MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 377

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"I heard that there is also massage here. The two of us press each other: for a while...well, it is said to be quite comfortable."

Seeing that Hei Zhen was so active, although Joan didn't know why, she believed that Hei Zhen would not harm her, so she nodded and followed Hei Zhen to leave here.

In a closed room, Hei Zhen asked Joan to lie on the bed, Joan didn't think too much, and obediently obeyed.

"Jeanne, you are really beautiful."

"Hei Zhen, it's fine for others to say that, why do you say that, you forgot that we have the same hair color except...?"

Jeanne closed her eyes while crawling, enjoying the massage from Heizhen behind her.

"However, it is estimated that Gilles did not think that we who are completely different will become good sisters one day."


The figure behind him answered softly.

"Uh, Hei Zhen, your voice,,.

Why is it a little strange?"

"I'm a little weak after soaking in the hot spring, but I'll be fine in a while."


Joan of Arc nodded. This is Ling Ye's private area, and it is impossible for outsiders to come in. Joan of Arc is naturally very guarded, however,,.

That's right, outsiders come, but,,, inside ghosts.

"Hei Zhen, your fingers are very powerful."

"Of course, I'm a Heroic Spirit."

"Hei Zhen, don't move your hands randomly,,,"

"Excuse me."

"Hei Zhen, you don't need such a comprehensive front, I can be myself."

"It's okay, my service is very comprehensive."


When Joan felt something was wrong, she turned around quickly, and at this moment, there was no Hei Zhen in the room, and there was only a big...Ling Ye in black chastity! "Ling Ye, what It's you!!"

Joan looked at the figure in front of her in surprise, she obviously didn't react, but she felt that she had entered a warm embrace.

At this moment, Joan of Arc doesn't know that she has been fooled.

"Can you,,, go out?"

"Do you think this is the time, I will let you go?"

"Then,,, forget it, you,,,."

Joan of Arc recalled everything she and Ling Ye had experienced. Indeed, she admitted that if she had to choose someone to spend the rest of her life with, it would only be Ling Ye.

She also understands that she can't escape now, that she is being unkind to others, but,,, after all, looking at Ling Ye in front of her, Joan still didn't have the heart to throw Ling Ye out with a treasure.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me."

Outside the hot spring, hearing the voice inside the hot spring, Hei Zhen couldn't help showing a smile, Jeanne, you've fallen after all.

And when Ling Ye was extremely happy.

Somewhere in the slime world.

0......Just a few minutes ago—the Demon Lord Milim saw this town in the forest.

The town is beautiful, the buildings are in order, and decorative road trees are planted along the divisional roads.

There are also a variety of advanced machinery that is not available in this world.

Vast cities and towns combine technology with nature.

Milim also found several high-level demons of the transcendence level, and even a few super-level demon kings.

However, what surprised her the most was that every monster had evolved to a low-level demon level.

Not only the amount of magic power, but all these people have high IQ.

Everyone can think independently and do the assigned work well.

Not so long ago, there were no such groups in this great forest.

Such a city popped up out of thin air, and such a thing would never happen under normal circumstances.

Regardless of strength, everyone helps each other.

Even Milim's clever head can't imagine how powerful the people who rule them are.

Milim is happy now.

She hasn't been this excited for a long time, using her unique skill Longan to detect the abilities of each monster one by one.

"It's amazing! It's great here, man!"

Chapter 1085━━Devil Lord Milim

Demon Lord Milim Clayman, Karion, and Frey, these three are the younger generation of Demon Lords.

And Milim surpassed their existence. Milim is very powerful, so she is confident that even if you let those... the demon king mess around, she can finally use absolute power. Strength is easily subdued.

However, in the echelon of the Demon King, some even Milim finds it difficult.

But's the same for the opponent, as long as you do it in advance like this time, you don't have to worry about the opponent getting in the way.

This time, Milim had a premonition that she would meet interesting people beyond her imagination, so she was in a good mood.

