MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1365 Camp and exception

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The abolition of the interception circle represents a new stage in the war. The World Tree holds the coordinate records of the Kunde exiles. The army leaves temporary strongholds along the way, divided into multiple routes towards the shining world, as if there is no one in the universe. The resting-growing green roots slowly explored the territory of the three major civilizations, spreading inch by inch on the scale of the universe.

The three major civilizations used trans-horizon weapons and harassment tactics to fight guerrillas, delaying the opponent's pace.

Regarding the defeat of the interception circle, the player group did not react much, and morale was not affected. In their eyes, it was just the normal development of the mainline evolution. At most, some plot stream players posted on the forum to analyze the subsequent war trend. Most of them were speculation and blindness. guess.

The most influential is the main task of the player in progress. The requirements have been changed, and the conditions for guarding the interception circle have been crossed out and changed to try to prevent World Tree from marching.

However, most of the players are very happy. The time-space cutting method is again useful. They have been laid off and re-employed and have more job opportunities.

During the war, players such as mercenary combatants are the happiest. The reward level of the mission has been significantly improved by several grades, and the wallet is abundant at several times the speed.

In the stage of preventing harassment, the three major civilizations have a large number of death squad positions left for players, but it is convenient for Han Da Technician. He does not need to be distracted to fertilize the players, and his energy is placed elsewhere.


Shining the world, the territory of the black star.

A huge metal fortress is suspended in the star space, in a triangular shape, and each corner extends with a slender magnetic field constrained orbit. It looks like a transparent pipe, but it is actually a fast shuttle bridge connected to the crescent-shaped mechanical device at the end. And these three devices are like suction cups, which are adsorbing three stars remotely. They are all migrated stars. After special treatments such as gravitational restraint and energy restraint, they are very stable.

The three-crescent-shaped mechanical device is called a star guide, which is used to guide the energy of the stellar body. The model configured here is for the individual's practice, for body tempering, charging, tolerance strengthening and other training, which can adjust the stellar energy Output Power.

This metal fortress is a specially built training place, equipped with various top training facilities, such as the stellar training room for the astral body, the environmental simulation room for transforming various cosmic radiation, the ultra-high density ultimate gravity room, etc. There are also three major civilizations and many Transcendent A Grades provided by the spiritual universe treasures, which can stimulate the potential of different races and different systems. It can be said that it is the most superior training base for superhumans in the entire explored universe.

And the people who can receive the training here are not ordinary people. More than 95% of the Transcendent A Grade seeds that have explored the universe have been sent here, regardless of folk or civilized lineages, and there are others selected by major forces. Potential natural disaster level.

At this moment, in the open-air plaza of the training center, a small group of people lined up, almost enthusiastically looking at the row of figures in front, most of their eyes were on Han Xiao, who was in the C position.

"Everyone is a natural disaster grade. I don't need to say what you are here for. Starting today, all the facilities here are free for you to use. We will set up training tables for you, and when we are free, we Will answer the problems in your exercise..."

Han Xiao spoke loudly while scanning the crowd in front of him.

The establishment of this training venue is also the meaning of the three major civilizations. Originally, the direct line received training at various military bases. Now they have been packaged and sent by the three major civilizations. The group of people in front of them are basically high-ranking natural disasters, including the super A-level of the explored universe. All the top super players below.

To provide the best facilities, the strongest teachers, and the highest quality resources in order to produce as many Transcendent A Grades as possible in the past eleven years... In the face of the suffocating power of the world tree, the three major civilizations also Must not be out of balance.


Hardaway shouted excitedly, and the hundreds of Transcendent A Grade seeds that had joined the Black Star Legion immediately echoed them. Under their lead, people from other forces also responded.

Han Xiao glanced at him, there were many acquaintances in it, and the Transcendent A Grade seeds of the Black Star Legion were also added to the training list by him. Laki, Hardaway, Jyotina, Nilo, Mia and others were among them.

However, not all potential stocks participate in the training camp. Some particularly promising golden leeks, such as Carrot, Evans and others, are in private.

"But the ugly thing is in the front. All personnel who become Transcendent A Grade in the training camp must participate in the war unconditionally, as your tuition, otherwise we will recover your power. This is a deal. Too late."

Hearing that, the excitement on everyone's faces has not changed at all, and they have long known the price.

However, the value of this training camp is extraordinary. Most of the Transcendent A Grade seeds present here grow on their own. In the past, there was no such thing as the conditions for casual use of such treasures. You can also consult different Transcendent A Grades anytime and anywhere, even if you join Super A Level forces do not usually receive such treatment. Compared with this kind of benefits, participating in the war is nothing at all.

Just when everyone was excited, an uncomfortable mumble suddenly sounded in the crowd.

"Hey, you have to sacrifice in the war anyway. What's the use of being strong..."

Han Xiao's eyes twitched suddenly.

The style is too clear, he doesn't need to look to know who is talking, and immediately emphasized his tone:

"Declare in advance that our training courses are mandatory, no form of laziness is allowed, and the rest time is strictly controlled. It is best for some people to pay attention."

"Oh, totalitarianism..."

The same voice was still sighing.

Han Xiao didn't bother to take care of this Lackey, and continued:

"Okay, I won't talk about the extra words. I have drawn up a corresponding curriculum for each of you. These instructors will be responsible for training you. Let's start right away. From now on, it is best not to waste every second."

