MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 211 new beginning

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(four library books)

Ning Shaoqing, who was thrown down, turned over and counterattacked. He just pressed the strange snow under his body and the sound outside rang again.

"Homeowner, young lady, old slave is the lateness of the old lady. The old lady is afraid that the people around the lady do not understand the rules, especially let the old slaves come to serve."

This sounds thoughtful, but it is actually surveillance.

Since ancient times, it is easy for God to send God! If she really waited for this time, all kinds of reasons are all afraid of coming, and it is difficult to let her go.

A thousand snows are stiff, and for a moment, I really can't think of any decent words of rejection.

Although Ning Shaoqing, who is interested in raising interest, wants to be in the middle of the law, but has to live with it.

He is not aware of the scruples of a thousand snow.

Gently tapping a little snowy lips, it is a comfort.

Then prominently outside the door, "Let's go back later, help the owner thank the ancestors of the good intentions, there are Sun Yan here."

Sun Hao is an old man who has served the mother of Ning Shaoqing.

Ning Shaoqing’s daughter-in-law was paralyzed six or seven years ago. His yard naturally did not use the main thing. Xie’s several times wanted to send people to serve, and he was not required to refuse.

Therefore, the things in his hospital have always been managed by the daughter of the daughter of Yue Niang.

Although Ning Shaoqing looks warm and pleasant, in fact, the temper has been relatively cold. At that time, he didn't think much about it. He just didn't like unfamiliar people swaying around him. He didn't like too many people in the yard.

However, since he was determined to return to Beijing, he has been preparing for the smooth entry of this family. Once upon a time, there was only one master in his hospital. It doesn't matter if there is a master. Now that there is a thousand snows, everything is different.

Mo Zhen’s death was an accident, and he was also reminded of him. He had already examined many embarrassments in the dark.

In the main courtyard, there must always be a master who can be up to the table and smart and competent to handle all kinds of affairs, to assist the master of the house, rather than relying on the gimmick. Although the first day is clever, I have been able to get some countertops along with the thousands of snow, but she has no qualifications, no experience, and the darkness of the ditch in the door of the big house is even more so. Big appointment.

Therefore, after a review, he will have served his mother's dowry gimmick, and now Sun Hao has been transferred to serve as the governor of the main house.

It’s a man who knows how to be late. Seeing Ning Shaoqing’s for this matter, he smiled and smiled back outside the door. “The old slave will go back to the old lady first, and please ask the young lady to dress up soon. The man has already got up, and this is only a long way on the way to the hall. Her old man has never been too good, so don’t let the old lady wait."

The words are not too light or heavy, there are warnings and reminders, and they are in line with her identity.


Ning Shaoqing wore shoes and got up. "Sun Hao is the person who has served my mother. If you use it well, you can use it. If you use it badly, don't worry about anything."

Having said that, but in the end is the person who has served his mother, no one is big or bad, and a thousand snow will never refute the face of Ning Shaoqing.

After the delay, Sun Hao, who was waiting outside the door, pushed in the door.

Sun Hao looked very honest, with a smile on his face and a full ceremony of a master servant.

A thousand of snow rewarded a purse, and after saying a few words, let her get up.

The super family has its own rules. Sun Hao is an old man. His hands and feet are also very neat. He quickly pointed to the first eye, and finished the cleaning for the strange snow. Yue Xia waited for Ning Shaoqing, and he collected and took care of the room...

Everyone has something to do and is well organized.

After some washing, Sun Hao personally dressed for the strange snow.

After all, she has served the mother of Ning Shaoqing, and she has a three-point politeness to her. She can only rely on the person who is now in front of her, and naturally she wants to be both enlightened and heavy.

After all, although her identity is there, she can actually be unfamiliar with the home of this Ning family. Many things in the backyard are not easy to get along with, and she does not want to rely on Ning Shao for everything. Qing,

The makeup on the face is large, and the accessories are so small that Sun Hao is very fine, and she can see that she is very careful.

On the first day of the entry, it was the meeting of the seven aunts and eight aunts. If you can live in the scene, it will be today.

