MTL - The Heavens of Online Games Are Coming-Chapter 1063 Quick battle, Guan Hai fights Uriel

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Apocalypse City.

Sun Wu supported Cheng Mu and landed directly in the medical hall.

Seeing Cheng Mu who was seriously injured, Gu San, Sun Simiao, Zhang Zhongjing, Li Shizhen and other medical immortals all came.

At this time, they were all gathered around Cheng Mu's sick bed, each with a serious expression.

"Your Majesty's injury is the injury of the shrine!"

Gu San stroked his long beard, thinking of countermeasures in his mind.

At this time, even Cheng Mu himself didn't know.

After shaking Shi Hao's hand of God, more than half of his third shrine collapsed.

If he wanted to heal now, he could only restore his third shrine.

"The shrine is in His Majesty's sea of ​​consciousness. Could it be that we want to open His Majesty's head?"

Hearing this, Hua Tuo on the side couldn't help but get excited.

He is not disrespectful to Cheng Mu, but he is born with a strong love for craniotomy!

"Take it away, go away, go away!"

Seeing that Hua Tuo said that he was going to open Cheng Mu's head, all the immortal doctors threw him out with black faces.

Open Cheng Mu's head? Don't want to live anymore, do you?

The sea of ​​consciousness is the sea of ​​consciousness, and the head is the head!

"Hey, I'm just talking casually, talking casually!"

After being thrown out, Hua Tuo also knew that he had made a slip of the tongue and caused trouble.

He still wants to go in.

But with a bang, the door was shut.

Almost getting hit on the nose, he walked down the steps discouraged.

But at this moment, when he saw Pang Da who was placed outside the house without knowing his life or death, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Hey hey hey!"


Prime Minister's Mansion.

Zhuge Liang and others already knew the news of Cheng Mu's return.

But when the bad news came, Zhuge Liang blocked all the news.

If the people in the country knew that Cheng Mu had fainted and that Pang Da was alive or dead, the whole country would probably be in turmoil.

"Prime Minister, I'm afraid the only way to do it now is to suspend all fighting and recall all soldiers!"

Lin Chengzi sat under Zhuge Liang's head and made a suggestion.

In his opinion, during the period when Cheng Mu was fainting, the soldiers who were fighting abroad should hurry back and be prepared to defend against the enemy!

On the incomplete sky at this time, no one knows when another enemy will descend on the planet!

"No, we not only want to fight, but also to fight quickly!"

However, it is different from Lin Chengzi's view.

After Zhuge Liang closed his eyes and pondered for a while, he said: "Now that His Majesty is still awake, we should fight with all our strength!"

Above Suizhou, **** and Yahweh of the kingdom of heaven are dead.

At this time, there is only one body left in the mighty kingdom of heaven.

Immortal at this time? When will we wait?

"And Odin's Nordic kingdom and Zeus' Olympus kingdom are now leaderless."

"If we don't destroy them in time, once Zeus and Odin return, all the efforts made by my Apocalypse soldiers will be in vain!"

This is an excellent opportunity. If he gives up and does not fight this time, then Zhuge Liang will not know how to explain to Cheng Mu!

"Prime Minister Zhuge is right."

At this time, Guo Jia also echoed: "The enemy is weak, and we should do our best to destroy them!"

"When His Majesty wakes up, we should return His Majesty a completely cleared earth star!"

Now that the space barriers of the Earth and Stars have been broken, what else is there to wait for if they don't speed up and unify the Earth and Stars at this time?

Therefore, under the joint initiative of Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia, and with the consent of the important ministers of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, the foreign war of Immortal Kingdom began to speed up!



Since Cheng Mu took Jehovah and Satan Lucifer out of this space, only Archangel Uriel is the most powerful in the vast kingdom of heaven.

Ever since, Guan Hai, who stayed behind, set his sights on him.

"go to hell!"

With a roar, Guan Hai suddenly rushed towards him.

Both of them are now at the peak of the Divine Palace.

No matter who kills whom, the winning side can go one step further!


Uriel didn't want to fight again. He was just a tool for Jehovah to hide.

His combat strength is far inferior to that of Gabriel Michael and other archangels.

However, now that the country is in crisis, 10,000 fallen angels are staring at each other.

Uriel, where can he run to?

"Today, the deity will kill you first, and then deal with these fallen angels!"

He roared angrily, and took the initiative to meet Guan Hai's attack!


This time, the sword of judgment in his hand was not broken.

This was the gift that Yahweh gave him again when he walked out of him.

This sword of great judgment also represents the highest authority of the angel family.

Jehovah probably knew at that time that he would not return.

And when the three archangels Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael died in battle, he could only hand over the authority to Uriel!

This authority has now become Uriel's capital to resist Guan Hai!

"Oh? Changed weapons?"

Guan Hai could see the extraordinaryness of the Great Judgment Sword in Uriel's hand.

He noticed that the power of this sword of great judgment was still higher than his Golden Prison Slashing Sword!

His Golden Prison Slashing Sword is a genuine mythical weapon.

Now that the power of the Great Judgment Sword is stronger, it is at least the best among mythical weapons, the highest level.

Fairy-level weapons can't be called, but they are more than enough to resist him!

"That's natural!"

After realizing that he already had the strength to fight Guan Hai, Uriel breathed a sigh of relief.

During the fight, his confidence doubled and his aura became stronger.

He roared angrily: "Now that you can't cut off the weapons of this deity, how rampant are you?"

In the beginning, he was defeated by Guan Hai because of Guan Hai's sword.

This time they are fair fight!

"You really don't know how to live or die!"

Seeing Uriel, who was complacent when he had a slight advantage, Guan Hai didn't bother to waste time with him.

"This general will let you know what the real difference in strength is!"

"The battle is rising!"

Rumble! Rumble! Boom boom boom!

In an instant, Guan Hai fully demonstrated his strength.

Amidst the impassioned battle drums, he showed Uriel for the first time what Chinese fighting skills are.

In his hands, the Golden Prison Soul Severing Knife was powerful and domineering.

In just a dozen breaths, Uriel was covered in scars.

The Great Judgment Sword in his hand can block frontal attacks, but it can't stop Guan Hai, the brave and invincible God of War Blade!

"Slow, you're too slow!"

"Is this your strength?"

"Block it! Why can't you stop it?"

"Trash! Why are you such a trash!"

Under Guan Hai's roar, Uriel became confused.

His attacks were disorganized and unskilled.

In addition to having a little bit of resistance in the front, his left and right sides, and his back are all cuts at this moment!

"you you you!"

Once again firmly suppressed by Guan Hai, the rekindled fighting spirit in Ulie's heart dissipated again.

At this moment, he was curled up in his own defense tremblingly.

Every time Guan Hai's knife added a wound to his body, he would cry out in pain.

Three of his six wings had been broken, and he looked miserable.

He wanted to kneel and surrender.

But what would he do if Jehovah and **** came back victorious?

Can't surrender, can't escape, can't fight.

For a time, Uriel had no choice but to die.