MTL - The Landlord And His Wife-Chapter 143 : not poisonous

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Shicheng didn't go to Liu's house for dinner at noon, and it was nothing else, just that the business was a little busy, so he didn't take care of it. When he remembered it, it was already past lunch time, but he was still the same as usual , came to Liu's house.

The willow tree has already settled the account. Willow Xuer is thinking about Xiuxiu going out with a bunch of boys. So go out with the willow tree.

I met Shicheng when I went out, so I called them together.

The old shop is close to the home, so naturally, the old shop comes first. It is a bit strange for the three of them to look at the shop from afar. Liu Tao has been out for more than half an hour, why is the door of this shop still open twice Fan, everything else closed? Does this count as opening or closing?

Willow felt strange and ran, Shicheng wondered: "What's wrong with the shop?"

Liu Xuer also felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly ran to the front, only to see the door of the shop opened twice, the willow tree went in and turned around and no one was there, from the flower shop next to it But hurriedly ran out a daughter-in-law, they all knew, it was the proprietress of the shop.

The proprietress cried out anxiously when she saw them: "Oh, it's incredible! Your sister ate the red fruit bonsai that Liu Tao bought! Liu Tao led him to the medical center... This has nothing to do with us, we must have told Liu Tao that it is not edible!"

All three were startled! What? ! Bonsai to eat? !

Shicheng exclaimed: "How big is the bonsai to eat?!"

The proprietress stomped her feet: "The fruit! The fruit is eaten! The fruit is poisonous!"

The three of them were startled again: "What fruit is poisonous?!"

The willow saw a little bit of vomiting on the counter at a glance, and then saw a bowl on the counter, and hurried over to pick it up: "Is it this fruit?!"

The lady boss glanced at the door, but saw the bonsai on the counter without seeing the bowl, so she called: "This is it!"

Shicheng and Liu Xuer rushed in at one step, and they all looked into the bowl at the end of the willow tree. There were three or four red fruits in the bowl, round, red...

Liu Xuer was puzzled, she reached out and picked it up and looked at it: "How does this look like...West...Shicheng?"

The moment Shicheng saw the fruit, his eyes almost met! I also stared at it: "I look a bit like it... just a little smaller..."

"The ones after that have been improved many times...I remember that this thing was not regarded as a bonsai..." Liu Xuer said, and put the fruit in her hand all at once in the mouth!

"Ouch!" The proprietress at the door saw it and was so shocked that she almost fainted on the spot!

The willow tree also screamed in fright: "Oh! How can you eat it?! Quickly spit it out!"

Shi Cheng was not in a hurry, looking at Liu Xuer still asking: "Really?"

Liu Xuer chewed and swallowed: "Yes... I just didn't wash... Forget it, it's fine if I don't wash it, it won't be poisoned..."

"How did you eat it? did you eat it?!" Liu Shu took a step forward, grabbed her shoulders with both hands and shook her, because he was so anxious that he almost lifted her up! It's like she's going to be shaken and spit out!

Liu Xuer shouted: "This is not poisonous... This is edible!"

Shi Cheng panicked and shouted: "No poison, no poison!" He rushed over and pulled Willow's hand away, and quickly rescued Catkin from his hand

The willow tree was stunned again, and let go of his hand, whether it was poisonous or not. He had never seen this thing before. He heard the proprietress say it was poisonous, so he was startled, and then heard the catkins say it was not poisonous. , he breathed a sigh of relief. But still worried, looked at Liu Xuer and complained: "What do you think you eat it for?! Just say it's not poisonous?"

Liu Xuer said: "I don't know what it is if I don't eat it..."

Shi Cheng said: "It should be non-poisonous, this thing... It's not poisonous at first sight..." It looks like a tomato!

The willow tree looked at the red fruit dubiously, who knew that the lady boss at the door was jumping in a hurry! She Xianggong clearly said that it is poisonous! Of course she believed in her husband! He ran in and grabbed Liu Xuer's arm and shook it: "Why do you still eat it when it's poisonous?! Why are you kids so greedy?!"

Take it and go out: "Let's go! Hurry to the medical center! I'll say it first, it's really good or bad, it has nothing to do with us! I said many times that you can't eat or eat!"

The willow called out: "Hey!"

Liu Xuer just happened to be going to the medical center to see Xiuxiu, so she hurriedly said, "Brother, I am going to the medical center!" She was dragged out by the proprietress.

The willows are stunned! Just as I was about to go out, luckily there was a stone city, so I hurriedly followed behind and left a message to Willow: "Don't worry, it's definitely not poisonous! But let's go to the medical center to see your family Xiuxiu and Liu Tao! Willow, you Look at the shop!"

The proprietress shouted again: "Show us the door of the shop!"

In the blink of an eye, everything was gone, Willow stayed for a while, so he had to open the shop door, cleaned the dirt on the floor and the door, came back and sat down and stared at the bowl of red fruit in a daze.

