MTL - The Legitimate Daughter of the Prosperous Medical Fragrance Will Not Marry-Chapter 1072 The defeat of the Fan family

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Chapter 1072 The Fan family’s defeat

The next morning after Fan Xuening left the cell, Fan Zixiu was found to have secretly assisted in the construction of the Taoist temple, and was also involved in the crime of kidnapping innocent children, and was sentenced to death.

 When Fan Zixiu was pushed to be beheaded, it can be said that the whole master was constantly cursing him.

It was at this time that Fan Yurong understood the seriousness of the matter, but when he ran out of the flower house in a panic, Fan Zixiu's head had already fallen to the ground.

Fan Yurong was scared to death and could only return to the Fan family in a hurry. But at this time, the Fan family had already been deserted. How could there be any popularity left?

Looking at the empty mansion, Fan Yurong suddenly cried.

 Wail loudly.

 Just crying, he started laughing again...

 During this period, Qingxin was always thinking about going out. Hua Yuelian knew that the child missed Yue Yaer, so she took Qingxin back to Hua's house while Sun Che was on duty.

Sure enough, when I saw my sister whom I hadn’t seen for a long time, I started to giggle.

"Why do you look so haggard? But what happened at home?" Tao Yuxian asked worriedly, looking at his daughter who had lost a lot of weight.

Hua Yuelian glanced at the pair of daughters beside her, and then whispered, "It's been a month..."

Fan Qingyao did not expect that her mother would have a baby again so soon. It was probably during the period when she took Qingxin to the palace. Although the interval was not very long, if she took good care of her, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Tao Yuxian also held her daughter's hand and smiled and said, "There are some people who are secretive about their children. You don't need to think too much. Whether it's a boy or a girl, as long as you are here, it is our fate."

Hua Yuelian said softly, "That's what mother said."

The daughters-in-law in each hospital heard that their sister-in-law was pregnant again, and they all rushed to express their congratulations. Tao Yuxian thought that her daughter would be pregnant in the future and would not be able to come back so often, so she stayed until dinner and waited for her grandson. Che came to pick him up in person and then let him go.

 Hua Yuelian was being helped by Sun Che and was about to get on the carriage when she saw a familiar figure from the corner of her eye.

After all, they had a relationship as husband and wife. Hua Yuelian recognized Fan Yurong at a glance.

It’s just that Fan Yurong at this moment has long lost the high-spiritedness he had when we first met him. He is walking alone on a dark path, with messy hair and dull eyes. He mumbles words from time to time, and occasionally cries and sometimes laughs...

Sun Che knew that his wife was pregnant again now, so he was extra cautious. Seeing this situation, he said, "Looking at this man's consciousness, I'm afraid there is something wrong. Madam, you'd better get in the car first."

 Hua Yuelian nodded, looked at Fan Yurong's back again, then stepped onto the carriage, leaning on Sun Che's shoulder, with an extraordinarily calm expression.

 There was resentment and regret, but these are not important now.

 Because those who have done evil things have already paid the price for their actions.

"What are you doing?" Sun Che turned his head slightly and looked at Hua Yuelian, his eyes filled with love and worry.

Hua Yuelian smiled and shook her head, "Suddenly I felt that Yue Yaer's words were quite right. Some people have things that are wrong. It's not that they don't want to be repaid, it's just that the time has not come yet. God is always fair..." Sun Che said, "..."

  Inexplicably sympathize with God who is overrated.

According to what he knows, Fan Qingyao has an inseparable relationship with the Fan family in getting to this point.

 As for God...

 It seems that the relationship is not very big.

On the third day after Fan Zixiu was beheaded, Dali Temple finally collected all the evidence against the second prince. From the Taoist temple incident to the assassination of the crown princess late at night, the evidence was conclusive.

At this time, the second prince, who had been taking chances in Dali Temple, was completely dumbfounded.

It was at this time that the second prince believed what Baili Fengming had said.

Facing the accusations of guilt one after another, the second prince would naturally not be able to submit obediently, but what if he screamed and broke his throat?

Baili Rongze had already blamed everything on the second prince.

At this time, not to mention Concubine Liu Shu couldn't sit still, even Concubine Han Xian was stunned.

In a daze, Concubine Han Xian and Concubine Liu Shu finally realized that they had been fooled by Concubine Yu. However, since the two of them had been in the palace for so many years, they were certainly not fools. They knew that Concubine Yu would not work. , all rushed to Fengyi Palace.

Empress Zhen Xi looked at Concubine Han Xian and Concubine Liu Shu who were kneeling in front of her, with bruises on their foreheads. Her face was pale and showed no mercy at all. "Now that the evidence for the identification of the second prince is conclusive, you are here to beg me." , I have no other choice.”

Liu Shufei's heart felt cold after hearing these words, and her face turned pale.

  It was because she was confused. She should not have listened to Concubine Yu's sweet words in the first place. She also said that the second prince could be rescued in a few days, but in the end, her son was pushed to the guillotine!

"The Queen, the Queen, and I really know that I am wrong, and I have asked the Queen to help the second prince this time. I will definitely work for the Queen in the future to repay the Queen for her kindness..." Han Xianfei kowtows without giving up. Head, grasping tightly at the last straw.

Empress Zhen Xi smiled coldly and said, "Concubine Han Xian's hat is really high, but it's a pity that I don't have the blessing to wear it."

Concubine Han Xian was not as good-tempered as Concubine Liu Shu. She raised her head and looked at the Queen and said, "Since the Queen is sitting in this position, the children of the entire harem are the Queen's children. Now that something happened to the second prince, the Queen has If you refuse to save someone, are you really not afraid of being said to be unworthy of your virtue?"

Concubine Liu Shu looked at Concubine Han Xian in shock. She didn't expect that this woman still dared to speak at this time.

Although even Concubine Liu Shu felt that these words were too offensive, thinking about her son who was still in Dali Temple, Concubine Liu remained silent and did not speak. She still held a trace of luck in her heart. If the Empress really cared about her reputation, she was willing to Come to the rescue?

How could Queen Zhen Xi not see the little thoughts of the two people in front of her? She continued to smile and said, "It is true that I am the queen of this palace, but have you people really treated me as the queen in these years? I know very well how my life has turned out. People in the palace used to gossip about me behind my back. How can I be afraid now? "

Concubine Han Xian gritted her teeth and said, "Even if the Queen doesn't care about her own reputation, doesn't she also care about the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess?"

Queen Zhen Xi waved her hands, feeling a headache from Concubine Han Xian's loud voice, "Concubine Han Xian, you have to be reasonable in life. Even if you are unreasonable, you have to follow a cycle of cause and effect. You can't just be a rogue without saying anything. You have been following me all these years. Concubine Yu's side has also taken advantage of it. Now that you are completely stupid and your son is being used as a sacrifice, you have to admit your defeat. Running to me and shouting like this will only make me angry. The palace looks down upon you even more."

 Are you still playing rogue with her at this time?

   You really use her as a queen as a decoration!

 (End of this chapter)