MTL - The Male Supporting Roles Who Are Lonely and Old All the Time-Chapter 73 .Salted Fish lying in the male supporting role 2

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After a brief lunch break, He Dongchen and Fang Nanxing went to the fish pond they had chosen together. At this time, the sun was scorching, the sun was hot, and there was no wind in the sweltering heat. The two of them were sweating profusely. He Dongchen had no makeup on his face, so he could wipe it off casually. Fang Nanxing was miserable, so he had to wipe it carefully with a paper towel, for fear of making a big stain on his face.

"It will be much cooler after getting into the water." Fang Nanxing comforted himself.

When we arrived at the place, the water in the fish pond was almost full, leaving only a puddle of water in the middle. Because the weather was too hot, a few fish turned white, and many fish struggled and swam in the water, showing their dorsal fins. There are a lot of them out, and they are quite big.

He Dongchen put on a stuffy and thick wet suit, and stepped into the fish pond. The mud was as deep as his calf, and the suction was very heavy, making it difficult to move.

"Be careful, take your time, don't worry." He Dongchen instructed Fang Nanxing who was entering the water beside him, and then pushed the big plastic basin containing the fish, and moved towards the middle of the fish.

After walking a few steps, a headless fish came to the door by itself. One straightened up and hit his calf directly. The five or six catties fish hit like this, which was quite aggressive.

He Dongchen bent down, grasped the head of the fish with both hands together, and threw it into the plastic basin next to it, the first one was delivered!

Fang Nanxing, who had just adjusted to the muddy pond behind him, cheered, "Brother Dongchen is amazing!"

He Dongchen's response to her was to quickly grab another fish, throw it into a plastic basin, and then fill the plastic basin with some water to prevent the fish from dying of thirst.

Soon, Fang Nanxing also moved to the middle and caught a fish that weighed more than two catties. The tail of the fish was a little red, which was very beautiful. The camera gave a close-up.

There were not only two people who went into the water, but also two big photographers, carrying dead cameras, walking in the mud as if walking on the ground, and even being photographed in the mud by the fish jumping out of the water.

The happiness brought by catching fish is a good harvest, healing, and seeing the fisherman struggling in the mud.

He Dongchen struck quickly and accurately, causing the villagers watching the fun on the bank to applaud.

Fang Nanxing's posture was a bit awkward, the fish was too big, and the size of his hand was too big, he flopped twice before holding it down, and there were still two drops of mud splashed on the delicate **** makeup on his face.

She sighed, and simply let go of her grasp, regardless of whether she is beautiful or not! Catching fish is king!

A fat head fish, how happy it is to hold it down.

After Fang Nanxing let himself fly, the speed was very fast, and the fish were frantically loaded up one by one, and the mud spots on the clothes on the face were also increasing visible to the naked eye.

The agent on the shore was heartbroken, sister, do you still remember that you are a female star? Look at the actor He next door is a hundred times cleaner than you!

He Dongchen, who was busy catching fish, took a casual glance and saw a clay figurine? ? ?

He froze for a moment, the movement of his hands froze, the big fish broke free and splashed on the surface of the water, leaving a streak of muddy water on his face.

The system floated in mid-air and watched with relish. I have never seen the boss so embarrassed.

He Dongchen felt its schadenfreude, squinted his eyes slightly, and the system immediately became well-behaved, and said in a sweet and greasy voice: "Boss, there is a dust-proof halo in the mall, and it is guaranteed to be fresh and clean after wearing it. Do you need one?"

"No need." He Dongchen lowered his head and continued to catch fish.

So clean and conspicuous, don't be too arrogant under the camera.

With the efforts of the two, the plastic basin was half full soon, and the fish would jump out again. The two had to stop catching fish, load the fish first, and carry the fish to the shore.

The place where there is water in the middle can be pushed, but the mud next to it is difficult to move, especially Fang Nanxing, who was too excited and consumed most of his energy, and even had difficulty pulling his legs. He picked up the plastic basin and sent it directly to the shore amidst the exclamation of everyone.

Fang Nanxing supported his legs with both hands, gasping for breath: "Brother Dongchen is really strong!"

He Dongchen had already jumped ashore, turned around and stretched out his hand to her: "Hurry up and rest for a while, we have enough time, so we don't need to work so hard."