With that, more than a dozen Transcendent A Grades around him stepped forward to take away batches of natural disaster grades and train them separately.

Some ordinary Transcendent A Grades who have little room for improvement are more keen to be instructors. As long as they train one more comrade in arms, they can share the pressure on themselves, and their experience is also precious to the natural disaster grade.

"I hope that in eleven years, more than ten Transcendent A Grades will be born in this group..."

Han Xiao secretly said in his heart.

Concentrating all the potential stocks in the universe to promote seedlings, there is a chance to produce a double-digit Transcendent A Grade in eleven years, which is equivalent to ripening a batch of leeks that have grown to a similar level.

With his targeted training, Transcendent A Grade portable teaching, and the assistance of a large number of resources, the probability of a high-level natural disaster grade completing a knock-on should be many times higher.

Watching a group of potential stocks be taken away for training, Han Xiao turned to look at other Transcendent A Grades, nodding:

"We are the same, if necessary, I can give you training suggestions."

There are two groups of targets for training, one is natural disaster grade, the other is super A grade, the two projects are naturally different, and he is directly responsible for the latter.

Many Transcendent A Grades have been on the sidelines, looking at each other at this time, feeling a little awkward.

The guys who can be promoted to Transcendent A Grade are all wizards. They have found their own way. They have been exploring and practicing on their own, and suddenly have to accept other people's guidance. Many people are not used to it.

However, Han Xiao has great prestige, and everyone present agreed to the training plan he proposed during the regular meeting. At this time, he couldn't go back, and he came up with the needle one by one, which made Han Xiao feel relieved.

Han Xiao took this opportunity to collect most of the data of Transcendent A Grade and make an analysis based on each person's ability characteristics.

"How do I feel like a Pokémon trainer..."

After analyzing for a while, Han Xiao suddenly had this idea in his mind.

On the other side, many Transcendent A Grade saw black stars accurately stated their weaknesses and gave effective training programs, and they couldn't help being stunned.

They know that Black Star has great vision, but they are all hearsay, without real feeling. Now that they see this in person, they can't help being quite interested.

"You grow so fast, can you benefit from this ability, right?" Oulu wondered.

"To some extent, this is indeed the case." Han Xiao spread his hands.

"The name of the Super Tutor is right for you. If you are in the Glory Federation, I might be unemployed." Vagina looked helpless.

"Don't worry, it's not too late to be unemployed."

Han Xiao was too lazy to talk, and after distributing the training plan, he urged everyone to practice quickly.

Although he would like to find someone to learn from him now and try to extract abilities, but the training has just begun, so it is better for others to adapt first.

Many Transcendent A Grades dispersed, and their training venue was not this training base. Han Xiao renovated some planets nearby as temporary training grounds for Transcendent A Grade. In the next eleven years, most people will be active nearby. However, it is limited to the general Super A Grade and some high-level Super A Grades. People like Kesuye, Manison, Hella and others have their own special training routes and do not need to come for training.

After doing all this, Han Xiao was preparing to return to the mechanical workshop to continue his research, but the communicator suddenly rang, and the caller was the department leader responsible for contacting the secondary dimension expedition team.

"Your Excellency Black Star, there is bad news to tell you that during the last contact, we found that the fleet carrying the messenger you sent was missing. We cannot get in touch at this time."


Han Xiao's eyes moved, silently moving the observation mark.

When Harrison set out, he used his void talents and set an observation mark for Harrison. Because he hadn't gained for a long time, he would not check it all the time. The last check was a day and a half ago, and everything was as usual.

The ability was activated, and the line of sight suddenly changed, leaving only a deep darkness, and Harrison could not be seen at all.

Without waiting for him to observe carefully, his vision suddenly disappeared, proving that the observation mark was eliminated.

"What did you encounter in the secondary dimension world?"

Han Xiao frowned and was able to clear his observation mark, with a high probability of possessing a super A grade energy level.

Without hesitation, he replaced a specific emperor and directly teleported to the throne that Harrison had taken away.


I saw a flash of light, and the surrounding environment turned around. Han Xiao had already arrived in a black deep ocean-like space, and there was nothing else around him.

The throne was originally stored in Harrison's room, but at this moment, the fleet was gone, Harrison and other crew members were also lost, leaving only one throne floating alone.

"What is this place?"

Han Xiao scanned left and right, and was surprised to find that his energy sensor seemed to have disappeared. He couldn't perceive the situation in this deep sea. The mecha radar also failed. At the same time, his eyesight was greatly suppressed, and he couldn't see his fingers.

He released a group of detectors and connected them with mechanical force. However, the detectors only flew a certain distance, and then suddenly disconnected, and could no longer sense them, as if they were swallowed by this black sea.

Han Xiao tried to shoot a few energy beams in one direction, like a mud cow into the sea, without any reaction.

"Quite weird secondary dimension, what happened to Harrison?"

Han Xiao's eyes flashed.

The secondary dimension world is full of various possibilities, everything can happen, the water is very deep, and this expedition team has been deep for more than a year, he can't say what accidents will happen.

Just as Han Xiao was about to set off to search for this secondary dimension, suddenly, huge pressure came from all directions, and there was a loud rumbling noise, as if the black sea suddenly roared and squeezed towards him.

At the same time, a mental wave with a cold and severe aura suddenly penetrated into my mind, and a solemn ancient voice sounded:

"Foreign high-level life forms, leave immediately, otherwise you will become the enemy of the Unbounded King!"