MTL - The Magic Healer in the Another world-Chapter 1279 Eye-catching

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The first thousand two hundred and seventy-nine chapters are eye-catching

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

“Where does this fluctuation come from? Why do I have the urge to worship?”

This embarrassing, the entire elder pharmacist tower is rioting, everyone can not calm down, countless disciples rushed out from their respective mantles, looked up at the sky, where, the boundless avenue breathlessly fell, turned into a piece of auspicious, looking into the eyes Going, the entire elixir tower is like a ray of light, shocking people.

In the stunned eyes of all the disciples, the bright light illuminates the surroundings, and the beauty of the city of the Pharmacy is beautiful. Not only that, but there is also a glaring brilliance that rises into the sky and reflects everyone's face.


Such as thunder roaring, shaking Kyushu, and like a horse galloping, the world is cracked, in the secret area where the city of the sky is located, thousands of Xiaguang sweeping, dazzling, shaking nine days and ten places, the sky above the island, is an endless avenue The law hangs down, such as the long river that rushes from the sky, and all kinds of ambiguous expressions show their eyes.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"...

The figure of the road is like an aurora, floating in the sea of ​​riots and watching the island of Huashen.

"Unbelievable, it's incredible."

"What happened?"

"Jason is this..."

Bisfarm Tower and others looked horrified and looked at the alienation over the island of Huashen, and the heart swept a huge storm.

Xia Xiaguang circulates, falling from the sky, falling into the body of Bisfamta and others. In their perception, when these rays enter into their bodies, they seem to have eaten some kind of peerless medicine, from the deepest soul. Every cell in the body is full of vitality.

The avenue of the boulevard circulates around them. At this moment, whether it is Bisfam, Kasinus, Liuya, or McGrady, there is a kind of enlightenment that emerges in their hearts. The original meaning of the seemingly vagueness in his mind has become clear, like a light of wisdom that penetrates their souls.

"This feeling!"


Almost at the same time, everyone present was exclaimed, and his face was full of excitement. They could feel the puzzles accumulated in their minds over the years, the understanding of the rules, the understanding of the avenue, At this moment, it is solved and thoroughly understood.

"The realm of the middle spirit is what it looks like!"

"Unbelievable, I feel that I have touched the edge of the middle spirit, as long as I calm down and do a good job, and within a few months, I will definitely be able to successfully advance to the middle spirit."

Bisfam, McGrady, and Liu Ya are all exclaimed. As veterans, they are also promoted to the next spirit, but in the past two decades, they have been in the lower spirit to the middle spirit. God’s comprehension above is often encountered difficulties and troubles.

Although in the Labyrinth Tower, the existence of the upper spirits such as Bannen in the last ten years can give guidance to everyone, but the understanding of the law is not something that someone can guide casually, everything is entirely on their own, so Bisfam and others are incomparable.

But at this moment, under the nourishment of these rays of light, all the problems that have remained in their minds at this moment suddenly became clear and clear, like the avenue came directly to them.

And younger strongmen like Kasinus, compared with Bisfam, they have a lot of gains. In the baptism of Xiaguang, there is actually an impulse to directly advance to the middle spirit.

Not only the lower spirits such as Bisfam and Cassenus, but also the three upper spirits such as Bannion, Adcock, Bruno, etc., in this ray of sunshine, it is also The huge harvest is only between the upper spirit and the star god. After all, the difference is too much. This kind of harvest can not make them break the original imprisonment and directly break through.

"This kind of breath, this kind of Xiaguang that can enhance the strength, Jason, this is..."

At the same time of shock, a doubt is also emerging in the minds of Bisfarm Tower. Obviously, this must be because something happened to Jason, which led to this situation. So, what is the situation? what is it then?

"Is it..."

This doubt has just emerged, and they seem to think of something like Bisfamta, and his face has a look of utter dismay.

In the past ten years, Jason has been hiding in the laboratory of Huashen Island every day. It is rare to come out. Bisfarm naturally knows that Jason is testing the elixir and trying to attack the realm of the tenth-order medicine god. Now, it happens. Is such a shocking scene, is Jason's impact on the drug **** success?

"There is this possibility."

"I am afraid that only by reaching the drug god, can you have such a vision?"

"So, this kind of glow, may be the god-level spiritual agent formulated by Jason?"

When the words came out, the whole audience was silent, and everyone’s expression was sluggish.

The tenth-order medicine god, this is a completely unimaginable realm. In Stern’s long history of the mainland, there have been many god-level powers, especially in ancient times, the god-level powerhouses are all over the mainland, but The tenth-order medicine god, in their understanding of Bisfam, has never appeared one. On the Stern continent, the strongest is only the ninth-order spiritual medicine master.

