MTL - The Great Era of Rebirth: 1993-Chapter 1008 ,Set off

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  Chapter 1008, Departure

  A dream suddenly brought the focus of life to whether Mi Jian was pregnant or not. Although Zhang Xuan was somewhat surprised, he was not nervous, but more excited and looking forward to it.

  Letting Mi Jian give birth to a child is a regret in his previous life. It is something he has wished for a long time in this life, and it is his most urgent major event.

  Put down the phone, Zhang Xuan opened the window, took a few breaths of fresh air, and left the study after calming down.

  It was dawn, and he planned to wash up before going to sleep, lest Shuangling see his strangeness.

  To be honest, both Mi Jian and Wen Hui tried their best to take care of the feelings of the two actors to a certain extent. As a man, what else can he say? Just want to sleep and return to normal, don't reveal too many flaws.

   After all, the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, and he feels distressed when he hurts anyone.

In the next few days, Zhang Xuan will stay in the study and write. He will practice boxing as usual at noon. Occasionally, when he is in the mood, he will go to the teaching building to show his face in front of familiar classmates and teachers, so as to keep himself basic. Socialize and make yourself feel alive.

   "Honey, do you see if there is anything else you want to bring?"

   In the afternoon, we are going to the capital to meet up with Mijian. After lunch, Du Shuangling has been busy packing their luggage.

Zhang Xuan checked the packed suitcases and said, "That's enough, we won't stay in Berlin for long, these are enough. If there is any need over there, you can buy it now, over there Shopping is very convenient.”

  Du Shuanglingyan said yes with a smile, bent down to zip up the suitcase, and locked the combination lock.

  Putting the suitcase to the corridor, Zhang Xuan asked concerned: "Have you communicated with Wen Hui?"

  Du Shuangling locked the door, turned around and looked at him with a smile for a while, and walked ahead with a bag: "Didn't you just come back from Shanghai Stock Exchange, haven't you communicated?"

  Zhang Xuan: "."

  He already knew that the matter of meeting Wenhui in the Shanghai stock market under the pretext of sending Lilith away could not be hidden from his smiling tiger.

Seeing his stunned face, Du Shuangling reached out to hold his left arm, pursed her lips and whispered softly: "Huihui is an important guest performer invited by the organizer. I went to Berlin with my family to prepare for it two days ago. Don't worry. We are in touch every day."

  Zhang Xuan hummed, and did not ask further questions tactfully.

   Knowing that the two were leaving, Zou Qingzhu chatted with Luni on the first floor, waiting to see them off.

   "Qingzhu, let's go. If you feel unsafe in the past two days, go back to the school dormitory and sleep." Du Shuangling said as he reluctantly hugged Zou Qingzhu.

  Zou Qingzhu clasped her backhand and patted her on the back, "I made an agreement with the instructor. If you are not here, I will sleep in the same room with her."

  Du Shuangling said: "Okay, this is very good, then I can rest assured."

  The four exchanged pleasantries around, and Zhang Xuan and Du Shuangling got into the Mercedes and left.

   Zou Qingzhu and Lu Ni, who was holding a baby, followed behind and sent them back for about 50 meters.

   Seeing that the car was no longer visible, Luni asked Zou Qingzhu: "I remember that you and Wenhui have a good relationship, right? Why don't you go with me?"

  Zou Qingzhu stretched out her arms and hugged the child joyfully: "Shuangling and Huihui invited me, but I declined."

  Rooney didn't understand: "Why did you refuse? Now that Wenhui is so famous, it would be difficult to go to see her perform live. You still refuse such a good opportunity?"

  Zou Qingzhu teased the child and said meaningfully: "In the future, it's not suitable for me to go this time."

  After hearing this, Rooney thought deeply, and many clues from the past seemed to be connected in series at this moment.

  The plane in the afternoon arrived in Beijing in the evening.

  Zhang Xuan and Du Shuangling saw Mi Jian and her bodyguard Chen Yin as soon as they walked out of the airport corridor.

  Chen Yin was holding a pick-up sign in her hand, which read: Zhang Xuan, Du Shuangling.

  Having not seen each other for more than half a year, Mi Jian and Du Shuangling happily hugged each other when they met.

