MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1362 King Dingshu: I have contracted your kettle!

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In a peculiar posture, the King of Heart Tree was dominated by the Doppelganger Strongman Locked Man, trapped in the amber of time and space. At this moment, time seemed to stand still. This world-famous painting fell in the eyes of all Transcendent A Grades of the enemy and us.

The rich color of surprise spewed out from the eyes of the Transcendent A Grade of the three major civilizations, like a flash flood.

"Black Star succeeded!"

"Pretty! That tree king didn't have time to blew himself up!"

"Full support! Don't let those enemies rush to harass Black Star!"

A large number of Transcendent A Grade morale boosted, sweeping away the downturn of losing the nurse, and launching a fierce offensive towards the world tree powerhouses who are anxious to leave the battle.

And the mood of all the world tree powerhouses is the opposite, the rapidly changing look overflowing with anger and anger.

They didn't care about entanglement with their opponents, they rushed to Han Xiao crazy, trying to **** the Heart Tree King back.

However, when Han Xiao succeeded, he controlled the mechanical gods to move again, grabbed the space-time amber ball, swallowed it into his body, and recovered the space-time amber body in Hela's hands by the way.

Immediately after another word, using the mechanical force as a shield to block the firepower of the surrounding World Tree fleet, he flew at full speed in the opposite direction, no longer fighting, and the goal was to withdraw from the battlefield.

In order to seduce the three major civilizations to mobilize high-level combat power, the Heart Tree King will naturally not stand deep into the World Tree Fleet. The combat area is located on the outer edge of the fleet. Even if the World Tree Fleet intends to intercept Han Xiao, it will be beyond reach. I saw Han Xiao pay a team. At the expense of mechanical soldiers, the team quickly broke into the melee zone in the center of the battlefield.

Many world powerhouses can’t take care of a lot, and they surrounded in groups, trying to hinder Han Xiao’s return, but the three major civilizations that came from the pursuit of Transcendent A Grade have been covering for Han Xiao, holding down one opponent after another, and fighting each other. The energy light wheel that flashed at times was constantly lit up around Han Xiao, sweeping out a path.

King Dingshu had another fight with Hyperion. The violent vibration was transmitted through the body. He also wanted to support King of Heart Tree, but he couldn't get rid of Hyperion's entanglement. He couldn't raise his speed at all, so he could only watch. As Han Xiao's figure moved further and further away, his energy core was overloaded with anger.

"Damn idiot! King Tree King has better brains than you!"

King Dingshu was very annoyed. Obviously, the tactics of “Daizi” have been very successful. Now it’s enough to withdraw. No matter how much he will blast himself to death, he didn’t expect to be planted at the last moment. It was a big victory without much loss. But now it can become a real "duty"!

He had already greeted the eighteenth generation of King Tree King’s ancestors in his heart. Just because of a moment of thinking, King Tree King didn’t blew himself up, but was directly taken away. This is a fatal mistake that King Tree King did not commit. It is the shame of the tree king!

The next thing can only be decided by the Ancestor Tree King!

Seeing Han Xiao pierced through numerous obstacles and was about to return to the three major civilized fleets, King Dingshu knew that nothing could be done, his eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice in the spiritual network:

"Everyone, don't chase anymore, withdraw them all to me, no love for war!"

At present, the Heart Tree King was captured alive, and the only one who presided over the overall situation was Dingshu King. He took over the leadership without hesitation and issued the retreat order to all World Tree Transcendent A Grades.

There was no tree king, he was worried that Han Xiao would continue to seal more powerhouses, so he simply chose to end the battle and ordered all members to leave the battle.

Many World Tree powerhouses heard the order, and the bodies they were chasing gave a slight pause. They glanced unwillingly at Han Xiao's smaller and smaller back, and chose to obey Dingshu King's meaning, stopped chasing, and dealt with the three. The entanglement of the Great Civilization Transcendent A Grade quickly withdrew to the World Tree fleet.

The warships in the distance have also carried out remote support to help them get rid of their opponents.

The three major civilizations and many Transcendent A Grades did not pursue in-depth. They pursued for a while, and killed a few world tree powerhouses who had been exposed because of temporary transfer of targets. Then they retreated tacitly under the leadership of the members of the association, and did not dare to follow the rest. The world tree powerhouse rushed into the fleet, and it was them who were in danger.

Upon seeing this, Hyperion did not dare to continue to go deep alone, and fiercely fought with King Dingshu a few times, and gradually shifted the battlefield to join many of his companions, and finished the fight, and his eyes flashed with mechanical power and electric light and clung to Dingshu. Wang, full of murderous intent, as if saying, "I want you to look good again when I meet next time."

King Dingshu took a deep look at this acquaintance and didn’t say anything. The World Tree powerhouse who had escaped the war retreated and sank into the World Tree fleet. Starships moved over, layering on top of each other, blocking Hyperion. In the eyes of others, there are no longer many world tree powerhouses.

With the evacuation of the remaining World Tree Super A Grade, the battle for high-level combat power between the two sides ended. The members of the association and the strong lineage did not stay in the battlefield, and they went through the battlefield with gunfire and returned to the three civilized fleets.

