MTL - The Legend of Futian-Chapter 9 Text test

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Sitting beside her, Xiehua Jieyu turned out to be Ye Futian, a ‘legend’ who abandoned the exam for three consecutive years, pursued Feng Qingxue and was rejected, and was about to be expelled from Qingzhou Academy.

"This **** guy." Many people cursed in their hearts. This guy took the autumn exam for the first time in three years and was sitting next to Huajieyu?

Moreover, Hua Jieyu is sitting on the side, which means that only one person can sit next to her. Such treatment falls on Ye Futian, and everyone's mood can be imagined.

I felt a pair of malicious eyes, Ye Futian glanced at the girl next to her, and saw that she was sitting quietly in her position, elegant and natural, looking straight ahead, as if she did not know him at all.

"This fairy is obviously deliberate." Ye Futian said in a depressed way, but he wanted to make a silent reference, but he did not expect it to be noticed in another way.

There are people coming to this side, and the front and back positions immediately become the most sought-after seats. When they pass by, they will look at Ye Futian fiercely. At this time, a handsome teenager came to Ye Futian and looked at Ye Futian. "Can you change positions?"

Ye Ye Futian looked up, the boy in front of him was about the same age, and Qing Xiu's face was a little proud, with a very natural tone.

"It's Yang Xiu." Many people's attention is still here. Yang Xiu is the second in the three-year literary test and has always wanted to go beyond Hua Xieyu. Many people know that Yang Xiu has been secretly in love with Hua Xieyu.

Moreover, Yang Xiu is not just a literary test. He is now awakened to the seventh level of awakening. He is a genius of fire and aura. He is a true genius and one of the most dazzling characters of outsiders. Only slightly less eloquent.

Ye Ye Futian looked at Yang Xiu, it was really impolite.

当然 "Of course ..." Ye Futian said, the people next to him were choked, so boneless?

"No." Three more words fell down, and the smile that had just appeared on Yang Xiu's face was frozen there. He looked at the smile on Ye Futian's face, as if to intentionally taunt him.

"I know you, who abandoned the exam for three years and will soon be expelled from Qingzhou Academy. Why do you still waste time here like you?" Yang Xiu was not angry, but just sarcastic.

"I'm happy." Ye Futian still smiled.

既然 "In this case, I have to wish you no shame after the essay test is over." Yang Xiudan smiled: "Of course, you have no face to lose."

After the irony, Yang Xiu did not look at Ye Futian anymore, but looked at the Hua Jieyu next to him, then sat down seriously, as if he was about to enter the battlefield, and waited.

"It's a sad story." Ye Futian looked at the back of Yang Xiu sitting down with sympathy.

Xie Yefutian's rejection did not surprise anyone. This is his character, a arrogant legendary waste material. Of course, after the autumn festival ends, the legend will eventually end and he will be removed from the Qingzhou Academy.

As the students entered the venue one after another, formal disciples began to surround the performance martial arts field.

In the 3,000 cases, more than a thousand people entered the entrance exam for the autumn festival. After all, there are many disciples who have just entered the school for a year. They are not so confident. They know that it is difficult to have good grades. Instead of being recorded by the school, It is better to keep a clean case. It is normal to abandon the test. Of course, like Ye Futian who abandoned the test for three consecutive years, it is just a legend.

There are many formal disciples in front of Wu Yanwu Stadium. Qin Yimei's eyes stared at Ye Futian's direction. For three years, he finally appeared in the examination room of the Spring and Autumn Period Examination. Finally, he did not give up all the examinations in three years. I hope there will be a miracle.

"Yang Xiu has already promised the magic palace. After Qiuyi ends, he will go directly to the magic palace to practice. Then he will become a formal disciple, a waste of gas gathering. I do n’t know where the energy and Yang Xi confronted." Mo Lanshan Station Beside Qin Yi, smiled lightly.

Wu Qinyi frowned. Although Ye Futian was really bad, the word waste was still a bit harsh. She looked at Mo Lanshan and said, "Do you have prejudice against him?"

当然 "Of course." Mo Lanshan nodded in concealment: "Dare you dare to treat you like that in the lecture hall, I don't understand. For such a person, why should you hope for him and waste time on him?"

Wu Qinyi didn't know how to refute. As for the reason, perhaps because his talent test three years ago was so amazing that he shouldn't fall for it.

"It's time, let's hand out the test papers." An old man sitting behind said lightly, and suddenly many formal disciples stepped forward to collect the test papers and walked towards the students. This means that the autumn test of the big test has officially started.

Yan Nuo ’s performance martial arts stadium is silent, and the people who come to observe the ceremony are the big men of Qingzhou City and the elders of the students, so they will naturally follow the order consciously.

The students got the examination papers one after another, Feng Qingxue took a deep breath. This autumn, he hopes to get a good ranking and get the reward of free access to the second floor of the Qingzhou Xuegong Library. In this way, she can advance See those superb and powerful spells.