You don't have to worry about killing guys who get in your way on the way.

"Let's find the enemy first."

Milim thought so.

As for why she joined Clayman's project this time, the reason is the same as usual - it's just to pass the time.

For Milim who has lived many years, daily life is really boring.

Therefore, whenever there is something fun, Milim will participate.

Naturally, it is the same at this moment.

Seeing this novel country, Milim couldn't help but happily flew towards it.

Milim is one of the most powerful demon kings in this world, and she has dragon eyes, so she can quickly feel the situation in this world.

"That place has the strongest magic response and momentum, and the boss there must be there."

At this moment, Milim flew directly to a direction, and that room was exactly where Ling Ye was.

Ling Ye originally laid down a thick defensive barrier, but because Ling Ye's thoughts are all on Joan of Arc at the moment, and because Ling Ye is too happy, he can't put his mind on defending against outsiders, and then, ,.

, "Well what's going on here"

Milim came out of the window curiously, at this moment, she saw the situation inside the room, and for a moment,,, she grew up..."That is,,,.

Mmm...,,,, Mmm...,,,, that's too much!"

Although Milim is relatively small in appearance, she has lived for tens of millions of years, so she naturally doesn't know everything.

But, just know, this is the first time I have seen the real one.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and when everything was over, Milim found that the sun had already set and the sky was dark.


It was at this moment that Hei Zhen who was waiting outside discovered Milim's existence, and saw that there was someone here, so Hei Zhen naturally couldn't let her go.

Swipe! In the next second, a flame rushed towards Milim. Lim didn't know why she chose to avoid it at this moment. Maybe it was because of her shyness. Anyway...,, There seems to be no desire to fight.

"Stop! Favna"

Heizhen directly summoned Favna, and the huge Favna exuded a strong aura. Favna's strength exists in this world. Although Favna can destroy the country, the enemies in Xingyue World are all Ordinary people, but magicians and warriors in this world are still very common.

Therefore, Favna's strength in this world is equivalent to "there are really demon king-level existences, and they are dragons, but how can it be possible that there are only a few dragons at the demon king level."

There are not many real dragons in this world, and she knows the name of every dragon.

"Is this the trump card of this city?"

Milim looked at the figure in front of her. She clenched her tiny fists. After all, she was also a majestic dragon king. Although she didn't want to fight, it was still too embarrassing to be chased by other dragons.


Milim yelled cutely, then clenched her fists and punched Favna in front of her... hard! Bang! With a burst of roaring sound, the sky in the sky Favna was sent flying dozens of meters away! Bang! Favna's huge body fell to the ground, sending up waves of dust.

Favna has only one thought at the moment, who am I, where am I?

At this moment, Hei Zhen also rushed over, looking at Favna who was beaten into the air, Hei Zhen suddenly felt that the little girl in front of her was unusual, she was still a little girl with this strength, this figure, at this moment Hei Zhen finally thought of the other party's identity .

"Dragon King, Milim!"

"Well, you actually know me, what a shame!"

Normally, Milim would raise her head proudly when recognized by others, but now, she doesn't have any other thoughts except... blushing.

Swipe! Swipe! Swipe! Swipe! Swipe! Swipe! Before Milim could react, Gabriel Seraph from Demon High School, a demon king and an archangel appeared.

The little sun also appeared in the sky holding a spear, Achilles driving a chariot, Hercules riding on a wyvern, and Chiron and Atalanta pulling their longbows below. Zhong, each skill has been thrown out without hesitation.

Shoot a hundred heads! Brahma, curse my body! The ultimate flash! The holy order of the angel! The arrow book of appeal! One shot from the scorpion!