Fang Nanxing looked at the ruddy hand, and his first thought was, will he be scolded online?

But after thinking about it, I felt that I was too cautious, so I passed my hand directly.

As soon as He Dongchen exerted his strength, he pulled the man ashore, and his hands parted naturally. He gestured to the staff of the program group, and the shooting was suspended.

The assistants of the two managers stepped forward one after another, handing water and towels, opening umbrellas and fans, and other staff also hid in the shade to rest. The weather is really too hot. A villager has a good means of making money, so he directly sells the watermelons grown at home, and the price is quite reasonable.

After He Dongchen saw it, he asked his agent to sell watermelons and distribute them to everyone to relieve the heat.

Fang Nanxing's manager took the sliced ​​watermelon with a smile, and whispered to Fang Nanxing, "Pay attention to your image, sister, standing next to King He is like a clay figurine, your eyes are too hot."

Hearing this, Fang Nanxing, who had eaten a mouthful of watermelon and felt comfortable all over, looked down at himself, then at He Dongchen, who had only a few mud spots, and felt depressed for a moment. Could it be that she was closer to the water because of her short legs?

The manager spread his hands together: "No, because of your fish-catching skills, we can see clearly on the shore. He Yingdi is not empty, and often has one in each hand. Originally, I was worried that your strong temper is not suitable for this leisurely man. Variety show, now it seems that it's perfect to have Best Actor He at the front."

Fang Nanxing followed the persona of a schoolmaster, so naturally he wanted to do the best in everything, so he was often ridiculed for using too much force and being too serious.

"Click on the camera more, and remember to keep your distance." The manager seriously instructed.

Fang Nanxing, who gnawed on the watermelon, nodded repeatedly, then put down the watermelon rind reluctantly, and let the little assistant help with the makeup on his face.

Twenty minutes later, the two finished their rest and continued to catch fish. Before going down to the pond, they weighed the previous fish, 10 fish, 75 catties in total.

The price of this fish pond is 1500, so the current price of fish per catty is 20 yuan.

"Come on."

The two continued to catch fish. At the same time, Bei Er, who was devoted to salting fish, was stared at by Jiang Wei, and had to catch fish bitterly.

The fish pond Jiang Wei chose was good, and there were many fish weighing more than ten kilograms in it. When he bumped into it, Bei Er, who was unprepared, was knocked down in the pond, splashing water, and turned into a mud monkey in no time.

She ate a mouthful of mud, wanted to cry but had no tears, and wanted to smash the pot and lie in the water to fill the salted fish, but suddenly her back felt cold, it turned out that the water ran into the waders.

Bei Er seemed to feel that a small fish had run into it, slippery and jumping around alive and well.

Her face was pale, and with a scream, Ma Liu got up from the water, crawled ashore, took off her water pants, and jumped wildly on the spot.

The assistant hurried forward to help take care of it.

Jiang Wei stood in the fish pond with his hands behind his back and shook his head again and again, the girls nowadays are so delicate.

The other two groups have made progress. One group chose a small fish pond with the mentality of selling big goods in a small fish pond. However, because they could not find a drain and the pump was broken again, the program team wanted to make it more difficult for them. , let them dig their own drainage channels.

The two people who had never touched a **** stumbled and began to dig the soil. One of them, the young man, raised the **** with too much force, and fell back into the fish pond, causing a lot of jumping.

The guests are suffering, and the director is happy, that's what makes it interesting.

Time passed, the sun was setting, and the sky was glowing red. The villagers watching the excitement went home in twos and threes, ready to have dinner. Only the children were still around the fish pond.

"You brat! I can't hear you when you're eating! I have to pick it up every time!" An aunt hurried over and left with a mud monkey.

Fang Nanxing looked at this scene with nostalgia, and tears suddenly came to her eyes. When she was a child, she was brought home by her mother for dinner. Unfortunately, her mother died of illness a few years ago and left her long ago. Money can't save her life.

"Nan Xing, the water is getting cold, come up." He Dongchen stood on the bank and shouted, because he was carrying the rays of light on his back, he couldn't see his expression clearly, he could only see his figure outlined by the setting sun, tall and straight, with broad shoulders and narrow hips, somewhat sexy.

