MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 09 inside the door

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When Su Qi was about to blow himself up with gas, the shop Xiaoji smiled and walked over.

"Guest, the total amount of food at your table is thirty-seven!"

Hearing the words, Su Qiyi.

I know that they are excessive, but they did not think that they are so excessive!

"What do you say... how much?"

The shop's second child is still a smile on his face. His eyes looked around and found that everyone who was eating was watching him, so the voice said it was particularly bright! "Guest, this table of meals, a total of thirty-seven silver!"

"How many?"

Su Qi still did not speak, outside the door, the Susu County, who had just walked in, suddenly screamed, and suddenly rushed to the front of the store, and looked surprised!

Su Qi brow wrinkles...

How did she come? Didn't you tell her to go back first?

Zhao Feilu, behind the main body of Susu County, was helpless.

He also wants the Susu County Lord to return to the inn as well, but the Susu County Lord will not leave in the middle! If you have to find Su Qi yourself, there is no way for him.

Who makes his career now to follow the arrangements of the Susu County Lord?

The people were originally watching the excitement of Su Qi. Now I see two people coming in from the outside, and obviously these two people are all a group. The interest in everyone’s eyes is more and more intense!

This time, finally, there is a good show!

The heart of Susu County is really annoying!

She had just really intended to follow the words of Su Qi and returned to the inn to wait for Su Qi.

But how does she think how to feel that at this moment, she does not stand on the side of Su Qi and feels wrong!

Moreover, it can be seen that Su Shi’s mood is not good. When he is in a bad mood, how can she choose to leave freely?

So, halfway through, she begged Zhao Feilu and found the whereabouts of Suqi. Two people came together.

However, Susu did not think that at the moment of entering the restaurant, she actually heard such a sentence!

Susu went to the dinner table, and some people did. Even the mountain and sea flavor can not mention their interest, because they have been immune to Shanzhen seafood.

Susu only roughly glanced at the dishes on the table and knew that the food on this table was worth five or two at a time! One more word is wasted!

"Only these are thirty-seven silvers? Is your store a black shop?" Susu stretched his finger on the table, and his face was angry!

This shop is not willing to listen to the second child!

What is a black shop?

"Hey! I said that this guest officer said that you are not good at listening to it!" The shop Xiaoji just smiled and opened his face and suddenly collapsed!

He is not afraid of making trouble! Because they came to their restaurant to make trouble, they were basically cleaned up by them!

"Is this shop for me to come in? I am pulling you in? Is this all you are willing to voluntarily? Our family is like this! Is it not good? Then what do you start with!"

This is quite unreasonable!

Susu County is immediately mad at a big frog! The gang is mad!

"You... you are too deceiving!"

"How? Don't accept it? Then you go to the county to tell the story!"

The shop’s second child stood there with no fear, and his face was in the nose!

Susu is not a fool! When I was in the tea house, the people said, the relationship between the county magistrate and the people behind the Su County Sujia must have something to do with it!

If they go to the county to sue, then isn’t it a humiliation?

"I am!" Susu's head rushed to the store's second and the table full of dishes spit a slobber!

"Let's go to the county to die and die? Your wishful thinking is really loud! Tell you, we don't give money today! Don't look for it!"

Shop Xiao Er saw the appearance of Susu, and suddenly felt a little bad! The voice was nervous for the first time, and asked: "What do you want to do? I quickly gave me the meal and then gave it to me! Or else you have good fruit!"

Susu County was angry and looked at Su Qi. He asked him if he was extended. Can she do a big job!

Su Qiu looked at the shop second in a blank expression, and realized that he fell on the account of Mr.

When seeing the accountant seeing his eyes with a distraction, Su Qi disdainfully sneered.

I only know that I am afraid now?

"Hey!" The sound was light and there was no change in the sound line!

Susu heard the words, suddenly burst into the eye!

Picking things up, such things as a villain is what she likes most!

Stepping forward, Susu hands clasped the bottom of the table, a force!

The table didn't move!

Susuhan Yan, once again used a little strength, but still did not shake the table! Furious, too big!

"You come!" Step back, Susu turned to look at Zhao Feilu behind him, let him take charge of the table!

The person present, the face is all black at this moment...

Zhao Fei Luhan had the gods stepping forward, following the position of the Susu County Lord, in the store's second exclamation, it was easy to turn the table over!

