MTL - The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods-Chapter 727 The three-step gods are all ants

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As Chu Mo's body defied the laws of physics and slowly flew into the air, it was just this small move that shocked everyone present.

Warriors have strong physical qualities. Compared with ordinary people, a lowest-level D-rank warrior can leap a distance of more than ten meters, while a half-step master can even leap directly to a height of five or six meters.

As for the real Grandmaster, under the full operation of the innate innate energy in his body, he can even stay in the air for half a minute.

Of course, even a real Grandmaster can never fly freely like a bird. It is already the limit to be able to stay in the air for tens of seconds with the help of innate innate energy, and then with a powerful run-up.

As for the Shaolin abbot whose strength has reached the peak level of the high-ranking grandmaster, because his grasp of infuriating energy has reached the point of perfection, the meridians in his body have formed a perfect closed loop, and the innate innate energy is constantly flowing, so the other party can even Without any external force, he jumped directly for more than ten meters, and slowly soared in mid-air for more than half an hour.

However, no matter how powerful warriors are, they can't really fly themselves. They all use the huge innate qi in their bodies to push their bodies into the air while releasing the innate qi as a reaction force. Flying into the air, in this case, it is absolutely impossible for them to be as free as birds, and it is even more impossible to change the direction of flight at will.

It can be said that no matter in the powerful martial artist, they can't really fly. At best, they only rely on their strong physical fitness to stay in the air for a short time. As for the length of time they can fly into the air, it all depends on the innate innate energy in the opponent's body. Just to the extent.

However, at this time, completely different from all martial artists, at this moment, Chu Mo did not release even a trace of innate innate energy. More importantly, he also did not have the slightest run-up or leverage under his feet. People just flew into the air for no reason, without even the slightest warning.

And at this moment, Chu Mo, in an absolute sense, has accomplished what is impossible for human beings, that is, flying freely like a bird.

At this moment, as Chu Mo's body continued to rise, Lei Ting and Qin Lan became extremely respectful and humble at the position under Chu Mo's feet.

If it is said that at the beginning, whether it was Qin Lan or Lei Ting, they still had the slightest doubts about Chu Mo's true strength and identity. , In the depths of their hearts, they truly recognized Chu Mo's invincible identity.

Especially Lei Ting, he is obsessed with martial arts and has deep respect for the strong. He has just accepted the reward of Chu Mo Tian Lingdan, and now he is witnessing Chu Mo's first real supernatural power. The excitement has even reached its peak. Even with the incomparable determination of his great master, Lei Ting couldn't help but tremble slightly at this time.

Compared with the excitement of Lei Ting and Qin Lan, the face of Master Zhishang, the abbot of Shaolin, finally appeared deadly for the first time, even though he was the number one master in the world, even though he was respected as the first in martial arts. One person, but in the face of absolute strength, Zhishang still felt a deep powerlessness at this time... Looking at the tall young man slowly floating in the air, at this moment, Zhishang was the first in his life. Once I felt the fear,

When the top grandmaster, Master Zhishang, felt powerless, behind him, the mysterious four masters and servants of the Xue family were even more ashen.

In the past Xue family, no matter what martial artist, no matter how powerful the opponent was, even if the opponent was as powerful as the Shaolin abbot, when they heard the name of the Xue family, they had to be courteous by three points.

The Xue family represents the real peak of martial arts, and represents the supreme dominance.

If the abbot of Shaolin represents the pinnacle of personal martial arts, then the Xue family represents the pinnacle of a martial arts force.

The Xue family has been closed to world affairs for decades, but their influence is still enormous, and now, after the Xue family returned to martial arts for the first time after several decades, they suddenly eliminated two middle-ranked grandmasters. And the eldest Miss Xue family, who is the middle-ranked grandmaster of the pinnacle level, came out in person. Even the weakest girl in pink is a half-step grandmaster who is terrifying.

Not to mention the Xue family behind the group of them, just the four in front of them have the terrifying strength to challenge the martial arts world. It can be said that looking at the entire martial arts, except for the Shaolin Abbot Master Zhishang, and the half-step Tianshen Tianya who has closed life and death, In this world, there are almost no opponents of their master and servant four.

