MTL - The Lucky Farmgirl has a Pocket Dimension-Chapter 10 choose one

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  Choose one from Chapter 10

   This little boy is a new face, she has never seen it before, so she nodded and asked, "I'm Zhao Zhitong, who are you?"

   Because of the sale of the child, her eyes were red from crying just now, and then she suddenly turned around, her eyes were still full of mist, and her eye circles were also red.

  Seeing this scene, Qiao Muchen was at a loss, and the arrogance he had when he came over was instantly reduced by half: "I, I didn't bully you, you, why are you crying?"

  Zhao Zhitong wanted to save face the most, immediately rubbed his eyes, stood up, and said angrily, "I was blinded just now, so I didn't cry!"

"Okay then." Qiao Muchen pursed his lips, puffed up his chest again, and talked about his reason for coming boldly: "My name is Qiao Muchen. I heard that you are very good, and you have solved the problem that has troubled Uncle Wei for a long time. I am Here to challenge you!"


   This matter, I have to talk about it from the first time Zhao Zhitong and Sun Mei came to the school.

   That day was also like today, with clear skies and bright sunshine.

  Sun Mei put Zhao Zhitong at the door of the kitchen, told her not to run around, and went into the kitchen to get busy.

   How could Zhao Zhitong, a skinny monkey, be so obedient? After playing at the kitchen door for less than a minute, he had fun.

  By chance, she touched the front yard.

  The school building is separated by a courtyard wall into a front yard and a back yard. The back yard is where the kitchen and students eat, and the front yard is where the students study.

  When she broke in by mistake, Meng Xuexue was leading a group of students in the yard, studying a **** cow brought by Wei Xiangshen.

  Suddenly seeing such a big cow, Zhao Zhitong's eyes lit up, and he really wanted to step up and take a good look.

  Thinking like this, she did just that.

   After she got close, I got some information from their conversation.

   It turned out that this **** cow was bought by the squire Wei from a cattle dealer, but the breed of this cattle was excellent, and the cattle dealer wanted to keep it for himself so that it could be bred next year, so he was reluctant to sell it.

  However, he didn't dare to offend the squire Wei, so he came up with such a note that the cow should be sold by the catty.

   That is to say, if the squire Wei wanted to buy the cow, he had to weigh it first. However, where could he find such a large scale? Even if there was such a large scale, who could lift the cow?

   Unless the cattle are slaughtered, they are called in pieces.

  However, not to mention that killing cattle is not allowed by the state, even he is reluctant to kill them. The breed of this cattle is excellent, and he really likes it.

  After thinking about it for a few days, I couldn't find a way. Today, I took the cow to the private school and asked Meng Xuexue to think of a way.

   Coincidentally, Xuexue Meng is teaching mathematics to the students today. He intends to enlighten the students, so he uses it as a test question, so that every student can think of an idea.

  At that time, those students were all talking about their opinions.

  A student said that as long as you make a huge scale and find hundreds of people to lift it, you can weigh it.

   There are also students who are whimsical and say that the front half of the body can be weighed first, then the back half of the body, and then added.


  Listening to the students brainstorming ideas, although they were all bad ideas, Meng Xuexue was not angry. Instead, he stroked his beard and smiled kindly.

   "You can use a boat."

   At this moment, a crisp voice with a milky voice suddenly sounded, breaking through the noise, and directly entered Meng Xuejiao's ears.

  His eyes lit up immediately: "Who said to use a boat?"

  The students all fell silent, looking at each other, not knowing what to say.

   "I said so."

   At this moment, the girl's crisp milk voice sounded again, and everyone realized that there was a little girl hiding behind them.

   Seeing everyone looking at him, Zhao Zhitong was not afraid of people at all, on the contrary he was very happy and grinned at everyone.

   Unexpectedly, the speaker turned out to be a little girl. Meng Xuexue was also surprised, but he still waved to her: "Come on, come here."

  At this time, Zhao Yue, among the students, looked at Zhao Zhitong, his eyes widened. Isn't this the annoying guy who always sneaks into his house and eavesdropped on his reading? Dang even bared his teeth at her.

   "Slightly~" Zhao Zhitong made a face at him, and happily walked towards Meng Xuexue.

  When Zhao Zhitong approached, Meng Xuejiao stroked his beard and asked, "Come on, girl, what do you mean by using a boat?"

   "Mr. Hui, that is to drive the cattle onto a boat, and after the boat stabilizes in the water, carve a mark on the water level, and then drive the cattle off the boat.

  Then load stones on the big boat until the water level reaches the mark that was carved before, stop loading stones, and finally, weigh the weight of the stones on the boat, which is the weight of the cow. "

   "Hey! This is wonderful!" Squire Wei on the side was surprised.

"Not bad."

  Meng Xuejiao also said two good things again and again, it can be seen that he is quite satisfied with Zhao Zhitong's answer, nodded, and said to the students.

   "My girl's method is very good! According to legend, during the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Chong, the son of Wei Wudi Cao Cao, used this method to weigh an elephant. It is said in history that Cao Chong called an elephant. Today, we will learn this allusion..."

  Meng Xuexue over there has already begun to use this incident to give lectures to the students, and it is inconvenient for Wei Xiangshen to stay longer.

  Anyway, he had already got a satisfactory solution, so he happily led the cow and left.

  As for Zhao Zhitong who helped him solve the problem, Squire Wei praised him a lot. After returning home, when educating his children, he often talked about this matter, so that they could learn more from Zhao Zhitong.

   Then, in the next period of time, Zhao Zhitong began to run to the front yard, sometimes lying on the door, eavesdropping on the teacher's lecture.

  Sometimes, under the inspiration of Grandpa Bai in the space, I would do good deeds, such as sweeping the floor for my husband, cleaning the table, and helping to water the vegetable garden.

  Sometimes I just sit quietly in the yard, wait for my husband to finish class, and then bring him some food, just waiting eagerly to hear a good story from him.

  So, after this contact, Meng Xuexue was even more satisfied with Zhao Zhitong.

  He found that the doll was only outside the classroom sometimes, and he read it a few times. After class, when he met her and asked him about it, she could recite it!

  For a teacher, he is satisfied and pleasantly surprised to meet such a smart child.

  But after the extreme joy, it all turned into a sigh!

   "Such a smart doll, how did she give birth to a daughter!"

   With this emotion, I will unconsciously mention a few sentences in class.

   As for why Qiao Muchen came to challenge Zhao Zhitong, it was because Qiao Muchen happened to be ill and was not in school when the cow was weighed that day.

  When he was recuperating at home, he often heard Uncle Wei praise Zhao Zhitong.

  As for Qiao Muchen, who has always been the object of praise, one day he heard about other people's children, and became interested in finding Zhitong, so he came here to compete.

   "Qin chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and arithmetic, etc., the competition items are up to you to decide."

  Qiao Muchen generously let Zhao Zhitong choose his own competition events based on his masculinity.

  (end of this chapter)