MTL - The Last Cat in the Universe-Chapter 63

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Vietnam is hard to believe. How can there be such a thing as innocent cubs of your own race?

If he hadn't responded quickly, the little girl would have been cold by now.

Yuean embraced this group of human cubs out of the circle of war. These children did not notice anything wrong. They were far away from the block and did not panic. They stood on the big playground next to the block and smiled a little brother. .

Yue'an sent them sugar again, touched their heads one by one, and finally looked at the little girl in the beginning.

"You guys ..." Yuean wanted to say why these little cubs were so unguarded, but this was not the time to educate the children.

He magically found a bunch of small snacks, which even included some of his own stock, which was generously stuffed to the little girl.

This little girl looks like the only sensible person compared to those little cubs around who can only look at him with magical eyes.

"You are here, don't go back." Yue'an looked around and thought about it, using his feet to draw a crooked large circle on the ground, almost covering the entire large playground, and then caged a layer of ordinary people to see The aura shield that can't be reached, "Take care of them, don't let them out of this playground."

The little girl nodded obediently.

Yue'an no longer said much, turned around and returned to the street, and by the way sent a message to Ji Xiuyu.

The streets of the old town are always quiet. When a group of children were playing here, Yue'an could still feel a little vitality. Now the children have been sent away by him. The sound of the whole street is quiet and windy. .

Quiet and quiet.

This should not be done.

Yuean stood at the street crossing, alertly alert.

Within the block, he was able to clearly capture the sound of about 40 breaths from Momo, mixed in the wind, and he heard it very well.

About a dozen of them were breathing very quickly, and there were some sounds of struggling.

There are hostages inside.

Yuean realized this almost immediately.

He followed Ji Xiuyu's voyage in the vast interstellar space for so many days, and also encountered many desperate people. These groups always brought some civilians on their ships. When they met the regular army, they could not fight, but they could These hostages acted as threats, asking the army to let them go.

In the past, such tricks were probably unfavorable. Even in the face of Ji Xiu's legion, these star thieves were fearless.

But unfortunately, Ji Xiuyu ’s legion has always been a piece of iron. Generally speaking, these star thieves have turned into cosmic dust before they have time to make a claim.

With the addition of Yue'an, Ji Xiu's strength has increased, and the efficiency of saving hostages has skyrocketed.

Now that they are catching an illegal ship, they are a violent uproar, and they are not afraid at all.

Yuean is not afraid now.

He stood at the street with an unguarded look and disappeared into the sight of a group of people peering at the street next second.

Ambushing people in the houses on both sides of the street held their arms, and they felt awkward when they saw this.

But it seemed to be prepared. They did not react violently to this matter, and the more unexpected they seemed, the more they were calmed down.

As Yuean saw more people, he began to scan the turbulent humans as soon as he disappeared. On the contrary, Yuean was more surprised by the unknown number of ambushes without any panic.

But surprised and surprised, Yuean responded quickly.

He didn't know why those people didn't shake the slightest in the face of his sudden disappearance.

He doesn't know why these people came here in the ambush with their weapons this morning.

He didn't know what was going on inside the street building he couldn't see.

But those who make his idea, Yuean will definitely not let go of one.

To let them go is to leave him a hidden danger to himself, the more secure and not stupid.

To be honest, the last person who tried to steal a cat is now two meters tall.

The street is very quiet, Yue An is invisible, flexible, and silently swiped the buildings on both sides of the street.

The group of ambushes were separated, and at least five hostages were tied to each other.

And there are not too many signs of fighting in the houses on both sides, which means that these ambushers have very professional physical skills.

They made it clear that they were coming to Yuean without causing any major disturbances. Even the neighbouring streets were functioning normally, and the street environment was a little quiet. From there, there was no sense of violation. It was a cat who wanted to seduce him into the net while he was not ready.

Yuean noticed a strong smell of spirit stones in these people.

