MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 354 : The establishment of the school was proposed by the princess of the county

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At the end, there was a young lady swaying around. She raised her eyes in disbelief, forgetting what the occasion was and who the people in front of her were. She said in a trembling voice, "She ordered the opening of the school." ?”

Jiang Yingxiu turned her head and looked over. Originally, the emperor didn't let them speak. They couldn't speak. They could only stand aside in a polite manner. I don't know why the lady suddenly opened her mouth. But since she has already asked, this matter It was about Jiang Fu again, so of course I had to explain it carefully to her.

After all, it is no longer the emperor who decides in the palace, but this one.

The emperor's food, clothing, housing, transportation and life are all in the hands of others, so there is no reason to dare to neglect.

Jiang Yingxiu was holding the imperial decree in her hand, with the dust fly hanging on her arm, and said with a slight smile, "Isn't that right, the matter of opening a school was proposed by our county princess."

The daughter shrank her pupils and seemed to lose focus, she leaned back and was supported by the person beside her.

What my father said, the matter my father said was actually brought up by her. Since she brought it up, the emperor sent someone to do it...

My father said that the state treasury has to spend a lot of money to open a school. Before that, I was always wondering at home how the emperor would do such a good thing. So it is so, so it is...

Schools are set up all over the country, not only do not charge fees, but also reward students, which need to be consumed, money is not a small amount, since the emperor agreed!

Not only did he agree, but he also asked the princes and important ministers of the court to do it together. Could it be that he is under a gu? !

Jiang Fu sat there, Bai Shengsheng's face turned around, those clean and clear black eyes looked over, swept over each of their faces, and saw some bits and pieces of fragments.

Her eyes stayed on Miss Guo for a few seconds, then she frowned slightly, this lady...

Jiang Yingxiu immediately noticed that her expression was wrong. He bent over and stood beside Jiang Fu, followed Jiang Fu's gaze to look at Miss Guo, and asked, "What's the matter? The princess."

The tone was respectful, but also a bit puzzled and puzzled.

It seemed that as long as Jiang Fu said something was wrong, he would immediately order the little eunuchs in the palace to pull Miss Guo out.

Miss Guo's face was pale, and her fingers were trembling in the clothes room. This Jiang Fu is on good terms with Princess Anle, and it is well known that Princess Anle admires His Highness the Eighth Highness. She has gotten so close to His Highness recently. It is inevitable for An Le to want to take revenge on her...

Jiang Fu should help Anle deal with her, after all, the others just gossip about him, but she really has some grievances with them...

Jiang Fu looked at her calmly, those eyes were reflected by the light into a light color, her eyelashes were very long, and when she looked over, she looked very calm, like a breeze.

The light cherry-colored lips parted slightly, and the voice was like gurgling water, soft and clear, "This lady looks like..."

Her voice paused slightly, and the hall fell silent again.

Miss Guo didn't dare to raise her eyes, she just lowered her head and grabbed the corner of her clothes with trembling fingers. She could clearly hear her heartbeat.

Fear grew savagely in her heart like a vine, wrapping her whole body, as if wrapping her neck invisibly, making it difficult for her to breathe, as if she would close her eyes forever in the next second.

Until that clear voice sounded again, the girl's voice was still soft, with a bit of persuasion:

"It's not suitable for this lady to go out these days, it's better to stay at home."