MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 808 Dragon sword ghost sword!

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Chapter VIII, Dragon Sword Ghost Sword!

Black to the extreme is the way!

As a priest of the three great priests of the abyss, the ecstasy of the ecstasy originally had the ability to devour the power of darkness. This is why he can rise rapidly within the abyss, and even the demon who is almost immortal is hard to come by.

Although he has reached the Terran world, the dark power on the land of Shenzhou is not as deep as the abyss, and half of the time belongs to the daytime, and half of the time belongs to the darkness----but, after all, the old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, has not died. The soul, then keep looking for new hosts, wait until the host dies and continue to look for a younger and more useful host. Even as he said, he lived in the grave for tens of thousands of years with a fake body.


With his existing strength, he is able to disdain the entire human world!

This is why he regards the human race as a mustard and kills him without any mercy.

He regards it as a cat, as a dog, as a chicken, duck, tiger and leopard----a group that the human race does not care about, will he care?

Li Muyang felt the danger, it was a danger of extinction.

Not only the body, but even the soul will disappear with the sword that is about to fall.

The slender and sharp sword of the blade became a black sword of the sky, and when the sword fell, it seemed to have the momentum of Mount Tai.

The world is discolored, and the ghosts are crying.

In the sword array, there are countless souls in anger and roaring.

Originally, it was the extraction of nature and the soul of all spirits. The sword was released, and it was the soul of countless flowers, plants, fish, birds and beasts. It is only that he tempers those souls and then becomes the purest power of darkness.


A sword flies, as if to divide the world.

The best way to fight is to avoid the edge, look for flaws and then shoot.

However, Li Muyang is inevitable.

Because he knows that if he avoids it, the entire city of Jinzhou will be destroyed by a sword, and hundreds of thousands of people will be killed or injured. Da Zhoujun, Peacock Army, including the people of Jinzhou, were spared.

Take the sword sword!

Hard to hit hard!

Feel the sword of the horror sword, and the peach sword at the waist of Li Muyang is also screaming.

The heart is free, and the peach blossoms are quickly squirting, giving off a pink glow and swaying above the sky.

Li Muyang’s body vacated and turned into a white dragon that went straight for nine days.

The white dragon swooped down and flew around the peach sword, and it flew faster and faster. The huge body was getting smaller and smaller.

In the end, it turned into a pocket dragon with a size and size.

The pocket dragon is faster, like a white lightning flashing in the sky, it is already unclear to his true form.

Only when the white light flashed, the white lightning turned into a pink sword.


The peach blossom sword screamed, and it sounded like a dragon.

The dragon and the sword are one!

This sword is the dragon sword!

Li Muyang infused his whole body and all his studies into this peach sword, and prepared to use this peach sword to counter the horror sword of the evil priest.

The peach blossom sword is full of light, with the breath of spring, giving people a feeling of vitality.

The horror sword is black and overflowing, as if from the depths of the Shura hell, giving a deadly breath of death.

One for life and one for death.

One is light and the other is dark.

The two swords intersect and the strong survive.


It is like two mountains colliding, two floods are connected, two giant boats are taking over, and two gods are angry-----

When the horror sword full of death breath came, the dragon sword that Li Muyang turned into did not hesitate to greet him.

Above the sky, an earth-shattering bang was heard.

The sky is instantly pink, and the moment is dark. Then red, dark purple, white-----

The sky is unpredictable and the face is unpredictable.

Those surviving races, the soldiers who had already stopped killing, all looked up and looked at the one-man sword.

"God, that's-----What's going on? Why-----I feel that the world is going to be destroyed?"

"What happened? It wasn't the long princess of the Peacock Dynasty and the dragon around him----How did they fight?"

"His Royal Highness Princess----Why did it kill the Li Muyang? And the sword that the princess released - not the spirit of His Royal Highness ------"


The senior generals of the Peacock Army, who are extremely familiar with thousands of degrees, are even more embarrassed. The two strong men who are watching the battle at the rear of the battlefield can squeak out the water. The resentment says: "So the crisis, why? Self-satisfied-----If the Highness is injured, what can the Big Zhoujun counterattack?"

Zhu Rong is also anxious and said: "General, how can it be good now? Always stand up and discourage your Highness-----I know that the evil dragon is not well-intentioned. If he hurts His Royal Highness, we will get it again. The big victory is afraid that it will also be headed to the ground -----"

"Dissuasion? How to discourage?" The mother said with a strong voice: "They are above the sky, with your strength, how can they reach that place------we say that we are all forced by the sword It’s hard to move. If you want to get close, you’re afraid that it’s been cut into pieces by the sword.”