Su Qi and A Zhao also shunned in the last moment. Su Qi came to Azhao and whispered a word. Ah Zhao nodded and turned away.

The master asked him to rush to the capital immediately. Then tell the owner of everything here!

A call is not worried about the safety of Su Qi. After all, with the help of Su Qi, there are few people who can hurt him in the world!

It’s awkward!

In the store's second exclamation, Zhao Feilu easily dumped the dinner table, causing the store to be angry and angry!

"You are too deceiving!"

Susu County chief disdain sneer.

There is really a deception, but it will never be them!

"You are really a wicked person to complain! Even said that we are deceiving too much? Good! This small... This young master will let you see today, what is called deception is too much! Zhao Feilu! Give me a sigh!"

The heart of the Susu County Lord has long been full of anger, but because of the fact that Su Qi did not speak before, she did not want to make things worse, because she did not know what the plan was in Su Shi’s heart!

But now that she has passed the consent of Su Qi, that is to say, all this is instructed by Su Qi, she is still afraid of a hair?

Not waiting for Zhao Feilu to speak, her whole person is just like the agile leopard. The ups and downs start to smash in the restaurant, see what is wrong! What is so good!

Shop Xiao Er originally thought that the fat sheep was delivered to the door today, but would there be a hard scorpion?

He is now suffering from a loss!

The things in the store are all worthless! Any one of them is broken, and his life cannot be afforded!

How can he not worry!

"Don't be jealous! Don't fall! Don't!"

In the shop Xiao Er’s screaming roar, Su Qi and Zhao Fei’s deer screamed a dripping!

And Zhao Feilu has a special feeling!

That is the thing of smashing things, has always been so liked by the world, there are also reasons for it, because my heart is particularly refreshing!

And the embarrassing is not their own things, but also the value of the city's baby, the more you are, the more addictive!

Open your teeth! Ping pong...

The people who watched the lively in the store had already rushed to the corner to watch the fun in the moment when Susu County took the initiative to pick up things!

For them, this store is really hateful! They also ate the loss of this store more or less!

But there are people behind the people, the countertops are hard! Even if they are dissatisfied, they have to come here to make a big head!

Things that I dare not do, and now seeing others do it, is also very refreshing!

Some people even shouted with excitement at this time: "Hey! Kill them!"

This said...

Do not touch the edge, it seems to be the help of the second, and it seems to be cheering for Susu.

Su Qi always stood on the side watching.

For the valuable items in the store being smashed, his little owner is a little distressed! The difference between the left and right and the reported, even if it is awkward, what is there! ,

And Su Qi has his own plans, isn't the person behind this hidden deep? Not coming out? Then they will make things bigger today! Bigger! Look at this behind the scenes, the black hand can still sit!

The store was looking at the situation and it was out of control. There is no arrogance just now! I hurriedly turned and ran to the backyard!

The current situation is not the one that he can control by a slave! Please come to the treasurer!

Su Qi has been paying attention to the action of the store's second child. Seeing that the store Xiaoji has turned around and ran to the backyard, Su Qi stopped Susu.

Susu licked her mouth, and she was addicted. Why did she stop?

But still do not forget to go to the face of Su Qi to invite merit!

"Su Qi, how do you see me doing?"

Facing the woman in front of her face, the smile is full of emotions, and the heart of Su Qi is really complicated.

If you don't feel moved, then he really became a beast.

But his feelings for Susu are very complicated.

Have a friendship of the war of resistance, but do not want to have too much development with her! Every time he is warning himself, don't let himself fall into the mud, and a woman like Susu County is worthy of having a better person to treat, and he is Su...

And he has no complete heart in Su Qi, how can he deserve the son of Susu County?

"Well..." He nodded blankly, it was a response.

Sussoon was lost...

She is just playing for the Suqi!

Because there are not so many tricks in her mind, I don't know how to use wisdom to worry about Su. I can only do this in such a silent way.

But... Su Qi does not seem to need her to do this.

With his head down, the Susu County Lord stood aside and looked at his toes, a little disappointed.

She really didn't think about eating a fat man in one breath! The heart of the Susu County Lord also knows that Su Qi is a long-lived person. Once a person is in his heart, it may not be possible to eliminate it in this life!

She... she...

"Your work is very good!" Just when Susu was sad, when the sound of Su Su’s voice was heard from the top of her head, she couldn’t help but look up and saw Su Qi’s face softly looking at her.