"Come on!"

Fang Nanxing blinked her eyes and forced back her tears. The deceased had passed away and deserved peace. She didn't want to use her mother to hype her to gain sympathy.

After landing, I began to weigh the fish. There were 49 fish in total, weighing 165 catties, and the price was 9.09 yuan per catty. The record was good.

The program group came out to say some transitional words. The group packed up their things and prepared to go back to the villa. When they passed by other guest groups, they folded their arms and watched for a while.

"Did you end so early?" The muddy Xiaosheng looked envious, his shoulders slumped, and with his dog eyes with drooping tails, he looked very pitiful.

Fang Nanxing responded with a smile: "Hey, brother Dongchen is an expert at catching fish, I will enjoy the blessing~"

Not far from the next door, Bei Er, who heard this, was very envious. She also wanted a partner who was good at catching fish! When Jiang Wei picked the fish pond, he was full of air, and his ability to catch fish was very average, and he kept watching her work!

When the lottery was drawn before, why wasn't Ying Yingdi He selected?

Bell was tired.

A group of people talked and laughed, and returned to the villa. First, they went back to their rooms to wash up, and then filmed the last link, the whole fish feast. The four groups each contributed two fish dishes. They had to do it themselves, including the part of killing the fish.

Before the other guests finished, He Dongchen discussed with Fang Nanxing, first prepare the ingredients, he killed the fish, she prepared other side dishes, and then made a dish by himself.

He Dongchen was going to make a tomato fish fillet, so he deboned the fish and cut it into thin slices, which were crystal clear and could transmit light.

Fang Nanxing, who was washing tomatoes at the side, saw it and exclaimed, "Brother Dongchen is really good at knives!"

He Dongchen put down the knife when he heard the words, turned his head to look at the other party and said: "Fang Nanxing's line one, brother Dong Chen is very good, Fang Nanxing's line two, brother Dong Chen is good at catching fish, Fang Nanxing's line three, brother Dong Chen is very good at knife skills."

He leaned in slightly, and leaned closer to the other party: "Tell me, did the show crew give you the script, and you are responsible for blowing my rainbow fart?"

Fang Nanxing leaned back, blinked and said, "You've seen it all! Brother Dongchen is amazing!"

The surrounding staff roared with laughter.

Please type the words "Brother Dongchen is amazing" on the public screen.

After laughing for a while, the atmosphere became more relaxed and casual. Fang Nanxing secretly stuffed a tomato into his mouth, and couldn't help squinting his eyes because of the sourness.

The manager who was watching from the back couldn't help covering his face. When it was over, there was another weird emoji.

Fang Nanxing saw the manager's expression from the air, understood it, looked at the tomato in his hand and hesitated for a while, then decisively handed it to He Dongchen next to him, and said with a malicious smile: "Brother Dongchen, try it, this tomato is very sweet .”

He Dongchen saw the cunning in her eyes, raised his eyebrows slightly, took a small bite from the cutting board, put it into his mouth, moved his jaw, and nodded solemnly: "It's really sweet."

Fang Nanxing was dumbfounded. Seeing that He Dongchen didn't even move his eyebrows, he looked at the tomato on the cutting board in disbelief. They were obviously the same tomato? How could this be?

When he was wondering, he saw that the traffic niche had gone downstairs with a new look, and he waved to him: "Eat tomato~"

They have collaborated in a TV series before, and they acted as siblings, so there is no need to avoid suspicion.

The flow niche has been busy for a day, and he is very hungry. Hearing this, he immediately looked over, disliked the small pieces on the cutting board, and was not enjoying himself, so he picked a whole tomato from the vegetable basket next to him, washed it casually, took a bite, and then With a beaming smile: "It's so sweet, but Sister Nan Xing misses me."

Fang Nanxing: ...I don't want to talk.

He Dongchen glanced at this scene from the corner of his eye, and felt amused in his heart. He licked the tip of his teeth with his tongue, it was really sore.

The other two groups of guests came back one after another. After cleaning up, they began to shoot the clip of weighing fish.

The contract price for the fishpond of the southeast team was 1,500 yuan, and 49 fish were harvested, totaling 165 catties, and the price per catty of fish was 9.09 yuan.

