MTL - The Male Supporting Roles Who Are Lonely and Old All the Time-Chapter 71 .Bamboo Horse 4 defeated by President Dog (End)

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Fat Dun was sick, vomiting and diarrhea, lying limply in the cardboard box, with tears in the corners of his eyes, Wen Hanxiao was so anxious that he subconsciously called He Dongchen, anxiously repeating his illness.

He Dongchen listened carefully, and comforted him: "Don't worry, I probably know what the problem is, I'll go to the hospital to get some medicine, if you're afraid of the dog, don't go, just wait at home."

After speaking, He Dongchen threw out the trash and took the elevator upstairs.

Seeing her son returning from throwing out the trash, He's mother hurriedly prepared to go out, and quickly asked, "Did something happen to the hospital?"

"No, the neighbor's cat is sick, go and have a look." He Dongchen replied while putting on his shoes.

Neighbor's cat?

Father He, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, was suspicious and asked tentatively, "Woman?"

Isn't it the pretty little girl who can make the boys energetic and go out on weekends?

He Dongchen nodded, and He's father and mother's eyes lit up immediately, they looked at each other, and said at the same time:

Mother He: "What do you do?"

Father He: "Is it pretty?"

Mother He twisted Father He's waist, in exchange for a few wailing sounds.

He Dongchen hooked the corner of his mouth, put his hand on the doorknob, and replied before opening the door: "Cartoonist."


With a click, the door closed, and the father and mother in the room smiled happily.

"Does the wedding room have to be prepared again? Our son will be twenty-nine in the next year."

Mother He thought more, and made a decision: "The meaning of that house before is not good, so I sold it and bought a new one." Otherwise, the daughter-in-law would not vomit to death knowing that the wedding house was originally prepared for her son and another woman. .

"Okay, I'm going to call the intermediary friend right now."

The two of them put their heads together, discussing with great interest which location is the best place to buy a house.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, and Mother He thought it was because her son forgot to bring the key back to pick up things, so she went to open the door with a smile on her face, but when the door opened, she met Mother Tao with a dignified face.

The smile on Mother He's face stagnated, she put away her emotions and asked in concern: "What's the matter?"

Mother Tao said with a sullen face, "My family Tao Tao came back just now, and she squatted in the room crying without saying a word. My mother's heart aches when I hear it. Give me a straight line, can Tao Tao and Xiao He get married?"

Mother He was taken aback for a moment, knowing that her son had a new goal, so naturally she couldn't be clingy and delay the girl, so she said euphemistically, "The two children are not destined to be together, so they were close."

Mother Tao's face collapsed when she heard the words, and she twitched the corners of her mouth: "Yeah, almost."

When Xiao He was chasing Tao Tao before, Tao Tao put his eyes on the front, and when Xiao He turned and left, Tao Tao began to regret again. There is only a tiny bit of difference in the fate between people.

Mother Tao got the answer, no longer forced, went back to comfort her daughter, people always look forward.

Here, He Dongchen drove back to the hospital, packed a medicine box, and then hurried to Wen Hanxiao's house. Fortunately, he had considered the distance when he rented the house, so it took less than half an hour.

Wen Hanxiao has been guarding in front of the fat pier, and when he heard the doorbell ring, he rushed to the door, glanced at the monitor, saw a familiar figure, and quickly opened the door.

"Show Fat Dun quickly." Wen Hanxiao was too anxious, and directly grabbed the person and walked into the house.

He Dongchen cooperated to keep up, and after entering the door, he saw the fat man lying in the cardboard box, with mucus hanging from the corner of his mouth, and his big eyes were wet, looking extremely painful.

There is still an indescribable smell in the air.

But the two of them didn't care. He Dongchen put down the medicine box and checked it carefully: "It's gastroenteritis. The kitten's stomach is very delicate, and a little inappropriateness will cause gastroenteritis. Fatty's condition is more serious. I'll give some anti-inflammatory drugs first. "

"Yeah, it's all up to you." Wen Hanxiao nodded beside Xiaojipeimi.

Pang Dun was very uncooperative when feeding the medicine, and the two tossed and tossed before stuffing it in. After the treatment, sweating profusely, Wen Hanxiao sat directly on the floor, blaming himself: "It's all my fault, for making Pang Dun suffer."

During this period of time, she was rushing to serialize, and she forgot everything when she was devoting herself to it. She often stayed up until midnight, her work and rest were disordered, and she didn't even have a fixed time to eat with Fatty.

Humans can bear it, but a three-month-old cat can't bear it.

