MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 44 Qi Ling (9)

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The door to the trial once again ushered in a bunch of visitors. A large spiritual army and a man of Yunzong Zong, an entire sect, arrived at the other end of the world.

In accordance with the agreement, the spirits have given up space for the development of Yunxiaozong in the spiritual realm, and many high-ranking spiritual people expressed their willingness to accept the offering.

In the short time of reaching the spiritual world, the original editor who stayed in the world of Xiaoqian could not see the little pitiful look before, wearing a luxurious robes woven with leprechaun, and then Also wrapped in a small cloak made of frosty snow fox fur...

It’s how the thin figure is wrapped in so many clothes, and it has to show a little bit of feeling.

Although the five senses have not yet been opened, since the Huaihuai has crossed this body, the contour of the body's facial features has gradually evolved toward his appearance in the original world.

Therefore, even if it is still young, it is a good time to look at the future of the young man from the eyebrows.

Customs clearance: 15%

The newly-increased customs clearance value is because of the return to the spiritual world, and already knows his identity in this world. Gu Huai naturally understands the reason why the spirituality is particularly particular to himself, and...

Lying in a relatively empty place in the sea of ​​flowers, Gu Huai looked at the flowers that were swaying in the wind and recalled the figure star.

Many of the spiritual people in the world have accepted the offerings, but the ontology has now returned to the spiritual world, and now there are no spiritual people who are willing to sleep as before, and each one is energetically active in the spiritual world.

This so-called activity is that the Lingzu is now collectively learning the skills of knitting wreaths.

It has long been a monk who has been robbed into immortals. He is used to solving various things. So for this kind of fine things that need to be hand-made, these spiritual families are very bitter, and the finished products are not made. The waste products have already been made.

If the foreigners who came in from other circles saw that the spiritual people in the spiritual world were all writing flowers and branches, and the look was quite careful, it is estimated that they would be directly on the spot.

A group of monks who are masters of true immortals and even Xuan Xian are helpless to a garland. As one of the five spirits, the spirit of the world tree has looked at their own tangled geniuses, and screams out a piece of tangled branches. Then use his innate ability to decorate the flowers.

Successfully made a garland, this body of the ancient spirit of ancient wood is still parked in place, did not enter the scope of the sea of ​​flowers. It has never used human form, and the flower sea in front of it is very prosperous. In the past, a large number of flowers will be trampled by it.

But this is not a cure. Looking at the young figure like a white group that was covered by the sea of ​​flowers, the ancient wood spirit extended a part of his body structure and finally put the braided garland on the boy's head.

Because the teenager is lying, in fact, this wreath is not able to wear positive. There was something on the head, and I saw what it was. Gu Huai got up and straightened the garland, then ran out of the flower sea to the tree spirit that gave him a wreath, and put the hands on the other side. Open.

Inexplicably, I understood the meaning of the young boy's movement. The spirit of the ancient wood held the young boy in front of him on his left shoulder.

Huahai is a place where the spirits devote themselves to planting flowers. In fact, in the early days, the spiritual world was not like a flowery flower. There are few flowers and trees. The appearance of the spiritual world is that the spiritual family has been built for many years. from.

The planting of flowers and trees was first proposed by Xie Tao. Originally, only some of the spiritual people were appointed to do it. However, the other spiritual people in the spiritual world also spontaneously joined the project after seeing it, so the progress of this work can be said to advance. It is very fast.

When the spiritual world changed from the flower to the garden, many of the spirits just like what they lost, and many of them chose to sleep because they felt too boring. However, when outsiders enter the spiritual world to destroy flowers and plants, these sleeping spirits will wake up and punish those foreigners who have ruined their own efforts and continue to sleep.

These flowers are the gifts they are ready to give...

There is such a vague idea in the vagueness, but only rushing through the brain can't catch, and at that time, these spirits can't think of what the noun that was skipped.

Now, they have naturally filled the vacant place.

The eyebrows that have looked beautiful and beautiful have a garland on their heads. Xie Tao is in the air at this time, pulling up the boy's hand and putting a bracelet on the other side.