The identity of her first lady is established today and is a new beginning in her life. If it is ugly today, not only lost the face of Ning Shaoqing, but also lost the face of the Ningzu, and did not want to look up for a lifetime.

Still a big red, but it is different from yesterday.

Yesterday's red dress was a happy dress, but today's red dress is to show the positive status of the main room.

On the head is the head of the set of phoenix blood stones that Ning Shaoqing sent when she and her.

Red clothes, **** gems, blushing faces, golden accessories, I thought it would be very cheesy to stand in front of the mirror, but it was a big surprise.

In the mirror, the people are very dazzling, graceful and delicate, and very delicate, with a bit of arrogance in the vagueness, let her eyes shine.

A few thousand snows looked awkward and looked at Ning Shaoqing, who was already dressed on the side. The first time I officially saw the people of Ningzu, it was not nervous.

Ning Shaoqing nodded with a smile and came over to hold her hand.

Without too much language, the warmth of the hand-drawn, the heart of a thousand snow will be fixed.

Ning Shaoqing tightened his hand, and the thousands of snow would hold back and the two walked out.

There are already sitting outside the hospital.

Her identity is no longer the same as in the past, even in the hospital, she also has to sit in and out.

The yard where Mo Qianxue and Ning Shaoqing lived was the place where Ning Shaoqing lived in the past - Zizhuwan, taking the auspicious meaning of the purple gas.

Zizhuwan is not far from the main courtyard of Ning Shaoqing's office, but there is a distance from the inner courtyard of the inner courtyard. Sitting side by side in the open seat, the east is red and faint, rising in the morning sun.

It’s only a matter of light, and I carefully looked at Ning Shaoqing.

Ning Shaoqing is also a red dress today. As always, Wenrun has a lot of joy and more enthusiasm.

At a closer look, the bottom of the eye is a bit dark and blue, apparently not sleeping well.

Something is distressing now.

Since the cold poison in Ning Shaoqing's body, she has never seen the blue color of his eyes.

When I came back from Wangjiacun, I didn't sleep for a few days, but his energy was still abundant.

Presumably, he didn't sleep all night last night, and it took a lot of infuriating, it would be like this.

The heart is pouring out a sour, and the thousands of snow whisper, "I'm sorry!"

Ning Shaoqing did not look at her, and the hand was slightly gripped. "You and I don't have to say this."

Your own man hurts himself! Ning Shaoqing did not care, but a thousand snow but thought about waiting for the tea today, must be stewed for him, good to make up the vitality.

Along the way, the promenade, the Jiuqu Bridge, and the Linyin Trail are all there. They are walking and walking, but they are fast and steady. It can be seen that the family members are not ordinary people, and they all have some effort.

Soon I arrived at the main hall of the Ningjia Courtyard.

Ning Shaoqing released the hand of a thousand snow, and from the side, the warmth of the face was not there, and it was replaced by an alienation.

Sun Hao and Zhi Guan also helped the strange snow from the other side of the seat.

Ning Shaoqing walked in front, and Sun Hao and Zhi Gu supported the strange snow and walked behind, stepping into the hall step by step.

The hall is large, but it seems a bit crowded at this time.

Looking around, sitting or standing inside, there are dozens of people, looking at the costumes, basically the master.

The servant was only behind the old lady, standing behind an old servant, and a few hoes on the field responsible for the tea. The hall was very large, just entering the inside of the three feet, the eye was released and the hand holding the snow, and stood back to the door.

Ning Shaoqing's footsteps have not stopped, and the thousands of snows have not stopped because of the release of the eye-stopping. They are still moving at the same speed. She knows the rules of the house door.

The master of a house, there is no permission, and there is a place where the little girl is standing.

The old lady and the old master are sitting on the top of each other.

Ning Shaoqing went to the front and stopped in front of him.

Ning Shaoqing's eyes are dark and black, but the thousands of snow are beautiful makeup, blushing, and it hurts the old lady's eyes.

Pulling Ning Shaoqing's hand, with a distressed greeting in the courtesy, the grandson sat down, and looked at the strange snow without any traces.