He Dongchen comforted: "You've only had cats for a long time, but you haven't gotten used to it yet. You can buy a regular cat feeder, or I can remind you."

Wen Hanxiao was stunned, raised her head and straightened her hair by her ears, then lowered her head and said in a low voice, "That's so much trouble to you."

"No trouble, I can set a timed text message."

Wen Hanxiao paused: "...Oh."

The deer's heartbeat, which was originally pounding, calmed down instantly, and even a little bored, wanting to sleep.

He Dongchen watched her face change, laughed lowly, and the pleasant voice wafted in the room.

Wen Hanxiao blushed unapologetically and turned her head away.

"Okay, I'm lying to you, the regular text messages are so insincere, if you are really busy, you can hand over the fat pier to me, and I will take it to the hospital. Recently, the hospital plans to build a pet paradise in the next building, with professionals to take care of it. Be safe." He Dongchen stopped being funny and spoke seriously, his bright black eyes became deeper.

Being watched like this, Wen Hanxiao suddenly felt that the posture she was sitting on the floor was a bit indecent, she slowly put her legs together, looked at a bunch of pink roses on the coffee table not far away and said: "You are right, professionals Definitely better than me."

The fat man in the cardboard box moved his eyelids and slowly fell asleep.

"After talking about Fatty, shouldn't it be time to talk about you?" He Dongchen said slowly.

"Mine?" Wen Hanxiao blinked and pointed at herself with a confused expression.

He Dongchen nodded, and stretched out his hand to help her straighten a raised hair: "How long have you not rested? The dark circles under your eyes are so heavy."

Wen Hanxiao woke up immediately! yes! She has survived for two days, and her image must be special now! !

what! ! ! Dying to die!

Wen Hanxiao got up in a hurry, ran into the room, looked in the mirror, covered her mouth tightly, not to scream.

Who is the crazy woman in the mirror! Messy hair, pale and haggard face, the two dark circles under the eyes can be compared to national treasures, and the clothes on his body are crumpled.

Wen Hanxiao was so ashamed and angry, how could she see people in the future!

How to meet people!

He Dongchen stayed in the living room, and couldn't wait for anyone to come out. Instead, he heard the faint sound of water, which seemed to be taking a bath.

Seeing that the living room was messy and there were a lot of fat excrement, he simply rolled up his sleeves and tidied it up. The first step was to open the windows for ventilation. Now at the end of October, the air has turned cold, and the cold fresh air is scrambling to squeeze into the room. White curtains.

When Wen Hanxiao tidied herself up and came out after adjusting her mood, the living room had taken on a completely new look. She looked at He Dongchen who was carrying two bags of garbage and was about to go out, and she had an illusion, as if they were already an old couple, living together for a long time.

"I ordered health porridge for you. Remember to open the door when you get a text message." After He Dongchen finished speaking, he went out with two bags of garbage.

Wen Hanxiao glanced at the medicine box on the coffee table, and wanted to remind her, but swallowed the words inexplicably.

There are comings and goings, and she also wants to go and see what the house He Dongchen lives in will be like, and then she can come to the door by returning the medicine box.

Floating in the air, the system winked with its hands in its hands and said, "She noticed that your medicine box was pulled down, but she didn't remind you, tsk tsk, scheming beauty."

He Dongchen took the elevator downstairs to throw out the trash, and said casually, "Oh, I left it on purpose."

The system fell over.

what! This is the real scheming man!

Thanks to Pang Dun, the relationship between the two developed by leaps and bounds.

He Dongchen received more and more small biscuits, orange flavor, watermelon flavor, and mango flavor. He had to change a box of biscuits every few days on his desk, and he was stingy and didn't give them to others.

For this reason, the colleagues in the hospital believed that he had a partner! At least there is an ambiguous object!

It's a pity that that person is not her childhood sweetheart, Miss Tao.

People in the world generally have a kind of reunion mentality, hoping to see lovers finally get married, and childhood sweethearts achieve fruitful results.

Therefore, a few people still want to persuade them to make peace with a big face.

"Doctor He, freshness comes and goes quickly, don't lose your true love."

He Dongchen's expression was light: "Really? So you often look for novelty with clients, does your wife know?"

The face of the visitor froze: "How do you know!?" He was obviously very careful, and he wouldn't even take a second look at the female cat in the hospital.

He Dong smiled, raised his chin slightly, and pointed forward: "Now not only I know, but your wife also knows."

After he finished speaking, he lifted his feet and left. Unsurprisingly, there were voices of questioning from a woman behind him, and the voice of a man begging for mercy.