The team that Liu Xiaosheng belongs to, the contract price of the fish pond is 300 yuan, and 7 fish are harvested, with a total of 22 catties, and the price of fish per catty is 13.63 yuan.

Bei Er's team, the contracted price of the fish pond is 2300 yuan, harvested 52 fish, a total of 200 catties, and the price of fish per catty is 11.5 yuan.

The last team, the contracted price of the fish pond was 800 yuan, harvested 22 fish, a total of 45 catties, and the price of fish per catty was 17.77 yuan.

The last team is all small goods weighing more than two catties, blood loss, and the vision of picking fish ponds is not very good.

Everyone was chattering around several big fishing buckets.

The team with the lowest price per catty wins, so He Dongchen and Fang Nanxing win this round!

Everyone applauded, and another wave of sponsor tyrants, and the next scene was filmed. As for the fish they managed to catch, there were too many small fish that hadn’t grown up inside, so The program team groaned and fell back again, and made up for the loss to the fishermen.

The camera turned to the room, where He Dongchen took the unfinished fish and asked Fang Nanxing what dish he planned to cook, and he looked at it and cut it.

"I'm going to make fish ball soup, so I'd like to ask Brother Dongchen to pick out the thorns. I'll take them to the machine and smash them up." Fang Nanxing said.

He Dongchen nodded, quickly removed the bones and picked the thorns, and put the clean fish pieces into the bowl beside him.

Busy, two hours passed, during which various accidents occurred frequently, by the time the four groups finished cooking, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and the sky was full of stars.

The dishes made by He Dongchen were already too cold, so they were reheated.

The restaurant is located in the small garden in front of the villa. The night breeze is cool and the insects are constantly singing. It would be great if there were fewer mosquitoes.

Everyone wakes up at five o'clock in the morning for business. After a day of tossing around, they are exhausted physically and mentally. Now they are sitting in their seats, and their eyelids are fighting.

The schedule is too rushed, but there is no other way. Those here are either very popular or on the rise. Time is the most precious. For example, traffic niches will leave after the filming is over, and take a plane to another city for a road show.

The director said a few words to warm up the scene, and the filming officially started. Everyone cheered up and put on smiling masks. Only Bei Er, the salted fish, leaned on the chair and started grunting.

The director was tired and didn't bother to care about her. Originally, Bei Er had found a way to force her into this show. Now that he showed such a performance, he didn't cooperate at all. The director greeted the cameraman directly, and tried to avoid Bei Er's lens, so as to avoid the post-production Still have to pick.

He Dongchen's tomato fish has received unanimous praise. Fang Nanxing's fish ball soup is milky and rich, with a few coriander flowers on top, so green and white, it makes people's index fingers move.

Everyone ate and commented on each other, trying to create a happy picture.

Suddenly someone exclaimed: "Isn't there two dishes in each group, a total of eight dishes? Why did I only see seven? Who is being lazy?"

Everyone paused and looked at the table. Jiang Wei coughed and took out a small plate of steamed fish from the corner. There was only the middle part of the fish belly and tail. Scrape off the scales and steam in a pot, pour some soy sauce and cooking wine, and it's done.

This is too perfunctory, everyone thought.

Seeing the fragmented fried fish that he worked so hard to make, the flow niche suddenly felt that he was so dedicated to his work, and was moved to tears.

Jiang Wei explained: "The fish that Bei Er made actually tastes pretty good."

Everyone looked at Bei Er who was dozing off in the corner, and said a few words of embarrassment, then quickly changed the subject and talked about the pastoral life when they were young.

After the meal was over, the filming came to an end. Everyone immediately looked down, greeted a few times weakly, and dragged their tired bodies back to the room to sleep.

After a night of silence, when I woke up the next day, most of the villa was deserted, and out of the eight guests, five left.

He Dongchen's schedule is relatively loose recently, so he is not in a hurry. When he went downstairs, he saw Fang Nanxing wearing a white linen skirt with braids and holding a lace-rimmed dark green parasol in his hand. Looking at the camera to illuminate the panel, it seems that he is planning to go out.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, everyone looked up and saw that it was He Dongchen, Fang Nanxing said politely: "Brother Dongchen, I seem to have seen a field of wild chrysanthemums in the village yesterday, and I am going to take a group of photos, do you want to go? "


Everyone thought that it was right not to go, it was the first time for everyone to cooperate, and they were not familiar with this level yet.