Everyone put away their weapons and returned to the temporary command ship behind the battlefield. As soon as they walked into the bridge command room, they saw Han Xiao, Hela and others already here, and the remote projections of Simon and many commanders were also gathered here. Amber pointed at the time and space of the Heart Tree King and was talking.

"...Black Star, our frontal line of defense is no longer able to support it, and several other theaters have also shown a tendency to rout. It is clear that the World Tree will break the interception circle. We are mobilizing troops to retreat, but this is not your problem. You did a good job, at least you caught a tree king back."

Simon's tone was low.

"I'll solve the tree king's halo earlier..." Han Xiao exhaled.

"Although this will help, judging from the offensive of the World Tree, it can only slightly delay the time for them to break through the interception circle. At most, the first one to fall is not this theater, but other lines of defense."

Simon shook his head, his tone somewhat helpless, but not very angry. After a month of fierce battle, in fact, the entire command level was psychologically prepared for the interception circle to be breached, and prepared a plan. When it really happened, it would not be incompetent and furious.

"What are we going to do next?"

"You don’t need to continue fighting. We will return to the main base. We started to evacuate in batches. The goal of World Tree is not only to break through the interception circle, but also to clean up our troops. Now that the line of defense has been broken, the trend is difficult to reverse. It is necessary to face them head-on. We will use the various fortifications built in the strategic depths of the rear to carry out fire coverage and harassment wars, and try to contain their speed. I..."

"It's okay for you to be in charge of military affairs." Han Xiao waved his hand.

Simon nodded, turned his head and looked at the Super A Grade group with almost everyone on the side. He moved the topic away and said, "Everyone, please count the battle damage. We need accurate data here."

It’s said that many Transcendent A Grades looked at each other and began to roll their names. The number of people has dropped a lot compared to when they played in the battle. Many people died in the fierce battle. Among them, the direct descendants of Transcendent A Grade were the main ones. There were also some resurgents. The number of casualties is relatively the fewest.

Because this time there are many more masters, and the number is superior, leading to more losses for the world’s strongest players. The number of survivors is only two to three. The three major civilizations are far less tragic, but the world tree is also I didn't have all the high-level combat power. Not counting the difference in combat power alone, the expedition was probably only about one-fifth to one-fourth of the total.

However, although the battle loss is superior, it is much worse than the last amazing record. More familiar faces have disappeared. The Transcendent A Grade present can't lift the emotions, and even indulges in the battle just now, unable to extricate themselves, and still have lingering fears. , I just feel that after the disaster, the atmosphere at this time is like clouds.

"This time the loss is not small." The Sun Hunter murmured, "I think we should retreat when Aurora is knocked down..."

Hearing his low voice forcing, many Transcendent A Grade nodded in agreement, and the gazes that glanced at Han Xiao contained complex emotions, including helplessness and understanding, as well as dissatisfaction and complaints.

If you didn’t catch the Heart Tree King this time, it would be a blood loss, but now at least there is a gain, and there is no return without success. Although many Transcendent A Grade still feel a little loss in their hearts, but looking at the strange posture of the Heart Tree King in Amber, how much There is psychological comfort.

Although they are not happy, they are not easy to say anything. After all, Han Xiao caught a tree king and made meritorious deeds. At best, they felt that it was not worthwhile for so many people to switch to another opponent.

Han Xiao glanced at them at random, watching the fire, knowing these emotions well, but he didn't mean to explain.

He originally wanted to see if he could operate it and watch the resuscitator die in battle, but now Aurora has fallen directly. Although the battle damage has skyrocketed, it has facilitated his actions. There is no need to make Aurora as planned. Pulling "mistakes."

These dead resuscitators are the best evidence to prove the truth of the sanctuary recovery. He is not sad at all, but he is relieved. If this wave does not kill a few resuscitators, it will be troublesome.

After listening to the Super A Grade battle damage statistics, Simon sighed and shook his head:

"The direct lineage suffered heavy casualties. Anyway, at least most of the victims still have a chance to recover from the sanctuary. Thank you."

Everyone was in a bad mood and was too lazy to pay attention to him, and turned to look at Hela. What they are most concerned about now is Aurora's condition.

"How is your sister now?"

"The seal is a bit thicker than before. It will take time to unblock it. Everyone, it shouldn't be too late. Let's start with a rest. Let her wake up as soon as possible, and we can feel at ease." Hela said in a deep voice.

"That's right, come out if you have mental abilities, take advantage of the effort of evacuation, first wake up Aurora."

Kesuye came out more and more, raised his hand to release his thought power, penetrated into Aurora's brain, and began to bombard the purple crystal sealed by thinking.

Many mind masters, magicians, and psychic abilities have come forward to cooperate with each other to speed up the progress. With so many people joining hands, the mind seal is gradually thinning at a speed visible to the naked eye. According to this progress, it can be completely solved in a few hours. seal.

Upon seeing this, Han Xiao turned his head and looked at the Heart Tree King in Amber. He remembered that the Heart Tree King activated the Vision·Heart Lock with the help of a cosmic treasure shaped like a leaf. It might be one of the wonders of the World Tree. Hidden in the heart tree king.

