MTL - The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe-Chapter 19 change of mind

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Hearing that the Winter Soldier was available at night, Sienna corrected her attitude a little.

Dr. Zola saw that Siena, Leo, and Ketal had all returned to normal one by one, and then he told the light-loaded power arm Type VI in detail.

Light Power Arm Type VI is the name Leo gave the blueprint, and Dr. Zola called the blueprint half-armor.

"Miss Sienna, this half-body armor blueprint is a mechanical weapon designed by Leo and I. In theory, after equipping this armor, a well-trained soldier can also resist a super soldier for a while.

Even, if half-armored warriors are formed, their lethality and destructive power are not weaker than super soldiers. "

After listening to Dr. Zola's explanation, Sienna seemed very interested. She took the blueprint and checked it carefully, then nodded:

"Although I don't understand it very well, it sounds really amazing to hear from you!

You mean, can we use this half-body armor to create a quasi-super soldier? "

"It's almost what you said. However, this half-armor has just been designed, and it will take some time to achieve mass production. In addition, if we want to operate this half-armor proficiently, our agents still need to carry out enough training."

"Those are not problems. As long as this half-body armor can enhance our strength, you can test it with confidence. I look forward to your good news."

Sienna looked very happy, and praised Dr. Zola and Leo, and then she said to Ketal,

"Agent Ketal, do you have any good news from your side?"

Ketar hurriedly stood up and said respectfully:

"Boss, I also have good news here."

Sienna dragged her chin with one hand, stretched her body lazily, and made an appearance of listening intently. Ketar secretly swallowed his saliva and continued:

"I have two more important news here.

One, according to your instructions from the leader last time, we have successfully placed personnel next to Agent Nick Fury, who can monitor his movements at any time.

Second, our people sent back news from S.H.I.E.L.D. that on December 16, Howard Stark will quietly bring the configured serum to the secret S.H.I.E.L.D. base in New York City to conduct human experiments.

In order not to attract attention, Stark will pretend to be traveling and will not bring any bodyguards. That's when we had our best chance of grabbing the Super Serum. "

"Only prepared super serum, is there no formula for super serum?"

Dr. Zola has studied the formula for more than ten years and is very concerned about it, so he asked Ketal a question.

"Stark is reluctant to tell S.H.I.E.L.D. the formula, only willing to help them transform the warriors. The current S.H.I.E.L.D. is not the beginning of its establishment, and Stark needs to protect his own interests. We fought for the serum formula, but failed. "

"It doesn't matter, only the serum is enough."

Sienna licked her lips and continued:

"You are all doing well. December 16th? There are five days left before we deploy our operations.

If you succeed in getting the serum, create a group of super soldiers. Coupled with the half-body armor designed by Dr. Zola and Agent Erwin, Hydra can reach the sky in one step.

This time, it will be the best chance for our Hydra to rise!

Everyone, let go and do it, long live the Hydra! "

Sienna raised her hands high in the standard Hydra member antics.

"Long live the Hydra!"

Dr. Zola, Leo, and Starr all agreed.

"Then let's end the meeting today! I will arrange the detailed tasks."

Sienna couldn't wait to announce the end of the meeting, and then said:

"I'm going to wake up the Winter Soldier first! The plan in five days cannot be missed. I need him to stay awake every day in these few days and arrange a task for him properly."

After speaking, Sienna quickly walked out of the conference room and rushed to the underground cold storage impatiently.

Time flies so fast, a few days have passed in a blink of an eye.

On the evening of December 15, 1991.

Boston, Hydra Base, the second underground floor, in Leo's laboratory.

Since Dr. Zola has been busy with the manufacturing and mass production of half-armor recently, the maintenance of the robotic arm before Bucky the Winter Soldier can only be done by Leo alone.

As usual, Leo helped the Winter Soldier Bucky repair the robotic arm. Leo first arranged for him to sit down, and then skillfully removed his robotic arm.

After connecting the robotic arm to the newly debugged instrument for testing, Leo played with a portable signal transmitter in his hand and fell into deep thought.

He pondered for a while, and decided to give up on awakening Bucky's main consciousness tonight.

Because Bucky the Winter Soldier is going on a mission tomorrow that is crucial to the history of the Marvel Universe. If Howard Stark is not dead, there will be no Iron Man in the future.

Therefore, before he has a strong self-protection ability, Leo still feels that he should not rashly change the original history of the Marvel Universe.

Thinking of this, Leo pulled up a stool and sat across from Bucky, who was expressionless.

In fact, since he came to this new base, Leo could have found an opportunity to escape.

This base is located in a big city, and Leo's access to and out of the base is not restricted. He even went out to the mall the day before yesterday and bought a set of clothes.

So, if he wanted to escape, it was really easy.

The reason why Leo didn't leave was very simple. He was just thinking about the mission released by the system—[Save American Private, Bucky Barnes].

After completing the task of "Black Widow's Life and Death", Leo received a generous system reward.

He not only got a [Black Widow] character card that can be used to blast seeds, but also obtained the powerful [Advanced Mind Resistance] feat.

This feat not only saved his life, but also improved his overall strength. So he wanted to kidnap Bucky by the way, complete the mission, and get another wave of mission rewards.

But about Howard Stark, it gave Leo a wake-up call. If Leo saves Bucky, the storyline of the Marvel Universe will be messed up by Leo.

The story in "Captain America 3" is bound to be changed, possibly including many events that Leo doesn't know about.

This butterfly effect will lead to many unknowns, and may even be serious enough to lead to the demise of the earth, UU read www. Hundreds of millions of lives were destroyed.

Leo lived in a society ruled by law in his previous life, let alone destroying hundreds of millions of lives, he never even thought of hurting people.

After arriving in this world inexplicably, in order to protect himself, Leo's mentality changed a lot, and he knew how to make profits for himself.

And because the Hydra organization has been doing a lot of evil, Leo didn't feel any pressure when he trapped them.

But as Leo's influence on the Marvel universe becomes greater and greater, what may happen in the future will involve the lives and deaths of countless innocent people.

So, Leo is struggling!

However, in the next instant, Leo suddenly figured it out!

"Oh, what am I struggling with?!

I came to this world inexplicably, and I have no sense of belonging to this world.

In order to achieve my goal, I must become stronger!

Then the future events of this universe will definitely be disturbed by me, so what about saving Bucky? There are so many things I want to change in the future!

Although it may lead to the death of many innocent people... But what if that happens? ! "

After passing this level in his heart, Leo suddenly felt comfortable physically and mentally, as if he had crossed a bottleneck, and the Mechanical Force in his body seemed to be more active.

Leo stared at Bucky's expressionless face and made up his mind secretly.

He must strive to complete the mission of [Saving the American Private, Bucky Barnes]. And, he can be even more selfish!


Maybe because he stared at Bucky's forehead for too long, Leo suddenly found that his gaze seemed to penetrate Bucky's body and directly see the inside of Bucky's brain.

At this time, there is a thumb-sized chip in Bucky's brain, which is attracting Leo's attention!