MTL - The Growth of the Richest Man-Chapter 124 Triple Nutritious Meal Plan

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The first day of the TF brand's official flagship store opened. Due to too many people and too many sales, some customers even bought a dozen or 20 TF lipsticks by themselves, and the stock was insufficient, so it ended early. In order to make the business order better the next day, the goods were dispatched from a nearby warehouse overnight, and a limit was set that no one can buy at most 4 lipsticks at a time, so as to make the order of the next day better.

Priority is given to ensuring the sales of physical stores and online sales. If it is out of stock, you can temporarily choose to directly mail it from overseas. However, the problem of not having enough stock is not completely unsolvable. Now, the goods are airlifted from the TF headquarters, and then passed through customs inspection. I believe that there will be a large and sufficient amount of new goods soon.

However, in addition to the hot discussions on the first day of the opening of the TF brand's official flagship store, there are also many discussions on the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the store's opening. Being able to invite five celebrities, Ma Huateng, Wang Jianlin, Zhang Yong, Tom Ford, and Ma Yun to participate in this opening event, the face of this store can be regarded as the biggest event in this period of time.

The keen reporters were going to send this photo to the newspaper the next day, but they found that there was a big problem with the ordering of the guests at the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Tom Ford, the founder of the company, is not in the middle? As 3 domestic network channel providers, Ma Huateng and Ma Yun can only stand on the edge, while Zhang Yong can stand on the center? Does this mean something amazing?

A reporter from the Beijing News noticed the difference and went to the local tax registration department through a friend of his in the United States to inquire about the business registration information of TomFord. TomFord, the founder of Tom Ford, accounted for The shares are only 20%, and the largest shareholder, also the controlling shareholder, is "YongChang Investment", which holds up to 70% of the shares.

What's the meaning? Directly translated, it means Yongchang Investment Company. Isn't this company the earliest subsidiary of Zhang Yong's Yongchang Group? Unexpectedly, this world-renowned brand turned out to be opened by Zhang Yong!

Perhaps, after getting this news and valuing the TF company, Zhang Yong's personal assets will also need to be recalculated. His personal wealth is not only slightly ahead of the second but also the richest man in the country. Wealth, maybe more than that!

Ma Yun and Ma Huateng were also a little speechless. They originally wanted to suppress the rapid rise of Renren Mall in the online shopping market through TF company. What they did not expect was that this situation could not be suppressed! Zhang Yong is willing to let the TF brand be put on the shelves in their two malls, which is already a good intention. Zhang Yong can completely let the TF brand only be put on the shelves in the Renren mall, without taking them to play!

While everyone is discussing about Zhang Yong's wealth and will be further rewritten, Zhang Yong is on the side of Renren and is ready to start a new charity journey again.

During this trip, Zhang Yong met too many children in the mountainous areas of the central and western regions who could not even eat well in order to go to school. So this time, Zhang Yong decided that he would organize a charity event in the Renren Mall to let everyone Children who go to school can eat delicious healthy and nutritious meals.

This time, what Zhang Yong and Wang Xing discussed was that as long as a netizen spends a sum in the shop of Renren Mall, Renren Mall will donate 2 cents to the children in the mountains on behalf of the netizen. This suggestion, Wang Xing thinks, is very good, because 2 cents is not much, but it can make every consumer feel that their consumption is doing charity.

The chopping of hands often just needs an excuse, and chopping hands is doing charity, which is a good excuse, and it will definitely make the number of consumers in the mall become more.

But although Wang Xing agreed with Zhang Yong's suggestion very much, he made some improvements to Zhang Yong's suggestion. The current Renren Mall has hundreds of millions of transactions every year, but if each donation is only 2 cents, the amount donated each year is only a few hundred or tens of millions of yuan. Although this amount of money seems to be a lot, it is estimated that it is only enough for about 10,000 students to eat nutritious meals for a year. For so many people, it is far from enough. Therefore, Wang Xing suggested that merchants can also choose to participate in this activity. For example, if they buy one of their products, the merchants will donate 10 cents or the like. For such a product, Renren Mall can mark it as a love product. A compliment, the logo also attracts more customers.

Maybe it was not obvious at the beginning, but later, there are more and more loving products, and those merchants will join the industry of loving products in order not to be compared with their own In this way, donations from the perspective of merchants The money will be more and more. The mall donates money, and the merchants donate money, and Renren Mall will become a caring mall. I believe that the popularity will be further improved, and the more money donated, the more recipients will be benefited.

Zhang Yong only wanted to hold the Charity Meal Charity Event, but he didn't expect that the charity of the Charity Meal would require so much money. Zhang Yong thought again, since malls and shops are all participating in this activity, why not let consumers also take the initiative to participate in this activity? Zhang Yong proposed that in the "Renren Funding" channel, you can also open a love meal fundraising event. Participants can donate at any time or on a monthly basis. After donating, they can get a love logo, or they can choose a paper love certificate. I believe many people will participate.

As for the standard of love meal? Zhang Yong thought about it for a while, a bowl of rice, some dishes, and some meat in the dishes will cost about 2 yuan. In order to be more nutritious, you can add a portion of milk, then you can set the standard of love meal. In 3 yuan, this activity is called "3 yuan nutritious meal plan".

Let every student in poverty-stricken areas be able to eat "3 yuan nutritious meals", and this plan has been withdrawn. Since the funds were insufficient at the beginning, it would be better to start the promotion from the western Hunan area where Zhang Yong just visited this time.

Suddenly, Zhang Yong seemed to realize something! Yes, a serving of milk! After the "Sanlu" incident, domestic milk has been very unsalable, and the business of "Yongchang Dairy" opened by Zhang Yong himself is not much better. This time, the launch of this "3 Yuan Nutritious Meal Plan" just happened to require milk, so why not let your own "Yongchang Dairy Industry" suddenly see the way out for your own company.

This is called, "good people have good rewards".