And it is precisely because of this that the Xue family is so domineering.

They took a fancy to the Heavenly Spirit Pill, the relic and the No. 2 Longevity Pill in Chu Mo's hands, and they could almost ask Chu Mo in a clear and strong way, and even threatened that the first time it was just a warning, the second time they shot, they would It will make Chu Mo regret it.

The domineering of the Xue family has reached a level of unscrupulousness, and even Chu Mo, who represents the top power, will even feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Chu Mo didn't have a system, and if the system didn't happen to be activated at this moment, then even a top-level boss with a huge asset of five trillion can only let the Xue family handle it, and there is no way to fight back. force.

As for relying on others, that is not to think about it. Even the Shaolin abbot in front of him, the master Zhishang who represents the peak of martial arts, must stand on the side of the Xue family, and ask the whole world, who else dares to risk fighting with Xue The risk of domestic conflict, willing to lend a helping hand like himself.

And because of this, Chu Mo's heart has been squeezing anger. It has been two years since he got the system. It can be said that he has worked hard to achieve his current achievements. Almost knocked out, the other party directly asked for the results that he had worked hard for for several years. This feeling of powerlessness Chu Mo never wanted to taste.

The system skills are activated, and within a minute, Chu Mo is an invincible existence in this world.

He wants to let the other party know within this minute that he is definitely not something that others can manipulate at will. He wants to make the so-called mysterious Xue family pay the price.

At this moment, Chu Mo, who was in midair, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and then he gently stretched out a finger. When his index finger slowly pressed down on the ground, with his body as the center, an invisible but powerful force appeared. The terrifying pressure of quality suddenly swept away towards the ground!

And as Chu Mo's index finger slowly fell towards the ground, within a kilometer radius, the huge pressure in the entire space gathered in the direction of his finger. The coercion had reached an appalling level, and under this coercion, the space in front of Chu Mo's index finger was even distorted.

Compared with the terrifying coercion released by Liu Ping, Tianya, and IQ Master in the small building in the suburbs of Modu a few days ago, at this moment, the coercion at Chu Mo's fingertips is several times stronger. If a few days ago, the coercion that attracted all the peak powerhouses reached the level of a half-step deity, then at this moment, the coercion condensed at the tip of Chu Mo's fingertips has definitely reached the real deity. The degree to which only the strong can release.

Space warped!

When the entire space trembled and twisted with the pressure of Chu Mo's fingertips, within ten kilometers, it seemed to become dead silent. No way was flowers, birds, fish and insects, No way was birds and beasts, and even the trees on the trees. The leaves, the sleeping earthworms in the cave, all stopped at this moment, and even within ten kilometers, there was not even a slight breeze.

But at this time, when the eldest Miss Xue family, whose face was extremely pale, suddenly raised her head, she saw an extremely tragic scene.

Just ten thousand meters above his head, the floating white clouds seemed to be pulled by some invisible terrorist force, and the white clouds in the entire sky directly shattered a large hole ten kilometers in diameter.

Ten thousand meters above the head, the sun is shining brightly, and within ten kilometers, not even a single cloud exists.

To make all things surrender, to make the sun and moon retreat, such great terror... should it really exist in this world?

At this moment, the eldest Miss of the Xue family, Xue Yulu, who has reached the pinnacle-level median grandmaster at the age of 19, as the sweet girl of the sky, is deeply desperate in her heart!

"The one who offends me...die!"

In the mid-air above, Chu Mo's index finger, who was at a height of more than ten meters in the air, finally fell ruthlessly, and with the light of his fingertip, Wei Yan's invincible terrifying coercion descended. On the ground, Qin Lan and Lei Ting The two of them had already dodged and stepped back several dozen meters, but even so, their faces were still full of fear.

At this time, in the center of the coercion, the four masters and servants of the Xue family showed despair at the same time.

It's not that they don't want to escape from here like Qin Lanlei Ting, but they have been locked by Chu Mo's terrifying pressure, locked by a person who is invincible in the world, the world is big, but there is absolutely no place for them, no matter what. Wherever they fled, there was absolutely no place for them.