The eyes are extremely sharp, but it is a flash.

The old lady is the most noble, and the first object of tea worship is naturally the old lady.

After Ning Shaoqing sat on the side, a thousand snows went to the place where Ning Shaoqing was standing. He had already put a cushion in front of the old lady, and the strange snow fell.

On one side of the big steamed bread served in the early morning, and thousands of snows respectfully smashed three heads. "Sun Hao asked the old lady for peace."

Please complete the work, straight up the upper body and take the tea, in order to show respect, hands raised the cup over the top of the head.

"Please ask Grandma to use tea."

"Well, hey!"

The old lady has always been hypocritical. At this time, she must be a good person in front of the old master and Ning Shaoqing. Even if she vomits in her heart, she will be dissatisfied with the strangers and will not embarrass her under such a big occasion.

It was said that Ning Shaoqing had wanted to pass that degree yesterday, and she did not dare to get it on the table.

Not to mention that an elderly person who is old is saying that this will make people criticized. What is more important is that she never wants outsiders to mistake his grandson - the new owner of the Ning is a erotic.

This dignity and the joke of the future she can't open or dare to open.

My heart resentment is a fascinating and unkind fox, but my face is full of laughter and pick up tea. "Shao Qing is busy with family affairs, and should be added to others..."

The old-fashioned female squadron, the stranger's left ear into the right ear, but the face is a teacher's appearance, the mouth is also a respectful word, "Xie grandma teaches you, Sun Hao remember."

The old lady let her go, but others have sharp people who are guns.

"Although young people are getting married, although they have a good relationship, they still have to know some moderation."

The opening is a sitting woman sitting on the left side, wearing purple clothes and a clever stupid face.

Ning Shaoqing's cold eyes swept away, and the face of Ning's old master was suddenly drawn.

Some people who are not very divided on the field, seeing the excitement to see, open their mouths to take a break, feel the cold but did not say anything, just holding a cup to make tea to cover up.

This kind of thing has started, it is not good to end.

No one dares to agree, and a thousand snow will automatically ignore it.

She had long been prepared for her thoughts, and her heart was sometimes distressed by Ning Shaoqing. At this time, she was not embarrassed, and she did not care about the person. She only used her light to slightly glance at her.

As the saying goes, the dog that bites is not called. This person is not a lot of guilty at first glance, only for people to use as a gun.

Can be used as a gun by others, can also be used as a gun.

The old lady symbolically took a sip of tea and placed the cup on the samovar. She smiled very kindly and looked at her. The lateness on the side was followed by a wedding tray wrapped in red cloth.

There is a female ring, a purse, a pair of bracelets and a jade.

Mo Qianxue quickly picked it up and thanked him.

The old lady raised her hand and gestured to let her get up.

The strange snow rose and handed the wedding disk in his hand to Sun Hao’s hand.

Then I went to the old house and squatted.

This head, she is willing to be willing, but also louder than the one just now.

The old master took the tea and quickly took a sip. He placed the prepared ritual on the wedding disk that Sun Hao was holding, and raised his hand. "This child is sincere, get up soon."

The two main hearts of the Ning people have been fixed, and then they will be on the field.

Ning's people who are ranked in the number, she figured out as early as the eye, just the name and the face of the face. Since Ning Shaoqing will give her eyes, the eye-stopping is naturally a clear head, and it is also very awake.

She is also somewhat aware of the nature of each individual.

The old lady's generation, the woman left by the grandfather of Ning Shaoqing, in addition to the old lady, is now ranked on the top two ladies, Mrs. Ying and Mrs. Yu.

The two old ladies, usually in the temple, usually have no major events and do not appear.

A thousand people enter the door, it is a wife of the owner, and there is nothing wrong with the house. As long as there is a slight identity, it must be present. The old master and the older generation, Xie is dead, Gui Xiaoyu is gone, Ning Shaoyu was deported, and the family is only Ning Shaoqing.

In the identity of Ning Shaoqing, in addition to the old lady and the old master, Mo Qianxue did not have to pray for the two old ladies and the people present.