Because Ji Xiuyu had several large boxes of spirits in his house, the spirit of them was completely covered. If it wasn't for Yuean being caught by the little girl, he wouldn't have found this small detail.

Because everything is too normal, the normal quiet old town, the normal children playing, and the very normal, rich and powerful breath that can easily be felt from the breath of the spirits.

They didn't even leave a trace of blood on the hostages. In this aura, there was no human blood.

Throughout the street, there was no harm to be secure, as if only the room where Ji Xiuxiu was left.

Yue'an was not sure if these people knew that Ji Xiu's family had a large inventory of spirits. In order to cover the spirit of spirits on his body, he chose a home without Ji Xiu.

It was also because Ji Xiu's home had the most sophisticated security system, so he did not ransack Ji Xiu's home.

According to common sense, the possibility of the latter is obviously higher, but Yuean intuitively feels that the former accounts for most of the proportion.

This group of people are definitely running on him, the more secure they will inevitably be.

What do ordinary humans carry so many spirit stones with them?

I also know that using the spirit stones of Ji Xiu's home to cover his breath, and his photos, he was still lying here in advance.

Even Yue'an himself decided temporarily to come to Ji Xiu's house to pick up the spirit stones by himself. How could they ambush here in the morning?

Even if their whereabouts information is leaked, it is unlikely that he will come back alone?

This group of people did not understand his fighting ability, Ji Xiuyu's fighting ability was always clear.

Squatting and guarding in the neighborhood of Ji Xiuyu's hometown, didn't he wash his neck and send it up?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong. I need the support of Ji Xiuxiu, who has a flexible mind and a big brain.

Marshal Ji received the news of Yue'an, and after a moment's thinking, he understood that Yue'an didn't directly give him a newsletter. It was estimated that the time was urgent and the situation was not convenient.

He did not reply, but ordered two direct soldiers and left the garrison's station.

When Ji Xiuyong rushed to the block where his home was with two soldiers, Yuean had taken those ambushers one by one and tied them together.

A total of nine people were captured by Yue'an without any counterattack. They held their hands against the ropes of military characteristics, tied several knots, and strung the nine people together.

Ji Xiu, a man who binds people like this, is quite familiar, because that ’s what he taught Yuean.

And Yue'an himself took over fifty or so energy spars from these people, surrounded by a group of eating melons and rescued hostages, staring at the nine people with a thoughtful expression. .

The emergence of Ji Xiuyu calmed down the crowd instantly.

Yue'an looked back and looked around, only to find that the children thrown into the cover of the block next door by him were mostly found by their parents.

These parents, who were taken hostage, had their eyes red, showing some resentment and rejoicing for the rest of their lives.

"What's going on?" Ji Xiuyi asked.

"Free Army." Yuean nodded to the prisoners, and the Free Army logo was emblazoned on their wrists. "They seemed to know very well that I would come, and they arranged a small round for me."

Ji Xiuyu turned his head to look at the captured ambushers, and as soon as he looked up, the man named Captain smiled at him with a subtle twist and pride.

"The prophet is omnipotent."

"The Prophet?" Ji Xiuyun repeated.

"It sounds like a cult." Yuean answered.

Ji Xiuyu nodded first, then seemed to think something, and signaled the two direct soldiers to bring the people back first. What these people would experience when they were put back into the interrogation class, Yuean and Ji Xiuhao knew what they were going to do.

The local garrison's response speed is a bit slow. It seems that the monitoring and patrol arrangements in this neighborhood have caused problems, preventing them from rushing over the incident.

——After Ji Xiu's soldiers took people away.

Knowing that they were short of money, they did not dare to ask Ji Xiuyuan to ask for help. When they got the news, they could only do silent aftercare.

Yue'an and Ji Xiuyu stayed in the end, and they had to go home to get the energy spar in the big boxes.

"About the" prophet "... Is there anything in your skills about prediction?" Ji Xiuyu whispered.