The system hummed: "Dare to teach the boss how to do things?"

He Dongchen spoke harshly in the hospital a few times, and Tao Tao was busy with work during this time, and gradually, the gossip in the hospital became smaller.

This weekend, He Dongchen went home to eat with his parents.

Father He suddenly said at the dinner table: "I put the previous house on the market for sale. You can see where you want to buy it. The house is for you to live in. You choose it yourself."

As soon as He Dongchen heard it, he knew that the couple had prepared a wedding room for him again.

He thought for a while and said, "I've been investing in stocks recently, and I have money in my hand. I plan to buy the rented house. You can keep the money from selling the house for yourself, or buy some pension insurance."

His salary for working in the pet hospital alone is definitely not enough, but He Dongchen is used to holding money in his hand, and has been trading stocks since he got it. Now he has a considerable savings, which is more than enough to buy a house.

Mother He remembered that the girl her son liked lived across the street, and it was also suitable to buy it there. It was close to home and close to work, and it was a ten-minute walk away.

"It's just two bedrooms and one living room, isn't it a bit small?"

"I'll see if the house next door is for sale, and open the door then." He Dongchen replied.

Just do what you say, He Dongchen found the landlord and offered to buy a house, the landlord was not very happy, but He Dongchen gave too much, woo woo, he accepted the money with tears in his eyes, and when he heard that He Dongchen still wanted to buy the house next door, he immediately said : "The next door is also mine."

Now it's all right, buy two sets together, one step in place, both are full price.

The landlord smiled after receiving the money, "Okay, how does the pet doctor make money?"

He Dongchen smiled casually without explaining.

The rent next door will not be due until next year, so He Dongchen will first renovate the house he lives in. After all, the house he lives in and the style of furniture need to be readjusted.

After Wen Hanxiao found out, she asked coyly: "Where do you want to live during the renovation period?"

He Dongchen originally wanted to say that he would stay with his parents, no matter how poor the hospital is, there is a dormitory, and with his qualifications and performance, he could easily approve a single apartment, but when he saw the blushing Wen Hanxiao holding the cat, his expression changed slightly. Spread your hands together: "There is nowhere to go, do you want to think about finding a cat nanny for Fatty?"

"Cat nanny???" Wen Hanxiao blinked, then smiled, "Okay."

"Meow~" the fat cat resisted.

Maybe it's because the first meeting was not pleasant, Pang Dun was very narrow-minded, and kept throwing his **** at He Dongchen, so arrogant.

He Dongchen stretched out his hand and gently flicked its small head, smiling like a spring breeze: "I will definitely take good care of it."

Just like that, Pang Dun got an extra cat nanny, and he gained weight visible to the naked eye. Wen Hanxiao was really busy recently, so Pang Dun went to work with He Dongchen. Now everyone in the pet hospital knew that Dr. He's object had raised a cat. orange cat.

Jiang Shiguang shook his head with his tut, and sat noble and gracefully in the pet room with a disdainful expression on his face.

Today was the day he was discharged from the hospital. For this reason, he specially reduced Tao Tao's work so that he could get off work on time. Calculate the time, it's time to arrive.

Sure enough, after a while, Tao Tao's tall figure appeared in sight, with a haggard look on her face.

"Xiaoha, I've been discharged from the hospital." Tao Tao led Jiang Guangguang to go through the formalities. He Dongchen, as the attending physician, met with him, took a meaningful look at Jiang Guangguang's words, and said earnestly to Tao Tao, "Take it, don't run away." lost."

Seeing that He Dongchen rarely cared about her, Tao Tao's eyes lit up slightly, but a yellow figure ran up and climbed up He Dongchen's white coat.

"Fatty, don't make trouble." He Dongchen grabbed the orange cat and placed it on the table beside him.

Tao Tao was stunned, thinking of something, pointing at the orange cat in disbelief: "Is it that girl's cat that day?"

He Dongchen nodded: "That's right, she is very busy with work, and the cat follows me."

Tao Tao was on the verge of falling, and in the end she led Xiaoha out of the hospital somehow. She lost her mind all the way and stood on the side of the road waiting for the traffic lights. The lights changed several times but there was no response.

Jiang Shiguang was a little worried, but freedom and Dandan were more precious, so when Tao Tao was distracted, he bit the dog leash and ran to the neighborhood where he bought a good house.

Today, he specially asked the dog nanny to wait at the gate of the community, and when he saw a husky with a dog leash, he took it away.