In the end, after a generation of people, the strange thousand snow will bless the two old ladies.

The two old ladies did not dare to accept them. They all turned their bodies to the wrong side. According to the rules, the next time they met again, it was their turn to paint a thousand snows.

During the politeness, each person said a few blessings of auspicious words and sent them to meet. Next is the three old ladies of the old master.

Mrs. Mei, Mrs. Jing, Mrs. Purple, she has all seen it.

The eye-stopping also gave her a good class. Mrs. Mei had a prostitute of the age of fourteen, and she was famous for her name.

After Mrs. Jing lost her baby and then became infertile, Mrs. Zi’s introduction has also been in existence for ten years. She has a female eight years old and a famous name.

There are still six mothers in the house of the old family. At this time, they come over and ask her for peace.

Zhang Yu Niang, there is a woman, the name is Ruoqiang, the seventeenth year has been ordered, only to wait for the 18th full to pass the door.

Li Yu Niang, it is said that it seems that she was medicated and she did not have a baby. Because I was waiting for the old master from a young age, I was barely able to accommodate myself.

Xu Yu Niang, there is a prostitute, the year is thirteen, the name is Rushang.

Zheng Yu Niang, I have never been pregnant after I lost my baby.

Da Chen Yu Niang, after giving birth to a stillbirth, did not open her mind.

Xiao Chen Yu Niang, gave birth to a child, but she was paralyzed when she was not full.

Seeing this group of poor women, thousands of snow in the heart of the cold, so many women, but each has a bumpy, visible dark inside the door of the big house.

My mother came over and asked Ann, and with that pity, a thousand snows politely nodded, one by one, let Sun Hao give a morning pouch to reward.

The sisters also came to the ceremony to ask for red envelopes, and thousands of snow also laughed one by one.

Wait until the ceremony of the small family is finished, and then it is late to take the strange snow to the room to sit on the other masters to respect the tea.

The old lady is still there. In addition to the Ning Shaoqing family, there are other brothers and sisters, such as the brothers and sisters of the old family.

Everywhere, I will introduce it first.

Although the old master is the respect of the owner, the actual is the second. The nature of the first ceremony with a thousand miles of snow is the grandfather not far from the old master.

A sleepy, yellow-faced man.

The grandfather is the wife of Mrs. Ying, the old lady, and has a wife Zhang.

There is no such thing as a big house. I have to pass the family from Ning Shaofang. I am only 13 years old this year.

Although Zhang is well dressed, it is also a cautious one.

It seems that it is not a good idea.

Although this big man is only two years older than Ning Shaoqing's, but it looks like a big man in his teens, the little old man looks like.

Originally, the most taboo of the family of the family was that the scorpion was bigger than the scorpion.

However, I heard that at that time, the old lady had passed the door for three years of infertility, and the first child gave birth to a girl.

When the family is a child, the wife is more virtuous, and the old lady stopped the lady who was still in the house.

Only then did the great master, so the grandfather was only two years older than the old master, which is why Mrs. Ying’s birth was not high but she was promoted to her wife.

Every time I introduce one person, the news of the person is picked up in the strange snow, and the number is quickly.

Three masters (Mr. Yu’s), wife Wang’s son: Ning Shaohua, 媳: Wen’s.

Four masters (out of the old lady), wife Tanshi - there are two sons: Ning Shaoxin, set a pro, fiancee is a second-rate family niece Guan family. Er Zi Ning Shao Ji is only twelve years old. No scorpion, there are two prostitutes.

The one who ridiculed her is the four ladies. ......

A circle of tea is respected, the personnel relationship is basically clear, and the face is also right. From the face, some people's temperament, strange snow can also basically touch one or two.

I have to say that this family is big, and people are tired.

Although there are not many martyrdoms, this circle of tea is respected, everyone has to support it, and then listen to the old lady's teachings, and then return to the main courtyard at noon.

Off topic

This chapter is mainly to clarify the relationship between the characters, the parents are annoying, and the next chapter begins a series of stories.

This book is from the start, please do not reprint! L3l4

(four library books)