  Mi Jian asked: "It's meal time, are you hungry?"

  Du Shuangling let go of her and hugged her again, "Fortunately, I fell asleep on the plane."

  After the two chatted for a while, Mi Jian finally looked at Zhang Xuan next to him: "Here we come."


  Zhang Xuan responded normally, and then followed them into the Mercedes-Benz.

  The two women on the road have been affectionately chatting with each other. This harmonious scene almost gave the old man the illusion of "smooth weather".

  But he has self-knowledge about what affairs he has done these years.

  Zhang Xuan clearly understands that this trip to Berlin is a bit of a grand banquet, and if one is not good, there may be two diametrically opposite results.

  Looking at Shuang Ling and Mi Jian quietly, he stayed on Mi Jian for a second during the process. The key to the trip to Berlin lies in Mi Jian and Wen Hui.

  The reason why he said that was because he knew his smiling face too well. Since she pushed Mi Jian to the front stage, to the situation where she met Wenhui directly, it meant that she would not end up in a mess easily.

  Summary in one sentence: In the fight between the snipe and the clam, the fisherman benefits, and it is the strategy of the two actors to sit back and reap the rewards.

   Mi Jian and Wen Hui, who are on the front line, are the standard-bearers who decide the outcome of the chess game. Whether it is a fight or a draw depends entirely on the two people's thoughts.

   Regardless of family background, the overall strength of the two women is evenly matched.

   Originally, Mi Jian had a closer relationship with him, and being an old man, naturally had a great advantage.

   But Mi Jian has a fatal shortcoming: reserved and arrogant, he is often not ruthless in dealing with people and things.

   This is the reason why Shuang Ling was able to kill Mi Jian at a critical moment in her previous life.

   While Zhang Xuan understands Mi Jian, he also has a certain degree of estimation of Wen Hui.

  Mi Jian is not a double actress, Wen Hui has no friendship with her, and she will not have any scruples. She dared to slap Zhang Xuan several times, and forced Zhang Xuan to make a choice several times, which proved that she was a very courageous person in action.

   In terms of mobility, Wen Hui gets extra points.

  So, one plus and one minus, without the interference of external forces, Mi Jian and Wen Hui should be 50-50.

  But human beings are a society of personal relationships, especially in China, where background relationships that are too strong often influence the situation and determine life and death. If Wen Hui uses her family background to put pressure on Mi Jian, even if the two actors help out temporarily, the outcome is hard to predict.

   This is what Zhang Xuan is more worried about, because he is still not 100% sure whether Wen Hui still has rebellious thoughts?

   This is why he made a special trip to the Shanghai stock market two days ago.

  As Mi Jian said, Mi Pei was in the capital, but when the three of them arrived at the courtyard, a sumptuous table of dishes had already been set.

   "Uncle, I haven't seen you for a few years. You have become younger." Even though I haven't seen Mi Pei for a long time, Du Shuangling's mouth is still very sweet.

   "Really? Hehe, come on, the dishes are ready, wash your hands and eat quickly." As for her daughter's rival in love, it is reasonable that Mi Pei would hate him, and would reject him no matter how bad he is.

   From Mi Pei's perspective, I feel that my daughter is a latecomer, and I can't really hate Du Shuangling, and I don't really have much hostility.

  If Mi Pei had a choice, he would rather hide from Du Shuangling for the rest of his life and not see her for the rest of his life.

  After dinner, Du Shuangling, who had been on the go all day, went to the shower to take a bath, not knowing whether it was intentional or not.

   Literally means: take a bath.

  Mi Pei is a discerning person. After finishing the dishes quickly, he went out in the name of taking a walk. Immediately, only Zhang Xuan and Mi Jian were left in the main room.

  Looking at each other for a while, under Mi Jian's gaze, Zhang Xuan walked over and squatted down, put his ear on Mi Jian's stomach and listened.

   Mi Jian did not hide, watching him quietly.

   After a while, she asked, "So?"

  Zhang Xuan raised his head, opened and closed his mouth and spit out three words: "I really want to."

   After carefully observing his micro-expressions, Mi Jian felt his sincerity, and after a long silence, said: "Come with me for a walk in the yard."


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  (end of this chapter)