Before smiling, Ling Xiao glanced in the direction of Ye Futian. After seeing the face of the legendary girl next to him, he had an undisguised jealousy on his face, and he had been secretly in love with Feng Qing Snow, as for Huajieyu, it is a distant dream in his heart. Ye Futian, why is he sitting beside Huajieyu?

After getting the test papers, Xie Huajieyu was very quiet and probably self-confident. Yang Xiu's fists in front clenched slightly, and then he released them, very seriously.

As for Ye Futian, he glanced at the examination paper with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Then he picked up the pen. His first autumn exam was finally coming. He knew that many people were waiting to see his joke and looking forward to his being Expelled from the school, unfortunately, they were destined to be disappointed.

The exam questions range from easy to difficult. The previous questions are basic questions about practice, and most students can answer them.

Xie Yefu has a wonderful world, and solves problems quickly.

"Interesting." Ye Futian's eyes fell on a test question. During the battle between a warrior and a mage, the attribute aura in the mage's body was about to run out. What would you do if you were a warrior, and what would you do if you were a mage?

Ye Shatian's voice came out, and Ye Futian quickly wrote his own answer.

After a little bit of time passed, some students had sweat on their foreheads. At the back of the examination paper, the examination questions became more and more open, but also more and more difficult.

Unconsciously, Ye Futian's eyes have come to the final examination question, which seems to be very simple.

Title: Under the same number of realms, a group of martial arts practitioners and magic practitioners fight, who can win?

This last question is like sending points and group battles, which means that martial arts practitioners have various professions, so the mage naturally has all types of mages. The power of the mage is simply amazing, and the group is destroyed directly under the spell attack. How to fight?

Xie Ye Futian thought about it, then smiled, filled in his own answer, and then put down his pen.

Next to me, Hua Xieyu lowered his pen almost at the same time, which seemed very easy.

The two turned to look at each other involuntarily. Ye Futian had a provocative smile on his face, and Hua Jieyu glared at him, but still pleasing to the eye.

Of course, other people can't see this little action. Someone noticed Huajie in front of Yanwu Stadium.

"Sure enough, as usual, it was the first one to stop writing." One of the elders in the palace smiled, and even if he sat quietly to answer the question, it would still be the focus.

"No, the teenager around her is a little earlier than her, but I'm afraid there is nothing to answer." The old man next to him smiled and shook his head. The girl with a flower interpretation sat next to it. I was afraid it would be difficult to concentrate. .

"Stop writing so quickly. You tried hard to get a little chance for him, but in the autumn exam, he was thinking about how to attract the girl's attention." Mo Lanshan said to Qin Yi next to him, pressing his voice down Very low, Qin Yimei looked at Ye Futian, her heart a little disappointed.

Gradually, more and more people put down their pens, some people were happy and some were lost.

Finally, accompanied by the old man standing in front of the stage, it means that the autumn quiz exam is over.

Many academic disciples are already waiting. When the old man stands up, he walks towards the students and collects the examination papers.

The examination papers were taken away, but the students did not leave. The Qingzhou Xuegong Autumn Examination Examination Exam will be reviewed on the spot and the results will be announced, which is extremely efficient.

Dozens of elders and lecturers at the Xuegong School reviewed at the same time ~ ~ It is conceivable how fast the speed will be. At the time of their review, many of the disciples below were a little nervous, and the people above the stands They are chatting and waiting for the results.

When the current lecturer began to classify the examination papers and recorded them, the tense atmosphere also spread.

After a long time, a lecturer walked forward holding the list and looked at the students. Everyone knew that the list that was first announced was the list of those who passed the autumn writing test.

"Li Yu, Fang Yun, Mo Hanjiang ..." Every time the lecturer pronounced a name, one of the trainees showed ease, and of course, a few people were disappointed because they wanted a better ranking.

In addition to the list of first-qualified candidates, the list of top three, top two, and top one will be announced successively.

Twenty-two are seventy-two, two are thirty-six, and one is only three.

Qi Qinyi has been listening carefully. When the ranking was announced, she was more disappointed and failed the essay test. Then she was expelled from the school.

Her gaze looked towards Ye Futian in the crowd and sighed secretly.

In front of Ye Futian, Yang Xiu smiled coldly: "Sure enough, since it is going to be expelled from the college horizontally and vertically, why bother losing face again."

Wu Fengqing Xue also glanced at Ye Futian, Mei Mei was slightly disappointed, but then resumed as usual. Isn't this the ending that was already expected?

"Ye Futian, do you remember your arrogance in the academy last time, now that you are finally going out of the academy, satire is not ironic?" Ling Xiao even taunted through the air, making many people look to Ye Futian, secretly This shameless guy is finally going to be removed from Qingzhou Xuegong.

Ps: I got up to read and vote!