"Then we ------"

"Beep!" Mother strongly yelled: "Don't you find out? Your Royal Highness Princess ------somewhat strange."

"Strange?" Zhu Rong looked up and his eyes suddenly became sharp. "This is ----- Princess Royal Highness?"


When the sound stops, the day is calm.

The two swords intersected and fell into a stalemate.

The dragon sword, which represents the strongest vitality, and the thrilling sword with countless deaths, are struck together, and no one can help anyone.

The horror sword squats and the dragon sword crosses.

The two swords are opposite each other and want to break through the defense of the other side and penetrate the enemy's body.

However, the Dragon Sword has a dragon body, and the stun sword also has a death sword field. No one can get a head start in a short period of time.

"Li Muyang ------" The face of thousands of degrees appeared above the sky, and the whole sky is her beautiful appearance. "Do you really want to kill the killer?"

"In any case, I have to kill you this demon ------" inside the dragon sword, came the voice of Li Muyang.

"Do you know that if you get this sword stabbed in----- she will be fragrant, and there will be no life."

The dragon sword was weak, and was instantly attacked by the horror sword for an inch.

Obviously, Li Muyang’s mood at this time is extremely complicated.

"Unless ----- you stop killing innocent ------ let go of this city------" Li Muyang’s voice passed again from the dragon sword, but the words spoken It is unwavering and there is no room for bargaining.

The evil priest saw the hesitation of Li Muyang, and then said: "Li Muyang, you really want to kill thousands of times-----you said that this is the woman you love very much ------ you said You are willing to do anything for her-----Li Muyang, are you going to kill her? Kill the woman you love, kill this woman who loves you wholeheartedly, kill this for you to fight Women of the Nine Kingdoms?"

"I said ---- stop this war----- let go of this million creatures----to give them a way to live, I can surrender and continue to use for you---- - As long as you let them stop fighting, I will still be willing to drive you to help you complete your wish to unify the nine countries ------"

"No, Li Muyang, you don't know me too much-----I don't want anyone to stop what I want to do. This is a million-year-old creature in the city. It doesn't make any sense to me. Fertilizer---- - However, since I have destroyed their minds, they cannot be stopped because of your blockade. In this way, the mind is not smooth, and the thoughts are unreasonable -----"

"But also, how can you do it----- dare to stop the priest from acting ------If this time you smash your mind, then next time ----- you block again, what will happen? Li Muyang, I don't believe that you are so ruthless and unjust----you are a tribe of evil dragons, like a street mouse, everyone shouts, everyone gets it-----I occupy her body, I have also tried to spy on her heart, only she is trusting you wholeheartedly, protecting you ------ you want to kill her ------"

"In order to protect those who want to kill you, but to kill the woman who loves them deeply-----hahaha, the dragons-----is really foolish-----no wonder that today’s era of extinction -----咎自自取-----"

The dragon sword's momentum is weaker, the red brilliance on the sword is once again diminished, and once again the attacking sword gives an inch.

Above the sky, the expression of a thousand degrees suddenly became sad, and even the voice of the speech returned to the original thousand voice.

"We are going to kill the dragons, we need to take care of each other. Shepherd classmates are boys, but we must protect our girls from being bullied by dragons!"

"呦呦鹿鸣,食野之苹. I have a guest, and the drums boast. I take the land as a table, take the Ganquan as the wine, eat the birds and eat the beast, and entertain the two good friends. How can the beauty of the good scenery be less music? ?"

"In any case, you have to live well. Your family will hand it over to me to guard, what do you want to do? Then do it with pleasure. As long as you are alive, your family has hope." If they are afraid, they are not as good as death-----"


Scenes and thousands of scenes came together in my mind, the girl who saw the first sight, the girl who accompanied me, the girl who saved her life in the lake, the girl who was honest in the fantasy, and the At the foot of the windy city ----- girl who sent her soft and warm lips ------

She is her own classmate, partner, knowing, and loving.

She is her own rib, blood. It is part of your life.

Such a woman who wholeheartedly pays for herself, once and for all, stood up and took out the dangerous woman for herself. In order to restore the glory of the dragon, in order to enable her to reunite with the family, she would rise to the army of the nine countries----

Now, I will kill myself in person?

How can I-----kill her in person?

"How can it be?----Li Muyang, how can you------this is so unremarkable?"

The dragon sword is weaker and the sword is weaker. Even the original pink sword array is faint.

Under the attack of the horror sword, the dragon sword creaked and bent into a bow.

The evil priest felt the inner heart of Li Muyang and immediately renewed his strength.


The dragon sword was broken into two pieces.

Li Muyang’s body was forced out, rolling in the air and vomiting blood.

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