MTL - The Jilted Male Lead Hires a Mother for the Cute Shapeshifters-Chapter 7

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It has been three days since Ye Qing returned to the city.

She figured out one thing.

The problem with the house is-haunted.

At midnight at this moment, Ye Qing was deeply trapped in the sofa, with Erlang's legs raised high, and he was rubbing the apples.

The TV is on, and there is a horror movie that she deliberately uses to attract the legendary 'ghost'.

But no ghost was found.

What kind of ghost is Nima making? !!

Ye nibbled the last bite of the apple and dropped the kernel into the trash bin with a loud noise, with a strong murderous spirit.

In the past three days, she ran back and forth, not knowing how many times.

Haunted rumors were spread by previous tenants.

The tenants were two white-collar women, aged 27 and 8.

Before Ye Qing rented out, she had seen each other and had a pretty good chat. It can also be seen that the two female white-collar workers are quite reliable in terms of personhood.

So instead of betting, paying one, paying three, as in the market, she rented it to the other party.

Because she felt that the two gold 11 master dads were still trustworthy.

As a result, within a few days, Jin 11's father ran away and released haunted rumors, throwing her keys to the property's lost and found center.

Based on the principles of kindness, she thought that the world she might come from is a spiritual world?

Therefore, she stayed at her house for one night and kept her eyes open.

No ghost hair was seen.

Ye Qing wanted to find a tenant to ask clearly, but the other party deleted her V letter and did not answer the phone.

But haunting rumors in her family, like viruses, spread far away.

She hung up the rental information on the Internet, and she was taken down by the website before she could see her prospective father.

She said there was insecurity in her house!

Find an agency, let them help you rent or sell, and give the agency fee higher than the market price, but the agency refused to accept it, and said, Madam, I ’m sorry, we ’re sorry, we do n’t want to, but we really ca n’t blablabla ...

Ye Qing put up a leaflet by himself and posted it at the gate of the community or the subway station.

But after a few hours of viewing, these leaflets are written with four big characters-haunted! Rent carefully!

Very wrong, very wrong, very wrong.

Ye Qingmink felt that someone was targeting her behind.

But she couldn't find the person behind it.

Those two female tenants should not be, at most, bought and used.

Eighteenth-line blood-sucking relatives are even more unlikely. They don't even know her address in the big city.

Therefore, as a result, her house cannot be rented or sold, except for her own living.

Because the reputation of the house was damaged.

Ye Qing slumped on the sofa like a salty fish and sighed.

This house in the city cannot be rented out or sold.

In the countryside, because on the 18th line, the real estate is not easy to sell, and no one buys it. What's more, it was left to the original owner by the original owner's parents. The original owner was reluctant to sell when she was the most difficult.

The above means that Ye Qing has no source of income.

Without a source of income, she can't starve herself to death, she can only make money.

The rural environment is good and the air is fresh. It is a good place to rest and rest.

Unfortunately, this is not a good place to make money.

Ye Qing wants to make money, it is best to stay in s city.

Stay in s city.

Ye Qing smiled coldly.

She is wearing this world, this world is a book, she seems to have tasks to complete.

It was just that she was too lazy to watch, and went straight to the countryside to enjoy life.

But within a few days, the plot **** forced her back to s city?

Ye Qing thought for a while, and pulled out the story introduction and mission introduction that she had lost to the back of her head, and pulled straight to the end.

Task: Let the male lead fall in love with you, and fall in love with the male lead.

Ye Qing looked at these handwritings that appeared in his mind, removed the potato chips, and threw these introductions into his mind again.

It is impossible to accomplish anyway.

Let the male lead fall in love with her, she may also think of a way.

But making her fall in love with the male lead is too difficult.

She can't do it.

Forget it.

Let's eat potato chips.

After dawn, go out to look for work.

As for the plot god, the soldiers came to cover the water.

She is so kind and knows how to be grateful.


In the afternoon of the next day, Ye Qingshui woke up and walked along the street.