In the heart, suddenly spring blossoms!

Su Qi...

Su Qi did not know what happened to him.

Clearly telling myself that you should not bear the heart, you must be willing to treat Susu in order to let Susu die, let her transfer his mind.

But inexplicably, she couldn't see her sad face, even her little sadness, he couldn't bear it.

After comforting Susu, he couldn’t help but conceal how he could be so confused!

Just as the hard-hearted heart was ready to give Susu a cold face again, I suddenly heard a mid-term roar from the backyard!

"The cockroach mouse generation dared to make trouble in my Sujia restaurant! I don't want to live?"

Su Qi heard that the face that was originally cold to Susu was displayed to the person who appeared!

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a blue-and-blue brocade suit from the backyard. It was a burly figure, but it was a blessing. The face looked like a shopkeeper, more like a butcher!

That's right! This person is the treasurer!

There is nothing wrong with Su Qi guessing. Before he took over the restaurant, this man is indeed a butcher who is doing pig business! However, it was because of the relationship with the manager of the county of Su County, so that I could get a place like this!

This person is surnamed Zhu!

Zhu’s face turned into the front hall with anger, and after seeing the mess of the place, he almost fainted with distress!

In order to show his wealth and connotation, the things in this hall are all 100% authentic!

The baby in his eyes was suddenly so ruined, and some of them were already dead. How can Zhu’s treasurer be able to withstand it?

"You... you are too deceiving! Come on! Bring them all to me and send them to the magistrate's prison! Lao Tzu wants them to come out in this life!"

The roar of Zhu’s treasurer, waved the helper behind him to catch Su Qi and others!

Those little sisters are also really obedient. After getting the words of Zhu’s treasurer, all of them have come forward, and Su San, Su Su, and Zhao Feilu are all surrounded by the middle!

"The treasurer! They were originally four people! But now there are three left! Run one!" The shop that just ran to the backyard to ventilate the report, the second person looked wrong, looked at the Zhu treasurer with a look of fright!


What I got was a loud slap in the treasurer of Zhu!

The strength of the big, even has given the store a small two to give a back, the mouth will have blood flowing out, half of the face, suddenly swollen!

This scene has not received the sympathy of others, and the Susu County Lord even has a bad knife! "Live it!"

Is it not a job? I just didn't feel arrogant, is Laozi the first appearance in the world? Now it’s turning into a dog. This gap makes the people on the scene almost clap their hands!

After Zhu’s treasurer gave the younger brother a slap, he turned to look at Su Qi and others, and was squeezed by the cross-skin on his face, and there was a slit in his eyes, full of vicious!

"If Laozi doesn't clean up you today, you don't know how many eyes he has!"

This is to let the Susu County Lord not hold back, smiled...

"Can the teller tell us, Ma Wangye, how many eyes does he have?"

Zhu’s treasurer smiled coldly. “You don’t have to be here with me! Wait a while, I’ll let you see, my power! Go!”

The words, the group of thugs in front of everyone are swarming!

What are the consequences for the heroes?

After a minute, the Su-Seven people are still standing in the middle of the beautiful, never even how to move!

And the group of people who say that they are thugs are all lying on the ground and mourning!

At this moment, not only the store Xiao Er felt that they had run into a hard scorpion, but even the shopkeeper thought so!

Since he took over the store, he has countless people who have been in the pit! But most people have planted it, and it’s a matter of giving money! Even if there are one or two hard-working people who have resisted and struggled, they are still defeated in them!

But now... this is a bit difficult!

"You... you are so daring! Under the blue sky, you dare to commit a crime!"

Su Qi smiled coldly. "I have been to the North for so many years. I still heard the words of this upside down for the first time! How? It is just right to fight with us. Is our counterattack a bad act?"

"I don't talk nonsense with you! Go! Let's go to the door and tell!"

"The trick is not that..."

Susu wants to refute, but he is stopped by Su Qi!

"You said you want to go to the door?" Su Qi looked at the Zhu treasurer, asked one word at a time.

I don't know why, this moment Zhu Zhu cabinet actually felt a bad atmosphere!

But as a treasurer, he is a man! Naturally, you can't let your identity be inferior! Besides, this door is up and down, isn't that the money they manage to manage? Even if you go to the door! They are not afraid!

"Yes! You dare to do evil in my restaurant today, then it is necessary to go inside the door!"