The dog nanny looked confused when she received the task, but she still nodded and agreed, because the salary she gave was really good.

Tao Tao, who was saddened by He Dongchen's new love, only felt a pain in her hand, and the dog in her hand was gone. She raised her head in a daze, watching Xiao Ha fleeing from her without hesitation, the tears that had been brewing for a long time finally burst.


Not even a dog had deserted her.

"Hey, your dog has run away, hurry up and chase after him!"

"That's right, why are you in a daze!"

The passers-by saw the dog run away, and the owner of the dog was still standing there stupidly, and couldn't help urging, what's the use of crying when the dog ran away!

Tao Tao was upset when she heard that, and her emotions completely collapsed: "That's not my dog ​​in the first place! I picked it up! Picked it up! If it wants to run away, how can I keep it!"

Just like He Dongchen was about to leave, she couldn't bring it back.

Pet Hospital.

He Dongchen was on duty, got off work at ten o'clock, and was ready to go home with the drowsy fat pier in his arms.

"Doctor He! Xiaoha is back!" A nurse rushed over with blood on her hands.

He Dongchen frowned when he saw this, settled Fatty, put on his overalls, and followed her to the consulting room. Inside, Husky lay dying on the operating table, the blood in his abdomen had coagulated and clotted, and his eyes were closed. Seeing him coming, he seemed relieved Yes, close it slowly.

With a sullen face, He Dongchen began to inspect the wound with his hands gently.

"The person who brought it said that he seemed to have been hit by a car. He didn't know how long he had been lying on the ground, bleeding all over the floor, and he was holding his eyelids and refused to close. He couldn't see it, so he sent us to the hospital."

"By the way, I have already called Miss Tao, and she will be here in a while."

After the voice fell, the operating room was completely silent, the cold instruments flickered from time to time, and the atmosphere was dignified.

"Eh? President Ba is not in there anymore?" the system exclaimed. Now there is only a weak soul in Gouzi's body.

He Dongchen kept moving, carefully cleaning the wound, and stuffed a pill bought in the mall into the dog's mouth when no one else was paying attention.

In the original text, after Jiang Shiguang traveled back, Xiao Ha died.

At some point, Tao Tao appeared anxiously outside the operating room, looking forward to see through the thick glass.

"What's the matter?" As soon as the person came out, Tao Tao rushed up immediately, her eyes were red and swollen, after Xiaoha ran away, she broke down emotionally, stood on the main road and cried for a long time, thinking about running away, maybe it was because of fate However, I didn't expect that Xiao Ha would appear in the hospital again, still in such a miserable state.

Tao Tao regrets it now, full of self-blame, why didn't she catch up at that time, if she did, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.

He Dongchen: "The operation went well, we need to observe for a while."

Tao Tao breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, she leaned against the wall to relieve the weakness of her legs, her expression was very ugly: "I went to check the monitoring of Xiaoha's accident, it was a car accident to save a child, the adult carried the child and went to argue with the driver , Xiao Ha was lying on the ground alone, bleeding all over the ground, and people passing by all avoided it."

"I heard from the kind person who sent him to the hospital that Xiaoha kept his eyes open. It hurts so much, and he knows he can't close his eyes..."

He Dongchen was silent, and comforted: "It's okay, it will be fine."

"What about us? Will it be okay?" Tao Tao looked at He Dongchen stubbornly with tears in her eyes. Seeing him shaking his head, the luck in his eyes disappeared completely. She wiped away her tears and choked up, "I see. what."

She left step by step, clenched her fists tightly, and never looked back. What happened to Xiaoha hit her hard. If she kept dwelling on the past, she would lose more and regret more.

The next day, Tao Tao called the company to ask for leave, and her colleague joked, "What a coincidence, Mr. Jiang also asked for leave. Could it be that you two are having an affair?"

Tao Tao was speechless: "What are you thinking, my dog ​​was hit by a car yesterday, and she was in bed with her in the hospital."

The colleague was speechless: "Just the dog you picked up at the entrance of the company? How many times has it been in the hospital? It's a bad fate, or you don't want to keep it, you two are incompatible."

One gram of life, one gram of money. Tao Tao spent tens of thousands of money on Xiaoha before and after.

Tao Tao was thoughtful upon hearing this.

Going to work the next day, Mr. Jiang asked about Xiaoha's affairs with some awkwardness: "I heard that your dog has entered the hospital again, is it all right?"

Jiang Shiguang was hit and flew at the gate of the community. At that time, he saw a child about to be hit by a car, so he rushed over subconsciously, and then was knocked out. When he was lying on the ground, his body became colder and colder. He closed his eyes and stared at the gate of the community not far away, feeling unwilling, afraid that if he died, he would really die.