Chapter 1086━━Bullying the Little Lolita

Bully the little lolita! Swipe! Swipe! Swipe! One attack after another fell directly on Milim's body, so many powerful attacks, each of which is equivalent to the power of a demon king, so many attacks landed on Milim's body On him, even if Milim is very strong, he can only defend! Infinite roars rang out in the sky, and the energy of the explosion made everyone in the entire country look up. Ye Ye was hit by the explosion of these treasures. Liang! At this moment, Ling Ye, who had just come out of a state of happiness, looked at the fireworks above his head and couldn't help saying, "I didn't prepare for this show, who is so willing to help me?"

At this moment, Ling Ye turned around and shouted at Joan, "Honey, come out to watch the fireworks!"

"What fireworks! Ling Ye, there are enemies coming!"

Behind Ling Ye, Joan gave Ling Ye a shameful and annoyed look. Who is this? It’s this time. I should be joking. Didn’t you see that everyone knocked on the door? “Okay, okay, I Go out and have a look, and rest well."

Ling Ye looked at the blushing Joan of Arc with a smile, and then flew out of the window directly. Looking at Ling Ye who left, Joan couldn't help but look at the other party with a flushed face, who is this, who is she? Why can't I figure it out to fall in love with this unreliable guy,,,.

Wait...,, I didn't seem to understand one thing just now! Hei Zhen and herself were the only ones in the room, where did Ling Ye come in from! "Hei Zhen!!! You are really a person!!! Too It's too much! You actually hurt me so much!"

Joan of Arc didn't understand what was going on, she couldn't imagine that she was still dragged into the thief boat by her good sister.

On the other side, Ling Ye's figure also appeared in the sky. He was looking at the situation below and couldn't help but whispered secretly. It was too cruel. Heroic spirits threw treasures out without money, and there were several angels, demons and dragons. Put the skills there, the one on the opposite side... the cute loli girl can only keep dodging under the attack of the sky,,,, etc... Isn't that figure of the loli girl, Milim? How can she fight with her own people? After getting up and thinking of this, Ling Ye looked at Hei Zhen who was on the side, and Hei Zhen gave Ling Ye a white look, and then she came to Ling Ye and secretly told him, "Don't think about it, your matter, she will let you go." I saw it, and I was about to kill it."


Ling Ye was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but feel his old face. He was actually peeped by a little loli about these things. Really, how well he behaved just now,,, I don't know if there is... embarrassment.

Hey, if Hei Zhen knew what was going on in her mind......, Hei Zhen would probably take out her sword and give Ling Ye a good shot.

As for Ling Ye,,, if it was seen by a man, there is no need for Hei Zhen to attack Ling Yeliu to crush the opponent, but if a little loli saw it,,, it was just a look, and if you look back later, you will just talk Thinking of this, Ling Ye naturally calmed down a lot.


I can't fight anymore, although Milim is strong, but if you think that a Milim can beat so many perverts in the heavens and worlds, then you really think highly of Milim.

"Stop it all!"

Ling Ye yelled, and in the next second, each heroic spirit stopped their attack. If Ling Ye came, let Ling Ye handle this matter by himself.

Brush! Ling Ye flapped the wings behind her and flew to Milim's side. At this moment, Milim's body was covered with dust. Although she was harmless, she looked extremely embarrassed. At this moment, this cute little loli was using her Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes with his little hands.

"You all bully people!! Woohoo, first let people see such unsightly things, and then come up and beat them together, they obviously don't want to fight! Woohoo!!!"

Milim is very wronged at this moment, she is obviously about to leave, why did you come to stop me, and there are so many and one by one so powerful, this is bullying! It is bullying! Could it be because she secretly saw Do you have to silence yourself for what you should see? In that case,,

"Isn't it just a sneak peek at you? Big deal,,.

,I,,,I'll let you see if it's even if you come back!"

Well, Ling Ye's eyes lit up when he heard Milim's words, and he looked back! Is this little loli so polite? Ling Ye has done so many transactions, this time, he really felt that he didn't lose at all.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye couldn't help stretching out his hand to touch Milim's little head and said, "If this is the case, let's find a place to deal with this matter."

Hei Zhen not far away..."Ling Ye! You have to do business for me!!"