MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 369 : It's all because of Jiang Fu and An Le

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Mrs. Guo originally wanted to make Guo Manying give up, but unexpectedly, Guo Manying's reaction seemed to be more intense.

She hugged her head with her hands, and retreated desperately, until she reached the innermost point, she leaned against the wall with her legs crossed and cried, crying:

"Not anymore."

"I'm already like this, what else can I do? I ruined my face and almost got..."

The Guo couple saw it in their eyes and felt pain in their hearts.

Seeing Guo Manying like this, they wished they could bear all this for her.

But no one can replace her, no one can...

"It's all because of An Le and Jiang Fu!" Guo Manying suddenly raised her head and said, "It's all because of them, it's all because An Le is jealous of me, and jealous that the Eighth Prince likes me!"

"Everyone says that she has stopped chasing His Highness the Eighth Prince recently because she has let go. I don't believe it, I don't believe it. It's just playing hard to get. Otherwise, why wouldn't she let me go out?"

"Because as soon as I go out, His Highness's eyes are all on me, she is jealous of me, she is jealous of me!"

Mrs. Guo looked at her daughter who was huddled in a corner and hugged her legs. Her nails were embedded in her palms, making crescent moon marks one after another.

"Yinger, Yinger, listen to your mother." She raised her hand to wipe her tears, sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out her hand to hold Guo Manying's hand, raised her red and swollen eyes and said, "Whoever hurts you Whoever it is, you should heal your wounds first, eat well, sleep well, and the most important thing is to take care of your body first."

Guo Manying opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but Mrs. Guo opened her mouth first, she said, "If you continue to be depressed like this, and even go crazy because of this matter, then you have fulfilled the wish of the person who hurt you .”

"Listen, mother, you can't do this, you know."

Guo Manying seemed to have come to her senses now, she murmured with tears, "Yes, yes, I can't do that, I want to take care of my body, I have to take care of my body before I go to revenge on them..."


Guo Manying's face was seriously injured, and she was frightened again last night, and her mood was very unstable.

The Guo family couple could only stay by their side all the time. They didn't know that the eighth prince had come to the house until the sun went down in the afternoon and they heard the report from the servants.

Mrs. Guo glanced at Guo Manying, who was already sound asleep, and went out with Master Guo.

Zhao An brought a lot of things, so he waited in the lobby with someone.

His eyes fell on the various precious medicinal materials on the table, his brows were slightly frowned, a little impatient.

An Le and Guo Manying, he needs both.

But these two people cannot coexist, so Guo Manying can only suffer a little.

She suffered a little bit first, and was sad at home for a few days, and he happened to be able to find peace in these few days.

When she is sad enough, if he comes to the door every day, the Guo family will be grateful for marrying her to him.

It's a pity to have her face ruined, but what he valued was not her face in the first place.

He is a prince, and he can have as many beautiful women as he wants, but there are not many like Guo Manying who can help him.

"The Eighth Prince is here." The Guo family couple walked in side by side. Both of them were very pale and seemed to be in a bad mood.

Zhao An immediately stood up, the impatience on his face disappeared in an instant, he went forward, his face full of worry, and said, "Master Guo, Mrs. Guo, please forgive me for visiting, I am really too I'm worried about Man Ying, she... Man Ying is okay, but she woke up, did she cry after waking up? Did she cry out in pain?"

"Don't look at her in the mirror, Manying is the most beautiful, if she sees her face, she will definitely cry."