Fortunately, God was kind to him, and he came back.

Tao Tao replied honestly: "Xiao Ha is fine, he is already recovering."

Jiang Shiguang nodded. In fact, as soon as he put it back on, he went to the hospital in disguise to see it. After all, it was also the dog he had lived in for a while.

"Okay, you can go out if you have nothing to do." Jiang Guangguang waved his hand, signed the document and asked Tao Tao to leave.

Tao Tao didn't move, hesitated for a while and said, "Didn't Mr. Jiang want to adopt Xiaoha before? Do you still want it now?"

Jiang Shiguang was surprised: "Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Tao Tao smiled wryly: "Little Ha Xiangke and I have no future. Besides, isn't the company planning to send people to the south to open up the market? I want to try it."

He Dongchen has a partner, and he will get married soon. When the time comes, the He family will be lively, and she is not asking for trouble by living in the opposite door.

It's better to go directly to other cities and work hard for a few years, the love is gone, and the career is there.

"Aren't you going to keep Dr. He?" Jiang Shiguang popped out this sentence subconsciously, and then quickly covered his mouth, making a mistake. It's all because the pet hospital is too gossip, and it's scary all of a sudden.

"How does Mr. Jiang know..." Tao Tao was astonished.

Jiang Shiguang could only vaguely say: "I have a friend who works in a pet hospital."

Then quickly changed the subject: "Are you going to the south? I approved it. Work hard."

There is one thing to say, Tao Tao's working ability is not bad, otherwise he would not stare at people and assign tasks. If it is the kind of person who does not seek to make progress, Jiang Shiguang will not bother to take a look.

After going around and going around, Xiao Ha got into Jiang Shiguang's hands, and he went to the hospital to visit him kindly, with a deep expression on his face.

"It seems that Mr. Jiang likes Xiaoha very much?" He Dongchen stood aside with a smile, watching the hero and Husky look at each other affectionately.

Jiang Shiguang came back to his senses and glanced at He Dongchen with a complicated expression. It was this man who wanted to cut his balls.

He said indifferently: "I want to transfer Xiaoha."

He never wanted to see this man again!

He Dongchen smiled: "No problem."

The husky is not possessed by the boss, it is a very pure husky, dismantling the house and making sand sculptures all day long, Jiang Shiguang's furniture has been changed batch after batch. The assistant who was in charge of changing the furniture was in great pain, and repeatedly suggested that Xiaoha be sterilized, so that he would be quieter after being sterilized.

Every time Jiang Shiguang heard this, his face stinks! Sterilization is impossible! Impossible in this life!

If it was said that Jiang Shiguang was rich enough to accept the demolition of the house, but another thing broke him apart.

One day, Jiang Shiguang took Xiaoha to the countryside to play, and saw it sticking out its tongue to a lump of poop.

"Xiaoha shut up!!"

Jiang Shiguang was dizzy and almost died suddenly on the spot.

Winter goes to spring.

When the fat pier grew into a gas tank, He Dongchen and Wen Hanxiao got married. He's father and mother were very pleased. The son was old enough to finally get married.

The Tao family across the door gave a gift, but did not attend the wedding.

Tao Tao is far away in the south, and she is so busy that she doesn't care about love at all.

After the marriage, He Dongchen still took Pangdun to work. Wen Hanxiao's serial comics were over, and he was going to take a break, and put some clips on Weibo on weekdays.

Those years when the pet doctor and the orange cat fought wits and courage.

Simple plot, cute and arrogant orange cat, cold and poisonous doctor, in the background picture, there is always a bouquet of pink roses in bloom.

That is her favorite flower.

Later, the Tao family moved. Hearing that Tao Tao's career in the south was booming, he bought a house and took Tao's father and mother over there. Later, I heard that Tao Tao had a boyfriend who was a few years younger and was about to get married.

Wen Hanxiao initially cared about He Dongchen's attitude towards Tao Tao, but Tao Tao's words were too profound when they met for the first time.

But after a few years, the two have never been in contact, Wen Hanxiao gradually let go of his worries, and felt that he was thinking wildly and guilty in his heart, and it would be better to treat He Dongchen furtively on weekdays.

For example, the taste of small biscuits has added another flavor, rose flavor.

In this life, He Dongchen still lived a long life. Although he didn't do any big business, he lived a warm and enjoyable life. After Wen Hanxiao was sent away, he left the small world.