"Foresee? Yes, yes, but it is generally racial talent to go to a certain point in time." Yue An thought for a while, "Do you think the prophet they are talking about is a monk?"

"No." Ji Xiuyi shook his head. If it was a monk, then the Free Army would have overturned his army.

Specific reference to the endless variety of powerful magic spells in Vietnam.

"Maybe it's the gift of returning to ancestors, or maybe something unexpected happened."

It is uncomfortable to return to our ancestors. We generally call this awakening.

Yuean murmured in his heart.

"Then what use do they have against me?" Yuean Pa pulled his hair.

He felt like there was nothing worthy of humiliation other than being cute.

"You are a nine-tailed cat." Ji Xiuyu reminded the cat unconsciously.

Yuean looked up at him, his expression slowly changed from calm to thriller.

"They want to catch me and make a wish ...?"

Ji Xiuyu nodded: "Maybe."

Yue'an tensely held Ji Xiu's clothes pendulum and decided to go back and save him a thousand and eight hundred spirit stones.

Yue'an had just taken Ji Xiuyu to pick up the goods and hurried away. He turned around and saw standing at the corner, and pulled out a little head to look at their little girl.

Now that the children have been picked up by their parents, only her remains.

"I didn't find it at first, it was this little girl who told me." Yuean Min whispered next to Ji Xiuyu, "If it weren't for her, I might have rolled over."

After Yuean finished speaking, he dragged Ji Xiuyu to walk over and bent down and asked her, "Where is your family? Why not come to pick you up?"

"No one picked me up. My mother was sick and died. My father went to war and said he would return after the fight."

The little girl was not afraid of life, and her voice was still sweet. When she said that, there was no sadness on her face, but she turned to look at Ji Xiuyu with some expectation: "Marshal Ji, when can the war end?"

"I miss Dad a bit," she said softly.

Yuean hesitated, straightened up, and turned to look at Ji Xiu'an.

Ji Xiuyu is not a general close to the people. He hasn't even faced such questions directly. Star Network is more about his praises and curses.

No one asked him with such anticipation: when will the war end?

The Marshal was silent for a long while, then turned to look at Yue'an.

Unlike Yuean, a newcomer who has only encountered the unforgiving star thief on the battlefield, Ji Xiuxiu was once the marshal of the galaxy who had won the battle of a galaxy with his own hands.

He has seen too many families broken and desperate, and even a lot of them were caused by his own hands. When faced with such simple and straightforward questions from the little girl, Ji Xiuyu felt unable to parry.

Marshal Ji failed to get Yuean's help.

He finally refocused on the little girl in front of him. For a long time, when the spirit in the little girl's eyes faded, Ji Xiuzhen solemnly took an oath, and responded slowly and firmly: "Soon."

Yuean looked at Ji Xiuyu for a while, then turned back to his head and looked at the little girl in front of him.

The expectation and delight of the little girl's eyes are like beautiful diamonds shining.

Ji Xiu's firmness and breadth are like the ice that will never change for thousands of years, without any shake or gap.

It's like a believer and a **** who responds to faith.

It is a kind of trust and feedback of the faith that belongs to human beings, which Yuean has never felt before. It is as beautiful as the brightest streamer in life suddenly blooms.

Yue'an's eyes fell on Ji Xiuyu.

Ji Xiuyin leaned his head, the pair of quiet dark eyes like the deepest part of the universe, at this moment fell a little bit of starlight, watching him quietly.

At this instant, Yue An suddenly understood why the old man always said to him, don't get too close to humans, because monsters can never resist the erosion of human feelings.

Because life is short, humans are always willing to burn themselves-for a certain emotion, a certain belief, a dream.

This scorching and boiling posture, like the falling of the stars, will always be fatally attractive in the eyes of the longevity species, which is very peaceful in various aspects.

The author has something to say: Yuean: Who is pretending to be forced! So dazzling! !!

Ji Xiuyu: ...