In fact, the tenth-order medicine **** has still appeared, that is, the East Pole king Stern, but his identity is only known to a few people such as Brott.

"The tenth-order medicine god? Master, he became the tenth-order medicine god?"

Relative to the surprise of Bisfam, the waves of the three hearts of Bennion were even more shocking and incomparable.

They from the gods and gods, they are much better than Bisfarm. In the gods, the pharmacists and the strategists are the two most noble occupations, especially the spiritual pharmacists. After each person advances to the **** level. Even if there is no spiritual medicine talent, it can also be used to formulate simple spiritual medicines. This also leads to the extremely large number of **** pharmacists. Among them, quite a few people are the nine-order spiritual medicine sages, and even Semi-god pharmacist.

However, the ten-order medicine god, in the gods and gods, is simply difficult to find traces, because once you advance to the tenth-order medicine god, it shows that the spiritual pharmacist has reached the ultimate in understanding the origin of life. The state has entered a true one-of-a-kind, and it is in harmony with Tiandi Avenue.

In the history of the gods that Adcock knew, the whole gods reached the tenth-order medicine god. In countless years, there were only a few, and the most recent one was the East God who fell tens of thousands of years ago. Wang Stern.


Huashen Island, in the laboratory.

Jason was completely immersed in a magical state. In front of him, a bottle of glamorous spiritual medicine floated. This bottle of spiritual potion is extremely unique, like a newborn baby, slightly Breathing, and as it breathes, a unique atmosphere fluctuates, rendering the entire room colorful.

The scene of the whole Spiritist Pharmacist Tower is so shocking that it is the atmosphere of the unique spiritual agent.

In the room, Jason's whole person is closed, his breathing is gentle, and the body's breath is completely integrated into the world, blending into the avenue.

“Is this the initial feeling of life?”

“Is this the process of avenue derivation?”

"This is the law of the heavens and the earth, the law of all things to obey?"

"Everything in the heavens and the earth is composed of the most basic particles. The particles constitute elements, the elements constitute the organization, and the tissues form various completely different species, but their origins are the same."

Jason’s heart is like a certain light shining.

Daosheng, one life, two, two, three, three things.

Everything between heaven and earth is made up of the most basic particles and consists of the Tao.

The initial evolution of Tiandi Avenue, the beginning of chaos, the return of all things to the Yuan, the birth of life, but the formation of life is the natural result of the avenue of the avenue. It can be said that at this point, the Pharmacist is the one who changed his life.


Invisible fluctuations swept through. In this kind of enlightenment, Jason’s thoughts were completely accessible. In his perception, everything in the body was turned into the most basic particles, and every place was clearly seen. Chu, like a transparent glass, at the same time, Jason also saw that his body has been transformed from the deepest part of the body directly composed of divine power, there are still a lot of black impurities, like mud, such as the bones maggot.


Jason’s mouth quietly burst into a smile, and the boulevard rang in his body, and a subtle esoteric rune appeared, swam in Jason’s body, and finally turned into a white fire, burning Jason’s **.


Under the burning of this white fire, all the black impurities in Jason's body were instantly vaporized and burned into nothingness.


A sly rainbow awning fell from the sky and passed directly through Jason's head.


The invisible avenue rule came, Jason originally reached the breath of the upper spirit, and at this moment it was a rapid climb.


"This breath is, Jason is an adult, he even promoted to the Star God?"

Not far from the sky above the island of God, Benny and others felt this amazing atmosphere, all of them were wide-eyed and exclaimed in the mouth.



At the same time, in the Lingyao City on the periphery of the Esotericist Tower, in Jason's achievement of the drug god, the preparation of the god-level spirit pharmacy, when advancing to the glory of the gods, the many spiritual pharmacists of the gods, the towering disciples, have also broken through the original The order was made and a breakthrough was made.

In particular, some genius characters who were originally low-ranked, even advanced to a few orders, the biggest gain is a genius just found from the mainland, only twenty years old, he is already a seventh-order emperor. The spiritual master, nowadays, has repeatedly broken through and become the Holy Spirit of the ninth-order peak.

At this moment, because of Jason's promotion, breakthrough, and comprehension, the strength of the entire elixir tower has a substantial leap.



At this time, a golden figure suddenly emerged above the Tianyu field outside the elixir tower.

"Here is the place where the Psalmist Tower is located? The outer guardianship and the secrets still exist. It seems that Adekoke all failed."

Sargentson stared at the empty space in front of him, and there was a chill in his eyes.

"Well, today, let me completely ruin it, and pull Brotter out of the spirit beasts."

A sly smile, quietly swaying in Sargentson's mouth, horrible and cold.