She doesn't have much fighting spirit, either find a light job or a good job.

In this world, she positions herself as a spectator, a passerby.

Why bother with hard work, it's good to finish the world like a salty fish.

So, when he saw the recruitment notice outside the cake shop, Ye Qing pushed the door in.

Her eyes glanced at those tempting desserts.

It was a delicious job to meet her needs.

Ye Qing raised a bright smile and said gently: "Hello, are you recruiting female workers? I am here to apply."

The shopkeeper heard the words, raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at Ye Qing's body.

He looks pretty, wearing a light blue sweater and light jeans.

When you laugh, it feels like the gentle women described in the poems.

The owner was quite satisfied, and just wanted to say something, but when he saw the person who came in, he paused, and in the next second he felt a little ecstasy, and a little shyness in his ecstasy.

Ye smiled slightly, his mouth was bent, waiting for the next sentence of the owner.

Seeing the other person's appearance, he also wanted to turn around and take a look.

As a result, before she turned, there was a pendant on her left leg.

The sound of a little acquaintance, who sounded familiar, rang excitedly: "Mom! Would you like to buy cake too!"

Ye Qing: "..."


That little girl who touched porcelain.

She lowered her head with a smile, and looked up at Shen Mian, who was looking up.

Ye Qing waved to the little girl: "Hi, what a coincidence, are you coming to buy a cake?"

"Yeah!" The child Shen Mian focused on his head, holding his mother's legs tightly without giving up, and crooked his head. "Mom, this cake is delicious, so Dad took me to buy a cake. I didn't expect to see my mom Mum, Mian Mian really misses you so much! "

If no one was talking beside them, they didn't notice the owner of the cake shop. When they heard the little girl named Ye Qing's mother, she looked lost.

Ye Qing's smile remained the same, and he gently wiped the little girl's fat face, then turned to look.

Dad is here too?

She would like to see what kind of father, can raise such a casual mother daughter.

Professional touch the porcelain household, rely on the daughter touch the porcelain to get the kind of daddy.

The dregs Shen, who was standing three steps away, was in a high-definition suit, which outlined the good figure of a man.

Originally looking at the cake shop with a lot of space, as he stepped in, he became shorter.

Because this man is a bit tall, standing in the cake shop always makes him worry that he will hit his head in the next second.

But when he saw his face, the small cake shop suddenly lighted up again.

The dessert cakes that were attractive in color were inferior to the man's face in front.

So lovely.

Ye Qing looked more generously.

She always loves beauty, food, and beauty.

This man can be called a beauty.

But such beauties definitely have a place in the plot.

Either the male lead or the male lead.

Amazing plot god, originally a few days ago, in the small county town of the eighteenth line, she was already related to the plot in the book?

Ye Qing felt the small cotton candy pendant on her leg and grinned at the big beauty.

Shen Qinyan looked at Ye Qing's smile and nodded slightly, his voice was as seductive as his looks: "This lady, let's talk?"


In the coffee shop next to the cake shop, the aroma of coffee swells in every corner.

Ye tapped a cup of Mocha, took the cup naturally, and took a sip elegantly.

Opposite her, she sat Shen Qinyan.

The kid named Marshmallow was left in the cake shop for cake.

However, she now slipped over and was standing outside the coffee shop, beckoning Ye Qing with a large gap across the glass.

On the corner of the girl's mouth, there were still traces of white cream.

Ye Qing smiled at the little girl outside the door.

Shen Qinyan spoke up, too lazy to waste time, and opened the door to see the mountain: "You are like A Mian's mother."

Ye coughed a little. If it hadn't been for the mouthful of coffee, she was afraid it would spit out.

What a cliché plot.

Although she didn't read the plot in the book, she had made up for herself.

The man in front of him is probably the man in the world in the book.

The male lead has an ex-wife, but due to various messy reasons, he has been faked to death?

The man thought about it day and night, and the child thought about it day and night, and met a woman who looked like his ex-wife.