Fang Nanxing continued to say politely, "That's a pity."

"Let's go then."

Everyone:! !

what's the situation! Could it be that Actor He, who has no desires and never had any scandals, fell in love with their artist! One by one flirts with each other, dreaming wildly.

Fang Nanxing swallowed, and suddenly became nervous, grabbing the handle of the umbrella in his hand.

Da da da, He Dongchen walked down the stairs step by step, turned around and exposed the bluetooth headset on his right ear, saw everyone looking at him, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry what you were talking about just now, I didn't pay attention when I answered the phone."

Everyone: ...

Feel like they're idiots.

"It's nothing haha." Fang Nanxing twitched the corners of his mouth, and greeted the team to go out, so please avoid it.

A group of people were carrying things and were about to go out when they heard a loud huck sound from upstairs, and then Bei Er, who was wearing loose clothes, went downstairs slowly, with sleepy eyes and light footsteps, looking like he was about to fall at any time look like.

Fang Nanxing murmured softly, "Why does this guy seem to be awake all this time?"

"Who knows, don't meddle in other people's business." Fang Nanxing's manager said in a low voice, Bei Er's reputation was not very good before, he was involved in CP with male artists, and flirted with female artists. , but what if there is something big in mind.

After going out, Fang Nanxing was walking, and suddenly found that there was another person beside her. She turned her head, and saw He Dongchen walking lazily aside with his hands in his pockets.

"Why..." Fang Nanxing was surprised.

"Just walk around." He Dongchen said. It was extremely hot yesterday, but today it is much cooler. The white clouds in the sky are hurrying, leaving shadows on the ground, bringing a burst of coolness. He Dongchen faced the breeze, and the broken hair on his forehead was blown tousled, giving him a feeling of messy beauty.

Fang Nanxing rolled his eyes, thinking that Bei Er was the only one in the room, and Ying Yingdi He must have come out to avoid suspicion.

She tactfully didn't get to the bottom of it, and asked the two assistants to fight it out, and handed an umbrella to He Dongchen.

Although the sun comes and goes, everyone depends on their faces for food, so we still need to do a good job of sun protection.

He Dongchen didn't hesitate at all, he reached out to take the blue and white checkered umbrella, and leaned on his shoulder.

At the end of the village, there was indeed a large field of wild chrysanthemums, bright yellow, blooming in the wind. Fang Nanxing said hello, walked carefully along the original path, and entered the chrysanthemum bushes with an umbrella, posing in various poses.

I don't know if it was because someone was staring at her, but Fang Nanxing's smile was a little stiff, and her posture was uneven, especially for a lady.

The cameraman yelled: "Be enthusiastic!"

Fang Nanxing secretly glanced at a certain figure, carefully showing eight teeth.

At the same time, Bei Er, who was in the room, went downstairs and sat on the sofa, took the bread from the sponsor next to him, and ate it with relish. soaring.

"Didn't you say control your diet? You ignored my words!"

"It's just this one, it's okay, this is the bread of the golden master and the overlord." Bei Er continued to swipe his phone after perfunctory, laughing happily from time to time.

The manager on the side hated iron and steel: "As far as your performance in this issue is concerned, it depends on whether you are watching or not. Your partner is not so popular, so there must not be many shots."

Bei Er said indifferently: "If you don't have it, you don't have it, as long as the money is still there."

The manager felt heartbroken, and threatened: "If you want to continue with this attitude, then I'll take the newcomer?"

Upon hearing this, Bei Er immediately sat up straight.

The manager was satisfied, but the next moment, he heard his artist say excitedly: "Go, go, bring newcomers!"

In this way, no one will chant scriptures in her ears, perfect.

The manager felt chilled, in the past every time Bei Er didn't deserve to cooperate with the demon, she would threaten to bring a newcomer, but now Bei Er doesn't accept this trick anymore! ? Do you really want to keep salting fish forever?

The manager can't understand, how much hard work and hard work have you suffered to get to where you are today, if you say you don't work hard, you don't work hard?