the purple skirt beside him. When he got a positive answer, he was about to leave, but was stopped by a young girl in black who was less than fifteen years old.

Although the girl in the black skirt is not very old, she has a well-dressed body, fair skin, and frost on the face of the small goose egg. When the bright eyes stared at him, the blue shirt man felt a little chill.


"You are the senior of Baili, lend it to your courtyard." The woman in black dress is Shen Molian. She quickly identified her goal among the crowd.

"You are trying to challenge me?" Bai Liyi looked at Shen Molian and frowned. What happened today? The school girls are so bold.

"Yes." Shen Molian said briefly.