Then it involved a bunch of you love me, I don't love you, I love you, and you hate my story.

So when she walked in, she let the passerby role play the role of a vicious female substitute instead?

If she successfully completes the task and falls in love with the male lead, then kick off the female protagonist in the book, succeed in the ranks, and advance to the female lead?

I thought so, but Ye Qing's face was not obvious, but he looked a little surprised: "Is it? What about A Mian's mother?"

Shen Qinyan took a deep look at Ye Qing, slightly lipping his lips: "Dead."

Sure enough, but according to the general plot, death is impossible.

Ye Qing showed a sad look, with a bit of compassion in his tone: "Sorry, please mourn."

Shen Qinyan smiled slightly ironically.

Ye Qing raised her eyebrows slightly, and felt that the lord's expression was a bit wrong.

When the child's mother died, the smile on the corner of his mouth was a little weird.

Now, too.

Probably a psychiatrist.

Ye Qing sipped his coffee lightly.

Shen Qinyan: "Just heard you were looking for a job?"

Ye Qing bowed his head.

Shen Qinyan said casually: "I have a job. What do you think of A Mian's mother? I usually pick up my child to go to kindergarten, and bore her to play with her."

Ye Qing took the coffee hand, and she looked up, slightly surprised: "What?"

Shen Qin Yan said briefly: "A Mian misses her mother very much."

So I hope she can act as a mother stand-in, so that the child has a warm and beautiful childhood?

Ye Qing blinked and lowered the coffee cup: "Do I want to cook?"

Shen Qinyan: "There is a cook at home."

Ye Qing: "Do I have to do housework?"

Shen Qinyan: "I have an aunt at home."

Ye Qing: "Monthly salary?"

Shen Qinyan: "Twenty thousand."

Ye slightly bit his lip, looked at the little girl outside the cafe who squatted and pulled a bow on her clothes, sighed, and was full of pity: "It's really a bitter child, my mother is not around at a young age."

She paused and lowered her eyes, looking a little sad: "Since I look like A-Mian's mother, it means that this is a fate in the bottom of the world, I will do my best to help."

Shen Qinyan laughed a little, with a rather indifferent tone: "Ms. Heart is really kind. Then I will trouble you in the future."

Ye gently shook his head, a little embarrassed: "No, sir, you're welcome, this is what I should do."

After speaking, she talked to the other party about some details. After drinking the last sip of coffee, Shen Qin Yan stepped out of the cafe first.

Seeing this, the children of Shen Mian immediately stood up from the ground, ran over a few steps, and rushed into Ye Qing's arms: "Mom! How are you and Dad talking!"

Ye gently touched the little girl's head, reached out and wiped off the cream from the child's mouth, actively took the girl's hand, and said warmly: "Good talk. Let's go, mother will take you home."

The child Shen Mian froze, glanced at the dad coming back, and raised his eyebrows at the dad for a while, then happily followed the pace of the mother, bouncing: "Mom and mother, you will live with me in the future Villa? "

Ye Qingyan's eyebrows arched, "Yeah."

Shen Mian flew up happily, took the initiative to take a step forward, stepped on her toes, and tried to open the door of the back seat with all her strength. The gentleman stood outside the door and said sweetly, "Mom, go in fast, be careful not to hit your head. ! "

Ye Qing was flattered, touched the child's soft hair, and plunged into the car with kindness.

When Shen Mian saw her mother go in, she followed her into the car and slammed into the door.

Shen Qinyan standing behind her mother and daughter raised her eyebrows slightly.

The next second, the daughter poked a head out of the car window and instructed: "Dad! You take the co-pilot!"

Shen Qinyan: "..."

The author has something to say: Shen Shen: My daughter is unfamiliar. Wife is also unfamiliar. As for the other children, huh.

ps: All children are just this cat, and the others are definitely different. [Cigarette.jpg]


* Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2019-11-2515: 37: 02 ~ 2019-11-2519: 09: 56 ~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Guna;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!