Therefore, apart from facing death calmly, they have no second choice at all.

When Miss Xue Jiadai and Xue Yulu looked desperate, beside her, the fourteen-year-old girl in pink, who was only half a step master, was even more unbearable. Facing the terrifying death threat, The girl glanced at it, but she fainted directly!

The incomparably terrifying majesty did not disappear because of the despair of the master and servant of the Xue family. On the contrary, with the constant pressure of Chu Mo's fingertips in mid-air, the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth was gradually approaching, and it was only a few meters away from the ground.

It was not the master and servant of the Xue family who faced the terrifying coercion first, but Master Zhishang, the abbot of Shaolin.

This year is over 100 years old this year, and his strength has reached the peak level of the great master. When he faced the terrifying pressure that was constantly attacking his head, he put his hands together. Then, the Shaolin Abbot suddenly stepped forward. One step, and then, a Dharma that shattered the eardrums came out from the mouth of Master Zhishang!


The invisible voice also condensed in front of Master Zhishang. At this moment, an invisible step seemed to rise under the feet of the Shaolin abbot, known as the pinnacle of martial arts. The momentum of the whole body suddenly became larger, and a warm Dharma continued to radiate from Master Zhishang.

The next moment, as Master Zhishang stepped up again, the terrifying coercion that was only a few meters above his head suddenly slowed down. Aura began to condense on his body.

At this time, the snow-white beard and hair of Master Zhishang, whose whole person was already one meter above the ground, moved without wind, and the other party's cassock was constantly fluttering under the incomparably terrifying Buddha light.

At this moment, Lei Ting, who was dozens of meters away from the ground, suddenly widened his eyes.

Although the Shaolin Abbot Master Zhishang has never admitted his disciple, the reason why Lei Ting can successfully break through the realm of the great master is indeed related to the guidance of the other party, so in Lei Ting's mind, Master Zhishang can definitely be regarded as his own half-step master. .

When Chu Mo and Zhishang faced off against each other, his heart was extremely complicated.

In the battle between two peerless powerhouses, he is a small primary master, and he has no room to intervene at all, but just watching Zhishang fall into the disadvantage, as a half-disciple, Lei Ting is not very happy and excited. Feeling, on the contrary, there is a hint of helplessness in my heart.

But at this time, when he saw that Zhishang's momentum increased greatly in two steps, and even the extremely pure innate qi began to slowly transform into aura, he was extremely shocked and at the same time, there was indeed a little bit of joy.

Then, under Lei Ting's helpless gaze, Master Zhishang stepped forward for the third time.

Within three steps, the innate qi of Shaolin Abbot had all been converted into a higher spiritual qi!

And after three episodes, there is one more peerless powerhouse in this world!

"It's the legendary realm of the gods...!"

At this moment, Thunder's voice was solemn, and at the same time, the whole person had already clenched his fists tightly.

His words fell, but Qin Lan beside him suddenly shook his head and said:

"No... Unlike Mr. Chu, Mr. Chu does not have any spiritual energy around him, but Mr. Chu's aura is higher. The old monk Zhishang should be the same as that senior Tianya, only half a step into the gods. The strength...he has not reached the real realm of the gods!"

In Qin Lan's dignified eyes, Master Zhishang, who was already surrounded by a layer of spiritual energy, said slowly again:

"Goodness, goodness!"

With a sound of the Dharma exit, the space that had been frozen by the terrifying pressure regained its vitality. Within a radius of ten kilometers, countless creatures resumed their actions!

At this time, Master Zhishang, the abbot of Shaolin, gently stretched out his palm, and as his right hand slowly pushed out, a huge handprint composed of Buddha light slowly greeted the terrifying pressure above his head!

In midair, Chu Mo just shook his head slightly, looking at the three-step Shaolin Abbot of the God of Heaven.

He breathed lightly, then raised his hands at the same time, and in an instant, the terrifying coercion that was more than ten times stronger than just now, was like a smashing slam!

"I'm invincible in the world... all of you are ants!" (To be continued)