MTL - The Legend of Futian-v10 Chapter 2961 Human affairs

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There is a lake in the backyard where Ye Futian lives next to Qingzhou Academy.

There is an ancient tree next to the lake. Ye Futian is sitting under the ancient tree and fishing. At this moment, a fish is hooked. Ye Futian pulls the rod. Xia Qingyu takes the fishing line from the side and puts the caught fish into the bucket. .

In such a plain life, she seemed particularly happy, with a bright smile on her face, and said to Ye Futian: "This one is bigger than before."

"It looks like a good food." Ye Futian said with a smile.

Ye Futian continued to fish. Time passed. Unknowingly, Ye Futian closed his eyes as if he was asleep.

Xia Qingyu sat quietly beside her and waited.


At this time, in the endlessly distant continent of Kyushu, there is a very quiet valley. This is between the mountains, uninhabited, surrounded by snow mountains, and there is a small house. Outside the small house, a fairy wind road bone Old man sitting there fishing.

Here, as if everything in the world is quiet, no one disturbs.

At this moment, the old man seemed to feel a little bit, a strange color appeared between his eyebrows, and then in another time and space, a figure of the same fishing appeared.

Seeing this figure, the old man's eyes showed a smile.

"Sir." The figure nodded with a smile, and bowed slightly to him. This figure is indeed the gentleman of Sifang Village. He also looked at the other party and said with a smile: "How long have you been back?"

"Sometimes." Ye Futian responded: "I'm disturbing Mr. Yaxing."

"It's okay." The gentleman showed a smile and glanced at Ye Futian.

At this moment, Ye Futian looked very ordinary. Although his appearance was still outstanding, he didn't have any breath on his body, and he was no different from ordinary people.

Ye Futian has returned to basics, as if he was just a wisp of dust between the world and the earth, a member of all living beings, inconspicuous.

"It seems that you have entered another realm." The gentleman looked at Ye Futian and said.

"Junior here to disturb, please ask Mr. if you have something to do." Ye Futian said.

"You said." Mr. nodded in response.

"Mr. said he was trapped in time, how did he get out of it in the end?" Ye Futian asked Mr. Ye Futian. Since his return, he seems to have nothing to do every day, but he moisturizes things silently. All in sentiment.

But today's perception is different from before. He has turned into a heavenly existence, and some of his past perceptions are meaningless to him.

On the contrary, he learned a lot from Renzu when he fought against Renzu.

Everything in the world will return to its origin.

"Since you have appeared here ignoring the space, it means that you have now entered another realm, both in control of the heavens and becoming yourself. Back then, I was able to walk out of the trapped time and space because I realized that The past is me, now is me, and the future is me. Every one of them is the real me." The gentleman said.

Ye Futian heard what his husband said, and there seemed to be a thunder in his mind.

The past is me, now is me, and the future is me.

In Buddhism, there is the past heart that is not available, the present heart is not available, and the future heart is not available.

The two seem to be contradictory and similar.

"Thank you, Mr." Ye Futian saluted.

"Go." The gentleman replied, and everything disappeared again, as if none of this had ever happened.

At this time, Ye Futian was still sitting by the lake and fishing, his eyes closed tightly, and he never moved from beginning to end.

In Ye Futian's mind, Mr.'s words have been echoing all the time, and at the same time, another voice also appeared, the way of heaven is me, and I am also me.

Everything is empty, and everything is real.


Time passed by day by day, and as the world's wars continued to become fierce, the scope of the war began to expand, and the world that had been calm for several years seemed to be another turbulent war.

On this day, an astonishing breath appeared in the world enveloped by the entire ruined city. The boundless huge altar seemed to summon an eternal force to envelop the world.

When that power came to the world, all the cultivation practices from the world of the gods felt extremely shocked, and the **** master was about to come to the world.

When the Lord descends, the war in this world will also end.

The resident of the world of gods in the ruins of the city, the breath is extremely powerful, on the top of the altar, a line of gods stood there, looking towards the sky, the head of the person is the existence of the gods, he raised his head and glanced, his eyes It seemed to penetrate the boundless void, and felt the coming of divine thoughts.

"It seems that you are all there," the **** king said, looking at the sky in the distance.

Faces appeared there, with Ji Wudao's face in the uppermost direction, and Gu Dongliu's and Buddha's faces appeared elsewhere. They all stared at the world and felt threatening.

"After seven days, the Lord of God will come, when you come here, make a decision, whether to be a minister or perish." The king of God said loudly, the altar is connected to the outside of the universe, as if there is an unparalleled power ~ ~ Constantly being called.

The face above the sky disappeared.

Above the heaven, Ji Wudao, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes and looked down at the sky below. His eyes penetrated the boundless space, looking through the sky, and actually saw the altar directly.

Afterwards, he looked up at the sky again and said, "I will do better than him, and you will see."


The land of Qingzhou City, Cao's family.

In the conference hall, Cao Zheng, the helm of the Cao family, sits in the first place. Below are the important figures of the Cao family, and Cao Yuan is also there.

They are discussing a major event, Cao Yuan’s marriage. Before Cao Yuan mentioned that he wanted to ask Mr. Hua’s daughter Hua Nianyu, the Cao family was a little moved, so on this day, Cao Zheng summoned the Cao family to discuss this ‘big event’.

"I think it is feasible." Someone said: "Now, we have a lot of power in Qingzhou Academy. It is said that the palace owner attaches great importance to Huafengliu. If we can facilitate this marriage, we will be able to fully control Qingzhou Academy. In addition, there are more Huafengliu to help. In the past few years, Huafengliu has cultivated many outstanding students, and in the future, it will also become the mainstay of Qingzhou City."

"Well, I think so too. Cao Yuan himself is good enough. Most of this Hua Nianyu is not low in cultivation. It matches with Cao Yuan, but they are a natural match." Someone said.

This matter is very beneficial to the Cao family.

"Until I know the details of the flower romance, the old man still has reservations." An old man said.

"It's just asking for a kiss. If we refuse, we can also explore the details of Hua Fengliu by the way." Someone responded.

Cao Zheng heard the discussion from the people below, and finally made up his mind, and decided: "If this is the case, let's propose a marriage in seven days!"

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