Liu Xuer was sullen, Shi Cheng followed behind, and finally pulled the proprietress's hand away from Liu Xuer's arm: "Can we just follow? Don't squeeze so tightly, more It hurts..."

The boss pointed at Shicheng with her finger angrily: "You don't know how powerful it is! Wait a will know how powerful it is when your stomach hurts!"

I was nervous and complained all the way and came to the hospital. The hospital is still the old one in the town. The proprietress called out as soon as she entered, "Doctor, this girl has eaten that poisonous fruit too! It's the same as the girl who just brought it... Where's that girl?!" I didn't see it. man, asked in surprise.

The doctor was not in front, the guy behind the counter who took the medicine heard the words and pointed back: "In the back hall."

The guy was still looking at Liu Xuer, seeing her ruddy complexion and full of energy, it didn't seem like she was poisoned? She looks much better than the little girl who came in crying just now.

The proprietress hurriedly took Liu Xuer to the back hall, and when she came to the back hall, Liu Xuer saw Xiuxiu and Liu Tao really here.

Xiuxiu was sitting on the patient's chair, wiping her tears down. Liu Tao stood on the door of the hall where he was seeing a doctor in the back hall and a small room inside, with one foot in and one foot out, looking inside anxiously.

The young owner of the flower shop next door was squatting and holding his head at the door.

Liu Xuer went in and called: "Xiu Xiu!"

The proprietress also called: "How is it?!"

Liu Xuer rushed over to support her and said, "Don't cry, don't cry, it's alright, that fruit is not poisonous!"

Xiuxiu just wiped her tears when she heard this sentence, she couldn't react, she looked up at her for a while: "What?"

"Don't worry! That fruit is not poisonous, I ate one, and nothing happened! You should be fine too... Does your stomach hurt?"

Liu Xuer said, the young boss and Liu Tao had already gathered around in surprise: "It's not poisonous, so the fruit is not poisonous?"

"What? That fruit is not poisonous?!" The doctor also came out of the back room and asked the exact same sentence, and he still had this medical book in his hand. what the heck is...

Shi Cheng nodded hurriedly: "It's not poisonous, it shouldn't be poisonous... No, it's definitely not poisonous!"

The doctor came over and asked, "Did you bring the fruit?"

"No, I didn't bring it." Liu Xuer said: "But doctor, we are sure that the fruit is not poisonous, we have seen it before... I'm sorry..."

Liu Tao turned to look at the young flower boss, the fruit was poisonous, and the boss shouted, whether it was poisonous or not, he didn't know.

The young boss scratched his head: "It's not poisonous? But...that kind of flower told me that it can't be eaten..." He stammered and said, and the lady boss stared at him with wide eyes. he.

"He just said that you can't eat it, or is it poisonous?" Shicheng asked.

The young boss blushed: "No...I didn't say it was poisonous, but...but it can't be eaten, isn't it poisonous?!"

Hearing this, the doctor put down the book in anger: "You guys... are making trouble or what? I don't know if it's poisonous or not, and they come and scream, scaring people... Shicheng, if you are sure there is no poison, take the people back!"

Everyone was embarrassed, and the young flower seller was not sure. Seeing everyone going out, he could only go out with the proprietress. Liu Xuer and Shicheng apologized to the doctor, the doctor still The old doctor who used to treat Xu'er and the others is now very familiar with them, and waved his hand: "Go, go, bring the fruit to me to see what it looks like when you have time."

Liu Xuer hurriedly agreed and came out with Shicheng. Seeing Liu Tao and Xiuxiu, as well as the flower-selling boss standing by the door, Xiuxiu's face was still white, her eyes were frightened and helpless, Liu Tao scratched her head and said a few words to the young boss. , and hurriedly comfort Xiuxiu for a while.

The two walked over, and the young flower seller said sternly: "That fruit...have you seen it? Is it really not poisonous?"

Shicheng thought for a while, and then asked, "Brother Niu, did those bonsai fruits come from the Shao family who sent flowers to your family? Where did they come from?"

"It is said that it is a new thing from the south, and it is not from the south, but brought back by people who travel by sea and ship goods, which is very rare. People in the south always keep it at home as a bonsai , the red fruit looks good on the hang... Originally, it was only available in big families, but in recent years, it has been planted more, and it has become cheaper, and we have it here too."

Shi Cheng and Liu Xuer glanced at each other, and the two were basically sure in their hearts, Shi Cheng nodded and said, "It's not poisonous, you can eat it, don't worry!"

It's actually something to eat. Liu Xuer said in her heart, "Let's go, let's go back."

Everyone started slowly and walked back, Liu Tao hurriedly asked: "Xu'er, are you sure you're all right? Xiuxiu seems to have eaten several..."

Xiuxiu also feels embarrassed at this moment, as if she is too greedy? With a blushing face, he muttered, "I just looked at the red one and put it in the bowl..."

"Don't worry, I'm sure it's edible fruit." Liu Xuer asked Liu Tao: "By the way, third brother, why did you buy this bonsai?"