This bracelet is not delicately woven, even a bit rudimentary. Xie Tao’s movement actually paused inadvertently, but in the end she still looked down at the teenager sitting on the shoulders of the world’s tree spirit. The voice was low: “Gifts... flowers, for Ahuai.”

Xie Tao’s words are not only representative of themselves, but also represent the rest of the spiritual group. After all, the flowers in this spiritual world are all planted together.

Looking down at the freshly baked bracelet on his wrist, Gu Huai looked at the innocent monk who seemed worried that he would not like the bracelet. Then he reached out and held the garland on his head. The clan, who is waiting around him to watch his reaction, bends his eyes and smiles, showing a clear love attitude.

This gift was received even after the world was separated.

Because their own small owners clearly expressed their love for the gifts they sent, the spiritual people who used to plant flowers and raise flowers had been obsessed with the work in the near future, and they were not willing to use the spells when they were doing it.

Using the semi-cheating cultivation method, Gu Huai's cultivation has been directly jumped from the previous period of construction to the heartbeat period. When he jumped successfully, the customs clearance value also increased the face by 2%.

"System system, do you have to master the ability to pass the trial door alone?" The ancient wood spirit who likes to sit on his shoulders understands the rules of the world. I want to confirm his thoughts with my system.

The system does not deny this statement, "Generally."

"Compared with the past, the monks who can pass the door of trials seem to be getting fewer and fewer." Although there will be one after another, the frequency is not a grade compared with the grand occasion of more than a thousand years ago. Thinking about it, Gu Huai raised his hand to support his jaw. "Is it because the world of the world is getting scarcer?"

Not only in the small world, but also in the big world, but the latter has a large aura base, and it does not see too serious impact for the time being.

The system responded with a voice. After the response, it was rare to take the initiative to open the door: "The customs clearance time in this world is very long, you can choose to take it slowly."

Originally, I was thinking about the direction in which I had to choose to make an achievement in order to complete the customs clearance. I heard this sentence from my own system. Gu Huai could not help but ask this posture of holding the chin: "If I am every time It takes a long time to clear customs, and the world has failed in the last few planes. Will you be very angry with the system?"

This sentence Gu Huai is actually a joke, after all, what he thought from the beginning of the game is to win, especially after experiencing a plane world, the reasons for him to win have also increased.


If you don’t mention the other person’s forced participation in the game, Gu Huai feels that his system is still very good for him, and he is generally willing to meet his requirements. Now he still told him that he can slowly pass customs. Gu compiled that, according to the novel he read in the original world, the system should not want him to pass the customs as soon as possible.

Some hosts have negative customs clearance or progress is too slow, and the system will have corresponding punishments. Gu Huai remembers the novels he had seen before.

When it comes to customs clearance, Gu Huaigang thinks that he has always wanted to ask one thing about his own system. This matter has been forgotten from the last world. "How many people have passed customs before me? There will always be no one." ”

The world is so big, let alone there are so many other worlds in the plane, Gu Hua will certainly not think that he is the first person to be forced to participate in the game.

The system did not silence the issue, but only replied very bluntly: "Confidential, no answer allowed."

Gu compiled and screamed, but did not delve into it. He continued to think about the problem of the growing lack of aura in the world and the world.

For the monks, the lack of aura in the cultivation environment is to reduce the speed of cultivation. If one day the world's aura of the world is exhausted, the world will usher in the end of the era of cultivation and cultivation.

But for the spiritual people, the consequences are much more serious.

The spiritual people are living with spiritual power. In a world without heaven and earth aura, the new spirit cannot be born, and the old spirit only gradually disappears.

The aura of the two worlds is increasingly scarce, and it has not yet had much impact on the spiritual family, but if this continues, the future of the future will be unimaginable.

Although this seems to be in line with the future of the world's operation, the world of comprehension and cultivation is over, and the world here will develop into the modern society after a long period of time.

But Gu Huai does not want this at all. The current spiritual world is a gift that the spiritual family spends on thinking and giving it to him. He accepted the gift and was obliged to keep it.

So he wants to change it before that future comes.