Said that is a righteous words, generous! I don't know, I thought that this Zhu's treasurer suffered a lot of grievances!

Su Qi nodded and agreed to his words!

"Good! Then let's go to the door!"

After that, instead of talking to Zhu’s treasurer, he turned and ran outside the door. Susu and Zhao Feilu naturally followed!

Zhu’s treasurer thought that Su Qi and others were going to run! Hurrying to the crowd of waste lying on the ground: "Follow them! Don't let them run!"

Su Su listened to this, turned his head to stop his own steps, and looked at the group of wine bags behind him sneer: "As long as you don't run, then you have the ability! Count you are still men!"


They want to run? They are too late to get on the pole!

Susu now understands it. The reason why Suqi indulges them to make things so big is to want to bring out the people behind the scenes, and then...

The people around me looked at the shopkeeper and the three people went to the door. They felt that this thing would be a very interesting thing! So one or two of them all go hand in hand, and go to the door with greatness!

I met the familiar people on the road, and then I said that everyone was curious and went along!

Therefore, until the end, the people who go to the door are not three or two, but three or fifty, or even hundreds.

People in Feixian County, where there is no such thing as the Sujia industry, is it a place where people can’t vomit bones? Now there are still people who are on the pole with them? Still going to the door?

Isn't it obvious that it is a loss?

How can they not watch this lively?

Drumming the drums, it’s all the things that Zhu’s treasurer, Su Qi, they are just holding their arms and looking at the Zhu’s treasurer’s face and being beaten by the big grievances!

In a short while, Shengtang, the county magistrate came!


"Who's banging the drums, what's the matter? Quickly report!"

The county magistrate is also a middle-aged thin man of more than forty pairs. The slender eyes seem to make people feel uncomfortable! Especially the scorpion is full of calculations!

The treasurer of Zhu’s treasurer suddenly began to tell the story of the evil of Su Shi’s group of people!

It’s very popular to watch the lively people around.

They know the dirty condition of this restaurant. If they have not heard the words of Zhu’s treasurer, they have already followed the people’s anger!

But it is clear that they have heard these words from Zhu’s treasurer, but they are just a joke.

What they are waiting for is actually just looking at the Su Qi who are fighting the county’s shackles and accepting the grievances!

Don't say that this group of people is not simple, but in such a situation of bullying and fear, they are even sympathetic and polished!

After the end of Zhu’s treasurer, after exchanging a look of mutual understanding with the county magistrate, the county magistrate took the plunge!


The sound of the gavel is called a loud one!

"Bold people! Even dare to do this! Seeing this lord does not even give you a slap! Come on! Let them try to defy the consequences of the court!"

Got it! This is just a walk through the scene, and even asked Su Qi that their intentions are not.

They lost their understanding of the truth when they were preparing to come to the county, so there was not much hope!

The tricks on both sides of the door quickly went forward, and one person was holding a stick in his hand. It seems that they are going to let them experience the torture at this door!

But Su Qi, they are still at their mercy?

Ah... oh yeah... ah...

The battle is over!

"Good! Great people!"

At the door of the door, I don’t know that the righteous man couldn’t help but shouted, letting a group of people in the hall come back!


"Bold people, taking advantage of their own three-legged cats, they dare to attack and catch in the lobby! Give me a chance to catch them, no matter what!"

This is exactly the rhythm of killing them!

Su Qi has endured this time, but he does not want to endure it! Can't stand it!

The palm of the hand went inward, and the county magistrate who sat in the chair for the last second was sucked in front of himself with internal force! Ignore his pale face, his mouth is smiling, but the sound is cold!

"Dare to let us know? We still want to kill us, life and death? I want to ask you, what are you capable of, can you say this?"

The county magistrate has been scared by the liver and gallbladder at this time. Is this a monster? I can **** him up! How can he not be afraid?

Moreover, at this moment, how did he answer the words of Su Qi? Are you tired of getting scared?

"Su Qi, you will release him soon! This person is disgusting!"

Susu has been standing next to Su Qi. Naturally, she also saw the situation in which Su Shi took the county magistrate, and she also saw the water stains on the hem of the county’s old-fashioned official robes, and the suspicious land on the ground. water.

With a little thought, Susu can know what it is all about!

This person also claimed to be the county magistrate! It’s so disgusting!

------Off topic ------

happy New Year! muah!