However, Han Xiao had no plans to untie Amber in the short term, and temporarily suppressed his curiosity.


The territory of the world tree, the palace of the tree king.

The executive officers who had not participated in the battle also learned about the situation from the mind network, and their faces were uncertain. They were ready for the death of the heart tree king, but they did not expect that they would be captured alive by the enemy using that strange sealing method, and they were panicked. Endless.

King Dingshu sat on the throne, slowly opened his eyes, and released the dominance descending state, a rare look of anger appeared on his face, he patted the armrest of the seat again and made a muffled sound.

"Huh, Heart Tree King, really useless!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two thrones around him suddenly got knotted, and two figures with different appearances appeared.

"Hehe, it seems that the enemy is really tricky this time. The five tree kings are killed and caught. Now there are only three remaining capable of fighting. You are right. The Heart Tree King and the Zhen Tree King are useless things. "One of them turned his head and looked over, with a contemptuous sneer on his face, "But you are not much better. Obviously your Dominant clone is also present, and you didn't save the Heart Tree King."

King Dingshu glanced at him coldly and hummed: "Secret Tree King, I don't bother to care about you, but you'd better pay attention when you speak."

"Heh." The Secret Tree King didn't care, and he didn't put the salted fish of Dingshu King in his eyes. Among the five tree kings, he couldn't bear it except the Ancestral Tree King.

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to argue with you." King Dingshu turned his head to look at the King Ancestral Tree in the middle seat, and asked, "What do you do next, what do you think?"

The ancestral tree king’s aura is opposite to the other four tree kings, just like ordinary people, lacking a sense of presence, no matter what looks or body shape, it looks like nothing special. If you don’t pay attention, you might subconsciously treat him ignore.

Upon hearing the question, the Ancestor Tree King was expressionless and said slowly:

"I have tried. The Heart Tree King is completely isolated from the outside world. The mother tree cannot take back his tree crown position, which means that I cannot remove his position and replace him with a new tree king before he unblocks it, so I must Try to rescue, at least to regain his tree crown, otherwise we will not be able to let the tree **** descend completely."

Upon hearing this, the faces of Dingshu King and Secret Tree King became serious, and their hearts were solemn.

They originally thought that the Heart Tree King had replaced the enemy with a lot of high-level combat power alone. Although it became a real exchange, the enemy still suffered even more, but if the tree crown cannot be recovered, it will be troublesome.

The identity of the tree king comes from the "tree crown position", which is a special ability endowed by the mother tree. It has a quota limit like an apostle weapon. There are only five, which must be five different super power systems, except that the ancestor tree king occupies one throughout the year. , The other four tree crown positions have changed over the long years.

And only when the five crowns are gathered, can the tree **** descend with the full body, this is their means to suppress the bottom of the box.

"What should I do?" Dingshu Wang asked.

The Ancestor Tree King casually said: "Don't worry about it for the time being. The other party's civilization has not shown the ability to use the tree **** to descend. The Heart Tree King has just been sealed and there is no danger. We now have two plans. One is to wait. , The enemy may be interested in studying the tree king, as long as the special seal is unlocked, I will be able to take back the tree crown position.

The second is to send someone to rescue. Although the mother tree and his link are isolated, the direction of the broken link can still point to his location, and we can organize high-level combat forces to **** him back. "

"Then we should wait and see when these enemies can't help it." King Dingshu snorted.

"Well, I mean the same."

The Ancestor Tree King nodded and continued:

"Although we have broken through the enemy's interception circle, we still need to hurry to the opponent's territory. The task of hurrying to let the fleet perform is that there is no high-level combat power and there will be no hands-on opportunities.

And...Although we know the direction, the distance is unknown. We don't know how long it will take to reach the enemy's territory. It may be years or decades, but based on the enemy's reaction, the distance should not be too far. "

The other two nodded silently.

"Also, the Heart Tree King is gone, someone needs to continue to take charge of the daily affairs here." The Ancestor Tree King turned his head to look at the Ding Tree King, and said slowly: "Then you come."

King Dingshu's face collapsed.

The ghost knew how many years it would take for the fleet to reach the enemy's territory. He didn't want to show his appearance all the time. He wanted to be lazy, but he didn't dare to go against the Ancestral Tree King, so he had to sullenly respond.

Randomly asked a few precautions, the ancestral tree king's figure quickly faded, and he returned to the mother tree, while the secret tree king gloated at the Dingshu king and lifted his appearance, and soon only Dingshu king remained on the throne.

"You want me to work, but I don't have any."

King Dingshu snorted, his eyes rolled, and his heart came to mind.

By the way, the tree king’s seed should be almost mature. When he is resurrected, this job will be transferred to the tree king. Anyway, that iron brain is hard enough and willing to do the hard work, so I can continue fishing!

Thinking of this, Dingshu King became itchy, wishing that Zhenshu King would cheat the corpse in front of him immediately.

He couldn't help standing up, leaving the palace in stride, inheriting the glorious tradition of the Heart Tree King, and went out to water the Town Tree King.